Add table, view and trigger for "aging" hold requests on delete.
authorJason Stephenson <>
Thu, 4 Apr 2013 15:30:25 +0000 (11:30 -0400)
committerDan Wells <>
Fri, 7 Jun 2013 19:23:34 +0000 (15:23 -0400)
This creates the action.aged_hold_request table, the
action.all_hold_request view, the action.age_hold_on_delete
function, and the action_hold_request_aging_tgr on action.hold_request.

Add fieldmapper entries for action.all_hold_request view and
action.aged_hold_request table.

Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <>
Signed-off-by: Dan Wells <>
Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.purge_holds.sql [deleted file]
Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.schema.action.purge_holds.sql [new file with mode: 0644]

index ec6525e..b4614ee 100644 (file)
@@ -5421,6 +5421,123 @@ SELECT  usr,
+       <class id="combahr" controller="open-ils.cstore open-ils.pcrud" oils_obj:fieldmapper="action::all_hold_request" oils_persist:tablename="action.all_hold_request" reporter:core="true" reporter:label="Combined (Active &amp; Aged) Hold Request">
+               <fields oils_persist:primary="id" oils_persist:sequence="action.hold_request_id_seq">
+                       <field reporter:label="Status" name="status" oils_persist:virtual="true" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Capture Date/Time" name="capture_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Currently Targeted Copy" name="current_copy" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Notify by Email?" name="email_notify" reporter:datatype="bool"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Hold Expire Date/Time" name="expire_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Fulfilling Library" name="fulfillment_lib" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Fulfilling Staff" name="fulfillment_staff" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Fulfillment Date/Time" name="fulfillment_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Hold Type" name="hold_type" reporter:datatype="text"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Holdable Formats (for M-type hold)" name="holdable_formats" reporter:datatype="text"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Hold ID" name="id" reporter:datatype="id" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Notify by Phone?" name="phone_notify" reporter:datatype="bool"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Notify by SMS?" name="sms_notify" reporter:datatype="bool"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Pickup Library" name="pickup_lib" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Last Targeting Date/Time" name="prev_check_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Requesting Library" name="request_lib" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Request Date/Time" name="request_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Patron ZIP" name="usr_post_code" reporter:datatype="text"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Patron Home Library" name="usr_home_ou" reporter:datatype="link"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Patron Profile Group" name="usr_profile" reporter:datatype="link"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Patron Birth Year" name="usr_birth_year" reporter:datatype="int"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Staff Placed?" name="staff_placed" reporter:datatype="bool"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Item Selection Depth" name="selection_depth" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Selection Locus" name="selection_ou" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Target Object ID" name="target" reporter:datatype="link"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Hold Cancel Date/Time" name="cancel_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Bib Record link" name="bib_rec" oils_persist:virtual="true" reporter:datatype="link"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Currently Frozen" name="frozen" reporter:datatype="bool"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Thaw Date (if frozen)" name="thaw_date" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Shelf Time" name="shelf_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Cancelation cause" name="cancel_cause" reporter:datatype="link" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Cancelation note" name="cancel_note" reporter:datatype="text" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Top of Queue" name="cut_in_line" reporter:datatype="bool" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Is Mint Condition" name="mint_condition" reporter:datatype="bool" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Shelf Expire Time" name="shelf_expire_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Current Shelf Lib" name="current_shelf_lib" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>
+               </fields>
+               <links>
+                       <link field="fulfillment_lib" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="aou"/>
+                       <link field="fulfillment_staff" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="au"/>
+                       <link field="pickup_lib" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="aou"/>
+                       <link field="selection_ou" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="aou"/>
+                       <link field="current_copy" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="acp"/>
+                       <link field="request_lib" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="aou"/>
+                       <link field="usr_home_ou" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="aou"/>
+                       <link field="bib_rec" reltype="might_have" key="id" map="" class="rhrr"/>
+                       <link field="cancel_cause" reltype="might_have" key="id" map="" class="ahrcc"/>
+                       <link field="current_shelf_lib" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="aou"/>
+                       <link field="usr_profile" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="pgt"/>
+               </links>
+               <permacrud xmlns="">
+                       <actions>
+                               <retrieve permission="VIEW_HOLD" context_field="pickup_lib" />
+                       </actions>
+               </permacrud>
+       </class>
+       <class id="aahr" controller="open-ils.cstore open-ils.pcrud" oils_obj:fieldmapper="action::aged_hold_request" oils_persist:tablename="action.aged_hold_request" reporter:core="true" reporter:label="Aged Hold Request">
+               <fields oils_persist:primary="id" oils_persist:sequence="action.hold_request_id_seq">
+                       <field reporter:label="Status" name="status" oils_persist:virtual="true" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Capture Date/Time" name="capture_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Currently Targeted Copy" name="current_copy" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Notify by Email?" name="email_notify" reporter:datatype="bool"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Hold Expire Date/Time" name="expire_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Fulfilling Library" name="fulfillment_lib" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Fulfilling Staff" name="fulfillment_staff" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Fulfillment Date/Time" name="fulfillment_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Hold Type" name="hold_type" reporter:datatype="text"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Holdable Formats (for M-type hold)" name="holdable_formats" reporter:datatype="text"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Hold ID" name="id" reporter:datatype="id" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Notify by Phone?" name="phone_notify" reporter:datatype="bool"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Notify by SMS?" name="sms_notify" reporter:datatype="bool"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Pickup Library" name="pickup_lib" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Last Targeting Date/Time" name="prev_check_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Requesting Library" name="request_lib" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Request Date/Time" name="request_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Patron ZIP" name="usr_post_code" reporter:datatype="text"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Patron Home Library" name="usr_home_ou" reporter:datatype="link"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Patron Profile Group" name="usr_profile" reporter:datatype="link"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Patron Birth Year" name="usr_birth_year" reporter:datatype="int"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Staff Placed?" name="staff_placed" reporter:datatype="bool"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Item Selection Depth" name="selection_depth" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Selection Locus" name="selection_ou" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Target Object ID" name="target" reporter:datatype="link"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Hold Cancel Date/Time" name="cancel_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Bib Record link" name="bib_rec" oils_persist:virtual="true" reporter:datatype="link"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Currently Frozen" name="frozen" reporter:datatype="bool"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Thaw Date (if frozen)" name="thaw_date" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Shelf Time" name="shelf_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Cancelation cause" name="cancel_cause" reporter:datatype="link" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Cancelation note" name="cancel_note" reporter:datatype="text" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Top of Queue" name="cut_in_line" reporter:datatype="bool" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Is Mint Condition" name="mint_condition" reporter:datatype="bool" />
+                       <field reporter:label="Shelf Expire Time" name="shelf_expire_time" reporter:datatype="timestamp"/>
+                       <field reporter:label="Current Shelf Lib" name="current_shelf_lib" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>
+               </fields>
+               <links>
+                       <link field="fulfillment_lib" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="aou"/>
+                       <link field="fulfillment_staff" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="au"/>
+                       <link field="pickup_lib" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="aou"/>
+                       <link field="selection_ou" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="aou"/>
+                       <link field="current_copy" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="acp"/>
+                       <link field="request_lib" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="aou"/>
+                       <link field="usr_home_ou" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="aou"/>
+                       <link field="bib_rec" reltype="might_have" key="id" map="" class="rhrr"/>
+                       <link field="cancel_cause" reltype="might_have" key="id" map="" class="ahrcc"/>
+                       <link field="current_shelf_lib" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="aou"/>
+                       <link field="usr_profile" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="pgt"/>
+               </links>
+               <permacrud xmlns="">
+                       <actions>
+                               <retrieve permission="VIEW_HOLD" context_field="pickup_lib" />
+                       </actions>
+               </permacrud>
+       </class>
        <class id="aou" controller="open-ils.cstore open-ils.pcrud" oils_obj:fieldmapper="actor::org_unit" oils_persist:tablename="actor.org_unit" reporter:label="Organizational Unit" oils_persist:field_safe="true">
                <fields oils_persist:primary="id" oils_persist:sequence="actor.org_unit_id_seq">
                        <field reporter:label="Subordinate Organizational Units" name="children" oils_persist:virtual="true" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>
index d07f07f..bb5c66d 100644 (file)
@@ -524,6 +524,210 @@ CREATE VIEW action.unfulfilled_hold_max_loop AS
       GROUP BY 1;
+CREATE TABLE action.aged_hold_request (
+    usr_post_code              TEXT,
+    usr_home_ou                INT     NOT NULL,
+    usr_profile                INT     NOT NULL,
+    usr_birth_year             INT,
+    staff_placed        BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
+    LIKE action.hold_request
+ALTER TABLE action.aged_hold_request
+      ADD PRIMARY KEY (id),
+      DROP COLUMN usr,
+      DROP COLUMN requestor,
+      DROP COLUMN sms_carrier,
+      ALTER COLUMN phone_notify TYPE BOOLEAN
+            USING CASE WHEN phone_notify IS NULL OR phone_notify = '' THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END,
+            USING CASE WHEN sms_notify IS NULL OR sms_notify = '' THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END,
+      ALTER COLUMN phone_notify SET NOT NULL,
+      ALTER COLUMN sms_notify SET NOT NULL;
+CREATE INDEX aged_hold_request_target_idx ON action.aged_hold_request (target);
+CREATE INDEX aged_hold_request_pickup_lib_idx ON action.aged_hold_request (pickup_lib);
+CREATE INDEX aged_hold_request_current_copy_idx ON action.aged_hold_request (current_copy);
+CREATE INDEX aged_hold_request_fulfillment_staff_idx ON action.aged_hold_request ( fulfillment_staff );
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW action.all_hold_request AS
+           COALESCE(a.post_code, b.post_code) AS usr_post_code,
+           p.home_ou AS usr_home_ou,
+           p.profile AS usr_profile,
+           EXTRACT(YEAR FROM p.dob)::INT AS usr_birth_year,
+           CAST(ahr.requestor <> ahr.usr AS BOOLEAN) AS staff_placed,
+ ,
+           ahr.request_time,
+           ahr.capture_time,
+           ahr.fulfillment_time,
+           ahr.checkin_time,
+           ahr.return_time,
+           ahr.prev_check_time,
+           ahr.expire_time,
+           ahr.cancel_time,
+           ahr.cancel_cause,
+           ahr.cancel_note,
+ ,
+           ahr.current_copy,
+           ahr.fulfillment_staff,
+           ahr.fulfillment_lib,
+           ahr.request_lib,
+           ahr.selection_ou,
+           ahr.selection_depth,
+           ahr.pickup_lib,
+           ahr.hold_type,
+           ahr.holdable_formats,
+           CASE
+           WHEN ahr.phone_notify IS NULL THEN FALSE
+           WHEN ahr.phone_notify = '' THEN FALSE
+           ELSE TRUE
+           END AS phone_notify,
+           ahr.email_notify,
+           CASE
+           WHEN ahr.sms_notify IS NULL THEN FALSE
+           WHEN ahr.sms_notify = '' THEN FALSE
+           ELSE TRUE
+           END AS sms_notify,
+           ahr.frozen,
+           ahr.thaw_date,
+           ahr.shelf_time,
+           ahr.cut_in_line,
+           ahr.mint_condition,
+           ahr.shelf_expire_time,
+           ahr.current_shelf_lib
+    FROM action.hold_request ahr
+         JOIN actor.usr p ON (ahr.usr =
+         LEFT JOIN actor.usr_address a ON (p.mailing_address =
+         LEFT JOIN actor.usr_address b ON (p.billing_address =
+    SELECT 
+           usr_post_code,
+           usr_home_ou,
+           usr_profile,
+           usr_birth_year,
+           staff_placed,
+           id,
+           request_time,
+           capture_time,
+           fulfillment_time,
+           checkin_time,
+           return_time,
+           prev_check_time,
+           expire_time,
+           cancel_time,
+           cancel_cause,
+           cancel_note,
+           target,
+           current_copy,
+           fulfillment_staff,
+           fulfillment_lib,
+           request_lib,
+           selection_ou,
+           selection_depth,
+           pickup_lib,
+           hold_type,
+           holdable_formats,
+           phone_notify,
+           email_notify,
+           sms_notify,
+           frozen,
+           thaw_date,
+           shelf_time,
+           cut_in_line,
+           mint_condition,
+           shelf_expire_time,
+           current_shelf_lib
+    FROM action.aged_hold_request;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.age_hold_on_delete () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
+    -- Archive a copy of the old row to action.aged_hold_request
+    INSERT INTO action.aged_hold_request
+           (usr_post_code,
+            usr_home_ou,
+            usr_profile,
+            usr_birth_year,
+            staff_placed,
+            id,
+            request_time,
+            capture_time,
+            fulfillment_time,
+            checkin_time,
+            return_time,
+            prev_check_time,
+            expire_time,
+            cancel_time,
+            cancel_cause,
+            cancel_note,
+            target,
+            current_copy,
+            fulfillment_staff,
+            fulfillment_lib,
+            request_lib,
+            selection_ou,
+            selection_depth,
+            pickup_lib,
+            hold_type,
+            holdable_formats,
+            phone_notify,
+            email_notify,
+            sms_notify,
+            frozen,
+            thaw_date,
+            shelf_time,
+            cut_in_line,
+            mint_condition,
+            shelf_expire_time,
+            current_shelf_lib)
+      SELECT 
+           usr_post_code,
+           usr_home_ou,
+           usr_profile,
+           usr_birth_year,
+           staff_placed,
+           id,
+           request_time,
+           capture_time,
+           fulfillment_time,
+           checkin_time,
+           return_time,
+           prev_check_time,
+           expire_time,
+           cancel_time,
+           cancel_cause,
+           cancel_note,
+           target,
+           current_copy,
+           fulfillment_staff,
+           fulfillment_lib,
+           request_lib,
+           selection_ou,
+           selection_depth,
+           pickup_lib,
+           hold_type,
+           holdable_formats,
+           phone_notify,
+           email_notify,
+           sms_notify,
+           frozen,
+           thaw_date,
+           shelf_time,
+           cut_in_line,
+           mint_condition,
+           shelf_expire_time,
+           current_shelf_lib
+        FROM action.all_hold_request WHERE id =;
+$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+CREATE TRIGGER action_hold_request_aging_tgr
+       BEFORE DELETE ON action.hold_request
+       FOR EACH ROW
+       EXECUTE PROCEDURE action.age_hold_on_delete ();
 CREATE TABLE action.fieldset (
     id              SERIAL          PRIMARY KEY,
     owner           INT             NOT NULL REFERENCES actor.usr (id)
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.purge_holds.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.purge_holds.sql
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 693167a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
--- New global flags for the purge function
-INSERT INTO config.global_flag  (name, label, enabled)
-    VALUES (
-        'history.hold.retention_age',
-        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age', 'Historical Hold Retention Age', 'cgf', 'label'),
-        TRUE
-    ),(
-        'history.hold.retention_age_fulfilled',
-        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_fulfilled', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Fulfilled', 'cgf', 'label'),
-        FALSE
-    ),(
-        'history.hold.retention_age_canceled',
-        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_canceled', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Canceled (Default)', 'cgf', 'label'),
-        FALSE
-    ),(
-        'history.hold.retention_age_canceled_1',
-        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_canceled_1', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Canceled (Untarged expiration)', 'cgf', 'label'),
-        FALSE
-    ),(
-        'history.hold.retention_age_canceled_2',
-        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_canceled_2', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Canceled (Hold Shelf expiration)', 'cgf', 'label'),
-        FALSE
-    ),(
-        'history.hold.retention_age_canceled_3',
-        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_canceled_3', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Canceled (Patron via phone)', 'cgf', 'label'),
-        TRUE
-    ),(
-        'history.hold.retention_age_canceled_4',
-        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_canceled_4', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Canceled (Patron in person)', 'cgf', 'label'),
-        TRUE
-    ),(
-        'history.hold.retention_age_canceled_5',
-        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_canceled_5', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Canceled (Staff forced)', 'cgf', 'label'),
-        TRUE
-    ),(
-        'history.hold.retention_age_canceled_6',
-        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_canceled_6', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Canceled (Patron via OPAC)', 'cgf', 'label'),
-        FALSE
-    );
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.purge_holds() RETURNS INT AS $func$
-  current_hold RECORD;
-  purged_holds INT;
-  cgf_d INTERVAL;
-  cgf_f INTERVAL;
-  cgf_c INTERVAL;
-  prev_usr INT;
-  user_start TIMESTAMPTZ;
-  user_age INTERVAL;
-  user_count INT;
-  purged_holds := 0;
-  SELECT INTO cgf_d value::INTERVAL FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'history.hold.retention_age' AND enabled;
-  SELECT INTO cgf_f value::INTERVAL FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'history.hold.retention_age_fulfilled' AND enabled;
-  SELECT INTO cgf_c value::INTERVAL FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'history.hold.retention_age_canceled' AND enabled;
-  FOR current_hold IN
-      rank() OVER (PARTITION BY usr ORDER BY COALESCE(fulfillment_time, cancel_time) DESC),
-      cgf_cs.value::INTERVAL as cgf_cs,
-      ahr.*
-    FROM
-      action.hold_request ahr
-      LEFT JOIN config.global_flag cgf_cs ON (ahr.cancel_cause IS NOT NULL AND = 'history.hold.retention_age_canceled_' || ahr.cancel_cause AND cgf_cs.enabled)
-    WHERE
-      (fulfillment_time IS NOT NULL OR cancel_time IS NOT NULL)
-    IF prev_usr IS NULL OR prev_usr != current_hold.usr THEN
-      prev_usr := current_hold.usr;
-      SELECT INTO user_start oils_json_to_text(value)::TIMESTAMPTZ FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = prev_usr AND name = 'history.hold.retention_start';
-      SELECT INTO user_age oils_json_to_text(value)::INTERVAL FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = prev_usr AND name = 'history.hold.retention_age';
-      SELECT INTO user_count oils_json_to_text(value)::INT FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = prev_usr AND name = 'history.hold.retention_count';
-      IF user_start IS NOT NULL THEN
-        user_age := LEAST(user_age, AGE(NOW(), user_start));
-      END IF;
-      IF user_count IS NULL THEN
-        user_count := 1000; -- Assumption based on the user visible holds routine
-      END IF;
-    END IF;
-    -- Library keep age trumps user keep anything, for purposes of being able to hold on to things when staff canceled and such.
-    IF current_hold.fulfillment_time IS NOT NULL AND current_hold.fulfillment_time > NOW() - COALESCE(cgf_f, cgf_d) THEN
-      CONTINUE;
-    END IF;
-    IF current_hold.cancel_time IS NOT NULL AND current_hold.cancel_time > NOW() - COALESCE(current_hold.cgf_cs, cgf_c, cgf_d) THEN
-      CONTINUE;
-    END IF;
-    -- User keep age needs combining with count. If too old AND within the count, keep!
-    IF user_start IS NOT NULL AND COALESCE(current_hold.fulfillment_time, current_hold.cancel_time) > NOW() - user_age AND current_hold.rank <= user_count THEN
-      CONTINUE;
-    END IF;
-    -- All checks should have passed, delete!
-    DELETE FROM action.hold_request WHERE id =;
-    purged_holds := purged_holds + 1;
-  RETURN purged_holds;
-$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.usr_visible_holds (usr_id INT) RETURNS SETOF action.hold_request AS $func$
-    h               action.hold_request%ROWTYPE;
-    view_age        INTERVAL;
-    view_count      INT;
-    usr_view_count  actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
-    usr_view_age    actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
-    usr_view_start  actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
-    SELECT * INTO usr_view_count FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.hold.retention_count';
-    SELECT * INTO usr_view_age FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.hold.retention_age';
-    SELECT * INTO usr_view_start FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.hold.retention_start';
-    FOR h IN
-        SELECT  *
-          FROM  action.hold_request
-          WHERE usr = usr_id
-                AND fulfillment_time IS NULL
-                AND cancel_time IS NULL
-          ORDER BY request_time DESC
-    LOOP
-        RETURN NEXT h;
-    END LOOP;
-    IF usr_view_start.value IS NULL THEN
-        RETURN;
-    END IF;
-    IF usr_view_age.value IS NOT NULL THEN
-        -- User opted in and supplied a retention age
-        IF oils_json_to_text(usr_view_age.value)::INTERVAL > AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ) THEN
-            view_age := AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ);
-        ELSE
-            view_age := oils_json_to_text(usr_view_age.value)::INTERVAL;
-        END IF;
-    ELSE
-        -- User opted in
-        view_age := AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ);
-    END IF;
-    IF usr_view_count.value IS NOT NULL THEN
-        view_count := oils_json_to_text(usr_view_count.value)::INT;
-    ELSE
-        view_count := 1000;
-    END IF;
-    -- show some fulfilled/canceled holds
-    FOR h IN
-        SELECT  *
-          FROM  action.hold_request
-          WHERE usr = usr_id
-                AND ( fulfillment_time IS NOT NULL OR cancel_time IS NOT NULL )
-                AND COALESCE(fulfillment_time, cancel_time) > NOW() - view_age
-          ORDER BY COALESCE(fulfillment_time, cancel_time) DESC
-          LIMIT view_count
-    LOOP
-        RETURN NEXT h;
-    END LOOP;
-    RETURN;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.schema.action.purge_holds.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.schema.action.purge_holds.sql
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5389856
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+-- New global flags for the purge function
+INSERT INTO config.global_flag  (name, label, enabled)
+    VALUES (
+        'history.hold.retention_age',
+        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age', 'Historical Hold Retention Age', 'cgf', 'label'),
+        TRUE
+    ),(
+        'history.hold.retention_age_fulfilled',
+        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_fulfilled', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Fulfilled', 'cgf', 'label'),
+        FALSE
+    ),(
+        'history.hold.retention_age_canceled',
+        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_canceled', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Canceled (Default)', 'cgf', 'label'),
+        FALSE
+    ),(
+        'history.hold.retention_age_canceled_1',
+        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_canceled_1', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Canceled (Untarged expiration)', 'cgf', 'label'),
+        FALSE
+    ),(
+        'history.hold.retention_age_canceled_2',
+        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_canceled_2', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Canceled (Hold Shelf expiration)', 'cgf', 'label'),
+        FALSE
+    ),(
+        'history.hold.retention_age_canceled_3',
+        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_canceled_3', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Canceled (Patron via phone)', 'cgf', 'label'),
+        TRUE
+    ),(
+        'history.hold.retention_age_canceled_4',
+        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_canceled_4', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Canceled (Patron in person)', 'cgf', 'label'),
+        TRUE
+    ),(
+        'history.hold.retention_age_canceled_5',
+        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_canceled_5', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Canceled (Staff forced)', 'cgf', 'label'),
+        TRUE
+    ),(
+        'history.hold.retention_age_canceled_6',
+        oils_i18n_gettext('history.hold.retention_age_canceled_6', 'Historical Hold Retention Age - Canceled (Patron via OPAC)', 'cgf', 'label'),
+        FALSE
+    );
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.purge_holds() RETURNS INT AS $func$
+  current_hold RECORD;
+  purged_holds INT;
+  cgf_d INTERVAL;
+  cgf_f INTERVAL;
+  cgf_c INTERVAL;
+  prev_usr INT;
+  user_start TIMESTAMPTZ;
+  user_age INTERVAL;
+  user_count INT;
+  purged_holds := 0;
+  SELECT INTO cgf_d value::INTERVAL FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'history.hold.retention_age' AND enabled;
+  SELECT INTO cgf_f value::INTERVAL FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'history.hold.retention_age_fulfilled' AND enabled;
+  SELECT INTO cgf_c value::INTERVAL FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'history.hold.retention_age_canceled' AND enabled;
+  FOR current_hold IN
+      rank() OVER (PARTITION BY usr ORDER BY COALESCE(fulfillment_time, cancel_time) DESC),
+      cgf_cs.value::INTERVAL as cgf_cs,
+      ahr.*
+    FROM
+      action.hold_request ahr
+      LEFT JOIN config.global_flag cgf_cs ON (ahr.cancel_cause IS NOT NULL AND = 'history.hold.retention_age_canceled_' || ahr.cancel_cause AND cgf_cs.enabled)
+    WHERE
+      (fulfillment_time IS NOT NULL OR cancel_time IS NOT NULL)
+    IF prev_usr IS NULL OR prev_usr != current_hold.usr THEN
+      prev_usr := current_hold.usr;
+      SELECT INTO user_start oils_json_to_text(value)::TIMESTAMPTZ FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = prev_usr AND name = 'history.hold.retention_start';
+      SELECT INTO user_age oils_json_to_text(value)::INTERVAL FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = prev_usr AND name = 'history.hold.retention_age';
+      SELECT INTO user_count oils_json_to_text(value)::INT FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = prev_usr AND name = 'history.hold.retention_count';
+      IF user_start IS NOT NULL THEN
+        user_age := LEAST(user_age, AGE(NOW(), user_start));
+      END IF;
+      IF user_count IS NULL THEN
+        user_count := 1000; -- Assumption based on the user visible holds routine
+      END IF;
+    END IF;
+    -- Library keep age trumps user keep anything, for purposes of being able to hold on to things when staff canceled and such.
+    IF current_hold.fulfillment_time IS NOT NULL AND current_hold.fulfillment_time > NOW() - COALESCE(cgf_f, cgf_d) THEN
+      CONTINUE;
+    END IF;
+    IF current_hold.cancel_time IS NOT NULL AND current_hold.cancel_time > NOW() - COALESCE(current_hold.cgf_cs, cgf_c, cgf_d) THEN
+      CONTINUE;
+    END IF;
+    -- User keep age needs combining with count. If too old AND within the count, keep!
+    IF user_start IS NOT NULL AND COALESCE(current_hold.fulfillment_time, current_hold.cancel_time) > NOW() - user_age AND current_hold.rank <= user_count THEN
+      CONTINUE;
+    END IF;
+    -- All checks should have passed, delete!
+    DELETE FROM action.hold_request WHERE id =;
+    purged_holds := purged_holds + 1;
+  RETURN purged_holds;
+$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.usr_visible_holds (usr_id INT) RETURNS SETOF action.hold_request AS $func$
+    h               action.hold_request%ROWTYPE;
+    view_age        INTERVAL;
+    view_count      INT;
+    usr_view_count  actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
+    usr_view_age    actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
+    usr_view_start  actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE;
+    SELECT * INTO usr_view_count FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.hold.retention_count';
+    SELECT * INTO usr_view_age FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.hold.retention_age';
+    SELECT * INTO usr_view_start FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.hold.retention_start';
+    FOR h IN
+        SELECT  *
+          FROM  action.hold_request
+          WHERE usr = usr_id
+                AND fulfillment_time IS NULL
+                AND cancel_time IS NULL
+          ORDER BY request_time DESC
+    LOOP
+        RETURN NEXT h;
+    END LOOP;
+    IF usr_view_start.value IS NULL THEN
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
+    IF usr_view_age.value IS NOT NULL THEN
+        -- User opted in and supplied a retention age
+        IF oils_json_to_text(usr_view_age.value)::INTERVAL > AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ) THEN
+            view_age := AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ);
+        ELSE
+            view_age := oils_json_to_text(usr_view_age.value)::INTERVAL;
+        END IF;
+    ELSE
+        -- User opted in
+        view_age := AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ);
+    END IF;
+    IF usr_view_count.value IS NOT NULL THEN
+        view_count := oils_json_to_text(usr_view_count.value)::INT;
+    ELSE
+        view_count := 1000;
+    END IF;
+    -- show some fulfilled/canceled holds
+    FOR h IN
+        SELECT  *
+          FROM  action.hold_request
+          WHERE usr = usr_id
+                AND ( fulfillment_time IS NOT NULL OR cancel_time IS NOT NULL )
+                AND COALESCE(fulfillment_time, cancel_time) > NOW() - view_age
+          ORDER BY COALESCE(fulfillment_time, cancel_time) DESC
+          LIMIT view_count
+    LOOP
+        RETURN NEXT h;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN;
+CREATE TABLE action.aged_hold_request (
+    usr_post_code              TEXT,
+    usr_home_ou                INT     NOT NULL,
+    usr_profile                INT     NOT NULL,
+    usr_birth_year             INT,
+    staff_placed        BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
+    LIKE action.hold_request
+ALTER TABLE action.aged_hold_request
+      ADD PRIMARY KEY (id),
+      DROP COLUMN usr,
+      DROP COLUMN requestor,
+      DROP COLUMN sms_carrier,
+      ALTER COLUMN phone_notify TYPE BOOLEAN
+            USING CASE WHEN phone_notify IS NULL OR phone_notify = '' THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END,
+            USING CASE WHEN sms_notify IS NULL OR sms_notify = '' THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END,
+      ALTER COLUMN phone_notify SET NOT NULL,
+      ALTER COLUMN sms_notify SET NOT NULL;
+CREATE INDEX aged_hold_request_target_idx ON action.aged_hold_request (target);
+CREATE INDEX aged_hold_request_pickup_lib_idx ON action.aged_hold_request (pickup_lib);
+CREATE INDEX aged_hold_request_current_copy_idx ON action.aged_hold_request (current_copy);
+CREATE INDEX aged_hold_request_fulfillment_staff_idx ON action.aged_hold_request ( fulfillment_staff );
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW action.all_hold_request AS
+           COALESCE(a.post_code, b.post_code) AS usr_post_code,
+           p.home_ou AS usr_home_ou,
+           p.profile AS usr_profile,
+           EXTRACT(YEAR FROM p.dob)::INT AS usr_birth_year,
+           CAST(ahr.requestor <> ahr.usr AS BOOLEAN) AS staff_placed,
+ ,
+           ahr.request_time,
+           ahr.capture_time,
+           ahr.fulfillment_time,
+           ahr.checkin_time,
+           ahr.return_time,
+           ahr.prev_check_time,
+           ahr.expire_time,
+           ahr.cancel_time,
+           ahr.cancel_cause,
+           ahr.cancel_note,
+ ,
+           ahr.current_copy,
+           ahr.fulfillment_staff,
+           ahr.fulfillment_lib,
+           ahr.request_lib,
+           ahr.selection_ou,
+           ahr.selection_depth,
+           ahr.pickup_lib,
+           ahr.hold_type,
+           ahr.holdable_formats,
+           CASE
+           WHEN ahr.phone_notify IS NULL THEN FALSE
+           WHEN ahr.phone_notify = '' THEN FALSE
+           ELSE TRUE
+           END AS phone_notify,
+           ahr.email_notify,
+           CASE
+           WHEN ahr.sms_notify IS NULL THEN FALSE
+           WHEN ahr.sms_notify = '' THEN FALSE
+           ELSE TRUE
+           END AS sms_notify,
+           ahr.frozen,
+           ahr.thaw_date,
+           ahr.shelf_time,
+           ahr.cut_in_line,
+           ahr.mint_condition,
+           ahr.shelf_expire_time,
+           ahr.current_shelf_lib
+    FROM action.hold_request ahr
+         JOIN actor.usr p ON (ahr.usr =
+         LEFT JOIN actor.usr_address a ON (p.mailing_address =
+         LEFT JOIN actor.usr_address b ON (p.billing_address =
+    SELECT 
+           usr_post_code,
+           usr_home_ou,
+           usr_profile,
+           usr_birth_year,
+           staff_placed,
+           id,
+           request_time,
+           capture_time,
+           fulfillment_time,
+           checkin_time,
+           return_time,
+           prev_check_time,
+           expire_time,
+           cancel_time,
+           cancel_cause,
+           cancel_note,
+           target,
+           current_copy,
+           fulfillment_staff,
+           fulfillment_lib,
+           request_lib,
+           selection_ou,
+           selection_depth,
+           pickup_lib,
+           hold_type,
+           holdable_formats,
+           phone_notify,
+           email_notify,
+           sms_notify,
+           frozen,
+           thaw_date,
+           shelf_time,
+           cut_in_line,
+           mint_condition,
+           shelf_expire_time,
+           current_shelf_lib
+    FROM action.aged_hold_request;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION action.age_hold_on_delete () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
+    -- Archive a copy of the old row to action.aged_hold_request
+    INSERT INTO action.aged_hold_request
+           (usr_post_code,
+            usr_home_ou,
+            usr_profile,
+            usr_birth_year,
+            staff_placed,
+            id,
+            request_time,
+            capture_time,
+            fulfillment_time,
+            checkin_time,
+            return_time,
+            prev_check_time,
+            expire_time,
+            cancel_time,
+            cancel_cause,
+            cancel_note,
+            target,
+            current_copy,
+            fulfillment_staff,
+            fulfillment_lib,
+            request_lib,
+            selection_ou,
+            selection_depth,
+            pickup_lib,
+            hold_type,
+            holdable_formats,
+            phone_notify,
+            email_notify,
+            sms_notify,
+            frozen,
+            thaw_date,
+            shelf_time,
+            cut_in_line,
+            mint_condition,
+            shelf_expire_time,
+            current_shelf_lib)
+      SELECT 
+           usr_post_code,
+           usr_home_ou,
+           usr_profile,
+           usr_birth_year,
+           staff_placed,
+           id,
+           request_time,
+           capture_time,
+           fulfillment_time,
+           checkin_time,
+           return_time,
+           prev_check_time,
+           expire_time,
+           cancel_time,
+           cancel_cause,
+           cancel_note,
+           target,
+           current_copy,
+           fulfillment_staff,
+           fulfillment_lib,
+           request_lib,
+           selection_ou,
+           selection_depth,
+           pickup_lib,
+           hold_type,
+           holdable_formats,
+           phone_notify,
+           email_notify,
+           sms_notify,
+           frozen,
+           thaw_date,
+           shelf_time,
+           cut_in_line,
+           mint_condition,
+           shelf_expire_time,
+           current_shelf_lib
+        FROM action.all_hold_request WHERE id =;
+$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+CREATE TRIGGER action_hold_request_aging_tgr
+       BEFORE DELETE ON action.hold_request
+       FOR EACH ROW
+       EXECUTE PROCEDURE action.age_hold_on_delete ();