--- /dev/null
+OpenSRF Debian Package Building Script
+Josh Lamos <jlamos@emeralddata.net>
+Andy Witter <awitter@emeralddata.net>
+Chris Sharp <csharp@georgialibraries.org>
+A bash wrapper for Debian packaging helper scripts customized for building OpenSRF (https://evergreen-ils.org/opensrf-downloads/) for use with the Evergreen open source integrated library automation software.
+This script is intended to follow, as closely as possible, the manual building instructions for OpenSRF (found at the above link). At this point, we are not following the standards for official acceptance into the Debian or Ubuntu distributions. In fact, the Evergreen-community-recommended manual build process for OpenSRF presents several obstacles for packagers that must be hacked around with judicious use of the rules and control files found in the "files_for_build" directory. We continue to advocate and work toward the goals of Linux distribution packaging, but the primary goal here is to build and install a running instance of Evergreen, and we're working within those constraints.
+This software was originally developed on Debian ("lenny" and "squeeze"), but we moved to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS in 2013 as our development platform. It has worked on Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04, and 16.04. We have not tested on Debian platforms recently, so your mileage may vary.
+It is also worth mentioning that this software was developed for the Georgia Public Library Service (GPLS) by Emerald Data Networks and GPLS staff for use in the Georgia Library PINES consoritium (http://pines.georgialibraries.org/). It has successfully been used for deployment in other Evergreen instances as well.
+On a server running the same OS distribution release you plan to deploy, clone the git repo from git://git.evergreen-ils.org/contrib/pines/osrf-debian.git, then download an OpenSRF tarball from https://evergreen-ils.org/opensrf-downloads/ (building from git is currently unsupported - patches are welcome!). Run the build_opensrf_debs script.
+Select "Standalone" for a single server, "Cluster" for a clustered (multiple server) instance, and "Clean" to remove leftover files from a previous build. "Clean" does not remove .deb files.
+"Last_Build_Type.txt" is a convenience file to let you know whether the last build was for a "Cluster" or "Standalone" instance.
+Configuration (files_for_build)
+You may need to adjust dependencies in the control/CONTROL[.cluster] files. Our method is to review the Debian packages listed in src/extras/Makefile.install within the OpenSRF source directory and compare them to the rules file. For convenience the "checkdeps" script does exactly that. It expects a file containing the list of debs, one per line, or comma separated and will compare to the control files.
+You will need to adjust the OpenSRF version designation within the control files and the build_opensrf_debs script itself.
+Reporting Bugs/Issues
+Please report any problems you find with this software to pines-admin.georgialibraries.org or to our individual addresses at the start of this file.