$ctx->{hold_type} = $cgi->param('hold_type');
$ctx->{default_pickup_lib} = $e->requestor->home_ou; # unless changed below
- return $self->post_hold_redirect unless @targets;
+ return $self->generic_redirect unless @targets;
$logger->info("Looking at hold targets: @targets");
- # stay on the current page and display the results
- return Apache2::Const::OK if
- (grep {$_->{hold_failed}} @hold_data) or $ctx->{general_hold_error};
+ # NOTE: we are leaving the staff-placed patron barcode cookie
+ # in place. Otherwise, it's not possible to place more than
+ # one hold for the patron within a staff/patron session. This
+ # does leave the barcode to linger longer than is ideal, but
+ # normal staff work flow will cause the cookie to be replaced
+ # with each new patron anyway.
+ # TODO: See about getting the staff client to clear the cookie
- # if successful, do some cleanup and return the
- # user to the requesting page.
- return $self->post_hold_redirect;
-sub post_hold_redirect {
- my $self = shift;
- # XXX: Leave the barcode cookie in place. Otherwise, it's not
- # possible to place more than one hold for the patron within
- # a staff/patron session. This does leave the barcode to linger
- # longer than is ideal, but normal staff work flow will cause the
- # cookie to be replaced with each new patron anyway.
- # TODO: See about getting the staff client to clear the cookie
- return $self->generic_redirect;
- # We also clear the patron_barcode (from the staff client)
- # cookie at this point (otherwise it haunts the staff user
- # later). XXX todo make sure this is best; also see that
- # template when staff mode calls xulG.opac_hold_placed()
- return $self->generic_redirect(
- undef,
- $self->cgi->cookie(
- -name => "patron_barcode",
- -path => "/",
- -secure => 1,
- -value => "",
- -expires => "-1h"
- )
- );
+ # return to the place_hold page so the results of the hold
+ # placement attempt can be reported to the user
+ return Apache2::Const::OK;
sub fetch_user_circs {
my $self = shift;
my $flesh = shift; # flesh bib data, etc.
<h1>[% l('Place Hold') %]</h1>
<form method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="hold_type" value="[% CGI.param('hold_type') | html %]" />
- [%#
- new_redirect_to = ctx.referer;
- IF new_redirect_to.match('redirect_to');
- new_redirect_to = 'https://' _ ctx.hostname _ ctx.opac_root _ '/home';
- new_redirect_to = new_redirect_to | replace('^http:', 'https:');
- END;
+ [%
+ redirect = CGI.param('hold_source_page') || CGI.param('redirect_to') || CGI.referer;
+ # since we have to be logged in to get this far, return to a secure page
+ redirect = redirect.replace('^http:', 'https:')
- <input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="[% CGI.param('redirect_to') || CGI.referer | html %]" />
+ <input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="[% redirect | html %]" />
[% IF ctx.is_staff %]
<p class="staff-hold">
[% PROCESS "opac/parts/misc_util.tt2";
PROCESS "opac/parts/hold_error_messages.tt2";
override_possible = 0;
+ any_failures = 0;
<!-- TODO: CSS for big/strong-->
[% IF hdata.hold_success %]
- <div>[% l("Hold was successfully placed"); %]</div>
+ <div class='success'>[% l("Hold was successfully placed"); %]</div>
- [% ELSIF hdata.hold_failed %]
+ [% ELSIF hdata.hold_failed; any_failures = 1 %]
<div><big><strong>[% l("Hold was not successfully placed"); %]</strong></big></div>
[% IF hdata.hold_local_block %]
[% END %]
- <input type="reset" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1);"
- id="holds_cancel" value="[% l('Cancel') %]" class="opac-button" />
+ [% IF any_failures OR ctx.general_hold_error %]
+ <a href="[% CGI.param('redirect_to') || CGI.referer | html %]">[% l('Cancel') %]</a>
+ [% ELSE %]
+ <a href="[% CGI.param('redirect_to') || CGI.referer | html %]">[% l('Continue') %]</a>
+ [% END %]
<td class="rdetail-issue-issue">[% blob.issuance.label | html %]</td>
[% IF blob.has_units %]
<td class="rdetail-issue-place-hold">
- <a href="[% ctx.opac_root %]/place_hold?hold_target=[% blob.issuance.id %]&hold_type=I">[% l("Place Hold") %]</a>
+ <a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/place_hold',
+ {hold_target => blob.issuance.id, hold_type => 'I', hold_source_page => mkurl()}) %]">[% l("Place Hold") %]</a>
[% END %]
<div id="rdetail_actions_div" style="float: right; margin-left: 1em;">
<div class="rdetail_aux_utils opac-auto-010">
- <a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/place_hold', {hold_target => ctx.bre_id, hold_type => 'T'}) %]"
+ <a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/place_hold',
+ {hold_target => ctx.bre_id, hold_type => 'T', hold_source_page => mkurl()}) %]"
class="no-dec"><img src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/green_check.png" alt="[% l('place hold') %]" /><span
style="position:relative;top:-3px;left:3px;">[% l('Place Hold') %]</span></a>
copy_info.status_holdable == 't');
IF overall_holdable;
l("Place on"); %]
- <a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/place_hold', {hold_target => copy_info.id, hold_type => 'C'}) %]">[% l("copy") %]</a>
+ <a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/place_hold',
+ {hold_target => copy_info.id, hold_type => 'C', hold_source_page => mkurl()}) %]">[% l("copy") %]</a>
[%- IF copy_info.call_number != last_cn;
last_cn = copy_info.call_number;
l(" / "); %]
- <a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/place_hold', {hold_target => copy_info.call_number, hold_type => 'V'}) %]">[% l("volume") %]</a>
+ <a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/place_hold',
+ {hold_target => copy_info.call_number, hold_type => 'V', hold_source_page => mkurl()}) %]">[% l("volume") %]</a>
[%- END;
<div style="width:250px;text-align:left;">
<div style="float:right;">
<div class="results_aux_utils opac-auto-010"><a
- href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/place_hold', {hold_target => rec.id, hold_type => 'T'}) %]"
+ href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/place_hold',
+ {hold_target => rec.id, hold_type => 'T', hold_source_page => mkurl()}) %]"
name="place_hold_link" class="no-dec"><img
src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/green_check.png"
alt=""/><span style="position:relative;top:-3px;left:3px;">[% l('Place Hold') %]</span></a>