--- /dev/null
+==== Duplicate Order Detection Improvements ====
+Provides tools to make it more clear to staff when a purchase order or
+items on an order have been ordered before.
+===== Prevent Duplicate PO Names =====
+Staff now have the option to specify a PO name during PO creation.
+If the selected name is already in use by another PO at or below
+the ordering agency for the PO, the user is warned, the save/submit
+operations are disabled, and a link to the existing PO is display. The
+link opens the related PO in a new tab when clicked.
+Selecting a name which is not yet used or clearing the name field
+(which defaults upon creation to the PO ID) will clear the warning and
+re-enable the submit/save operation.
+Similarly, when editing a PO, if the user attempts to use a name already
+used, the user will be warned and a link to the offending PO will be
+===== Show Existing Copies =====
+In the select list and PO view interfaces, beside the lineitem ID #, we
+now also display the number of catalog copies already owned at or below
+the ordering agency for the bib record in question.
+The count does not include copies linked to the lineitem in question
+nor does it include copies that are in some form of lost, missing, or
+discard status.