or return $editor->event;
+ my $evt = $class->cancel_copy_holds($editor, $copy);
+ return $evt if $evt;
$class->check_hold_retarget($editor, $copy, undef, $retarget_holds);
return undef if $skip_empty_cleanup;
+# deletes all holds that specifically target the deleted copy
+sub cancel_copy_holds {
+ my($class, $editor, $copy) = @_;
+ my $holds = $editor->search_action_hold_request({
+ target => $copy->id,
+ hold_type => [qw/C R F/],
+ cancel_time => undef,
+ fulfillment_time => undef
+ });
+ return $class->cancel_hold_list($editor, $holds);
+# deletes all holds that specifically target the deleted volume
+sub cancel_volume_holds {
+ my($class, $editor, $volume) = @_;
+ my $holds = $editor->search_action_hold_request({
+ target => $volume->id,
+ hold_type => 'V',
+ cancel_time => undef,
+ fulfillment_time => undef
+ });
+ return $class->cancel_hold_list($editor, $holds);
+sub cancel_hold_list {
+ my($class, $editor, $holds) = @_;
+ for my $hold (@$holds) {
+ $hold->cancel_time('now');
+ $hold->cancel_cause(1); # un-targeted expiration. Do we need an alternate "target deleted" cause?
+ $editor->update_action_hold_request($hold) or return $editor->die_event;
+ # delete the copy maps.
+ my $maps = $editor->search_action_hold_copy_map({hold => $hold->id});
+ for(@$maps) {
+ $editor->delete_action_hold_copy_map($_)
+ or return $editor->die_event;
+ }
+ # tell A/T the hold was cancelled. Don't wait for a response..
+ my $at_ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.trigger');
+ $at_ses->request(
+ 'open-ils.trigger.event.autocreate',
+ 'hold_request.cancel.expire_no_target',
+ $hold, $hold->pickup_lib);
+ }
+ return undef;
sub create_volume {
my($class, $override, $editor, $vol) = @_;
$editor->update_asset_call_number($vol) or return $editor->die_event;
+ $evt = $class->cancel_volume_holds($editor, $vol);
+ return $evt if $evt;
# handle the case where this is the last volume on the record
return $class->remove_empty_objects($editor, $override, $vol);