<div class="marcrecord pad-vert">
- <label>
- <input type="checkbox" ng-model="stackSubfields.enabled" />
- [% l('Stack subfields') %]
- </label>
+ <div class="input-group">
+ <label>
+ <input type="checkbox" ng-model="stackSubfields.enabled" />
+ [% l('Stack subfields') %]
+ </label>
+ <button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" ng-click="showHelp = !showHelp">[% l('Help') %]</button>
+ <!-- TODO: when we update to angular-ui >= 0.13.0 and get popover-template, switching to
+ that rather than using ui.bootstrap.collapse might be good -->
+ </div>
+ <div collapse="!showHelp">
+ <ul>
+ <li>[% l('Undo: CTRL-z') %]</li>
+ <li>[% l('Redo: CTRL-y') %]</li>
+ <li>[% l('Add Row: CTRL+Enter') %]</li>
+ <li>[% l('Insert Row: CTRL+Shift+Enter') %]</li>
+ <li>[% l('Copy Current Row Above: CTRL+Up') %]</li>
+ <li>[% l('Copy Current Row Below: CTRL+Down') %]</li>
+ <li>[% l('Add Subfield: CTRL+D or CTRL+I') %]</li>
+ <li>[% l('Remove Row: CTRL+Del') %]</li>
+ <li>[% l('Remove Subfield: Shift+Del') %]</li>
+ <li>[% l('Create/Replace 006: Shift+F6') %]</li>
+ <li>[% l('Create/Replace 007: Shift+F7') %]</li>
+ <li>[% l('Create/Replace 008: Shift+F8') %]</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
<eg-marc-edit-leader record="record" on-keydown="onKeydown"/>
$scope.controlfields = [];
$scope.datafields = [];
$scope.controlSet = egTagTable.getAuthorityControlSet();
+ $scope.showHelp = false;
$scope.stackSubfields = { enabled : false };
egCore.hatch.getItem('cat.marcedit.stack_subfields').then(function(val) {
$scope.stackSubfields.enabled = val;