<p><big>[% ctx.page_title %]</big></p>
<p><strong id="inv-header"></strong></p>
+ <p id="inv-copy-count-info"></p>
<div id="non-empty">
+ <p>The remaining are listed below.</p>
<span id="set-list-mode">[ <a id="set-list-mode-link" href="javascript:void(0);">Use List Mode</a> ]</span>
<span id="set-number-mode">[ <a id="set-number-mode-link" href="javascript:void(0);">Use Numeric Mode</a> ]</span>
<div class="hidden" id="empty">
This invoice has no more copies to receive.
+ <p>
+ <button onclick="copy_table.back_to_invoice();">Return to Invoice</button>
+ </p>
<div class="hidden">
<div dojoType="openils.widget.ProgressDialog" jsId="progress_dialog"></div>
"ADD_LI_TO_PO_BAD_LI_STATE" : "The selected lineitem is not in a state that can be added to a purchase order",
"INVOICE_NUMBER": "Invoice #${0}",
"COPIES_TO_RECEIVE": "Number of copies to receive: ",
- "CREATE_PO_INVALID": "A purchase order must have an ordering agency and a provider."
+ "CREATE_PO_INVALID": "A purchase order must have an ordering agency and a provider.",
+ "INVOICE_COPY_COUNT_INFO": "Copies received on this invoice: ${0} out of ${1}."
// return n > 0 ? n : 0;
+ this._render_copy_count_info = function() {
+ dojo.byId("inv-copy-count-info").innerHTML =
+ dojo.string.substitute(
+ [this.copy_number_received, this.copy_number_total]
+ );
+ };
+ this._increment_copy_count_info = function(li) {
+ var all_uncanceled = li.lineitem_details().filter(
+ function(lid) { return !lid.cancel_reason(); }
+ );
+ this.copy_number_total += all_uncanceled.length;
+ this.copy_number_received += all_uncanceled.filter(
+ function(lid) { return Boolean(lid.recv_time()); }
+ ).length;
+ };
this._add_lineitem_number_mode = function(details, li, preselect_count) {
var tr = dojo.create("tr", null, this.tbody);
var td = dojo.create("td", {
* that are still receivable, and preselect lineitem details up to the
* number specified in ie.phys_item_count() */
this.add_lineitem = function(ie, li, displayHTML) {
+ /* This call only affects the blurb about received vs. total copies
+ * on the invoice near the top of the display. */
+ this._increment_copy_count_info(li);
var receivable_details = this._get_receivable_details(li);
if (!receivable_details.length) return;
this.user_has_acked = [];
this.li_by_lid = {};
+ this.copy_number_received = 0;
+ this.copy_number_total = 0;
if (this.spinners) {
for (var key in this.spinners)
+ this._render_copy_count_info();
if (openils.Util.objectProperties(this.li_by_lid).length) {
+ this.back_to_invoice = function() {
+ location.href = oilsBasePath + "/acq/invoice/view/" + this.inv_id;
+ };
this._init.apply(this, arguments);