--- /dev/null
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\r
+<chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"\r
+ xml:lang="EN" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:id="admin-booking">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Booking Module Administration</title>\r
+ <legalnotice>\r
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Adapted with permission from original material by the <link\r
+ xlink:title="http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/1.6/draft/html/"\r
+ xlink:href="http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/1.6/draft/html/">Evergreen\r
+ Community</link></emphasis></para>\r
+ </legalnotice>\r
+ <abstract>\r
+ <para>The Evergreen booking module is included in Evergreen 1.6.1.x and above.The following\r
+ documentation will include information about making cataloged items bookable; making\r
+ non-bibliographic items bookable; and setting permissions in the booking module for\r
+ staff.</para>\r
+ </abstract>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <section xml:id="MakeCataloguedItemBookable">\r
+ <title>Make a Cataloged Item Bookable in Advance</title>\r
+ <para>If their permission settings allow, staff members can make items bookable. Staff members\r
+ can do this in advance of a booking request, or they can do it on the fly.</para>\r
+ <para>If you know in advance of the request that an item will need to be booked, you can make\r
+ the item bookable.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>In the staff client, select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Search</guimenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Search the Catalog</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice></para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Begin a title search to find an item.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Click the title of the item that you want to book.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>The <guilabel>Record Summary</guilabel> will appear. In this view you can see\r
+ information about the item and its locations. Click <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Actions for this Record</guimenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Holdings Maintenance</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice> in the top right corner of the screen.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>The <guilabel>Holdings Maintenance</guilabel> screen will appear. In this screen,\r
+ you can view the volumes and copies of an item avaialable at each branch. To view the\r
+ barcodes and other information for each copy, click the arrow adjacent to the branch\r
+ with the copy that you need to view. Click on successive arrows until you find the\r
+ copy that you need to view.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Select the item that you want to make bookable. Right click to open the menu, and\r
+ click <guimenuitem>Make Item Bookable</guimenuitem>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>The item has now been added to the list of resources that are bookable. To book\r
+ the item, return to the <guilabel>Record Summary</guilabel>, and proceed with\r
+ booking..</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <note>\r
+ <para>In Evergreen 1.6.1, there is no way to make an item “unbookable” after it has been\r
+ made bookable and has been reserved. The <guibutton>Delete Selected</guibutton> button\r
+ on this screen deletes the resource from the screen, but the item will be able to be\r
+ booked after it has been returned.</para>\r
+ </note>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="MakeItemBookableOnTheFly">\r
+ <title>Make a Cataloged Item Bookable On the Fly</title>\r
+ <para>If a patron wants to book an item immediately that does not have bookable status, you\r
+ can book the item on the fly if you have the appropriate permissions.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Follow steps one through five in <xref linkend="MakeCataloguedItemBookable"\r
+ />.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Select the item that you want to make bookable. Right click to open the menu, and\r
+ click <guimenuitem>Book Item Now</guimenuitem>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>A <guilabel>Reservations</guilabel> screen will appear in a new tab, and you can\r
+ make the reservation.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="MakeNon-CataloguedItemBookable">\r
+ <title>Create a Bookable Status for Non-Bibliographic Items</title>\r
+ <para>Staff with the required permissions can create a bookable status for non-bibliographic\r
+ items. For example, staff can book conference rooms or laptops. You will be able to create\r
+ types of resources, specify the names of individual resources within each type, and set\r
+ attributes to describe those resources. You can then bring the values together through the\r
+ <guilabel>Resource Attribute Map</guilabel>.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>First, create the type of resource that you want to make bookable. Select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Server Administration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Booking</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Resource Types</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>A list of resource types will appear. You may also see titles of cataloged items\r
+ on this screen if they were added using the <guilabel>Make Item Bookable</guilabel>\r
+ or <guilabel>Book Now</guilabel> links. You should not attempt to add cataloged items\r
+ on this screen; it is best to use the aforementioned links to make those items\r
+ bookable. In this screen, you will create a type of resource.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>In the right corner, click <guibutton>New Resource Type</guibutton>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>A box will appear in which you will create a type of resource. In this box, you\r
+ can set fines, determine “elbow room” periods between reservations on this type of\r
+ resource, and indicate if this type of resource can be transferred to another\r
+ library. Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> when you have entered the needed\r
+ information.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>After you click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>, the box will disappear. Refresh the\r
+ screen to see the item that you have added.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Next, set the attributes for the type of resource that you have created. Select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Server Administration</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Booking</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Resource Attributes</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Click <guibutton>New Resource Attribute</guibutton>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>A box will appear in which you can add the attributes of the resource. Attributes\r
+ are descriptive information that is provided to the staff member when the booking\r
+ request is made. For example, an attribute of the projector may be a cart that allows\r
+ for its transportation. Other attributes might be number of seats available in a\r
+ room, or MAC or PC attributes for a laptop. Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> when\r
+ the necessary information has been entered.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>The box will disappear. Refresh the screen to see the added attribute.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Next, add the values for the resource attributes. A value can be a number, yes/no,\r
+ or any other meaningful information. Select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Server Administration</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Booking</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Resource Attribute Values</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Select <guibutton>New Resource Attribute Value</guibutton>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>A pop up box will appear. Select the <guilabel>Resource Attribute</guilabel> from\r
+ the drop down box. Add the value. You can add multiple values for this field. Click\r
+ <guibutton>Save</guibutton> when the required information has been added.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>If you refresh the screen, the attribute value may not appear, but it has been\r
+ saved.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Next, identify the specific objects that are associated with this resource type.\r
+ Click <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Server Administration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Booking</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Resources</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Click <guibutton>New Resource</guibutton>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>A pop-up box will appear. Add information for the resource and click\r
+ <guibutton>Save</guibutton>. Repeat this process for each resource.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Refresh the screen, and the resource(s) that you added will appear.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Finally, use <guilabel>Resource Attribute Maps</guilabel> to bring together the\r
+ resource and its attributes. Select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Server Administration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Booking</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Resource Attribute Maps</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Select <guibutton>New Resource Attribute Map</guibutton></para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Select the resource that you want to match with its attributes, then click\r
+ <guibutton>Save</guibutton>. Repeat for all applicable resources.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>You have now created bookable, non-bibliographic resource(s) with\r
+ attributes.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="SettingBookingPermissions">\r
+ <title>Setting Booking Permissions</title>\r
+ <para>Administrators can set permissions so that staff members can view reservations, make\r
+ reservations, and make bibliographic or non-bibliographic items bookable.</para>\r
+ <para>If a staff member attempts to book an item for which they do not have the appropriate\r
+ permissions, they will receive an error message.</para>\r
+ <para>To set permissions, select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Server Administration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Permissions</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ <para>Staff members should be assigned the following permissions to do common tasks in the\r
+ booking module. These permissions could be assigned to front line staff members, such as\r
+ circulation staff. Permissions with an asterisk (<emphasis role="bold">*</emphasis>) are\r
+ already included in the <emphasis role="bold">Staff</emphasis> permission group. All other\r
+ booking permissions must be applied individually.</para>\r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">View Reservations:</emphasis> VIEW_TRANSACTION*</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Use the pull list:</emphasis>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Capture reservations:</emphasis> CAPTURE_RESERVATION</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Assist patrons with pickup and return:</emphasis>\r
+ VIEW_USER*</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Create/update/delete reservations:</emphasis>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist>\r
+ <para>The following permissions allow users to do more advanced tasks, such as making items\r
+ bookable, booking items on the fly, and creating non-bibliographic resources for\r
+ booking.</para>\r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Create/update/delete booking resource type:</emphasis>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Create/update/delete booking resource attributes:</emphasis>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Create/update/delete booking resource attribute\r
+ values:</emphasis> ADMIN_BOOKING_RESOURCE_ATTR_VALUE</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Create/update/delete booking resource:</emphasis>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Create/update/delete booking resource attribute\r
+ maps:</emphasis> ADMIN_BOOKING_RESOURCE_ATTR_MAP</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist>\r
+ <para>In addition to having the permissions listed above, staff members will need a valid\r
+ working location in their profiles. This should be done when registering new staff members.</para>\r
+ <!-- Pages 14-16 of source document from http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=booking ommitted at conversion (Jeremy Buhler, Oct 6 2010). Rationale: subject is covered elsewhere in the Book of Evergreen and it confuses 'working location' with 'home library', both of which should already be set for all staff accounts. -->\r
+ </section>\r