transmitted by Cen-Tec self-check hardware.
local $/ = "\r";
$record = readline($file);
+ #
+ # Cen-Tec self-check terminals transmit '\r\n' line terminators.
+ # This is actually very hard to deal with in perl in a reasonable
+ # since every OTHER piece of hardware out there gets the protocol
+ # right.
+ #
+ # The incorrect line terminator presents as a \r at the end of the
+ # first record, and then a \n at the BEGINNING of the next record.
+ # So, the simplest thing to do is just throw away a leading newline
+ # on the input.
+ #
+ $record =~ s/^\012//;
syslog("LOG_INFO", "INPUT MSG: '$record'") if $record;
return $record;