There were files with uppercase .JPG and references to .JPG in the docs.
Change all to lowercase .jpg for consistency.
Signed-off-by: Ben Shum <>
. Click *Return to Groups* to go back to the list of Remove Field profiles.
-image::media/marc_import_remove_fields3.JPG[MARC Remove Fields Profile]
+image::media/marc_import_remove_fields3.jpg[MARC Remove Fields Profile]
Import Options
*Cataloging -> Import Record from Z39.50*
-image::media/marc_import_remove_fields1.JPG[Import Record from Z39.50]
+image::media/marc_import_remove_fields1.jpg[Import Record from Z39.50]
*Cataloging -> MARC Batch Import/Export*
-image::media/marc_import_remove_fields2.JPG[MARC Batch Import/Export]
+image::media/marc_import_remove_fields2.jpg[MARC Batch Import/Export]
*Acquisitions -> Load MARC Order Records*
-image::media/marc_import_remove_fields5.JPG[Load MARC Order Records]
+image::media/marc_import_remove_fields5.jpg[Load MARC Order Records]
Permissions to use this Feature
4) Enter the *Username* and *Password*, and click *Apply Credentials*.
-image::media/storing_z3950_credentials.JPG[Storing Z39.50 Credentials]
+image::media/storing_z3950_credentials.jpg[Storing Z39.50 Credentials]
The bibliographic record detail page displays library holdings, including the call number, shelving location, and copy barcode. Within the staff client, the holdings list now displays a new column next to the copy barcode(s). This new column contains two links, *view* and *edit*.
-image::media/copy_edit_link_1.JPG[Copy Edit Link]
+image::media/copy_edit_link_1.jpg[Copy Edit Link]
Clicking on the *view* link opens the *Item Status* screen for that specific copy.
Optionally the patron can be billed for the item price, a long overdue processing fee, and any overdue fines can be voided from the account. Patrons can also be sent a notification that the item was marked long overdue.
-image::media/long_overdue1.JPG[Patron Account-Long Overdue]
+image::media/long_overdue1.jpg[Patron Account-Long Overdue]
*Checking in a Long Overdue item*
If an item that has been marked long overdue is checked in, an alert will appear on the screen informing the staff member that the item was long overdue. Once checked in, the item will go into the status of “In process”. Optionally, the item price and long overdue processing fee can be voided and overdue fines can be reinstated on the patron’s account. If the item is checked in at a library other than its home library, a library setting controls whether the item can immediately fill a hold or circulate, or if it needs to be sent to its home library for processing.
-image::media/long_overdue2.JPG[Long Overdue Checkin]
+image::media/long_overdue2.jpg[Long Overdue Checkin]
*Notification/Action Triggers*
. Patrons will see a confirmation message: “Registration successful! Please see library staff to complete your registration.”
-image::media/patron_self_registration2.JPG[Patron Self-Registration form]
+image::media/patron_self_registration2.jpg[Patron Self-Registration form]
*Managing Pending Patrons*
When the 6 Month Overdue Mark Long-Overdue trigger event definition is enabled, Long Overdue circulations will appear in orange, by default. The default indicator reads, “Orange Items are Long Overdue.”
-image::media/Billed_Transaction_Color.JPG[Billed Transaction Color]
+image::media/Billed_Transaction_Color.jpg[Billed Transaction Color]
Both the color distinctions and indicators are customizable. To customize, a change to circ.css (for the color) and lang.dtd (for the indicator) are required.
. Patrons will see a confirmation message: “Registration successful! Please see library staff to complete your registration.”
-image::media/patron_self_registration2.JPG[Patron Self-Registration form]
+image::media/patron_self_registration2.jpg[Patron Self-Registration form]
*Managing Pending Patrons*
When enabled, the alternate pick up location will appear in several places in the staff client. The alternate pick up location and the number of items that are ready for pick up at that location will be displayed in the Patron Account Summary and under the Holds button in the patron account. Staff will also see the general number of holds available and holds placed by the patron.
-image::media/custom_hold_pickup_location1.JPG[Custom Hold Pickup Location]
+image::media/custom_hold_pickup_location1.jpg[Custom Hold Pickup Location]
If configured, patrons will see the option to opt-in to the alternate location in the _Account Preferences_ section of their OPAC Account.
-image::media/custom_hold_pickup_location2.JPG[OPAC Account]
+image::media/custom_hold_pickup_location2.jpg[OPAC Account]
Display Hold Types on Pull Lists
The local call number and associated library location will appear in the list:
-image::media/my_list_call_numbers.JPG[Local Call Number in List]
+image::media/my_list_call_numbers.jpg[Local Call Number in List]