* `debian-bullseye` for Debian 11
* `debian-buster` for Debian 10
- * `debian-stretch` for Debian 9
* `ubuntu-bionic` for Ubuntu 18.04
* `ubuntu-focal` for Ubuntu 20.04
* `ubuntu-jammy` for Ubuntu 22.04
2. Edit the ejabberd config file.
-(Debian Stretch) Ejabberd 16.x::
-Open `/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml` and make the following
- a. Define your public and private domains in the `hosts` directive. For
- example:
-[source, bash]
- - "localhost"
- - "private.localhost"
- - "public.localhost"
- b. Change `auth_password_format` to plain
- c. Change `shaper:` `normal` and `fast` values to 500000
- d. Increase the `max_user_sessions:` `all:` value to 10000
- e. Comment out the `mod_offline` directive
- ##access_max_user_messages: max_user_offline_messages
(Debian Buster / Ubuntu Bionic / Ubuntu Focal) Ejabberd 18.x::
Open `/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml` and make the following
# Makefile to install prerequisites for OpenSRF
-# Currently supports Debian (stretch/bullseye) and Ubuntu
+# Currently supports Debian (buster/bullseye) and Ubuntu
# (bionic/focal)
# Installs Perl prereqs, libjs with Perl wrapper
# - or -
# make -f Makefile.install debian-buster
# - or -
-# make -f Makefile.install debian-stretch
-# - or -
# make -f Makefile.install ubuntu-bionic
# - or -
# make -f Makefile.install ubuntu-focal
debian-bullseye: generic_debian
debian-buster: generic_debian
-debian-stretch: generic_debian
generic_debian: install_debs debian_sys_config apache_mpm_prefork_mods apache_perl_mod