--- /dev/null
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (13, 3, 'sforbes', 6, 'Forbes', 'samuelf1234',
+ 'Samuel', 'Eugene', '2009-01-16', '1975-06-26', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '40065', '8751 Gentleman Burgs', 'f',
+ 'KY', 'Shelbyville', '', 'Shelby', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999336514', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (13, 1, 'vcampbell', 4, 'Campbell', 'vincentc1234',
+ 'Vincent', 'Lawrence', '2014-03-03', '1998-10-17', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '45633', '5489 Suitable Way Knoll', 'f',
+ 'OH', 'Hallsville', '', 'Ross', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999338171', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (15, 3, 'afrey', 9, 'Frey', 'annief1234',
+ 'Annie', 'Jessica', '2010-02-07', '1997-12-07', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '54409', '7918 Subjective Volume Trail', 'f',
+ 'WI', 'Antigo', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999364116', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (15, 3, 'msalinas', 9, 'Salinas', 'marks1234',
+ 'Mark', 'Christopher', '2007-06-08', '1999-06-13', 'II');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '25529', '1790 Lively Attitude Falls', 't',
+ 'WV', 'Julian', '', 'Boone', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999313813', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (15, 1, 'klindsey', 8, 'Lindsey', 'kennethl1234',
+ 'Kenneth', 'Jesse', '2014-12-27', '1964-10-19', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '89077', '1552 Okay Communication Motorway', 'f',
+ 'NV', 'Henderson', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999334832', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (15, 3, 'mdavis', 8, 'Davis', 'marthad1234',
+ 'Martha', '', '2008-10-27', '1983-05-13', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '13156', '8717 Cabinet Fords', 'f',
+ 'NY', 'Sterling', '', 'Cayuga', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999315736', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (15, 3, 'vfreeman', 7, 'Freeman', 'virginiaf1234',
+ 'Virginia', 'Johanna', '2009-10-05', '1967-07-23', 'Jr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '33122', '4033 Instant Matter Cape', 'f',
+ 'FL', 'Miami', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999301938', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (15, 3, 'lmartinez', 7, 'Martinez', 'leroym1234',
+ 'Leroy', 'Brian', '2013-05-19', '1968-03-11', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '55046', '2511 Other Stream', 'f',
+ 'MN', 'Lonsdale', '', 'Rice', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999385425', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (15, 1, 'warmstrong', 6, 'Armstrong', 'williama1234',
+ 'William', 'William', '2014-05-28', '1980-08-13', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '55959', '1671 Cabinet Orchard', 'f',
+ 'MN', 'Minnesota city', '', 'Winona', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999378711', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (15, 3, 'acotton', 6, 'Cotton', 'amyc1234',
+ 'Amy', 'Ada', '2012-08-01', '1984-12-16', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '34202', '1488 Glamorous Alternative Forks', 'f',
+ 'FL', 'Bradenton', '', 'Manatee', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999323866', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (15, 1, 'sbarton', 5, 'Barton', 'sarahb1234',
+ 'Sarah', 'Valerie', '2015-07-08', '1984-03-06', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '54655', '6986 Delighted Design Trail', 't',
+ 'WI', 'Soldiers grove', '', 'Crawford', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999327258', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (15, 1, 'jhammond', 5, 'Hammond', 'jamesh1234',
+ 'James', 'Michael', '2007-11-13', '1988-02-17', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '88211', '9144 White Support Squares', 'f',
+ 'NM', 'Artesia', '', 'Eddy', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999385896', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (15, 3, 'ajoseph', 4, 'Joseph', 'alexj1234',
+ 'Alex', 'Edward', '2008-05-19', '1968-02-14', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '56308', '9081 Awake Minute Spring', 't',
+ 'MN', 'Alexandria', '', 'Douglas', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999378073', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (15, 3, 'imccoy', 4, 'Mccoy', 'idam1234',
+ 'Ida', 'Gloria', '2015-09-12', '1963-08-19', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '40046', '9875 Support Row', 'f',
+ 'KY', 'Mount eden', '', 'Spencer', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999321047', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (14, 3, 'dwright', 9, 'Wright', 'dennisw1234',
+ 'Dennis', 'Ernest', '2010-01-06', '1998-07-28', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '03457', '2063 Sophisticated Status Plaza', 'f',
+ 'NH', 'Nelson', '', 'Cheshire', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999348121', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (14, 1, 'alynch', 9, 'Lynch', 'armandol1234',
+ 'Armando', '', '2015-05-16', '1967-08-16', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '31126', '7394 Show Valley', 'f',
+ 'GA', 'Atlanta', '', 'Fulton', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999384116', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (14, 3, 'rgraham', 8, 'Graham', 'robertg1234',
+ 'Robert', '', '2007-12-28', '1987-03-12', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '98807', '2577 Stuck Benefit Tunnel', 'f',
+ 'WA', 'Wenatchee', '', 'Chelan', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999311950', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (14, 1, 'sthompson', 8, 'Thompson', 'sherrit1234',
+ 'Sherri', '', '2010-12-25', '1964-01-16', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '31758', '3587 Name Neck', 'f',
+ 'GA', 'Thomasville', '', 'Thomas', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999384066', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (14, 1, 'ngarcia', 7, 'Garcia', 'nanetteg1234',
+ 'Nanette', 'Helen', '2007-12-02', '1972-12-01', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '11733', '6990 Icy Scene Street', 'f',
+ 'NY', 'East setauket', '', 'Suffolk', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999332719', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (14, 3, 'rcook', 7, 'Cook', 'raymondc1234',
+ 'Raymond', 'Boyd', '2008-11-11', '1968-12-05', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '94533', '2004 Harsh Gold Tunnel', 'f',
+ 'CA', 'Fairfield', '', 'Solano', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999392343', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (14, 3, 'kbrewer', 6, 'Brewer', 'katherineb1234',
+ 'Katherine', '', '2006-01-16', '1980-12-04', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '59053', '6732 Recognition Street', 't',
+ 'MT', 'Martinsdale', '', 'Meagher', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999383479', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (14, 1, 'cwashington', 6, 'Washington', 'christopherw1234',
+ 'Christopher', '', '2006-06-25', '1998-08-05', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '47360', '9934 Coloured Bar Grove', 'f',
+ 'IN', 'Mooreland', '', 'Henry', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999380284', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (14, 3, 'dmurray', 5, 'Murray', 'dawnm1234',
+ 'Dawn', 'Katherine', '2007-09-05', '1973-05-16', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '59868', '4426 Temporary Demand River', 'f',
+ 'MT', 'Seeley lake', '', 'Missoula', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999347656', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (14, 1, 'bwatts', 5, 'Watts', 'barbaraw1234',
+ 'Barbara', 'Gloria', '2006-07-07', '1973-02-08', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '51036', '4020 Marked Chemical Bayoo', 'f',
+ 'IA', 'Maurice', '', 'Sioux', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999384489', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (14, 3, 'mmartin', 4, 'Martin', 'marym1234',
+ 'Mary', 'Shannon', '2013-11-16', '1974-06-10', 'Sr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '16657', '7511 Fortunate Length Parkway', 't',
+ 'PA', 'James creek', '', 'Huntingdon', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999336634', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (14, 3, 'vford', 4, 'Ford', 'vivianf1234',
+ 'Vivian', 'Darlene', '2011-02-28', '1971-08-03', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '23023', '3414 Energetic Weekend Circles', 'f',
+ 'VA', 'Bruington', '', 'King and queen', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999361251', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (12, 1, 'gsuarez', 9, 'Suarez', 'garys1234',
+ 'Gary', 'Joel', '2007-10-23', '1971-07-05', 'Sr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '19244', '1613 Legislation River', 't',
+ 'PA', 'Philadelphia', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999372079', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (12, 1, 'eellis', 9, 'Ellis', 'edwarde1234',
+ 'Edward', 'David', '2010-10-23', '1998-05-05', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '17349', '1977 Profound Conference Path', 'f',
+ 'PA', 'New freedom', '', 'York', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999354444', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (12, 1, 'nward', 8, 'Ward', 'naomiw1234',
+ 'Naomi', 'Angela', '2010-10-07', '1987-02-23', 'Sr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '20109', '2689 Standard Interview Vista', 't',
+ 'VA', 'Manassas', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999326817', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (12, 1, 'jrichards', 8, 'Richards', 'josephr1234',
+ 'Joseph', 'Thomas', '2008-04-15', '1976-03-11', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '78658', '3275 Error Freeway', 'f',
+ 'TX', 'Ottine', '', 'Gonzales', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999318881', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (12, 3, 'rsanders', 7, 'Sanders', 'roslyns1234',
+ 'Roslyn', '', '2007-08-15', '1995-05-22', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '19975', '6946 Constitutional Word Freeway', 'f',
+ 'DE', 'Selbyville', '', 'Sussex', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999356038', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (12, 1, 'nrivera', 7, 'Rivera', 'nancyr1234',
+ 'Nancy', 'Anita', '2007-12-15', '1990-03-22', 'Sr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '27373', '263 Catholic End Field', 'f',
+ 'NC', 'Wallburg', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999302274', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (12, 1, 'cmartin', 6, 'Martin', 'carlm1234',
+ 'Carl', 'Charles', '2007-12-09', '1976-09-01', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '61452', '6985 Welcome Statement Fort', 'f',
+ 'IL', 'Littleton', '', 'Schuyler', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999339237', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (12, 1, 'telliott', 6, 'Elliott', 'thomase1234',
+ 'Thomas', 'Marcus', '2010-09-07', '1973-05-25', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '97624', '1283 Splendid West Manor', 'f',
+ 'OR', 'Chiloquin', '', 'Klamath', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999340230', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (12, 3, 'ocherry', 5, 'Cherry', 'olgac1234',
+ 'Olga', 'Marie', '2008-01-12', '1976-05-25', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '17081', '9657 Scared Kind Street', 'f',
+ 'PA', 'Plainfield', '', 'Cumberland', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999384061', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (12, 1, 'gdavenport', 5, 'Davenport', 'gwendolynd1234',
+ 'Gwendolyn', '', '2011-11-26', '1974-06-28', 'Jr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '85014', '110 Logical Tone Drive', 'f',
+ 'AZ', 'Phoenix', '', 'Maricopa', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999372586', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (12, 3, 'sbrock', 4, 'Brock', 'scottb1234',
+ 'Scott', 'George', '2013-08-01', '1994-07-12', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '60132', '1760 Channel Bottom', 'f',
+ 'IL', 'Carol stream', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999336715', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (12, 3, 'rjackson', 4, 'Jackson', 'ronaldj1234',
+ 'Ronald', 'Robert', '2011-08-21', '1998-12-07', 'Jr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '04985', '5561 Native Reduction Crossing', 't',
+ 'ME', 'West forks', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999335465', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (11, 1, 'wjames', 9, 'James', 'waynej1234',
+ 'Wayne', 'George', '2013-04-20', '1976-01-17', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '27014', '5542 Politics Hollow', 'f',
+ 'NC', 'Cooleemee', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999379835', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (11, 1, 'shernandez', 9, 'Hernandez', 'sarahh1234',
+ 'Sarah', 'Elaine', '2014-06-09', '1986-06-27', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '89151', '4939 Family Divide', 't',
+ 'NV', 'Las vegas', '', 'Clark', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999346587', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (11, 3, 'latkins', 8, 'Atkins', 'louisa1234',
+ 'Louis', 'Edward', '2009-02-26', '1995-02-10', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '44705', '2794 Uniform Value Square', 'f',
+ 'OH', 'Canton', '', 'Stark', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999377256', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (11, 3, 'wneal', 8, 'Neal', 'waynen1234',
+ 'Wayne', '', '2011-03-15', '1977-06-05', 'Jr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '35501', '6178 Relieved Rain Wells', 'f',
+ 'AL', 'Jasper', '', 'Walker', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999377249', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (11, 3, 'mharrison', 7, 'Harrison', 'michelleh1234',
+ 'Michelle', 'Patricia', '2015-12-05', '1979-12-11', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '05345', '1766 Victorious Estate Avenue', 't',
+ 'VT', 'Newfane', '', 'Windham', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999376642', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (11, 3, 'hwomack', 7, 'Womack', 'howardw1234',
+ 'Howard', '', '2012-06-12', '1963-03-20', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '06262', '5472 Exhibition Trace', 't',
+ 'CT', 'Quinebaug', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999342319', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (11, 3, 'vbacon', 6, 'Bacon', 'virginiab1234',
+ 'Virginia', 'Celia', '2010-08-13', '1992-11-20', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '61638', '4639 Family Tunnel', 't',
+ 'IL', 'Peoria', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999362019', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (11, 1, 'lbrooks', 6, 'Brooks', 'lonnieb1234',
+ 'Lonnie', 'William', '2010-08-22', '1981-03-24', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '83836', '8823 Side Fall', 'f',
+ 'ID', 'Hope', '', 'Bonner', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999326493', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (11, 3, 'mgonzales', 5, 'Gonzales', 'maryg1234',
+ 'Mary', 'Jessica', '2006-12-21', '1988-03-17', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '16213', '6608 Weary Drawing Lakes', 'f',
+ 'PA', 'Callensburg', '', 'Clarion', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999337760', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (11, 1, 'mterry', 5, 'Terry', 'michellet1234',
+ 'Michelle', 'Kristy', '2006-05-05', '1972-03-26', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '30817', '1658 Organisational Bedroom Square', 'f',
+ 'GA', 'Lincolnton', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999390692', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (11, 3, 'mmeeks', 4, 'Meeks', 'michellem1234',
+ 'Michelle', 'Myra', '2011-08-21', '1966-01-23', 'III');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '88240', '7269 Sister Gardens', 'f',
+ 'NM', 'Hobbs', '', 'Lea', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999396672', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (11, 3, 'epalmer', 4, 'Palmer', 'elvap1234',
+ 'Elva', 'Tiffany', '2009-05-01', '1987-08-21', 'Jr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '50595', '7864 Remarkable Status River', 'f',
+ 'IA', 'Webster city', '', 'Hamilton', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999335171', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (10, 3, 'mwilliams', 9, 'Williams', 'mattheww1234',
+ 'Matthew', '', '2007-01-20', '1977-10-25', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '60064', '7230 Trend Mount', 'f',
+ 'IL', 'North chicago', '', 'Lake', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999365046', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (10, 1, 'nperez', 9, 'Perez', 'nicholasp1234',
+ 'Nicholas', 'Joseph', '2008-01-11', '1990-09-27', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '55076', '9299 Democratic Hill Cliffs', 'f',
+ 'MN', 'Inver grove heights', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999391887', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (10, 3, 'bfisher', 8, 'Fisher', 'barbaraf1234',
+ 'Barbara', '', '2008-02-03', '1960-10-04', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '61756', '9822 Excess Start Lock', 'f',
+ 'IL', 'Maroa', '', 'Macon', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999325028', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (10, 3, 'mmendoza', 8, 'Mendoza', 'miguelm1234',
+ 'Miguel', '', '2015-04-15', '1980-05-28', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '58773', '5831 Residential Respect Track', 'f',
+ 'ND', 'Powers lake', '', 'Burke', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999338966', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (10, 1, 'ldickinson', 7, 'Dickinson', 'leed1234',
+ 'Lee', 'Annie', '2014-07-19', '1986-02-08', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '12803', '5030 Vision Loop', 'f',
+ 'NY', 'South glens falls', '', 'Saratoga', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999328210', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (10, 1, 'awilliams', 7, 'Williams', 'angelinaw1234',
+ 'Angelina', 'Joan', '2012-06-28', '1995-08-01', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '25054', '1723 Multiple Object Canyon', 'f',
+ 'WV', 'Dawes', '', 'Kanawha', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999373939', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (10, 1, 'bsanchez', 6, 'Sanchez', 'beths1234',
+ 'Beth', 'Deborah', '2015-08-21', '1974-10-23', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '36426', '5148 Shaggy Farm Center', 'f',
+ 'AL', 'Brewton', '', 'Escambia', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999354471', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (10, 3, 'ethompson', 6, 'Thompson', 'elvint1234',
+ 'Elvin', '', '2009-08-26', '1968-06-21', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '67664', '2800 Cheerful Animal Valley', 'f',
+ 'KS', 'Prairie view', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999320974', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (10, 1, 'dlawson', 5, 'Lawson', 'doral1234',
+ 'Dora', '', '2009-08-26', '1978-05-23', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '63957', '6016 General Dog Divide', 'f',
+ 'MO', 'Piedmont', '', 'Wayne', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999394437', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (10, 1, 'lvargas', 5, 'Vargas', 'laurav1234',
+ 'Laura', 'Mildred', '2013-04-01', '1989-07-04', 'III');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '62526', '4689 Alert Minute Court', 'f',
+ 'IL', 'Decatur', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999317988', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (10, 3, 'wrandall', 4, 'Randall', 'williamr1234',
+ 'William', 'James', '2015-04-25', '1976-10-06', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '72117', '3448 Minor Solicitor Junction', 'f',
+ 'AR', 'North little rock', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999393617', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (10, 1, 'csmith', 4, 'Smith', 'cathys1234',
+ 'Cathy', 'Cheryl', '2014-07-22', '1989-02-17', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '81420', '784 Striking Theatre Fords', 't',
+ 'CO', 'Lazear', '', 'Delta', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999389406', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (9, 1, 'alopez', 9, 'Lopez', 'arlinel1234',
+ 'Arline', 'Amber', '2013-03-28', '1985-05-05', 'III');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '19053', '5012 Unemployed Other Harbor', 'f',
+ 'PA', 'Feasterville trevose', '', 'Bucks', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999330939', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (9, 1, 'epeterson', 9, 'Peterson', 'emmap1234',
+ 'Emma', '', '2015-06-11', '1962-09-24', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '07095', '9931 Hushed Passage Turnpike', 'f',
+ 'NJ', 'Woodbridge', '', 'Middlesex', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999346297', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (9, 1, 'okelly', 8, 'Kelly', 'opalk1234',
+ 'Opal', 'Sara', '2008-05-25', '1975-01-18', 'III');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '79550', '8572 Ltd Bar Brook', 't',
+ 'TX', 'Snyder', '', 'Scurry', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999355455', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (9, 1, 'cdonovan', 8, 'Donovan', 'charlied1234',
+ 'Charlie', 'David', '2009-06-18', '1981-09-17', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '54017', '1926 Double Effort Spring', 'f',
+ 'WI', 'New richmond', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999348978', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (9, 3, 'msmith', 7, 'Smith', 'marthas1234',
+ 'Martha', 'Raquel', '2014-12-24', '1962-06-21', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '80534', '7185 Arbitrary Contrast Freeway', 'f',
+ 'CO', 'Johnstown', '', 'Weld', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999394964', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (9, 3, 'chouston', 7, 'Houston', 'cherylh1234',
+ 'Cheryl', '', '2014-09-18', '1975-12-15', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '93703', '2782 Awake Day Square', 't',
+ 'CA', 'Fresno', '', 'Fresno', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999320969', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (9, 1, 'kwright', 6, 'Wright', 'kayw1234',
+ 'Kay', 'Anna', '2015-01-23', '1965-05-23', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '22834', '4585 Whole Harbor', 't',
+ 'VA', 'Linville', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999398195', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (9, 3, 'mlane', 6, 'Lane', 'michellel1234',
+ 'Michelle', 'Andrea', '2006-12-28', '1963-06-14', 'Sr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '98110', '8676 Thundering Loss Field', 't',
+ 'WA', 'Bainbridge island', '', 'Kitsap', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999333153', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (9, 1, 'rsmith', 5, 'Smith', 'roberts1234',
+ 'Robert', '', '2006-05-01', '1987-06-24', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '00983', '231 Causal Expert Highway', 'f',
+ 'PR', 'Carolina', '', 'Carolina', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999362675', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (9, 1, 'cdodson', 5, 'Dodson', 'cleod1234',
+ 'Cleo', '', '2007-02-09', '1974-11-14', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '25266', '53 Nice Customer Green', 'f',
+ 'WV', 'Newton', '', 'Roane', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999362218', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (9, 1, 'mneal', 4, 'Neal', 'melvinn1234',
+ 'Melvin', 'Richard', '2007-03-14', '1993-08-16', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '10150', '668 Unconscious Gun Spring', 'f',
+ 'NY', 'New york', '', 'New york', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999317310', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (9, 3, 'awilliams', 4, 'Williams', 'annaw1234',
+ 'Anna', 'Justine', '2010-12-27', '1990-11-09', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '45809', '749 Software Center', 't',
+ 'OH', 'Gomer', '', 'Allen', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999392361', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (8, 1, 'emiller', 9, 'Miller', 'edmondm1234',
+ 'Edmond', 'Vance', '2008-05-04', '1993-05-16', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '92007', '2632 Unlikely Assumption Tunnel', 'f',
+ 'CA', 'Cardiff by the sea', '', 'San diego', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999371777', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (8, 3, 'vlogan', 9, 'Logan', 'vanessal1234',
+ 'Vanessa', 'Cassandra', '2009-05-17', '1991-02-01', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '44470', '2823 Eventual Hour Gateway', 'f',
+ 'OH', 'Southington', '', 'Trumbull', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999372363', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (8, 1, 'lthompson', 8, 'Thompson', 'lisat1234',
+ 'Lisa', 'Shirley', '2011-05-19', '1972-05-11', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '45690', '2166 Newspaper Grove', 't',
+ 'OH', 'Waverly', '', 'Pike', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999321149', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (8, 1, 'oshaffer', 8, 'Shaffer', 'ollies1234',
+ 'Ollie', 'Monica', '2006-05-16', '1977-01-17', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '15534', '2134 Inc Boat Turnpike', 't',
+ 'PA', 'Buffalo mills', '', 'Bedford', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999335455', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (8, 1, 'randrews', 7, 'Andrews', 'raymonda1234',
+ 'Raymond', 'Willie', '2013-02-17', '1996-11-25', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '06018', '1944 Hot Tape Valley', 't',
+ 'CT', 'Canaan', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999346031', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (8, 3, 'emartinez', 7, 'Martinez', 'ednam1234',
+ 'Edna', 'Judith', '2007-04-22', '1990-04-23', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '49270', '121 Consequence Club', 'f',
+ 'MI', 'Petersburg', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999336926', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (8, 3, 'jdavis', 6, 'Davis', 'jamesd1234',
+ 'James', 'Jerry', '2009-02-26', '1970-06-11', 'III');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '58064', '5708 Brainy West Bend', 'f',
+ 'ND', 'Page', '', 'Cass', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999363070', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (8, 1, 'droberts', 6, 'Roberts', 'dianer1234',
+ 'Diane', 'Teresa', '2006-12-18', '1969-02-18', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '00692', '9609 Advanced Tool Mountain', 't',
+ 'PR', 'Vega alta', '', 'Vega alta', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999357381', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (8, 1, 'psantiago', 5, 'Santiago', 'paiges1234',
+ 'Paige', 'Helen', '2011-06-07', '1979-08-23', 'Sr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '91608', '2852 Key Incident Avenue', 't',
+ 'CA', 'Universal city', '', 'Los angeles', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999394956', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (8, 1, 'awright', 5, 'Wright', 'alyssaw1234',
+ 'Alyssa', 'Christine', '2008-10-19', '1994-05-23', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '80295', '7771 Alive Iron Mission', 'f',
+ 'CO', 'Denver', '', 'Denver', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999367802', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (8, 3, 'dbeck', 4, 'Beck', 'dianab1234',
+ 'Diana', 'Wilma', '2010-08-09', '1971-04-22', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '58776', '1146 Ability Centers', 'f',
+ 'ND', 'Ross', '', 'Mountrail', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999361901', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (8, 1, 'mclark', 4, 'Clark', 'montyc1234',
+ 'Monty', 'Daniel', '2006-09-13', '1984-05-19', 'II');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '55168', '3541 Radical Sir Avenue', 'f',
+ 'MN', 'Saint paul', '', 'Ramsey', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999381970', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (7, 3, 'hstone', 9, 'Stone', 'hazels1234',
+ 'Hazel', 'Sylvia', '2009-07-08', '1980-12-09', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '93247', '4171 Impossible Defence Overpass', 'f',
+ 'CA', 'Lindsay', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999367834', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (7, 1, 'dgarza', 9, 'Garza', 'davidg1234',
+ 'David', 'Steven', '2014-04-28', '1969-03-28', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '22513', '3627 Retail Kind Lodge', 'f',
+ 'VA', 'Merry point', '', 'Lancaster', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999377760', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (7, 3, 'jevans', 8, 'Evans', 'johne1234',
+ 'John', 'Timothy', '2006-01-16', '1973-09-26', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '64778', '1212 Mid Top Parkway', 'f',
+ 'MO', 'Richards', '', 'Vernon', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999367573', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (7, 3, 'rpayton', 8, 'Payton', 'robertp1234',
+ 'Robert', 'Steven', '2006-05-21', '1994-05-07', 'Jr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '55336', '1642 Minor Potential Corners', 'f',
+ 'MN', 'Glencoe', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999394830', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (7, 3, 'ddavis', 7, 'Davis', 'donaldd1234',
+ 'Donald', 'Gene', '2009-09-15', '1999-11-24', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '48749', '5946 Gas Way', 't',
+ 'MI', 'Omer', '', 'Arenac', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999340278', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (7, 1, 'gadams', 7, 'Adams', 'genea1234',
+ 'Gene', '', '2007-03-24', '1974-02-18', 'III');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '88525', '8265 Phone Trail', 't',
+ 'TX', 'El paso', '', 'El paso', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999349290', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (7, 1, 'hwhite', 6, 'White', 'humbertow1234',
+ 'Humberto', 'Kevin', '2011-07-06', '1997-09-08', 'Jr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '25926', '6558 Willing Master Valley', 'f',
+ 'WV', 'Sprague', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999309750', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (7, 3, 'asnyder', 6, 'Snyder', 'anas1234',
+ 'Ana', '', '2007-12-19', '1991-05-23', 'III');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '00922', '8532 Spare Offer Cliffs', 'f',
+ 'PR', 'San juan', '', 'San juan', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999332335', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (7, 1, 'jroberts', 5, 'Roberts', 'johnr1234',
+ 'John', 'Theodore', '2015-08-16', '1960-09-10', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '79550', '279 Passing Conference Street', 't',
+ 'TX', 'Snyder', '', 'Scurry', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999367122', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (7, 3, 'sheath', 5, 'Heath', 'stevenh1234',
+ 'Steven', 'Luke', '2013-01-18', '1988-11-15', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '94547', '4666 Pain Isle', 'f',
+ 'CA', 'Hercules', '', 'Contra costa', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999375796', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (7, 1, 'krush', 4, 'Rush', 'keithr1234',
+ 'Keith', '', '2009-08-26', '1978-01-18', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '15257', '4464 Sense Station', 'f',
+ 'PA', 'Pittsburgh', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999345655', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (7, 3, 'lfarrell', 4, 'Farrell', 'lindaf1234',
+ 'Linda', 'Linda', '2013-12-28', '1996-12-05', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '75155', '7746 Cooperative Fall Shoal', 'f',
+ 'TX', 'Rice', '', 'Navarro', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999344872', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (6, 3, 'rharrison', 9, 'Harrison', 'richardh1234',
+ 'Richard', 'Melvin', '2007-04-07', '1974-01-17', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '06601', '2896 Jewish Lack Lodge', 'f',
+ 'CT', 'Bridgeport', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999399702', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (6, 1, 'ksmith', 9, 'Smith', 'kevins1234',
+ 'Kevin', 'Timothy', '2012-01-16', '1965-12-28', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '81523', '5119 Lot Isle', 't',
+ 'CO', 'Glade park', '', 'Mesa', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999394646', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (6, 1, 'fmoore', 8, 'Moore', 'florencem1234',
+ 'Florence', 'Michelle', '2010-07-20', '1977-02-07', 'Jr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '39440', '6398 Mathematical Condition Arcade', 't',
+ 'MS', 'Laurel', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999341034', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (6, 1, 'bcruz', 8, 'Cruz', 'bettyc1234',
+ 'Betty', 'Shirley', '2015-04-26', '1993-08-10', 'Sr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '33630', '1062 Scornful Air Fort', 'f',
+ 'FL', 'Tampa', '', 'Hillsborough', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999363183', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (6, 1, 'jjohnson', 7, 'Johnson', 'joelj1234',
+ 'Joel', 'Allen', '2009-09-06', '1991-07-02', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '36028', '3220 Drunk Message Parkway', 'f',
+ 'AL', 'Dozier', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999370090', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (6, 1, 'kburton', 7, 'Burton', 'kristenb1234',
+ 'Kristen', 'Dena', '2011-08-07', '1986-08-22', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '42413', '4924 Part-time Charge Knoll', 'f',
+ 'KY', 'Hanson', '', 'Hopkins', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999372936', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (6, 1, 'rpineda', 6, 'Pineda', 'robertp1234',
+ 'Robert', 'Gordon', '2011-06-14', '1985-09-10', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '47703', '1587 Labour Holiday Park', 't',
+ 'IN', 'Evansville', '', 'Vanderburgh', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999349988', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (6, 1, 'avaldez', 6, 'Valdez', 'alissav1234',
+ 'Alissa', 'Gladys', '2013-05-24', '1994-03-25', 'Jr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '64735', '4372 Fact Junction', 'f',
+ 'MO', 'Clinton', '', 'Henry', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999332255', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (6, 3, 'krowland', 5, 'Rowland', 'kennethr1234',
+ 'Kenneth', 'Ernest', '2006-05-03', '1978-10-08', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '98131', '8373 Resonant Investment Mission', 'f',
+ 'WA', 'Seattle', '', 'King', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999354715', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (6, 1, 'thansen', 5, 'Hansen', 'terranceh1234',
+ 'Terrance', '', '2008-02-17', '1969-10-10', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '16550', '4446 Formidable Way Knolls', 't',
+ 'PA', 'Erie', '', 'Erie', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999363646', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (6, 3, 'breid', 4, 'Reid', 'barbarar1234',
+ 'Barbara', 'Amanda', '2014-06-15', '1992-07-12', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '04056', '3517 Hot School Brook', 'f',
+ 'ME', 'Newfield', '', 'York', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999365307', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (6, 1, 'mroberts', 4, 'Roberts', 'michaelr1234',
+ 'Michael', 'Stephen', '2007-08-12', '1994-10-06', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '63541', '4668 Start Inlet', 'f',
+ 'MO', 'Glenwood', '', 'Schuyler', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999332788', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (5, 3, 'rkaufman', 9, 'Kaufman', 'rachelk1234',
+ 'Rachel', 'Vickie', '2008-04-24', '1962-01-23', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '68659', '7270 Development Row', 'f',
+ 'NE', 'Rogers', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999340790', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (5, 3, 'csims', 9, 'Sims', 'christophers1234',
+ 'Christopher', 'John', '2015-10-05', '1991-01-07', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '89013', '5637 Plastic Mill', 't',
+ 'NV', 'Goldfield', '', 'Esmeralda', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999386091', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (5, 1, 'srobinson', 8, 'Robinson', 'sarahr1234',
+ 'Sarah', '', '2006-03-04', '1996-01-28', 'II');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '65897', '8092 Pure Name Bridge', 'f',
+ 'MO', 'Springfield', '', 'Greene', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999340199', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (5, 3, 'jpayton', 8, 'Payton', 'johnnyp1234',
+ 'Johnny', 'Vincent', '2008-10-19', '1965-09-23', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '85738', '8772 Forthcoming Hope Fort', 'f',
+ 'AZ', 'Catalina', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999387186', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (5, 3, 'djamison', 7, 'Jamison', 'davidj1234',
+ 'David', 'Eric', '2009-07-04', '1993-08-11', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '59604', '9218 Moral Worker Summit', 'f',
+ 'MT', 'Helena', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999340530', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (5, 3, 'jford', 7, 'Ford', 'jamief1234',
+ 'Jamie', '', '2014-06-22', '1974-08-23', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '41746', '8268 Hill Valleys', 't',
+ 'KY', 'Happy', '', 'Perry', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999384455', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (5, 1, 'gwatson', 6, 'Watson', 'geraldw1234',
+ 'Gerald', 'Larry', '2006-10-09', '1967-11-15', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '85063', '881 Scary Holiday Radial', 'f',
+ 'AZ', 'Phoenix', '', 'Maricopa', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999385100', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (5, 1, 'clambert', 6, 'Lambert', 'charlesl1234',
+ 'Charles', 'William', '2013-06-14', '1995-09-22', 'Jr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '40291', '6026 Wide Development Port', 'f',
+ 'KY', 'Louisville', '', 'Jefferson', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999335749', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (5, 1, 'mbarber', 5, 'Barber', 'michealb1234',
+ 'Micheal', 'Ramon', '2010-10-04', '1988-11-26', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '91357', '9727 Proposed Executive Plaza', 't',
+ 'CA', 'Tarzana', '', 'Los angeles', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999361522', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (5, 3, 'tcruz', 5, 'Cruz', 'tomc1234',
+ 'Tom', 'Eugene', '2013-09-11', '1970-09-08', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '40546', '7481 Reform Road', 't',
+ 'KY', 'Lexington', '', 'Fayette', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999394278', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (5, 1, 'iwalton', 4, 'Walton', 'inezw1234',
+ 'Inez', 'Amanda', '2011-05-19', '1986-10-16', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '29053', '8589 Official Valleys', 'f',
+ 'SC', 'Gaston', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999356283', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (5, 3, 'mtownsend', 4, 'Townsend', 'maryt1234',
+ 'Mary', '', '2015-04-06', '1995-03-03', 'Jr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '72464', '3321 Answer Stravenue', 't',
+ 'AR', 'Saint francis', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999336350', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (4, 3, 'cmartinez', 9, 'Martinez', 'carolynm1234',
+ 'Carolyn', 'Sandra', '2007-04-03', '1988-07-18', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '49654', '7081 Appalling Plant Causeway', 't',
+ 'MI', 'Leland', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999397121', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (4, 1, 'jjohnson', 9, 'Johnson', 'jeremyj1234',
+ 'Jeremy', 'Mark', '2014-09-01', '1970-03-14', 'II');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '70358', '4786 Prior Politics Mission', 'f',
+ 'LA', 'Grand isle', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999397850', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 9);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 9;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (4, 1, 'mscott', 8, 'Scott', 'maes1234',
+ 'Mae', 'Sue', '2011-10-01', '1964-12-02', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '14723', '1060 Letter Stravenue', 'f',
+ 'NY', 'Cherry creek', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999395984', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (4, 3, 'rstevens', 8, 'Stevens', 'russells1234',
+ 'Russell', 'Daniel', '2011-08-15', '1973-08-15', 'Jr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '29582', '7735 Street Creek', 'f',
+ 'SC', 'North myrtle beach', '', 'Horry', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999340524', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 8);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 8;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (4, 3, 'therrera', 7, 'Herrera', 'tracih1234',
+ 'Traci', 'Edith', '2009-10-13', '1994-07-07', 'Jr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '84133', '7301 Watery Arrangement Radial', 'f',
+ 'UT', 'Salt lake city', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999386259', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (4, 3, 'vgrimes', 7, 'Grimes', 'virginiag1234',
+ 'Virginia', 'Jennifer', '2012-07-27', '1984-03-12', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '87027', '8666 Fluttering Situation Heights', 'f',
+ 'NM', 'La jara', '', 'Sandoval', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999318163', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 7);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 7;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (4, 1, 'pward', 6, 'Ward', 'paulw1234',
+ 'Paul', '', '2006-09-02', '1985-05-06', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '38233', '8859 Roasted Energy Falls', 'f',
+ 'TN', 'Kenton', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999346968', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (4, 3, 'bgreen', 6, 'Green', 'beatriceg1234',
+ 'Beatrice', 'Janette', '2014-12-09', '1964-12-06', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '65438', '9082 Plain Bed Avenue', 'f',
+ 'MO', 'Birch tree', '', 'Shannon', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999345139', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 6);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 6;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (4, 1, 'sschmidt', 5, 'Schmidt', 'scotts1234',
+ 'Scott', 'Kyle', '2006-04-02', '1987-07-07', 'Sr');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '99670', '2204 Status Avenue', 'f',
+ 'AK', 'South naknek', '', '', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999393981', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (4, 3, 'jclark', 5, 'Clark', 'joannec1234',
+ 'Joanne', 'Andrea', '2009-10-21', '1985-03-16', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 'f', '35175', '7622 Thoughtless Science Pines', 'f',
+ 'AL', 'Union grove', '', 'Marshall', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999366354', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 5);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 5;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (4, 1, 'bbrown', 4, 'Brown', 'beverlyb1234',
+ 'Beverly', 'Florence', '2011-06-27', '1961-07-24', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '29058', '2991 Trip Crescent', 't',
+ 'SC', 'Heath springs', '', 'Lancaster', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999338317', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;
+INSERT INTO actor.usr
+ (profile, ident_type, usrname, home_ou, family_name, passwd, first_given_name, second_given_name, expire_date, dob, suffix)
+ VALUES (4, 3, 'jmcginnis', 4, 'Mcginnis', 'josem1234',
+ 'Jose', 'David', '2015-10-22', '1976-01-24', '');
+INSERT INTO actor.usr_address
+ (country, within_city_limits, post_code, street1, valid, state, city, street2, county, usr)
+ VALUES ('USA', 't', '65055', '8231 Relieved Debt Cape', 'f',
+ 'MO', 'Mc girk', '', 'Moniteau', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+INSERT INTO actor.card (barcode, usr)
+ VALUES ('99999316430', CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'));
+UPDATE actor.usr SET
+ card = CURRVAL('actor.card_id_seq'),
+ billing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq'),
+ credit_forward_balance = '0',
+ mailing_address = CURRVAL('actor.usr_address_id_seq')
+ WHERE id=CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq');
+INSERT INTO permission.usr_work_ou_map (usr, work_ou)
+ VALUES (CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq'), 4);
+UPDATE actor.usr usr SET usrname = LOWER(aou.shortname) || usrname
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ WHERE usr.id = CURRVAL('actor.usr_id_seq') AND aou.id = 4;