use strict; use warnings;
use base 'OpenILS::Application';
use OpenSRF::EX qw(:try);
+use OpenSRF::AppSession;
use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw(:logger);
use OpenILS::Const qw/:const/;
use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
+use DateTime;
my $U = "OpenILS::Application::AppUtils";
my %scripts;
return circ_events($circulator) if $circulator->bail_out;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # First, check for a booking transit, as the barcode may not be a copy
+ # barcode, but a resource barcode, and nothing else in here will work
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (my $bc = $circulator->copy_barcode) { # do we have a barcode?
+ my $resources = $circulator->editor->search_booking_resource( { barcode => $bc } ); # any resources by this barcode?
+ if (@$resources) { # yes!
+ my $res_id_list = [ map { $_->id } @$resources ];
+ my $transit = $circulator->editor->search_action_reservation_transit_copy(
+ [
+ { target_copy => $res_id_list, dest => $circulator->circ_lib },
+ { order_by => { artc => 'source_send_time' }, limit => 1 }
+ ]
+ )->[0]; # Any transit for this barcode?
+ if ($transit) { # yes! unwrap it.
+ my $reservation = $circulator->editor->retrieve_booking_reservation( $transit->reservation );
+ my $res_type = $circulator->editor->retrieve_booking_resource_type( $reservation->target_reservation_type );
+ if ($U->is_true($res_type->catalog_item)) { # is there a copy to be had here?
+ if (my $copy = circulator->editor->search_asset_copy({ barcode => $bc, deleted => 'f' })->[0]) { # got a copy
+ $copy->status( $transit->copy_status );
+ $copy->editor($self->editor->requestor->id);
+ $copy->edit_date('now');
+ $circulator->editor->update_asset_copy( $copy );
+ }
+ }
+ $transit->dest_recv_time('now');
+ $circulator->editor->update_action_reservation_transit_copy( $transit );
+ $circulator->editor->commit;
+ #XXX need to return here, with info about the resource/copy and the "put it on the booking shelf" message
+ } else { # no transit, look for an upcoming reservation to capture for
+ my $reservation = $circulator->editor->search_booking_reservation(
+ [
+ { current_resource => $res_id_list,
+ pickup_lib => $circulator->circ_lib,
+ cancel_time => undef,
+ capture_time => undef
+ },
+ { order_by => { bresv => 'start_time' }, limit => 1 }
+ ]
+ )->[0];
+ if ($reservation) { # we have a reservation for which we could capture this resource. wheee!
+ my $res_type = $circulator->editor->retrieve_booking_resource_type( $reservation->target_reservation_type );
+ my $elbow_room = $res_type->elbow_room ||
+ $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value( $circulator->circ_lib, 'circ.booking_reservation.default_elbow_room', $circulator->editor );
+ if ($elbow_room) {
+ $reservation = $circulator->editor->search_booking_reservation(
+ [
+ { id => $reservation->id, start_time => { '<=' => DateTime->now->add( seconds => interval_to_seconds($elbow_room) )->strftime('%FT%T%z') } },
+ { order_by => { bresv => 'start_time' }, limit => 1 }
+ ]
+ )->[0];
+ }
+ if ($reservation) { # no elbow room specified, or we still have a reservation within the elbow_room time
+ my $b_ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('');
+ my $result = $b_ses->request(
+ '',
+ $auth => $reservation->id
+ )->gather(1);
+ if (ref($result) && $result->{ilsevent} == 0) { # captured!
+ #XXX what to return here???
+ return $result; # the booking capture success
+ } else {
+ #XXX how to fail??? Probably, just move on.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Go ahead and load the script runner to make sure we have all
# of the objects we need
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------