--- /dev/null
+Managing audio alerts
+Globally silencing sounds
+indexterm:[audio alerts,silencing]
+The file `nosound.wav` can be used
+to globally disable audio alerts for a specific event on an Evergreen system.
+For example, to silence the alert that sounds after a successful patron search:
+[source, bash]
+mkdir -p /openils/var/web/audio/notifications/success/patron/
+cd /openils/var/web/audio/notifications/success/patron/
+ln -s ../../nosound.wav by_search.wav
+Self-check interface
+indexterm:[audio alerts,self check interface]
+indexterm:[self check interface,audio alerts]
+Sounds may play at certain events in the self check interface. These
+events are defined in the `templates/circ/selfcheck/audio_config.tt2`
+template. To use the default sounds, you could run the following command
+from your Evergreen server as the *root* user (assuming that
+`/openils/` is your install prefix):
+[source, bash]
+cp -r /openils/var/web/xul/server/skin/media/audio /openils/var/web/.
image::media/self-check-admin-login.png[Self Check Admin Login]
-Setting library hours of operation
-When the self check prints a receipt, the default template includes the
-library's hours of operation in the receipt. If the library has no configured
-hours of operation, the attempt to print a receipt fails and the browser hangs.
-Configuring self check behavior
-Several library settings control the behavior of the self check:
-* *Audio Alerts*: Plays sounds when events occur in the self check. These
- events are defined in the `templates/circ/selfcheck/audio_config.tt2`
- template. To use the default sounds, you could run the following command
- from your Evergreen server as the *root* user (assuming that
- `/openils/` is your install prefix):
-[source, bash]
-cp -r /openils/var/web/xul/server/skin/media/audio /openils/var/web/.
-* *Block copy checkout status*: Prevent the staff user's permission override
- from enabling patrons to check out items that they would not normally be able
- to check out, such as the "On reservation shelf" status. The status IDs are
- found in the `config.copy_status` database table.
-* *Patron Login Timeout*: Automatically logs the patron out of the self check
- after a certain period of inactivity. *NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED*
-* *Pop-up alert for errors*: In addition to displaying an alert message on the
- screen, this setting raises patron awareness of possible problems by raising
- an alert box that the patron must dismiss before they can check out another
- item.
-* *Require Patron Password*: By default, users can enter either their user name
- or barcode, without having to enter their password, to access their account.
- This setting requires patrons to enter their password for additional
- security.
-* *Workstation Required*: If set, the URL must either include a
- `?ws=[workstation]` parameter, where _[workstation]_ is the name of a
- registered Evergreen workstation, or the staff member must register a new
- workstation when they login. The workstation parameter ensures that check outs
- are recorded as occurring at the correct library.
Basic Check Out
--- /dev/null
+Self checkout
+Evergreen includes a self check interface designed for libraries that simply
+want to record item circulation without worrying about security mechanisms like
+magnetic strips or RFID tags.
+Initializing the self check
+The self check interface runs in a web browser. Before patrons can use the self
+check station, a staff member must initialize the interface by logging in.
+. Open your self check interface page in a web browser. By default, the URL is
+ `https://[hostname]/eg/circ/selfcheck/main`, where _[hostname]_
+ represents the host name of your Evergreen web server.
+. Log in with a staff account with circulation permissions.
+image::media/self-check-admin-login.png[Self Check Admin Login]
+Setting library hours of operation
+When the self check prints a receipt, the default template includes the
+library's hours of operation in the receipt. If the library has no configured
+hours of operation, the attempt to print a receipt fails and the browser hangs.
+Configuring self check behavior
+Several library settings control the behavior of the self check:
+* *Block copy checkout status*: Prevent the staff user's permission override
+ from enabling patrons to check out items that they would not normally be able
+ to check out, such as the "On reservation shelf" status. The status IDs are
+ found in the `config.copy_status` database table.
+* *Patron Login Timeout*: Automatically logs the patron out of the self check
+ after a certain period of inactivity. *NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED*
+* *Pop-up alert for errors*: In addition to displaying an alert message on the
+ screen, this setting raises patron awareness of possible problems by raising
+ an alert box that the patron must dismiss before they can check out another
+ item.
+* *Require Patron Password*: By default, users can enter either their user name
+ or barcode, without having to enter their password, to access their account.
+ This setting requires patrons to enter their password for additional
+ security.
+* *Workstation Required*: If set, the URL must either include a
+ `?ws=[workstation]` parameter, where _[workstation]_ is the name of a
+ registered Evergreen workstation, or the staff member must register a new
+ workstation when they login. The workstation parameter ensures that check outs
+ are recorded as occurring at the correct library.
+Using the self check
+See the circulation manual for documentation about using the self check interface.
:leveloffset: 0
:leveloffset: 0
Circulating uncataloged materials
This section needs to be written
Circulation timesavers and workflows
-Self-check administration
+:leveloffset: 1
+:leveloffset: 0
-Need to extract this from the self-check documentation
// Patron UX
Patron User Experience Administration