LP#1997485: stamp database update
authorGalen Charlton <gmc@equinoxOLI.org>
Fri, 28 Apr 2023 10:45:15 +0000 (10:45 +0000)
committerGalen Charlton <gmc@equinoxOLI.org>
Fri, 28 Apr 2023 10:50:38 +0000 (10:50 +0000)
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@equinoxOLI.org>
Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/1366.schema.DYM-multi-word.sql [new file with mode: 0644]
Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/1367.schema.DYM-authority-data-dictionary.sql [new file with mode: 0644]
Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.schema.DYM-multi-word.sql [deleted file]
Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/YYYY.schema.DYM-authority-data-dictionary.sql [deleted file]

index ed9da16..7ceebed 100644 (file)
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ CREATE TRIGGER no_overlapping_deps
     BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON config.db_patch_dependencies
     FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.array_overlap_check ('deprecates');
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1365', :eg_version); -- sleary / sandbergja / gmcharlt
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('1367', :eg_version); -- miker / rfrasur / gmcharlt
 CREATE TABLE config.bib_source (
        id              SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/1366.schema.DYM-multi-word.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/1366.schema.DYM-multi-word.sql
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..823cc4c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1366', :eg_version);
+ALTER TABLE config.metabib_class
+    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS variant_authority_suggestion   BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
+    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS symspell_transfer_case         BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
+    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS symspell_skip_correct          BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
+    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS symspell_suggestion_verbosity  INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 2,
+    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS max_phrase_edit_distance       INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 2,
+    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS suggestion_word_option_count   INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 5,
+    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS max_suggestions                INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1,
+    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS low_result_threshold           INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS min_suggestion_use_threshold   INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
+    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS soundex_weight                 INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm_weight                 INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS keyboard_distance_weight       INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
+/* -- may not need these 2 functions
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_parse_positive_words ( phrase TEXT )
+              FROM  regexp_matches($1, '(?<!-)\+?([[:alnum:]]+''*[[:alnum:]]*)', 'g') x
+            ) y
+      ORDER BY row_number
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_parse_positive_phrases ( phrase TEXT )
+              FROM  regexp_matches($1, '(?:^|\s+)(?:(-?"[^"]+")|(-?\+?[[:alnum:]]+''*?[[:alnum:]]*?))', 'g') x
+            ) y
+      ORDER BY row_number
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_parse_words ( phrase TEXT )
+              FROM  regexp_matches($1, '(?:^|\s+)((?:-|\+)?[[:alnum:]]+''*[[:alnum:]]*)', 'g') x
+            ) y
+      ORDER BY row_number
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.distribute_phrase_sign (input TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
+    phrase_sign TEXT;
+    output      TEXT;
+    output := input;
+    IF output ~ '^(?:-|\+)' THEN
+        phrase_sign := SUBSTRING(input FROM 1 FOR 1);
+        output := SUBSTRING(output FROM 2);
+    END IF;
+    IF output LIKE '"%"' THEN
+        IF phrase_sign IS NULL THEN
+            phrase_sign := '+';
+        END IF;
+        output := BTRIM(output,'"');
+    END IF;
+    IF phrase_sign IS NOT NULL THEN
+        RETURN REGEXP_REPLACE(output,'(^|\s+)(?=[[:alnum:]])','\1'||phrase_sign,'g');
+    END IF;
+    RETURN output;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.query_parse_phrases ( phrase TEXT )
+    SELECT  search.distribute_phrase_sign(UNNEST)
+              FROM  regexp_matches($1, '(?:^|\s+)(?:((?:-|\+)?"[^"]+")|((?:-|\+)?[[:alnum:]]+''*[[:alnum:]]*))', 'g') x
+            ) y
+      ORDER BY row_number
+CREATE TYPE search.query_parse_position AS (
+    word                TEXT,
+    word_pos            INT,
+    phrase_in_input_pos INT,
+    word_in_phrase_pos  INT,
+    negated             BOOL,
+    exact               BOOL
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.query_parse_positions ( raw_input TEXT )
+RETURNS SETOF search.query_parse_position AS $F$
+    curr_phrase TEXT;
+    curr_word   TEXT;
+    phrase_pos  INT := 0;
+    word_pos    INT := 0;
+    pos         INT := 0;
+    neg         BOOL;
+    ex          BOOL;
+    FOR curr_phrase IN SELECT x FROM search.query_parse_phrases(raw_input) x LOOP
+        word_pos := 0;
+        FOR curr_word IN SELECT x FROM search.symspell_parse_words(curr_phrase) x LOOP
+            neg := FALSE;
+            ex := FALSE;
+            IF curr_word ~ '^(?:-|\+)' THEN
+                ex := TRUE;
+                IF curr_word LIKE '-%' THEN
+                    neg := TRUE;
+                END IF;
+                curr_word := SUBSTRING(curr_word FROM 2);
+            END IF;
+            RETURN QUERY SELECT curr_word, pos, phrase_pos, word_pos, neg, ex;
+            word_pos := word_pos + 1;
+            pos := pos + 1;
+        END LOOP;
+        phrase_pos := phrase_pos + 1;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN;
+select  suggestion as sugg,
+        suggestion_count as scount,
+        input,
+        norm_input,
+        prefix_key_count as ncount,
+        lev_distance,
+        soundex_sim,
+        pg_trgm_sim,
+        qwerty_kb_match
+  from  search.symspell_suggest(
+            'Cedenzas (2) for Mosart''s Piano concerto',
+            'title',
+            '{}',
+            2,2,false,5
+        )
+  where lev_distance is not null
+  order by lev_distance,
+           suggestion_count desc,
+           soundex_sim desc,
+           pg_trgm_sim desc,
+           qwerty_kb_match desc
+select * from search.symspell_suggest('piano concerto -jaz','subject','{}',2,2,false,4) order by lev_distance, soundex_sim desc, pg_trgm_sim desc, qwerty_kb_match desc;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_suggest (
+    raw_input       TEXT,
+    search_class    TEXT,
+    search_fields   TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}',
+    max_ed          INT DEFAULT NULL,      -- per word, on average, between norm input and suggestion
+    verbosity       INT DEFAULT NULL,      -- 0=Best only; 1=
+    skip_correct    BOOL DEFAULT NULL,  -- only suggest replacement words for misspellings?
+    max_word_opts   INT DEFAULT NULL,   -- 0 means all combinations, probably want to restrict?
+    count_threshold INT DEFAULT NULL    -- min count of records using the terms
+) RETURNS SETOF search.symspell_lookup_output AS $F$
+    sugg_set         search.symspell_lookup_output[];
+    parsed_query_set search.query_parse_position[];
+    entry            RECORD;
+    auth_entry       RECORD;
+    norm_count       RECORD;
+    current_sugg     RECORD;
+    auth_sugg        RECORD;
+    norm_test        TEXT;
+    norm_input       TEXT;
+    norm_sugg        TEXT;
+    query_part       TEXT := '';
+    output           search.symspell_lookup_output;
+    c_skip_correct                  BOOL;
+    c_variant_authority_suggestion  BOOL;
+    c_symspell_transfer_case        BOOL;
+    c_authority_class_restrict      BOOL;
+    c_min_suggestion_use_threshold  INT;
+    c_soundex_weight                INT;
+    c_pg_trgm_weight                INT;
+    c_keyboard_distance_weight      INT;
+    c_suggestion_word_option_count  INT;
+    c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity INT;
+    c_max_phrase_edit_distance      INT;
+    -- Gather settings
+    SELECT  cmc.min_suggestion_use_threshold,
+            cmc.soundex_weight,
+            cmc.pg_trgm_weight,
+            cmc.keyboard_distance_weight,
+            cmc.suggestion_word_option_count,
+            cmc.symspell_suggestion_verbosity,
+            cmc.symspell_skip_correct,
+            cmc.symspell_transfer_case,
+            cmc.max_phrase_edit_distance,
+            cmc.variant_authority_suggestion,
+            cmc.restrict
+      INTO  c_min_suggestion_use_threshold,
+            c_soundex_weight,
+            c_pg_trgm_weight,
+            c_keyboard_distance_weight,
+            c_suggestion_word_option_count,
+            c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity,
+            c_skip_correct,
+            c_symspell_transfer_case,
+            c_max_phrase_edit_distance,
+            c_variant_authority_suggestion,
+            c_authority_class_restrict
+      FROM  config.metabib_class cmc
+      WHERE cmc.name = search_class;
+    -- Set up variables to use at run time based on params and settings
+    c_min_suggestion_use_threshold := COALESCE(count_threshold,c_min_suggestion_use_threshold);
+    c_max_phrase_edit_distance := COALESCE(max_ed,c_max_phrase_edit_distance);
+    c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity := COALESCE(verbosity,c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity);
+    c_suggestion_word_option_count := COALESCE(max_word_opts,c_suggestion_word_option_count);
+    c_skip_correct := COALESCE(skip_correct,c_skip_correct);
+                x ORDER BY  x.word_pos,
+                            x.lev_distance,
+                            (x.soundex_sim * c_soundex_weight)
+                                + (x.pg_trgm_sim * c_pg_trgm_weight)
+                                + (x.qwerty_kb_match * c_keyboard_distance_weight) DESC,
+                            x.suggestion_count DESC
+            ) INTO sugg_set
+      FROM  search.symspell_lookup(
+                raw_input,
+                search_class,
+                c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity,
+                c_symspell_transfer_case,
+                c_min_suggestion_use_threshold,
+                c_soundex_weight,
+                c_pg_trgm_weight,
+                c_keyboard_distance_weight
+            ) x
+      WHERE x.lev_distance <= c_max_phrase_edit_distance;
+    SELECT ARRAY_AGG(x) INTO parsed_query_set FROM search.query_parse_positions(raw_input) x;
+    IF search_fields IS NOT NULL AND CARDINALITY(search_fields) > 0 THEN
+        SELECT STRING_AGG(id::TEXT,',') INTO query_part FROM config.metabib_field WHERE name = ANY (search_fields);
+        IF CHARACTER_LENGTH(query_part) > 0 THEN query_part := 'AND field IN ('||query_part||')'; END IF;
+    END IF;
+    SELECT STRING_AGG(word,' ') INTO norm_input FROM search.query_parse_positions(evergreen.lowercase(raw_input)) WHERE NOT negated;
+               FROM  metabib.' || search_class || '_field_entry
+               WHERE index_vector @@ plainto_tsquery($$simple$$,$1)' || query_part
+            INTO norm_count USING norm_input;
+    SELECT STRING_AGG(word,' ') INTO norm_test FROM UNNEST(parsed_query_set);
+    FOR current_sugg IN
+        SELECT  *
+          FROM  search.symspell_generate_combined_suggestions(
+                    sugg_set,
+                    parsed_query_set,
+                    c_skip_correct,
+                    c_suggestion_word_option_count
+                ) x
+    LOOP
+        EXECUTE 'SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT source) AS recs
+                   FROM  metabib.' || search_class || '_field_entry
+                   WHERE index_vector @@ to_tsquery($$simple$$,$1)' || query_part
+                INTO entry USING current_sugg.test;
+        SELECT STRING_AGG(word,' ') INTO norm_sugg FROM search.query_parse_positions(current_sugg.suggestion);
+        IF entry.recs >= c_min_suggestion_use_threshold AND (norm_count.recs = 0 OR norm_sugg <> norm_input) THEN
+            output.input := raw_input;
+            output.norm_input := norm_input;
+            output.suggestion := current_sugg.suggestion;
+            output.suggestion_count := entry.recs;
+            output.prefix_key := NULL;
+            output.prefix_key_count := norm_count.recs;
+            output.lev_distance := NULLIF(evergreen.levenshtein_damerau_edistance(norm_test, norm_sugg, c_max_phrase_edit_distance * CARDINALITY(parsed_query_set)), -1);
+            output.qwerty_kb_match := evergreen.qwerty_keyboard_distance_match(norm_test, norm_sugg);
+            output.pg_trgm_sim := similarity(norm_input, norm_sugg);
+            output.soundex_sim := difference(norm_input, norm_sugg) / 4.0;
+            RETURN NEXT output;
+        END IF;
+        IF c_variant_authority_suggestion THEN
+            FOR auth_sugg IN
+                SELECT  DISTINCT m.value AS prefix_key,
+                        m.sort_value AS suggestion,
+                        v.value as raw_input,
+                        v.sort_value as norm_input
+                  FROM  authority.simple_heading v
+                        JOIN authority.control_set_authority_field csaf ON (csaf.id = v.atag)
+                        JOIN authority.heading_field f ON (f.id = csaf.heading_field)
+                        JOIN authority.simple_heading m ON (m.record = v.record AND csaf.main_entry = m.atag)
+                        JOIN authority.control_set_bib_field csbf ON (csbf.authority_field = csaf.main_entry)
+                        JOIN authority.control_set_bib_field_metabib_field_map csbfmfm ON (csbf.id = csbfmfm.bib_field)
+                        JOIN config.metabib_field cmf ON (
+                                csbfmfm.metabib_field = cmf.id
+                                AND (c_authority_class_restrict IS FALSE OR cmf.field_class = search_class)
+                                AND (search_fields = '{}'::TEXT[] OR cmf.name = ANY (search_fields))
+                        )
+                  WHERE v.sort_value = norm_sugg
+            LOOP
+                EXECUTE 'SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT source) AS recs
+                           FROM  metabib.' || search_class || '_field_entry
+                           WHERE index_vector @@ plainto_tsquery($$simple$$,$1)' || query_part
+                        INTO auth_entry USING auth_sugg.suggestion;
+                IF auth_entry.recs >= c_min_suggestion_use_threshold AND (norm_count.recs = 0 OR auth_sugg.suggestion <> norm_input) THEN
+                    output.input := auth_sugg.raw_input;
+                    output.norm_input := auth_sugg.norm_input;
+                    output.suggestion := auth_sugg.suggestion;
+                    output.prefix_key := auth_sugg.prefix_key;
+                    output.suggestion_count := auth_entry.recs * -1; -- negative value here 
+                    output.lev_distance := 0;
+                    output.qwerty_kb_match := 0;
+                    output.pg_trgm_sim := 0;
+                    output.soundex_sim := 0;
+                    RETURN NEXT output;
+                END IF;
+            END LOOP;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    RETURN;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_generate_combined_suggestions(
+    word_data search.symspell_lookup_output[],
+    pos_data search.query_parse_position[],
+    skip_correct BOOL DEFAULT TRUE,
+    max_words INT DEFAULT 0
+) RETURNS TABLE (suggestion TEXT, test TEXT) AS $f$
+    my $word_data = shift;
+    my $pos_data = shift;
+    my $skip_correct = shift;
+    my $max_per_word = shift;
+    return undef unless (@$word_data and @$pos_data);
+    my $last_word_pos = $$word_data[-1]{word_pos};
+    my $pos_to_word_map = [ map { [] } 0 .. $last_word_pos ];
+    my $parsed_query_data = { map { ($$_{word_pos} => $_) } @$pos_data };
+    for my $row (@$word_data) {
+        my $wp = +$$row{word_pos};
+        next if (
+            $skip_correct eq 't' and $$row{lev_distance} > 0
+            and @{$$pos_to_word_map[$wp]}
+            and $$pos_to_word_map[$wp][0]{lev_distance} == 0
+        );
+        push @{$$pos_to_word_map[$$row{word_pos}]}, $row;
+    }
+    gen_step($max_per_word, $pos_to_word_map, $parsed_query_data, $last_word_pos);
+    return undef;
+    # -----------------------------
+    sub gen_step {
+        my $max_words = shift;
+        my $data = shift;
+        my $pos_data = shift;
+        my $last_pos = shift;
+        my $prefix = shift || '';
+        my $test_prefix = shift || '';
+        my $current_pos = shift || 0;
+        my $word_count = 0;
+        for my $sugg ( @{$$data[$current_pos]} ) {
+            my $was_inside_phrase = 0;
+            my $now_inside_phrase = 0;
+            my $word = $$sugg{suggestion};
+            $word_count++;
+            my $prev_phrase = $$pos_data{$current_pos - 1}{phrase_in_input_pos};
+            my $curr_phrase = $$pos_data{$current_pos}{phrase_in_input_pos};
+            my $next_phrase = $$pos_data{$current_pos + 1}{phrase_in_input_pos};
+            $now_inside_phrase++ if (defined($next_phrase) and $curr_phrase == $next_phrase);
+            $was_inside_phrase++ if (defined($prev_phrase) and $curr_phrase == $prev_phrase);
+            my $string = $prefix;
+            $string .= ' ' if $string;
+            if (!$was_inside_phrase) { # might be starting a phrase?
+                $string .= '-' if ($$pos_data{$current_pos}{negated} eq 't');
+                if ($now_inside_phrase) { # we are! add the double-quote
+                    $string .= '"';
+                }
+                $string .= $word;
+            } else { # definitely were in a phrase
+                $string .= $word;
+                if (!$now_inside_phrase) { # we are not any longer, add the double-quote
+                    $string .= '"';
+                }
+            }
+            my $test_string = $test_prefix;
+            if ($current_pos > 0) { # have something already, need joiner
+                $test_string .= $curr_phrase == $prev_phrase ? ' <-> ' : ' & ';
+            }
+            $test_string .= '!' if ($$pos_data{$current_pos}{negated} eq 't');
+            $test_string .= $word;
+            if ($current_pos == $last_pos) {
+                return_next {suggestion => $string, test => $test_string};
+            } else {
+                gen_step($max_words, $data, $pos_data, $last_pos, $string, $test_string, $current_pos + 1);
+            }
+            last if ($max_words and $word_count >= $max_words);
+        }
+    }
+-- Changing parameters, so we have to drop the old one first
+DROP FUNCTION search.symspell_lookup;
+CREATE FUNCTION search.symspell_lookup (
+    raw_input       TEXT,
+    search_class    TEXT,
+    verbosity       INT DEFAULT NULL,
+    xfer_case       BOOL DEFAULT NULL,
+    count_threshold INT DEFAULT NULL,
+    soundex_weight  INT DEFAULT NULL,
+    pg_trgm_weight  INT DEFAULT NULL,
+    kbdist_weight   INT DEFAULT NULL
+) RETURNS SETOF search.symspell_lookup_output AS $F$
+    prefix_length INT;
+    maxED         INT;
+    word_list   TEXT[];
+    edit_list   TEXT[] := '{}';
+    seen_list   TEXT[] := '{}';
+    output      search.symspell_lookup_output;
+    output_list search.symspell_lookup_output[];
+    entry       RECORD;
+    entry_key   TEXT;
+    prefix_key  TEXT;
+    sugg        TEXT;
+    input       TEXT;
+    word        TEXT;
+    w_pos       INT := -1;
+    smallest_ed INT := -1;
+    global_ed   INT;
+    c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity INT;
+    c_min_suggestion_use_threshold  INT;
+    c_soundex_weight                INT;
+    c_pg_trgm_weight                INT;
+    c_keyboard_distance_weight      INT;
+    c_symspell_transfer_case        BOOL;
+    SELECT  cmc.min_suggestion_use_threshold,
+            cmc.soundex_weight,
+            cmc.pg_trgm_weight,
+            cmc.keyboard_distance_weight,
+            cmc.symspell_transfer_case,
+            cmc.symspell_suggestion_verbosity
+      INTO  c_min_suggestion_use_threshold,
+            c_soundex_weight,
+            c_pg_trgm_weight,
+            c_keyboard_distance_weight,
+            c_symspell_transfer_case,
+            c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity
+      FROM  config.metabib_class cmc
+      WHERE cmc.name = search_class;
+    c_min_suggestion_use_threshold := COALESCE(count_threshold,c_min_suggestion_use_threshold);
+    c_symspell_transfer_case := COALESCE(xfer_case,c_symspell_transfer_case);
+    c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity := COALESCE(verbosity,c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity);
+    c_soundex_weight := COALESCE(soundex_weight,c_soundex_weight);
+    c_pg_trgm_weight := COALESCE(pg_trgm_weight,c_pg_trgm_weight);
+    c_keyboard_distance_weight := COALESCE(kbdist_weight,c_keyboard_distance_weight);
+    SELECT value::INT INTO prefix_length FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'symspell.prefix_length' AND enabled;
+    prefix_length := COALESCE(prefix_length, 6);
+    SELECT value::INT INTO maxED FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'symspell.max_edit_distance' AND enabled;
+    maxED := COALESCE(maxED, 3);
+    -- XXX This should get some more thought ... maybe search_normalize?
+    word_list := ARRAY_AGG(x.word) FROM search.query_parse_positions(raw_input) x;
+    -- Common case exact match test for preformance
+    IF c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 0 AND CARDINALITY(word_list) = 1 AND CHARACTER_LENGTH(word_list[1]) <= prefix_length THEN
+        EXECUTE
+          'SELECT  '||search_class||'_suggestions AS suggestions,
+                   '||search_class||'_count AS count,
+                   prefix_key
+             FROM  search.symspell_dictionary
+             WHERE prefix_key = $1
+                   AND '||search_class||'_count >= $2 
+                   AND '||search_class||'_suggestions @> ARRAY[$1]' 
+          INTO entry USING evergreen.lowercase(word_list[1]), c_min_suggestion_use_threshold;
+        IF entry.prefix_key IS NOT NULL THEN
+            output.lev_distance := 0; -- definitionally
+            output.prefix_key := entry.prefix_key;
+            output.prefix_key_count := entry.count;
+            output.suggestion_count := entry.count;
+            output.input := word_list[1];
+            IF c_symspell_transfer_case THEN
+                output.suggestion := search.symspell_transfer_casing(output.input, entry.prefix_key);
+            ELSE
+                output.suggestion := entry.prefix_key;
+            END IF;
+            output.norm_input := entry.prefix_key;
+            output.qwerty_kb_match := 1;
+            output.pg_trgm_sim := 1;
+            output.soundex_sim := 1;
+            RETURN NEXT output;
+            RETURN;
+        END IF;
+    END IF;
+    <<word_loop>>
+    FOREACH word IN ARRAY word_list LOOP
+        w_pos := w_pos + 1;
+        input := evergreen.lowercase(word);
+        IF CHARACTER_LENGTH(input) > prefix_length THEN
+            prefix_key := SUBSTRING(input FROM 1 FOR prefix_length);
+            edit_list := ARRAY[input,prefix_key] || search.symspell_generate_edits(prefix_key, 1, maxED);
+        ELSE
+            edit_list := input || search.symspell_generate_edits(input, 1, maxED);
+        END IF;
+        output_list := '{}';
+        seen_list := '{}';
+        global_ed := NULL;
+        <<entry_key_loop>>
+        FOREACH entry_key IN ARRAY edit_list LOOP
+            smallest_ed := -1;
+            IF global_ed IS NOT NULL THEN
+                smallest_ed := global_ed;
+            END IF;
+            FOR entry IN EXECUTE
+                'SELECT  '||search_class||'_suggestions AS suggestions,
+                         '||search_class||'_count AS count,
+                         prefix_key
+                   FROM  search.symspell_dictionary
+                   WHERE prefix_key = $1
+                         AND '||search_class||'_suggestions IS NOT NULL' 
+                USING entry_key
+            LOOP
+                FOREACH sugg IN ARRAY entry.suggestions LOOP
+                    IF NOT seen_list @> ARRAY[sugg] THEN
+                        seen_list := seen_list || sugg;
+                        IF input = sugg THEN -- exact match, no need to spend time on a call
+                            output.lev_distance := 0;
+                            output.suggestion_count = entry.count;
+                        ELSIF ABS(CHARACTER_LENGTH(input) - CHARACTER_LENGTH(sugg)) > maxED THEN
+                            -- They are definitionally too different to consider, just move on.
+                            CONTINUE;
+                        ELSE
+                            --output.lev_distance := levenshtein_less_equal(
+                            output.lev_distance := evergreen.levenshtein_damerau_edistance(
+                                input,
+                                sugg,
+                                maxED
+                            );
+                            IF output.lev_distance < 0 THEN
+                                -- The Perl module returns -1 for "more distant than max".
+                                output.lev_distance := maxED + 1;
+                                -- This short-circuit's the count test below for speed, bypassing
+                                -- a couple useless tests.
+                                output.suggestion_count := -1;
+                            ELSE
+                                EXECUTE 'SELECT '||search_class||'_count FROM search.symspell_dictionary WHERE prefix_key = $1'
+                                    INTO output.suggestion_count USING sugg;
+                            END IF;
+                        END IF;
+                        -- The caller passes a minimum suggestion count threshold (or uses
+                        -- the default of 0) and if the suggestion has that many or less uses
+                        -- then we move on to the next suggestion, since this one is too rare.
+                        CONTINUE WHEN output.suggestion_count < c_min_suggestion_use_threshold;
+                        -- Track the smallest edit distance among suggestions from this prefix key.
+                        IF smallest_ed = -1 OR output.lev_distance < smallest_ed THEN
+                            smallest_ed := output.lev_distance;
+                        END IF;
+                        -- Track the smallest edit distance for all prefix keys for this word.
+                        IF global_ed IS NULL OR smallest_ed < global_ed THEN
+                            global_ed = smallest_ed;
+                        END IF;
+                        -- Only proceed if the edit distance is <= the max for the dictionary.
+                        IF output.lev_distance <= maxED THEN
+                            IF output.lev_distance > global_ed AND c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity <= 1 THEN
+                                -- Lev distance is our main similarity measure. While
+                                -- trgm or soundex similarity could be the main filter,
+                                -- Lev is both language agnostic and faster.
+                                --
+                                -- Here we will skip suggestions that have a longer edit distance
+                                -- than the shortest we've already found. This is simply an
+                                -- optimization that allows us to avoid further processing
+                                -- of this entry. It would be filtered out later.
+                                CONTINUE;
+                            END IF;
+                            -- If we have an exact match on the suggestion key we can also avoid
+                            -- some function calls.
+                            IF output.lev_distance = 0 THEN
+                                output.qwerty_kb_match := 1;
+                                output.pg_trgm_sim := 1;
+                                output.soundex_sim := 1;
+                            ELSE
+                                output.qwerty_kb_match := evergreen.qwerty_keyboard_distance_match(input, sugg);
+                                output.pg_trgm_sim := similarity(input, sugg);
+                                output.soundex_sim := difference(input, sugg) / 4.0;
+                            END IF;
+                            -- Fill in some fields
+                            IF c_symspell_transfer_case THEN
+                                output.suggestion := search.symspell_transfer_casing(word, sugg);
+                            ELSE
+                                output.suggestion := sugg;
+                            END IF;
+                            output.prefix_key := entry.prefix_key;
+                            output.prefix_key_count := entry.count;
+                            output.input := word;
+                            output.norm_input := input;
+                            output.word_pos := w_pos;
+                            -- We can't "cache" a set of generated records directly, so
+                            -- here we build up an array of search.symspell_lookup_output
+                            -- records that we can revivicate later as a table using UNNEST().
+                            output_list := output_list || output;
+                            EXIT entry_key_loop WHEN smallest_ed = 0 AND c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 0; -- exact match early exit
+                            CONTINUE entry_key_loop WHEN smallest_ed = 0 AND c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 1; -- exact match early jump to the next key
+                        END IF; -- maxED test
+                    END IF; -- suggestion not seen test
+                END LOOP; -- loop over suggestions
+            END LOOP; -- loop over entries
+        END LOOP; -- loop over entry_keys
+        -- Now we're done examining this word
+        IF c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 0 THEN
+            -- Return the "best" suggestion from the smallest edit
+            -- distance group.  We define best based on the weighting
+            -- of the non-lev similarity measures and use the suggestion
+            -- use count to break ties.
+            RETURN QUERY
+                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
+                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
+                        (soundex_sim * c_soundex_weight)
+                            + (pg_trgm_sim * c_pg_trgm_weight)
+                            + (qwerty_kb_match * c_keyboard_distance_weight) DESC,
+                        suggestion_count DESC
+                        LIMIT 1;
+        ELSIF c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 1 THEN
+            -- Return all suggestions from the smallest
+            -- edit distance group.
+            RETURN QUERY
+                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list) WHERE lev_distance = smallest_ed
+                    ORDER BY (soundex_sim * c_soundex_weight)
+                            + (pg_trgm_sim * c_pg_trgm_weight)
+                            + (qwerty_kb_match * c_keyboard_distance_weight) DESC,
+                        suggestion_count DESC;
+        ELSIF c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 2 THEN
+            -- Return everything we find, along with relevant stats
+            RETURN QUERY
+                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
+                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
+                        (soundex_sim * c_soundex_weight)
+                            + (pg_trgm_sim * c_pg_trgm_weight)
+                            + (qwerty_kb_match * c_keyboard_distance_weight) DESC,
+                        suggestion_count DESC;
+        ELSIF c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 3 THEN
+            -- Return everything we find from the two smallest edit distance groups
+            RETURN QUERY
+                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
+                    WHERE lev_distance IN (SELECT DISTINCT lev_distance FROM UNNEST(output_list) ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 2)
+                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
+                        (soundex_sim * c_soundex_weight)
+                            + (pg_trgm_sim * c_pg_trgm_weight)
+                            + (qwerty_kb_match * c_keyboard_distance_weight) DESC,
+                        suggestion_count DESC;
+        ELSIF c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 4 THEN
+            -- Return everything we find from the two smallest edit distance groups that are NOT 0 distance
+            RETURN QUERY
+                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
+                    WHERE lev_distance IN (SELECT DISTINCT lev_distance FROM UNNEST(output_list) WHERE lev_distance > 0 ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 2)
+                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
+                        (soundex_sim * c_soundex_weight)
+                            + (pg_trgm_sim * c_pg_trgm_weight)
+                            + (qwerty_kb_match * c_keyboard_distance_weight) DESC,
+                        suggestion_count DESC;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP; -- loop over words
+-- Find the "broadest" value in use, and update the defaults for all classes
+DO $do$
+    val TEXT;
+    SELECT  FIRST(s.value ORDER BY t.depth) INTO val
+      FROM  actor.org_unit_setting s
+            JOIN actor.org_unit u ON (u.id = s.org_unit)
+            JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id)
+      WHERE s.name = 'opac.did_you_mean.low_result_threshold';
+        UPDATE config.metabib_class SET low_result_threshold = val::INT;
+    END IF;
+    SELECT  FIRST(s.value ORDER BY t.depth) INTO val
+      FROM  actor.org_unit_setting s
+            JOIN actor.org_unit u ON (u.id = s.org_unit)
+            JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id)
+      WHERE s.name = 'opac.did_you_mean.max_suggestions';
+        UPDATE config.metabib_class SET max_suggestions = val::INT;
+    END IF;
+    SELECT  FIRST(s.value ORDER BY t.depth) INTO val
+      FROM  actor.org_unit_setting s
+            JOIN actor.org_unit u ON (u.id = s.org_unit)
+            JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id)
+      WHERE s.name = 'search.symspell.min_suggestion_use_threshold';
+        UPDATE config.metabib_class SET min_suggestion_use_threshold = val::INT;
+    END IF;
+    SELECT  FIRST(s.value ORDER BY t.depth) INTO val
+      FROM  actor.org_unit_setting s
+            JOIN actor.org_unit u ON (u.id = s.org_unit)
+            JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id)
+      WHERE s.name = 'search.symspell.soundex.weight';
+        UPDATE config.metabib_class SET soundex_weight = val::INT;
+    END IF;
+    SELECT  FIRST(s.value ORDER BY t.depth) INTO val
+      FROM  actor.org_unit_setting s
+            JOIN actor.org_unit u ON (u.id = s.org_unit)
+            JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id)
+      WHERE s.name = 'search.symspell.pg_trgm.weight';
+        UPDATE config.metabib_class SET pg_trgm_weight = val::INT;
+    END IF;
+    SELECT  FIRST(s.value ORDER BY t.depth) INTO val
+      FROM  actor.org_unit_setting s
+            JOIN actor.org_unit u ON (u.id = s.org_unit)
+            JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id)
+      WHERE s.name = 'search.symspell.keyboard_distance.weight';
+        UPDATE config.metabib_class SET keyboard_distance_weight = val::INT;
+    END IF;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/1367.schema.DYM-authority-data-dictionary.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/1367.schema.DYM-authority-data-dictionary.sql
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a0691b2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1367', :eg_version);
+-- Bring authorized headings into the symspell dictionary. Side
+-- loader should be used for Real Sites.  See below the COMMIT.
+SELECT  search.symspell_build_and_merge_entries(h.value, m.field_class, NULL)
+  FROM  authority.simple_heading h
+        JOIN authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a ON (a.authority_field = h.atag)
+        JOIN config.metabib_field m ON (a.metabib_field=m.id);
+-- ensure that this function is in place; it hitherto had not been
+-- present in baseline
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_build_and_merge_entries (
+    full_input      TEXT,
+    source_class    TEXT,
+    old_input       TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
+    include_phrases BOOL DEFAULT FALSE
+) RETURNS SETOF search.symspell_dictionary AS $F$
+    new_entry       RECORD;
+    conflict_entry  RECORD;
+    IF full_input = old_input THEN -- neither NULL, and are the same
+        RETURN;
+    END IF;
+    FOR new_entry IN EXECUTE $q$
+        SELECT  count,
+                prefix_key,
+                s AS suggestions
+          FROM  (SELECT prefix_key,
+                        ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions[1]) s,
+                        SUM($q$ || source_class || $q$_count) count
+                  FROM  search.symspell_build_entries($1, $2, $3, $4)
+                  GROUP BY 1) x
+        $q$ USING full_input, source_class, old_input, include_phrases
+    LOOP
+        EXECUTE $q$
+            SELECT  prefix_key,
+                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions suggestions,
+                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_count count
+              FROM  search.symspell_dictionary
+              WHERE prefix_key = $1 $q$
+            INTO conflict_entry
+            USING new_entry.prefix_key;
+        IF new_entry.count <> 0 THEN -- Real word, and count changed
+            IF conflict_entry.prefix_key IS NOT NULL THEN -- we'll be updating
+                IF conflict_entry.count > 0 THEN -- it's a real word
+                    RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
+                        UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
+                           SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = $2
+                          WHERE prefix_key = $1
+                          RETURNING * $q$
+                        USING new_entry.prefix_key, GREATEST(0, new_entry.count + conflict_entry.count);
+                ELSE -- it was a prefix key or delete-emptied word before
+                    IF conflict_entry.suggestions @> new_entry.suggestions THEN -- already have all suggestions here...
+                        RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
+                            UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
+                               SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = $2
+                              WHERE prefix_key = $1
+                              RETURNING * $q$
+                            USING new_entry.prefix_key, GREATEST(0, new_entry.count);
+                    ELSE -- new suggestion!
+                        RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
+                            UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
+                               SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = $2,
+                                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = $3
+                              WHERE prefix_key = $1
+                              RETURNING * $q$
+                            USING new_entry.prefix_key, GREATEST(0, new_entry.count), evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(conflict_entry.suggestions,new_entry.suggestions);
+                    END IF;
+                END IF;
+            ELSE
+                -- We keep the on-conflict clause just in case...
+                RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
+                    INSERT INTO search.symspell_dictionary AS d (
+                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_count,
+                        prefix_key,
+                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions
+                    ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3 ) ON CONFLICT (prefix_key) DO
+                        UPDATE SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = d.$q$ || source_class || $q$_count + EXCLUDED.$q$ || source_class || $q$_count,
+                                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(d.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions, EXCLUDED.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions)
+                        RETURNING * $q$
+                    USING new_entry.count, new_entry.prefix_key, new_entry.suggestions;
+            END IF;
+        ELSE -- key only, or no change
+            IF conflict_entry.prefix_key IS NOT NULL THEN -- we'll be updating
+                IF NOT conflict_entry.suggestions @> new_entry.suggestions THEN -- There are new suggestions
+                    RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
+                        UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
+                           SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = $2
+                          WHERE prefix_key = $1
+                          RETURNING * $q$
+                        USING new_entry.prefix_key, evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(conflict_entry.suggestions,new_entry.suggestions);
+                END IF;
+            ELSE
+                RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
+                    INSERT INTO search.symspell_dictionary AS d (
+                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_count,
+                        prefix_key,
+                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions
+                    ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3 ) ON CONFLICT (prefix_key) DO -- key exists, suggestions may be added due to this entry
+                        UPDATE SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(d.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions, EXCLUDED.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions)
+                    RETURNING * $q$
+                    USING new_entry.count, new_entry.prefix_key, new_entry.suggestions;
+            END IF;
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_maintain_entries () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $f$
+    search_class    TEXT;
+    new_value       TEXT := NULL;
+    old_value       TEXT := NULL;
+    IF TG_TABLE_SCHEMA = 'authority' THEN
+        SELECT  m.field_class INTO search_class
+          FROM  authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a
+                JOIN config.metabib_field m ON (a.metabib_field=m.id)
+          WHERE a.authority_field = NEW.atag;
+            RETURN NULL;
+        END IF;
+    ELSE
+        search_class := COALESCE(TG_ARGV[0], SPLIT_PART(TG_TABLE_NAME,'_',1));
+    END IF;
+        new_value := NEW.value;
+    END IF;
+        old_value := OLD.value;
+    END IF;
+    PERFORM * FROM search.symspell_build_and_merge_entries(new_value, search_class, old_value);
+    RETURN NULL; -- always fired AFTER
+CREATE TRIGGER maintain_symspell_entries_tgr
+    AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON authority.simple_heading
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE search.symspell_maintain_entries();
+\qecho ''
+\qecho 'If the Evergreen database has authority records, a reingest of'
+\qecho 'the search suggestion dictionary is recommended.'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho 'The following should be run at the end of the upgrade before any'
+\qecho 'reingest occurs.  Because new triggers are installed already,'
+\qecho 'updates to indexed strings will cause zero-count dictionary entries'
+\qecho 'to be recorded which will require updating every row again (or'
+\qecho 'starting from scratch) so best to do this before other batch'
+\qecho 'changes.  A later reingest that does not significantly change'
+\qecho 'indexed strings will /not/ cause table bloat here, and will be'
+\qecho 'as fast as normal.  A copy of the SQL in a ready-to-use, non-escaped'
+\qecho 'form is available inside a comment at the end of this upgrade sub-'
+\qecho 'script so you do not need to copy this comment from the psql ouptut.'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho '\\a'
+\qecho '\\t'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho '\\o title'
+\qecho 'select value from metabib.title_field_entry;'
+\qecho 'select  h.value'
+\qecho '  from  authority.simple_heading h'
+\qecho '        join authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a on (a.authority_field = h.atag)'
+\qecho '        join config.metabib_field m on (a.metabib_field=m.id and m.field_class=\'title\');'
+\qecho '\\o author'
+\qecho 'select value from metabib.author_field_entry;'
+\qecho 'select  h.value'
+\qecho '  from  authority.simple_heading h'
+\qecho '        join authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a on (a.authority_field = h.atag)'
+\qecho '        join config.metabib_field m on (a.metabib_field=m.id and m.field_class=\'author\');'
+\qecho '\\o subject'
+\qecho 'select value from metabib.subject_field_entry;'
+\qecho 'select  h.value'
+\qecho '  from  authority.simple_heading h'
+\qecho '        join authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a on (a.authority_field = h.atag)'
+\qecho '        join config.metabib_field m on (a.metabib_field=m.id and m.field_class=\'subject\');'
+\qecho '\\o series'
+\qecho 'select value from metabib.series_field_entry;'
+\qecho '\\o identifier'
+\qecho 'select value from metabib.identifier_field_entry;'
+\qecho '\\o keyword'
+\qecho 'select value from metabib.keyword_field_entry;'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho '\\o'
+\qecho '\\a'
+\qecho '\\t'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho '// Then, at the command line:'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl title > title.sql'
+\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl author > author.sql'
+\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl subject > subject.sql'
+\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl series > series.sql'
+\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl identifier > identifier.sql'
+\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl keyword > keyword.sql'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho '// And, back in psql'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho 'ALTER TABLE search.symspell_dictionary SET UNLOGGED;'
+\qecho 'TRUNCATE search.symspell_dictionary;'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho '\\i identifier.sql'
+\qecho '\\i author.sql'
+\qecho '\\i title.sql'
+\qecho '\\i subject.sql'
+\qecho '\\i series.sql'
+\qecho '\\i keyword.sql'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho 'CLUSTER search.symspell_dictionary USING symspell_dictionary_pkey;'
+\qecho 'REINDEX TABLE search.symspell_dictionary;'
+\qecho 'ALTER TABLE search.symspell_dictionary SET LOGGED;'
+\qecho 'VACUUM ANALYZE search.symspell_dictionary;'
+\qecho ''
+\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_title;'
+\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_author;'
+\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_subject;'
+\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_series;'
+\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_identifier;'
+\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_keyword;'
+\o title
+select value from metabib.title_field_entry;
+select  h.value
+  from  authority.simple_heading h
+        join authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a on (a.authority_field = h.atag)
+        join config.metabib_field m on (a.metabib_field=m.id and m.field_class='title');
+\o author
+select value from metabib.author_field_entry;
+select  h.value
+  from  authority.simple_heading h
+        join authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a on (a.authority_field = h.atag)
+        join config.metabib_field m on (a.metabib_field=m.id and m.field_class='author');
+\o subject
+select value from metabib.subject_field_entry;
+select  h.value
+  from  authority.simple_heading h
+        join authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a on (a.authority_field = h.atag)
+        join config.metabib_field m on (a.metabib_field=m.id and m.field_class='subject');
+\o series
+select value from metabib.series_field_entry;
+\o identifier
+select value from metabib.identifier_field_entry;
+\o keyword
+select value from metabib.keyword_field_entry;
+// Then, at the command line:
+$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl title > title.sql
+$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl author > author.sql
+$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl subject > subject.sql
+$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl series > series.sql
+$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl identifier > identifier.sql
+$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl keyword > keyword.sql
+// And, back in psql
+ALTER TABLE search.symspell_dictionary SET UNLOGGED;
+TRUNCATE search.symspell_dictionary;
+\i identifier.sql
+\i author.sql
+\i title.sql
+\i subject.sql
+\i series.sql
+\i keyword.sql
+CLUSTER search.symspell_dictionary USING symspell_dictionary_pkey;
+REINDEX TABLE search.symspell_dictionary;
+ALTER TABLE search.symspell_dictionary SET LOGGED;
+VACUUM ANALYZE search.symspell_dictionary;
+DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_title;
+DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_author;
+DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_subject;
+DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_series;
+DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_identifier;
+DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_keyword;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.schema.DYM-multi-word.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.schema.DYM-multi-word.sql
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index aeb4304..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,778 +0,0 @@
-SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('XXXX', :eg_version);
-ALTER TABLE config.metabib_class
-    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS variant_authority_suggestion   BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
-    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS symspell_transfer_case         BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
-    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS symspell_skip_correct          BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
-    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS symspell_suggestion_verbosity  INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 2,
-    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS max_phrase_edit_distance       INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 2,
-    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS suggestion_word_option_count   INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 5,
-    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS max_suggestions                INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1,
-    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS low_result_threshold           INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
-    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS min_suggestion_use_threshold   INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
-    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS soundex_weight                 INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
-    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm_weight                 INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
-    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS keyboard_distance_weight       INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-/* -- may not need these 2 functions
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_parse_positive_words ( phrase TEXT )
-              FROM  regexp_matches($1, '(?<!-)\+?([[:alnum:]]+''*[[:alnum:]]*)', 'g') x
-            ) y
-      ORDER BY row_number
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_parse_positive_phrases ( phrase TEXT )
-              FROM  regexp_matches($1, '(?:^|\s+)(?:(-?"[^"]+")|(-?\+?[[:alnum:]]+''*?[[:alnum:]]*?))', 'g') x
-            ) y
-      ORDER BY row_number
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_parse_words ( phrase TEXT )
-              FROM  regexp_matches($1, '(?:^|\s+)((?:-|\+)?[[:alnum:]]+''*[[:alnum:]]*)', 'g') x
-            ) y
-      ORDER BY row_number
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.distribute_phrase_sign (input TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $f$
-    phrase_sign TEXT;
-    output      TEXT;
-    output := input;
-    IF output ~ '^(?:-|\+)' THEN
-        phrase_sign := SUBSTRING(input FROM 1 FOR 1);
-        output := SUBSTRING(output FROM 2);
-    END IF;
-    IF output LIKE '"%"' THEN
-        IF phrase_sign IS NULL THEN
-            phrase_sign := '+';
-        END IF;
-        output := BTRIM(output,'"');
-    END IF;
-    IF phrase_sign IS NOT NULL THEN
-        RETURN REGEXP_REPLACE(output,'(^|\s+)(?=[[:alnum:]])','\1'||phrase_sign,'g');
-    END IF;
-    RETURN output;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.query_parse_phrases ( phrase TEXT )
-    SELECT  search.distribute_phrase_sign(UNNEST)
-              FROM  regexp_matches($1, '(?:^|\s+)(?:((?:-|\+)?"[^"]+")|((?:-|\+)?[[:alnum:]]+''*[[:alnum:]]*))', 'g') x
-            ) y
-      ORDER BY row_number
-CREATE TYPE search.query_parse_position AS (
-    word                TEXT,
-    word_pos            INT,
-    phrase_in_input_pos INT,
-    word_in_phrase_pos  INT,
-    negated             BOOL,
-    exact               BOOL
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.query_parse_positions ( raw_input TEXT )
-RETURNS SETOF search.query_parse_position AS $F$
-    curr_phrase TEXT;
-    curr_word   TEXT;
-    phrase_pos  INT := 0;
-    word_pos    INT := 0;
-    pos         INT := 0;
-    neg         BOOL;
-    ex          BOOL;
-    FOR curr_phrase IN SELECT x FROM search.query_parse_phrases(raw_input) x LOOP
-        word_pos := 0;
-        FOR curr_word IN SELECT x FROM search.symspell_parse_words(curr_phrase) x LOOP
-            neg := FALSE;
-            ex := FALSE;
-            IF curr_word ~ '^(?:-|\+)' THEN
-                ex := TRUE;
-                IF curr_word LIKE '-%' THEN
-                    neg := TRUE;
-                END IF;
-                curr_word := SUBSTRING(curr_word FROM 2);
-            END IF;
-            RETURN QUERY SELECT curr_word, pos, phrase_pos, word_pos, neg, ex;
-            word_pos := word_pos + 1;
-            pos := pos + 1;
-        END LOOP;
-        phrase_pos := phrase_pos + 1;
-    END LOOP;
-    RETURN;
-select  suggestion as sugg,
-        suggestion_count as scount,
-        input,
-        norm_input,
-        prefix_key_count as ncount,
-        lev_distance,
-        soundex_sim,
-        pg_trgm_sim,
-        qwerty_kb_match
-  from  search.symspell_suggest(
-            'Cedenzas (2) for Mosart''s Piano concerto',
-            'title',
-            '{}',
-            2,2,false,5
-        )
-  where lev_distance is not null
-  order by lev_distance,
-           suggestion_count desc,
-           soundex_sim desc,
-           pg_trgm_sim desc,
-           qwerty_kb_match desc
-select * from search.symspell_suggest('piano concerto -jaz','subject','{}',2,2,false,4) order by lev_distance, soundex_sim desc, pg_trgm_sim desc, qwerty_kb_match desc;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_suggest (
-    raw_input       TEXT,
-    search_class    TEXT,
-    search_fields   TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}',
-    max_ed          INT DEFAULT NULL,      -- per word, on average, between norm input and suggestion
-    verbosity       INT DEFAULT NULL,      -- 0=Best only; 1=
-    skip_correct    BOOL DEFAULT NULL,  -- only suggest replacement words for misspellings?
-    max_word_opts   INT DEFAULT NULL,   -- 0 means all combinations, probably want to restrict?
-    count_threshold INT DEFAULT NULL    -- min count of records using the terms
-) RETURNS SETOF search.symspell_lookup_output AS $F$
-    sugg_set         search.symspell_lookup_output[];
-    parsed_query_set search.query_parse_position[];
-    entry            RECORD;
-    auth_entry       RECORD;
-    norm_count       RECORD;
-    current_sugg     RECORD;
-    auth_sugg        RECORD;
-    norm_test        TEXT;
-    norm_input       TEXT;
-    norm_sugg        TEXT;
-    query_part       TEXT := '';
-    output           search.symspell_lookup_output;
-    c_skip_correct                  BOOL;
-    c_variant_authority_suggestion  BOOL;
-    c_symspell_transfer_case        BOOL;
-    c_authority_class_restrict      BOOL;
-    c_min_suggestion_use_threshold  INT;
-    c_soundex_weight                INT;
-    c_pg_trgm_weight                INT;
-    c_keyboard_distance_weight      INT;
-    c_suggestion_word_option_count  INT;
-    c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity INT;
-    c_max_phrase_edit_distance      INT;
-    -- Gather settings
-    SELECT  cmc.min_suggestion_use_threshold,
-            cmc.soundex_weight,
-            cmc.pg_trgm_weight,
-            cmc.keyboard_distance_weight,
-            cmc.suggestion_word_option_count,
-            cmc.symspell_suggestion_verbosity,
-            cmc.symspell_skip_correct,
-            cmc.symspell_transfer_case,
-            cmc.max_phrase_edit_distance,
-            cmc.variant_authority_suggestion,
-            cmc.restrict
-      INTO  c_min_suggestion_use_threshold,
-            c_soundex_weight,
-            c_pg_trgm_weight,
-            c_keyboard_distance_weight,
-            c_suggestion_word_option_count,
-            c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity,
-            c_skip_correct,
-            c_symspell_transfer_case,
-            c_max_phrase_edit_distance,
-            c_variant_authority_suggestion,
-            c_authority_class_restrict
-      FROM  config.metabib_class cmc
-      WHERE cmc.name = search_class;
-    -- Set up variables to use at run time based on params and settings
-    c_min_suggestion_use_threshold := COALESCE(count_threshold,c_min_suggestion_use_threshold);
-    c_max_phrase_edit_distance := COALESCE(max_ed,c_max_phrase_edit_distance);
-    c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity := COALESCE(verbosity,c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity);
-    c_suggestion_word_option_count := COALESCE(max_word_opts,c_suggestion_word_option_count);
-    c_skip_correct := COALESCE(skip_correct,c_skip_correct);
-                x ORDER BY  x.word_pos,
-                            x.lev_distance,
-                            (x.soundex_sim * c_soundex_weight)
-                                + (x.pg_trgm_sim * c_pg_trgm_weight)
-                                + (x.qwerty_kb_match * c_keyboard_distance_weight) DESC,
-                            x.suggestion_count DESC
-            ) INTO sugg_set
-      FROM  search.symspell_lookup(
-                raw_input,
-                search_class,
-                c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity,
-                c_symspell_transfer_case,
-                c_min_suggestion_use_threshold,
-                c_soundex_weight,
-                c_pg_trgm_weight,
-                c_keyboard_distance_weight
-            ) x
-      WHERE x.lev_distance <= c_max_phrase_edit_distance;
-    SELECT ARRAY_AGG(x) INTO parsed_query_set FROM search.query_parse_positions(raw_input) x;
-    IF search_fields IS NOT NULL AND CARDINALITY(search_fields) > 0 THEN
-        SELECT STRING_AGG(id::TEXT,',') INTO query_part FROM config.metabib_field WHERE name = ANY (search_fields);
-        IF CHARACTER_LENGTH(query_part) > 0 THEN query_part := 'AND field IN ('||query_part||')'; END IF;
-    END IF;
-    SELECT STRING_AGG(word,' ') INTO norm_input FROM search.query_parse_positions(evergreen.lowercase(raw_input)) WHERE NOT negated;
-               FROM  metabib.' || search_class || '_field_entry
-               WHERE index_vector @@ plainto_tsquery($$simple$$,$1)' || query_part
-            INTO norm_count USING norm_input;
-    SELECT STRING_AGG(word,' ') INTO norm_test FROM UNNEST(parsed_query_set);
-    FOR current_sugg IN
-        SELECT  *
-          FROM  search.symspell_generate_combined_suggestions(
-                    sugg_set,
-                    parsed_query_set,
-                    c_skip_correct,
-                    c_suggestion_word_option_count
-                ) x
-    LOOP
-        EXECUTE 'SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT source) AS recs
-                   FROM  metabib.' || search_class || '_field_entry
-                   WHERE index_vector @@ to_tsquery($$simple$$,$1)' || query_part
-                INTO entry USING current_sugg.test;
-        SELECT STRING_AGG(word,' ') INTO norm_sugg FROM search.query_parse_positions(current_sugg.suggestion);
-        IF entry.recs >= c_min_suggestion_use_threshold AND (norm_count.recs = 0 OR norm_sugg <> norm_input) THEN
-            output.input := raw_input;
-            output.norm_input := norm_input;
-            output.suggestion := current_sugg.suggestion;
-            output.suggestion_count := entry.recs;
-            output.prefix_key := NULL;
-            output.prefix_key_count := norm_count.recs;
-            output.lev_distance := NULLIF(evergreen.levenshtein_damerau_edistance(norm_test, norm_sugg, c_max_phrase_edit_distance * CARDINALITY(parsed_query_set)), -1);
-            output.qwerty_kb_match := evergreen.qwerty_keyboard_distance_match(norm_test, norm_sugg);
-            output.pg_trgm_sim := similarity(norm_input, norm_sugg);
-            output.soundex_sim := difference(norm_input, norm_sugg) / 4.0;
-            RETURN NEXT output;
-        END IF;
-        IF c_variant_authority_suggestion THEN
-            FOR auth_sugg IN
-                SELECT  DISTINCT m.value AS prefix_key,
-                        m.sort_value AS suggestion,
-                        v.value as raw_input,
-                        v.sort_value as norm_input
-                  FROM  authority.simple_heading v
-                        JOIN authority.control_set_authority_field csaf ON (csaf.id = v.atag)
-                        JOIN authority.heading_field f ON (f.id = csaf.heading_field)
-                        JOIN authority.simple_heading m ON (m.record = v.record AND csaf.main_entry = m.atag)
-                        JOIN authority.control_set_bib_field csbf ON (csbf.authority_field = csaf.main_entry)
-                        JOIN authority.control_set_bib_field_metabib_field_map csbfmfm ON (csbf.id = csbfmfm.bib_field)
-                        JOIN config.metabib_field cmf ON (
-                                csbfmfm.metabib_field = cmf.id
-                                AND (c_authority_class_restrict IS FALSE OR cmf.field_class = search_class)
-                                AND (search_fields = '{}'::TEXT[] OR cmf.name = ANY (search_fields))
-                        )
-                  WHERE v.sort_value = norm_sugg
-            LOOP
-                EXECUTE 'SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT source) AS recs
-                           FROM  metabib.' || search_class || '_field_entry
-                           WHERE index_vector @@ plainto_tsquery($$simple$$,$1)' || query_part
-                        INTO auth_entry USING auth_sugg.suggestion;
-                IF auth_entry.recs >= c_min_suggestion_use_threshold AND (norm_count.recs = 0 OR auth_sugg.suggestion <> norm_input) THEN
-                    output.input := auth_sugg.raw_input;
-                    output.norm_input := auth_sugg.norm_input;
-                    output.suggestion := auth_sugg.suggestion;
-                    output.prefix_key := auth_sugg.prefix_key;
-                    output.suggestion_count := auth_entry.recs * -1; -- negative value here 
-                    output.lev_distance := 0;
-                    output.qwerty_kb_match := 0;
-                    output.pg_trgm_sim := 0;
-                    output.soundex_sim := 0;
-                    RETURN NEXT output;
-                END IF;
-            END LOOP;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-    RETURN;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_generate_combined_suggestions(
-    word_data search.symspell_lookup_output[],
-    pos_data search.query_parse_position[],
-    skip_correct BOOL DEFAULT TRUE,
-    max_words INT DEFAULT 0
-) RETURNS TABLE (suggestion TEXT, test TEXT) AS $f$
-    my $word_data = shift;
-    my $pos_data = shift;
-    my $skip_correct = shift;
-    my $max_per_word = shift;
-    return undef unless (@$word_data and @$pos_data);
-    my $last_word_pos = $$word_data[-1]{word_pos};
-    my $pos_to_word_map = [ map { [] } 0 .. $last_word_pos ];
-    my $parsed_query_data = { map { ($$_{word_pos} => $_) } @$pos_data };
-    for my $row (@$word_data) {
-        my $wp = +$$row{word_pos};
-        next if (
-            $skip_correct eq 't' and $$row{lev_distance} > 0
-            and @{$$pos_to_word_map[$wp]}
-            and $$pos_to_word_map[$wp][0]{lev_distance} == 0
-        );
-        push @{$$pos_to_word_map[$$row{word_pos}]}, $row;
-    }
-    gen_step($max_per_word, $pos_to_word_map, $parsed_query_data, $last_word_pos);
-    return undef;
-    # -----------------------------
-    sub gen_step {
-        my $max_words = shift;
-        my $data = shift;
-        my $pos_data = shift;
-        my $last_pos = shift;
-        my $prefix = shift || '';
-        my $test_prefix = shift || '';
-        my $current_pos = shift || 0;
-        my $word_count = 0;
-        for my $sugg ( @{$$data[$current_pos]} ) {
-            my $was_inside_phrase = 0;
-            my $now_inside_phrase = 0;
-            my $word = $$sugg{suggestion};
-            $word_count++;
-            my $prev_phrase = $$pos_data{$current_pos - 1}{phrase_in_input_pos};
-            my $curr_phrase = $$pos_data{$current_pos}{phrase_in_input_pos};
-            my $next_phrase = $$pos_data{$current_pos + 1}{phrase_in_input_pos};
-            $now_inside_phrase++ if (defined($next_phrase) and $curr_phrase == $next_phrase);
-            $was_inside_phrase++ if (defined($prev_phrase) and $curr_phrase == $prev_phrase);
-            my $string = $prefix;
-            $string .= ' ' if $string;
-            if (!$was_inside_phrase) { # might be starting a phrase?
-                $string .= '-' if ($$pos_data{$current_pos}{negated} eq 't');
-                if ($now_inside_phrase) { # we are! add the double-quote
-                    $string .= '"';
-                }
-                $string .= $word;
-            } else { # definitely were in a phrase
-                $string .= $word;
-                if (!$now_inside_phrase) { # we are not any longer, add the double-quote
-                    $string .= '"';
-                }
-            }
-            my $test_string = $test_prefix;
-            if ($current_pos > 0) { # have something already, need joiner
-                $test_string .= $curr_phrase == $prev_phrase ? ' <-> ' : ' & ';
-            }
-            $test_string .= '!' if ($$pos_data{$current_pos}{negated} eq 't');
-            $test_string .= $word;
-            if ($current_pos == $last_pos) {
-                return_next {suggestion => $string, test => $test_string};
-            } else {
-                gen_step($max_words, $data, $pos_data, $last_pos, $string, $test_string, $current_pos + 1);
-            }
-            last if ($max_words and $word_count >= $max_words);
-        }
-    }
--- Changing parameters, so we have to drop the old one first
-DROP FUNCTION search.symspell_lookup;
-CREATE FUNCTION search.symspell_lookup (
-    raw_input       TEXT,
-    search_class    TEXT,
-    verbosity       INT DEFAULT NULL,
-    xfer_case       BOOL DEFAULT NULL,
-    count_threshold INT DEFAULT NULL,
-    soundex_weight  INT DEFAULT NULL,
-    pg_trgm_weight  INT DEFAULT NULL,
-    kbdist_weight   INT DEFAULT NULL
-) RETURNS SETOF search.symspell_lookup_output AS $F$
-    prefix_length INT;
-    maxED         INT;
-    word_list   TEXT[];
-    edit_list   TEXT[] := '{}';
-    seen_list   TEXT[] := '{}';
-    output      search.symspell_lookup_output;
-    output_list search.symspell_lookup_output[];
-    entry       RECORD;
-    entry_key   TEXT;
-    prefix_key  TEXT;
-    sugg        TEXT;
-    input       TEXT;
-    word        TEXT;
-    w_pos       INT := -1;
-    smallest_ed INT := -1;
-    global_ed   INT;
-    c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity INT;
-    c_min_suggestion_use_threshold  INT;
-    c_soundex_weight                INT;
-    c_pg_trgm_weight                INT;
-    c_keyboard_distance_weight      INT;
-    c_symspell_transfer_case        BOOL;
-    SELECT  cmc.min_suggestion_use_threshold,
-            cmc.soundex_weight,
-            cmc.pg_trgm_weight,
-            cmc.keyboard_distance_weight,
-            cmc.symspell_transfer_case,
-            cmc.symspell_suggestion_verbosity
-      INTO  c_min_suggestion_use_threshold,
-            c_soundex_weight,
-            c_pg_trgm_weight,
-            c_keyboard_distance_weight,
-            c_symspell_transfer_case,
-            c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity
-      FROM  config.metabib_class cmc
-      WHERE cmc.name = search_class;
-    c_min_suggestion_use_threshold := COALESCE(count_threshold,c_min_suggestion_use_threshold);
-    c_symspell_transfer_case := COALESCE(xfer_case,c_symspell_transfer_case);
-    c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity := COALESCE(verbosity,c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity);
-    c_soundex_weight := COALESCE(soundex_weight,c_soundex_weight);
-    c_pg_trgm_weight := COALESCE(pg_trgm_weight,c_pg_trgm_weight);
-    c_keyboard_distance_weight := COALESCE(kbdist_weight,c_keyboard_distance_weight);
-    SELECT value::INT INTO prefix_length FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'symspell.prefix_length' AND enabled;
-    prefix_length := COALESCE(prefix_length, 6);
-    SELECT value::INT INTO maxED FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'symspell.max_edit_distance' AND enabled;
-    maxED := COALESCE(maxED, 3);
-    -- XXX This should get some more thought ... maybe search_normalize?
-    word_list := ARRAY_AGG(x.word) FROM search.query_parse_positions(raw_input) x;
-    -- Common case exact match test for preformance
-    IF c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 0 AND CARDINALITY(word_list) = 1 AND CHARACTER_LENGTH(word_list[1]) <= prefix_length THEN
-        EXECUTE
-          'SELECT  '||search_class||'_suggestions AS suggestions,
-                   '||search_class||'_count AS count,
-                   prefix_key
-             FROM  search.symspell_dictionary
-             WHERE prefix_key = $1
-                   AND '||search_class||'_count >= $2 
-                   AND '||search_class||'_suggestions @> ARRAY[$1]' 
-          INTO entry USING evergreen.lowercase(word_list[1]), c_min_suggestion_use_threshold;
-        IF entry.prefix_key IS NOT NULL THEN
-            output.lev_distance := 0; -- definitionally
-            output.prefix_key := entry.prefix_key;
-            output.prefix_key_count := entry.count;
-            output.suggestion_count := entry.count;
-            output.input := word_list[1];
-            IF c_symspell_transfer_case THEN
-                output.suggestion := search.symspell_transfer_casing(output.input, entry.prefix_key);
-            ELSE
-                output.suggestion := entry.prefix_key;
-            END IF;
-            output.norm_input := entry.prefix_key;
-            output.qwerty_kb_match := 1;
-            output.pg_trgm_sim := 1;
-            output.soundex_sim := 1;
-            RETURN NEXT output;
-            RETURN;
-        END IF;
-    END IF;
-    <<word_loop>>
-    FOREACH word IN ARRAY word_list LOOP
-        w_pos := w_pos + 1;
-        input := evergreen.lowercase(word);
-        IF CHARACTER_LENGTH(input) > prefix_length THEN
-            prefix_key := SUBSTRING(input FROM 1 FOR prefix_length);
-            edit_list := ARRAY[input,prefix_key] || search.symspell_generate_edits(prefix_key, 1, maxED);
-        ELSE
-            edit_list := input || search.symspell_generate_edits(input, 1, maxED);
-        END IF;
-        output_list := '{}';
-        seen_list := '{}';
-        global_ed := NULL;
-        <<entry_key_loop>>
-        FOREACH entry_key IN ARRAY edit_list LOOP
-            smallest_ed := -1;
-            IF global_ed IS NOT NULL THEN
-                smallest_ed := global_ed;
-            END IF;
-            FOR entry IN EXECUTE
-                'SELECT  '||search_class||'_suggestions AS suggestions,
-                         '||search_class||'_count AS count,
-                         prefix_key
-                   FROM  search.symspell_dictionary
-                   WHERE prefix_key = $1
-                         AND '||search_class||'_suggestions IS NOT NULL' 
-                USING entry_key
-            LOOP
-                FOREACH sugg IN ARRAY entry.suggestions LOOP
-                    IF NOT seen_list @> ARRAY[sugg] THEN
-                        seen_list := seen_list || sugg;
-                        IF input = sugg THEN -- exact match, no need to spend time on a call
-                            output.lev_distance := 0;
-                            output.suggestion_count = entry.count;
-                        ELSIF ABS(CHARACTER_LENGTH(input) - CHARACTER_LENGTH(sugg)) > maxED THEN
-                            -- They are definitionally too different to consider, just move on.
-                            CONTINUE;
-                        ELSE
-                            --output.lev_distance := levenshtein_less_equal(
-                            output.lev_distance := evergreen.levenshtein_damerau_edistance(
-                                input,
-                                sugg,
-                                maxED
-                            );
-                            IF output.lev_distance < 0 THEN
-                                -- The Perl module returns -1 for "more distant than max".
-                                output.lev_distance := maxED + 1;
-                                -- This short-circuit's the count test below for speed, bypassing
-                                -- a couple useless tests.
-                                output.suggestion_count := -1;
-                            ELSE
-                                EXECUTE 'SELECT '||search_class||'_count FROM search.symspell_dictionary WHERE prefix_key = $1'
-                                    INTO output.suggestion_count USING sugg;
-                            END IF;
-                        END IF;
-                        -- The caller passes a minimum suggestion count threshold (or uses
-                        -- the default of 0) and if the suggestion has that many or less uses
-                        -- then we move on to the next suggestion, since this one is too rare.
-                        CONTINUE WHEN output.suggestion_count < c_min_suggestion_use_threshold;
-                        -- Track the smallest edit distance among suggestions from this prefix key.
-                        IF smallest_ed = -1 OR output.lev_distance < smallest_ed THEN
-                            smallest_ed := output.lev_distance;
-                        END IF;
-                        -- Track the smallest edit distance for all prefix keys for this word.
-                        IF global_ed IS NULL OR smallest_ed < global_ed THEN
-                            global_ed = smallest_ed;
-                        END IF;
-                        -- Only proceed if the edit distance is <= the max for the dictionary.
-                        IF output.lev_distance <= maxED THEN
-                            IF output.lev_distance > global_ed AND c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity <= 1 THEN
-                                -- Lev distance is our main similarity measure. While
-                                -- trgm or soundex similarity could be the main filter,
-                                -- Lev is both language agnostic and faster.
-                                --
-                                -- Here we will skip suggestions that have a longer edit distance
-                                -- than the shortest we've already found. This is simply an
-                                -- optimization that allows us to avoid further processing
-                                -- of this entry. It would be filtered out later.
-                                CONTINUE;
-                            END IF;
-                            -- If we have an exact match on the suggestion key we can also avoid
-                            -- some function calls.
-                            IF output.lev_distance = 0 THEN
-                                output.qwerty_kb_match := 1;
-                                output.pg_trgm_sim := 1;
-                                output.soundex_sim := 1;
-                            ELSE
-                                output.qwerty_kb_match := evergreen.qwerty_keyboard_distance_match(input, sugg);
-                                output.pg_trgm_sim := similarity(input, sugg);
-                                output.soundex_sim := difference(input, sugg) / 4.0;
-                            END IF;
-                            -- Fill in some fields
-                            IF c_symspell_transfer_case THEN
-                                output.suggestion := search.symspell_transfer_casing(word, sugg);
-                            ELSE
-                                output.suggestion := sugg;
-                            END IF;
-                            output.prefix_key := entry.prefix_key;
-                            output.prefix_key_count := entry.count;
-                            output.input := word;
-                            output.norm_input := input;
-                            output.word_pos := w_pos;
-                            -- We can't "cache" a set of generated records directly, so
-                            -- here we build up an array of search.symspell_lookup_output
-                            -- records that we can revivicate later as a table using UNNEST().
-                            output_list := output_list || output;
-                            EXIT entry_key_loop WHEN smallest_ed = 0 AND c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 0; -- exact match early exit
-                            CONTINUE entry_key_loop WHEN smallest_ed = 0 AND c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 1; -- exact match early jump to the next key
-                        END IF; -- maxED test
-                    END IF; -- suggestion not seen test
-                END LOOP; -- loop over suggestions
-            END LOOP; -- loop over entries
-        END LOOP; -- loop over entry_keys
-        -- Now we're done examining this word
-        IF c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 0 THEN
-            -- Return the "best" suggestion from the smallest edit
-            -- distance group.  We define best based on the weighting
-            -- of the non-lev similarity measures and use the suggestion
-            -- use count to break ties.
-            RETURN QUERY
-                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
-                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
-                        (soundex_sim * c_soundex_weight)
-                            + (pg_trgm_sim * c_pg_trgm_weight)
-                            + (qwerty_kb_match * c_keyboard_distance_weight) DESC,
-                        suggestion_count DESC
-                        LIMIT 1;
-        ELSIF c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 1 THEN
-            -- Return all suggestions from the smallest
-            -- edit distance group.
-            RETURN QUERY
-                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list) WHERE lev_distance = smallest_ed
-                    ORDER BY (soundex_sim * c_soundex_weight)
-                            + (pg_trgm_sim * c_pg_trgm_weight)
-                            + (qwerty_kb_match * c_keyboard_distance_weight) DESC,
-                        suggestion_count DESC;
-        ELSIF c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 2 THEN
-            -- Return everything we find, along with relevant stats
-            RETURN QUERY
-                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
-                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
-                        (soundex_sim * c_soundex_weight)
-                            + (pg_trgm_sim * c_pg_trgm_weight)
-                            + (qwerty_kb_match * c_keyboard_distance_weight) DESC,
-                        suggestion_count DESC;
-        ELSIF c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 3 THEN
-            -- Return everything we find from the two smallest edit distance groups
-            RETURN QUERY
-                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
-                    WHERE lev_distance IN (SELECT DISTINCT lev_distance FROM UNNEST(output_list) ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 2)
-                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
-                        (soundex_sim * c_soundex_weight)
-                            + (pg_trgm_sim * c_pg_trgm_weight)
-                            + (qwerty_kb_match * c_keyboard_distance_weight) DESC,
-                        suggestion_count DESC;
-        ELSIF c_symspell_suggestion_verbosity = 4 THEN
-            -- Return everything we find from the two smallest edit distance groups that are NOT 0 distance
-            RETURN QUERY
-                SELECT * FROM UNNEST(output_list)
-                    WHERE lev_distance IN (SELECT DISTINCT lev_distance FROM UNNEST(output_list) WHERE lev_distance > 0 ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 2)
-                    ORDER BY lev_distance,
-                        (soundex_sim * c_soundex_weight)
-                            + (pg_trgm_sim * c_pg_trgm_weight)
-                            + (qwerty_kb_match * c_keyboard_distance_weight) DESC,
-                        suggestion_count DESC;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP; -- loop over words
--- Find the "broadest" value in use, and update the defaults for all classes
-DO $do$
-    val TEXT;
-    SELECT  FIRST(s.value ORDER BY t.depth) INTO val
-      FROM  actor.org_unit_setting s
-            JOIN actor.org_unit u ON (u.id = s.org_unit)
-            JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id)
-      WHERE s.name = 'opac.did_you_mean.low_result_threshold';
-        UPDATE config.metabib_class SET low_result_threshold = val::INT;
-    END IF;
-    SELECT  FIRST(s.value ORDER BY t.depth) INTO val
-      FROM  actor.org_unit_setting s
-            JOIN actor.org_unit u ON (u.id = s.org_unit)
-            JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id)
-      WHERE s.name = 'opac.did_you_mean.max_suggestions';
-        UPDATE config.metabib_class SET max_suggestions = val::INT;
-    END IF;
-    SELECT  FIRST(s.value ORDER BY t.depth) INTO val
-      FROM  actor.org_unit_setting s
-            JOIN actor.org_unit u ON (u.id = s.org_unit)
-            JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id)
-      WHERE s.name = 'search.symspell.min_suggestion_use_threshold';
-        UPDATE config.metabib_class SET min_suggestion_use_threshold = val::INT;
-    END IF;
-    SELECT  FIRST(s.value ORDER BY t.depth) INTO val
-      FROM  actor.org_unit_setting s
-            JOIN actor.org_unit u ON (u.id = s.org_unit)
-            JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id)
-      WHERE s.name = 'search.symspell.soundex.weight';
-        UPDATE config.metabib_class SET soundex_weight = val::INT;
-    END IF;
-    SELECT  FIRST(s.value ORDER BY t.depth) INTO val
-      FROM  actor.org_unit_setting s
-            JOIN actor.org_unit u ON (u.id = s.org_unit)
-            JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id)
-      WHERE s.name = 'search.symspell.pg_trgm.weight';
-        UPDATE config.metabib_class SET pg_trgm_weight = val::INT;
-    END IF;
-    SELECT  FIRST(s.value ORDER BY t.depth) INTO val
-      FROM  actor.org_unit_setting s
-            JOIN actor.org_unit u ON (u.id = s.org_unit)
-            JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (u.ou_type = t.id)
-      WHERE s.name = 'search.symspell.keyboard_distance.weight';
-        UPDATE config.metabib_class SET keyboard_distance_weight = val::INT;
-    END IF;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/YYYY.schema.DYM-authority-data-dictionary.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/YYYY.schema.DYM-authority-data-dictionary.sql
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6fca3b1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
--- Bring authorized headings into the symspell dictionary. Side
--- loader should be used for Real Sites.  See below the COMMIT.
-SELECT  search.symspell_build_and_merge_entries(h.value, m.field_class, NULL)
-  FROM  authority.simple_heading h
-        JOIN authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a ON (a.authority_field = h.atag)
-        JOIN config.metabib_field m ON (a.metabib_field=m.id);
--- ensure that this function is in place; it hitherto had not been
--- present in baseline
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_build_and_merge_entries (
-    full_input      TEXT,
-    source_class    TEXT,
-    old_input       TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
-    include_phrases BOOL DEFAULT FALSE
-) RETURNS SETOF search.symspell_dictionary AS $F$
-    new_entry       RECORD;
-    conflict_entry  RECORD;
-    IF full_input = old_input THEN -- neither NULL, and are the same
-        RETURN;
-    END IF;
-    FOR new_entry IN EXECUTE $q$
-        SELECT  count,
-                prefix_key,
-                s AS suggestions
-          FROM  (SELECT prefix_key,
-                        ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions[1]) s,
-                        SUM($q$ || source_class || $q$_count) count
-                  FROM  search.symspell_build_entries($1, $2, $3, $4)
-                  GROUP BY 1) x
-        $q$ USING full_input, source_class, old_input, include_phrases
-    LOOP
-        EXECUTE $q$
-            SELECT  prefix_key,
-                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions suggestions,
-                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_count count
-              FROM  search.symspell_dictionary
-              WHERE prefix_key = $1 $q$
-            INTO conflict_entry
-            USING new_entry.prefix_key;
-        IF new_entry.count <> 0 THEN -- Real word, and count changed
-            IF conflict_entry.prefix_key IS NOT NULL THEN -- we'll be updating
-                IF conflict_entry.count > 0 THEN -- it's a real word
-                    RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
-                        UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
-                           SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = $2
-                          WHERE prefix_key = $1
-                          RETURNING * $q$
-                        USING new_entry.prefix_key, GREATEST(0, new_entry.count + conflict_entry.count);
-                ELSE -- it was a prefix key or delete-emptied word before
-                    IF conflict_entry.suggestions @> new_entry.suggestions THEN -- already have all suggestions here...
-                        RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
-                            UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
-                               SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = $2
-                              WHERE prefix_key = $1
-                              RETURNING * $q$
-                            USING new_entry.prefix_key, GREATEST(0, new_entry.count);
-                    ELSE -- new suggestion!
-                        RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
-                            UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
-                               SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = $2,
-                                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = $3
-                              WHERE prefix_key = $1
-                              RETURNING * $q$
-                            USING new_entry.prefix_key, GREATEST(0, new_entry.count), evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(conflict_entry.suggestions,new_entry.suggestions);
-                    END IF;
-                END IF;
-            ELSE
-                -- We keep the on-conflict clause just in case...
-                RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
-                    INSERT INTO search.symspell_dictionary AS d (
-                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_count,
-                        prefix_key,
-                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions
-                    ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3 ) ON CONFLICT (prefix_key) DO
-                        UPDATE SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_count = d.$q$ || source_class || $q$_count + EXCLUDED.$q$ || source_class || $q$_count,
-                                    $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(d.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions, EXCLUDED.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions)
-                        RETURNING * $q$
-                    USING new_entry.count, new_entry.prefix_key, new_entry.suggestions;
-            END IF;
-        ELSE -- key only, or no change
-            IF conflict_entry.prefix_key IS NOT NULL THEN -- we'll be updating
-                IF NOT conflict_entry.suggestions @> new_entry.suggestions THEN -- There are new suggestions
-                    RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
-                        UPDATE  search.symspell_dictionary
-                           SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = $2
-                          WHERE prefix_key = $1
-                          RETURNING * $q$
-                        USING new_entry.prefix_key, evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(conflict_entry.suggestions,new_entry.suggestions);
-                END IF;
-            ELSE
-                RETURN QUERY EXECUTE $q$
-                    INSERT INTO search.symspell_dictionary AS d (
-                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_count,
-                        prefix_key,
-                        $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions
-                    ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3 ) ON CONFLICT (prefix_key) DO -- key exists, suggestions may be added due to this entry
-                        UPDATE SET  $q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions = evergreen.text_array_merge_unique(d.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions, EXCLUDED.$q$ || source_class || $q$_suggestions)
-                    RETURNING * $q$
-                    USING new_entry.count, new_entry.prefix_key, new_entry.suggestions;
-            END IF;
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search.symspell_maintain_entries () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $f$
-    search_class    TEXT;
-    new_value       TEXT := NULL;
-    old_value       TEXT := NULL;
-    IF TG_TABLE_SCHEMA = 'authority' THEN
-        SELECT  m.field_class INTO search_class
-          FROM  authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a
-                JOIN config.metabib_field m ON (a.metabib_field=m.id)
-          WHERE a.authority_field = NEW.atag;
-            RETURN NULL;
-        END IF;
-    ELSE
-        search_class := COALESCE(TG_ARGV[0], SPLIT_PART(TG_TABLE_NAME,'_',1));
-    END IF;
-        new_value := NEW.value;
-    END IF;
-        old_value := OLD.value;
-    END IF;
-    PERFORM * FROM search.symspell_build_and_merge_entries(new_value, search_class, old_value);
-    RETURN NULL; -- always fired AFTER
-CREATE TRIGGER maintain_symspell_entries_tgr
-    AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON authority.simple_heading
-    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE search.symspell_maintain_entries();
-\qecho ''
-\qecho 'If the Evergreen database has authority records, a reingest of'
-\qecho 'the search suggestion dictionary is recommended.'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho 'The following should be run at the end of the upgrade before any'
-\qecho 'reingest occurs.  Because new triggers are installed already,'
-\qecho 'updates to indexed strings will cause zero-count dictionary entries'
-\qecho 'to be recorded which will require updating every row again (or'
-\qecho 'starting from scratch) so best to do this before other batch'
-\qecho 'changes.  A later reingest that does not significantly change'
-\qecho 'indexed strings will /not/ cause table bloat here, and will be'
-\qecho 'as fast as normal.  A copy of the SQL in a ready-to-use, non-escaped'
-\qecho 'form is available inside a comment at the end of this upgrade sub-'
-\qecho 'script so you do not need to copy this comment from the psql ouptut.'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho '\\a'
-\qecho '\\t'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho '\\o title'
-\qecho 'select value from metabib.title_field_entry;'
-\qecho 'select  h.value'
-\qecho '  from  authority.simple_heading h'
-\qecho '        join authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a on (a.authority_field = h.atag)'
-\qecho '        join config.metabib_field m on (a.metabib_field=m.id and m.field_class=\'title\');'
-\qecho '\\o author'
-\qecho 'select value from metabib.author_field_entry;'
-\qecho 'select  h.value'
-\qecho '  from  authority.simple_heading h'
-\qecho '        join authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a on (a.authority_field = h.atag)'
-\qecho '        join config.metabib_field m on (a.metabib_field=m.id and m.field_class=\'author\');'
-\qecho '\\o subject'
-\qecho 'select value from metabib.subject_field_entry;'
-\qecho 'select  h.value'
-\qecho '  from  authority.simple_heading h'
-\qecho '        join authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a on (a.authority_field = h.atag)'
-\qecho '        join config.metabib_field m on (a.metabib_field=m.id and m.field_class=\'subject\');'
-\qecho '\\o series'
-\qecho 'select value from metabib.series_field_entry;'
-\qecho '\\o identifier'
-\qecho 'select value from metabib.identifier_field_entry;'
-\qecho '\\o keyword'
-\qecho 'select value from metabib.keyword_field_entry;'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho '\\o'
-\qecho '\\a'
-\qecho '\\t'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho '// Then, at the command line:'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl title > title.sql'
-\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl author > author.sql'
-\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl subject > subject.sql'
-\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl series > series.sql'
-\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl identifier > identifier.sql'
-\qecho '$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl keyword > keyword.sql'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho '// And, back in psql'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho 'ALTER TABLE search.symspell_dictionary SET UNLOGGED;'
-\qecho 'TRUNCATE search.symspell_dictionary;'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho '\\i identifier.sql'
-\qecho '\\i author.sql'
-\qecho '\\i title.sql'
-\qecho '\\i subject.sql'
-\qecho '\\i series.sql'
-\qecho '\\i keyword.sql'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho 'CLUSTER search.symspell_dictionary USING symspell_dictionary_pkey;'
-\qecho 'REINDEX TABLE search.symspell_dictionary;'
-\qecho 'ALTER TABLE search.symspell_dictionary SET LOGGED;'
-\qecho 'VACUUM ANALYZE search.symspell_dictionary;'
-\qecho ''
-\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_title;'
-\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_author;'
-\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_subject;'
-\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_series;'
-\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_identifier;'
-\qecho 'DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_keyword;'
-\o title
-select value from metabib.title_field_entry;
-select  h.value
-  from  authority.simple_heading h
-        join authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a on (a.authority_field = h.atag)
-        join config.metabib_field m on (a.metabib_field=m.id and m.field_class='title');
-\o author
-select value from metabib.author_field_entry;
-select  h.value
-  from  authority.simple_heading h
-        join authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a on (a.authority_field = h.atag)
-        join config.metabib_field m on (a.metabib_field=m.id and m.field_class='author');
-\o subject
-select value from metabib.subject_field_entry;
-select  h.value
-  from  authority.simple_heading h
-        join authority.control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs a on (a.authority_field = h.atag)
-        join config.metabib_field m on (a.metabib_field=m.id and m.field_class='subject');
-\o series
-select value from metabib.series_field_entry;
-\o identifier
-select value from metabib.identifier_field_entry;
-\o keyword
-select value from metabib.keyword_field_entry;
-// Then, at the command line:
-$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl title > title.sql
-$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl author > author.sql
-$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl subject > subject.sql
-$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl series > series.sql
-$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl identifier > identifier.sql
-$ ~/EG-src-path/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/symspell-sideload.pl keyword > keyword.sql
-// And, back in psql
-ALTER TABLE search.symspell_dictionary SET UNLOGGED;
-TRUNCATE search.symspell_dictionary;
-\i identifier.sql
-\i author.sql
-\i title.sql
-\i subject.sql
-\i series.sql
-\i keyword.sql
-CLUSTER search.symspell_dictionary USING symspell_dictionary_pkey;
-REINDEX TABLE search.symspell_dictionary;
-ALTER TABLE search.symspell_dictionary SET LOGGED;
-VACUUM ANALYZE search.symspell_dictionary;
-DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_title;
-DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_author;
-DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_subject;
-DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_series;
-DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_identifier;
-DROP TABLE search.symspell_dictionary_partial_keyword;