return $self->custom_data->{default_preferred_language_multiplier};
+sub max_popularity_importance_multiplier {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $max = shift;
+ $self->custom_data->{max_popularity_importance_multiplier} = $max if defined($max);
+ return $self->custom_data->{max_popularity_importance_multiplier};
sub simple_plan {
my $self = shift;
} elsif ($sort_filter eq 'edit_date') {
$rank = "FIRST((SELECT edit_date FROM biblio.record_entry rbr WHERE = m.source))";
} elsif ($sort_filter eq 'poprel') {
- $rank = '1.0/((' . $rel . ') * (1.0 + AVG(COALESCE(pop_with.total_score::NUMERIC,0.0)) / 5.0))::NUMERIC';
+ my $max_mult = $self->QueryParser->max_popularity_importance_multiplier() // 2.0;
+ $max_mult = 0.1 if $max_mult < 0.1; # keep it within reasonable bounds,
+ # and avoid the division-by-zero error
+ # you'd get if you allowed it to be
+ # zero
+ if ( $max_mult == 1.0 ) { # no adjustment requested by the configuration
+ $rank = "1.0/($rel)::NUMERIC";
+ } else { # calculate adjustment
+ # Scale the 0-5 effect of popularity badges by providing a multiplier
+ # for the badge average based on the overall maximum
+ # multiplier. Two examples, comparing the effect to the default
+ # $max_mult value of 2.0, which causes a $adjusted_scale value
+ # of 0.2:
+ #
+ # * Given the default $max_mult of 2.0, the value of
+ # $adjusted_scale will be 0.2 [($max_mult - 1.0) / 5.0].
+ # For a record whose average badge score is the maximum
+ # of 5.0, that would make the relevance multiplier be
+ # 2.0:
+ # 1.0 + (5.0 [average score] * 0.2 [ $adjusted_scale ],
+ # This would have the effect of doubling the effective
+ # relevance of highly popular items.
+ #
+ # * Given a $max_mult of 1.1, the value of $adjusted_scale
+ # will be 0.02, meaning that the average badge value will be
+ # multiplied by 0.02 rather than 0.2, then added to 1.0 and
+ # used as a multiplier against the base relevance. Thus a
+ # change of at most 10% to the base relevance for a record
+ # with a 5.0 average badge score. This will allow records
+ # that are naturally very relevant to avoid being pushed
+ # below badge-heavy records.
+ #
+ # * Given a $max_mult of 3.0, the value of $adjusted_scale
+ # will be 0.4, meaning that the average badge value will be
+ # multiplied by 0.4 rather than 0.2, then added to 1.0 and
+ # used as a multiplier against the base relevance. Thus a
+ # change of as much as 200% to (or three times the size of)
+ # the base relevance for a record with a 5.0 average badge
+ # score. This in turn will cause badges to outweigh
+ # relevance to a very large degree.
+ #
+ # The maximum badge multiplier can be set to a value less than
+ # 1.0; this would have the effect of making less popular items
+ # show up higher in the results. While this is not a likely
+ # option for production use, it could be useful for identifying
+ # interesting long-tail hits, particularly in a database
+ # where enough badges are configured so that very few records
+ # have an overage badge score of zero.
+ my $adjusted_scale = ( $max_mult - 1.0 ) / 5.0;
+ $rank = "1.0/(( $rel ) * (1.0 + (AVG(COALESCE(pop_with.total_score::NUMERIC,0.0)) * $adjusted_scale)))::NUMERIC";
+ }
} elsif ($sort_filter =~ /^pop/) {
$rank = '1.0/(AVG(COALESCE(pop_with.total_score::NUMERIC,0.0)) + 5.0)::NUMERIC';
my $pop_desc = $desc eq 'ASC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
use OpenILS::Application::Storage::FTS;
use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw/:level/;
+use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
use OpenSRF::Utils::Cache;
use OpenSRF::Utils::JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
use OpenILS::Application::Storage::QueryParser;
+my $U = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
my $log = 'OpenSRF::Utils::Logger';
+ my $max_mult;
+ my $cgf = $cstore->request(
+ '',
+ 'search.max_popularity_importance_multiplier'
+ )->gather(1);
+ $max_mult = $cgf->value if $cgf && $U->is_true($cgf->enabled);
+ $max_mult //= 2.0;
+ $max_mult = 2.0 unless $max_mult =~ /^-?(?:\d+\.?|\.\d)\d*\z/; # just in case
+ $parser->max_popularity_importance_multiplier($max_mult);
die("Cannot initialize $parser!") unless ($parser->initialization_complete);