--- /dev/null
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use HTTP::Request;
+use JSON;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use MIME::Base64;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $account_id;
+my ($basic_token, $get_token, $client_key, $client_secret);
+my ($api_endpoint, $content);
+my $oauth_endpoint = 'https://oauth.overdrive.com/token';
+my $oauth_only;
+my ($patron_auth, $barcode, $password, $websiteid, $authorizationname);
+my ($verbose, $help);
+my ($authtoken, $auth_content);
+ 'account=s' => \$account_id, # OverDrive API account ID
+ 'get-token' => \$get_token, # generate basic client token
+ 'key=s' => \$client_key, # OverDrive client key
+ 'secret=s' => \$client_secret, # OverDrive client secret
+ 'token=s' => \$basic_token, # basic client token for OAuth requests
+ 'endpoint=s' => \$api_endpoint, # main API endpoint
+ 'content=s' => \$content, # main request content (optional)
+ 'oauth-endpoint=s' => \$oauth_endpoint, # API endpoint for OAuth requests
+ 'oauth-only' => \$oauth_only, # only attempt OAuth request, then stop
+ 'patron-auth' => \$patron_auth, # perform patron authentication
+ 'barcode=s' => \$barcode, # patron barcode
+ 'password=s' => \$password, # patron password
+ 'websiteid=s' => \$websiteid, # OverDrive website ID
+ 'authorizationname=s' => \$authorizationname, # OverDrive ILS name
+ 'verbose' => \$verbose, # verbose output
+ 'help' => \$help # show help message and exit
+if ($help) {
+ print <<"HELP";
+ $0 --get-token --key <client-key> --secret <client-secret>
+ $0 --account <account_id> --token <basic_token> [ --endpoint https://api.overdrive.com/v1/libraries/1234 [ --content <content> ] ]
+ $0 --account <account_id> --token <basic_token> --oauth-only
+ $0 --account <account_id> --token <basic_token> --patron-auth [ --endpoint https://oauth-patron.overdrive.com/patrontoken ] --barcode <barcode> [ --password <password> ] --websiteid <websiteid> --authorizationname <authorizationname>
+ --get-token
+ Generate OverDrive API basic token.
+ --key
+ Client key supplied by OverDrive. Required with --get-token.
+ --secret
+ Client secret supplied by OverDrive. Required with --get-token.
+ --token
+ Your OverDrive API basic token (clientKey:clientSecret, Base64-encoded).
+ Required unless using --get-token.
+ --account
+ Your OverDrive API account ID (e.g. 1234). Not required for generating
+ a basic token; required for everything else.
+ --oauth-endpoint
+ OverDrive API endpoint for OAuth token requests.
+ Default: https://oauth.overdrive.com/token.
+ --endpoint
+ OverDrive API endpoint that you wish to test.
+ Default: https://api.overdrive.com/v1/libraries/<account>
+ --content
+ JSON content of main API request. Required only if you have specified
+ an endpoint that expects JSON message content.
+ --oauth-only
+ Only request an OAuth token; do not attempt further API requests.
+ --patron-auth
+ Submit a patron authentication request.
+ --barcode
+ Patron barcode. Required with --patron-auth.
+ --password
+ Patron password. Required with --patron-auth if your library requires
+ password for patron authentication.
+ --websiteid
+ Website ID supplied by OverDrive. Required with --patron-auth.
+ --authorizationname
+ ILS name supplied by OverDrive. Required with --patron-auth.
+ --verbose
+ Print full HTTP requests and responses.
+ --help
+ Print this help message.
+ To generate your basic token, given a client key and client secret supplied
+ by OverDrive:
+ $0 --get-token --key <client-key> --secret <client-secret>
+ To send a basic API request (this is useful for validating your client
+ credentials and determining whether the OverDrive API is currently
+ available):
+ $0 --account <account_id> --token <basic_token>
+ To send a request to a specific API endpoint:
+ $0 --account <account_id> --token <basic_token> \
+ --endpoint <endpoint> --content <content>
+ To test OverDrive API authentication for a specific patron:
+ $0 --account <account_id> --token <basic_token> \
+ --patron-auth --barcode <barcode> --password <password> \
+ --websiteid <websiteid> --authorizationname <authorizationname>
+ exit;
+if ($get_token) {
+ die "No client key provided" unless ($client_key);
+ die "No client secret provided" unless ($client_secret);
+ $basic_token = encode_base64("$client_key:$client_secret");
+ print "Your basic token is: $basic_token\n";
+ exit unless ($api_endpoint || $oauth_only || $patron_auth);
+die "No basic token provided" unless ($basic_token);
+die "No account ID provided" unless ($account_id);
+my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
+# First, we use our basic token to request an access (bearer) token from the OAuth endpoint.
+if (!$patron_auth) {
+ # construct the HTTP request
+ my $auth_req = HTTP::Request->new( POST => $oauth_endpoint );
+ $auth_req->header('Authorization' => "Basic $basic_token");
+ $auth_req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8');
+ $auth_req->content('grant_type=client_credentials');
+ # send the request and handle the response
+ my $auth_resp = $ua->request($auth_req);
+ if (!$auth_resp->is_success) {
+ die "Error on auth request: " . $auth_resp->status_line . "\n";
+ }
+ $auth_content = decode_json($auth_resp->decoded_content);
+ $authtoken = $auth_content->{access_token};
+ print "$authtoken\n" if ($oauth_only || $verbose);
+ exit if ($oauth_only);
+ sleep 1;
+# Now that we have our bearer token, we can make our main API request.
+if (!$api_endpoint) {
+ if ($patron_auth) {
+ $api_endpoint = "https://oauth-patron.overdrive.com/patrontoken";
+ } else {
+ $api_endpoint = "https://api.overdrive.com/v1/libraries/$account_id";
+ }
+# Determine method and initialize HTTP request object
+my $method = ($patron_auth) ? 'POST' : 'GET';
+my $api_req = HTTP::Request->new( $method => $api_endpoint );
+# Flesh out our request.
+if ($patron_auth) {
+ $api_req->header('Authorization' => "Basic $basic_token");
+ $api_req->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8");
+ if ($password) {
+ $api_req->content("grant_type=password&username=$barcode&password=$password&scope=websiteid:$websiteid authorizationname:$authorizationname");
+ } else {
+ $api_req->content("grant_type=password&username=$barcode&password=1234&password_required=false&scope=websiteid:$websiteid authorizationname:$authorizationname");
+ }
+} else {
+ $api_req->header('Authorization' => "bearer $authtoken");
+ $api_req->content_type('application/json');
+ $api_req->content($content) if ($content);
+print Dumper $api_req if ($verbose);
+# Send API request and handle response.
+my $api_resp = $ua->request($api_req);
+if (!$api_resp->is_success) {
+ print "Error on API request: " . $api_resp->status_line . "\n";
+ print Dumper $api_resp if ($verbose);
+ die;
+print "Success: " . $api_resp->status_line . "\n";
+print $api_resp->decoded_content . "\n" if ($verbose);