my $table = $node->table;
my $talias = $node->table_alias;
- my $node_rank = $node->rank . " * ${talias}_weight.weight";
+ my $node_rank = $node->rank . " * ${talias}.weight";
- $from .= "\n\tLEFT JOIN (\n\t\tSELECT * /* search */\n\t\t FROM $table\n\t\t WHERE index_vector @@ (" .$node->tsquery . ')';
+ my $core_limit = $self->QueryParser->core_limit || 25000;
+ $from .= "\n\tLEFT JOIN (\n\t\tSELECT fe.*, fe_weight.weight /* search */\n\t\t FROM $table AS fe";
+ $from .= "\n\t\t\tJOIN config.metabib_field AS fe_weight ON ( = fe.field)";
+ $from .= "\n\t\t WHERE fe.index_vector @@ (" .$node->tsquery . ')';
my @bump_fields;
if (@{$node->fields} > 0) {
@bump_fields = @{$node->fields};
- $from .= "\n\t\t\tAND field IN (SELECT id FROM config.metabib_field WHERE field_class = ". $self->QueryParser->quote_value($node->classname) ." AND name IN (";
- $from .= join(",", map { $self->QueryParser->quote_value($_) } @{$node->fields}) . "))";
+ $from .= "\n\t\t\tAND fe_weight.field_class = ". $self->QueryParser->quote_value($node->classname) ." AND IN (";
+ $from .= join(",", map { $self->QueryParser->quote_value($_) } @{$node->fields}) . ")";
} else {
@bump_fields = @{$self->QueryParser->search_fields->{$node->classname}};
+ $from .= "\n\t\tLIMIT $core_limit\n\t) AS $talias ON (m.source = $talias.source)";
my %used_bumps;
for my $field ( @bump_fields ) {
my $bumps = $self->QueryParser->find_relevance_bumps( $node->classname => $field );
- my $core_limit = $self->QueryParser->core_limit || 25000;
- $from .= "\n\t\tLIMIT $core_limit\n\t) AS $talias ON (m.source = $talias.source)";
- $from .= "\n\tJOIN config.metabib_field AS ${talias}_weight ON (${talias} = $talias.field)\n";
$where .= '(' . $talias . ".id IS NOT NULL";
$where .= ' AND ' . join(' AND ', map {"$talias.value ~* ".$self->QueryParser->quote_value($_)} @{$node->phrases}) if (@{$node->phrases});
$where .= ')';