+<div class="flex-row pad-vert">
+ <div class="flex-cell"></div>
+ <div class="pad-horiz">
+ <button class="btn btn-default"
+ ng-click="print_list()">[% l('Print') %]</button>
+ </div>
--- /dev/null
+Template for printing copies from the Item Status page. Available
+macros include:
+copies - list; each entry is a fleshed, flattened copy record
+with a variety of keys, including
+ barcode
+ call_number.record.simple_record.title (title)
+ call_number.label
+ location.name
+ <div>[% l('The following items have been examined:') %]</div>
+ <hr/>
+ <ol>
+ <li ng-repeat="copy in copies">
+ <div>[% l('Title: [_1] <br> Barcode: [_2]',
+ "{{copy['call_number.record.simple_record.title']}}",
+ '{{copy.barcode}}') %]</div>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ <hr/>
+ <div>{{current_location.shortname}} {{today | date:'short'}}</div>
+ $scope.print_list = function() {
+ var print_data = { copies : copyGrid.allItems() };
+ if (print_data.copies.length == 0) return $q.when();
+ return egCore.print.print({
+ template : 'item_status',
+ scope : print_data
+ });
+ }
if (copyId.length > 0) {
function() {