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- <para>This document was updated <?dbtimestamp format="Y-m-d"?>.</para>
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- <title>Introduction</title>
- </info>
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- <info>
- <title>Public Access Catalog</title>
- </info>
- </part>
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- <title>Core Staff Tasks</title>
- </info>
- </part>
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- <title>Administration</title>
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- <xi:include href="admin/AdminMisc.xml"/>
- <xi:include href="admin/Upgrading-Evergreen_1.6.xml"/>
- <xi:include href="admin/troubleshooting.xml"/>
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- <title>Third Party System Integration</title>
- </info>
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- <info>
- <title>Development</title>
- </info>
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- <info>
- <title>Appendices</title>
- </info>
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+ <info>\r
+ <title>Evergreen 1.6 Documentation</title>\r
+ <subtitle>Draft Version</subtitle>\r
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+ <year>2010</year>\r
+ <holder>Evergreen Community</holder>\r
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+ </copyright>\r
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+ <para>This document was updated <?dbtimestamp format="Y-m-d"?>.</para> \r
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+ <info>\r
+ <title>Introduction</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <partintro xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:id="intro_intro">\r
+ <para>The book you’re holding in your hands or viewing on a screen is The Book of Evergreen, the official guide to the 1.6.x version of the Evergreen open source library \r
+ automation software. This guide was produced by the Evergreen Documentation Interest Group (DIG), consisting of numerous volunteers from many different organizations. \r
+ The DIG has drawn together, edited, and supplemented pre-existing documentation contributed by libraries and consortia running Evergreen that were kind enough to release their \r
+ documentation into the creative commons. For a full list of authors and contributing organizations, see <xref linkend="about_this_documentation"></xref>. \r
+ Just like the software it describes, this guide is a work in progress, continually revised to meet the needs of its users, so if you find errors or omissions, please let us know, by \r
+ contacting the DIG facilitators at <link mailto="docs@evergreen-ils.org">docs@evergreen-ils.org</link>.</para>\r
+ <para>This guide to Evergreen is intended to meet the needs of front-line library staff, catalogers, library administrators, system administrators, and software developers. \r
+ It is organized into Parts, Chapters, and Sections addressing key aspects of the software, beginning with the topics of broadest interest to the largest groups of users and \r
+ progressing to some of the more specialized and technical topics of interest to smaller numbers of users.</para>\r
+ <para>Copies of this guide can be accessed in PDF and HTML formats from the Documentation section of <link href="http://evergreen-ils.org/">http://evergreen-ils.org/</link> and \r
+ are included in DocBook XML format along with the Evergreen source code, available for download from the same Web site.</para>\r
+ </partintro>\r
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+ </part>\r
+ <part xml:id="catalog">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Public Access Catalog</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <xi:include href="catalog/basicsearch.xml"/>\r
+ <xi:include href="catalog/advancedsearch.xml"/>\r
+ <xi:include href="catalog/myaccount.xml"/>\r
+ </part>\r
+ <part xml:id="core_tasks">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Core Staff Tasks</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <xi:include href="stafftasks/circulation.xml"/>\r
+ <xi:include href="stafftasks/cataloging.xml"/>\r
+ </part>\r
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+ <info>\r
+ <title>Administration</title>\r
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+ <xi:include href="admin/serveradministration.xml"/>\r
+ <xi:include href="admin/AdminMisc.xml"/>\r
+ <xi:include href="admin/Upgrading-Evergreen_1.6.xml"/>\r
+ <xi:include href="admin/troubleshooting.xml"/>\r
+ </part>\r
+ <part xml:id="software_integration">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Third Party System Integration</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ </part>\r
+ <part xml:id="Development">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Development</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <xi:include href="development/schema.xml"/>\r
+ </part>\r
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+ <info>\r
+ <title>Appendices</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <xi:include href="appendices/bookindex.xml"/>\r
+ </part>\r