-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
- xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:id="circulation">
- <info>
- <title>Circulation</title>
- <abstract>
- <para>This chapter presents explains the circulation procedures carried out from the staff client.</para>
- </abstract>
- </info>
- <section xml:id="patronrecords">
- <title>Patron Records</title>
- <section xml:id="searchingpatrons">
- <title>Searching Patrons</title>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>Search one field or combine.</listitem>
- <listitem>Truncate search terms for more search results.</listitem>
- <listitem>Include inactive patrons checkbox.</listitem>
- <listitem>Limit results to patrons in dropdown.</listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Registeringpatrons">
- <title>Registering New Patrons</title>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>Mandatory fields = Red.</listitem>
- <listitem>Save and clone user button: the contact info is copied into the next record. Records created using this method
- are automatically grouped together with the original record and share the same address, which can only be edited in the original record.</listitem>
- <listitem>Staff accounts can be added here just like patron accounts.</listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="CloneUser">
- <title>Clone User from Existing Group Member</title>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Open patron record, click <guibutton>Other</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Select Group.</para></step>
- <step><para>Highlight a group member to clone and <emphasis>right click</emphasis>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Register a New Group Member by Cloning Selected Patrons</guimenuitem>.</para></step>
- <step><para>A Register Patron Clone for Group tab will open displaying the Evergreen User Editor.</para></step>
- <step><para>Enter required patron information.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Save User</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>After saving the clone record, the User Editor reverts to another clone template; create additional family/group member records.</para></step>
- <step><para>Close the <emphasis>Register Patron Clone for Group</emphasis> tab.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Updatingpatroninformation">
- <title>Updating patron information</title>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve the patron record</para></step>
- <step><para>Edit</para></step>
- <step><para>Finish then click <guibutton>Save User</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Confirmation message, <emphasis>User updating is successful</emphasis></para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="renewinglibrarycards">
- <title>Extend Account Expiration Date</title>
- <para>All patron accounts are set to <emphasis>expire</emphasis> in one year – this allows staff to verify patron contact information annually and update any out-of-date
- information.</para>
- <note><para>There is no warning that the account will soon expire. </para></note>
- <para>Loans are NOT shortened if due date is after the account expiration date.</para>
- <para>NO loans are possible until the account expiration date is extended.</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Access patron account, open Edit function tab.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guimenuitem>4. Groups and Permissions</guimenuitem> </para></step>
- <step><para>At Account Expiration Date, highlight the year and type the new year</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guimenuitem>7. Finish</guimenuitem>, click <guibutton>Save User</guibutton></para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="lostlibrarycards">
- <title>Lost Library Cards</title>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Mark Lost</guibutton> button.</para></step>
- <step><para><menuchoice><guimenu>Finish</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save User</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <caution>
- <para>A lost card cannot be reinstated (A warning message will display; use the new card to retrieve the user’s
- record)</para>
- </caution>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Resettingpatronpassword">
- <title>Resetting a Patron's Password</title>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve the record.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Reset</guibutton> Button next to <guilabel>password</guilabel> field</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <note>
- <para>The existing password is not displayed in patron records for security reasons.</para>
- </note>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="barringapatron">
- <title>Barring a Patron</title>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>4: Groups and Permissions</guimenuitem>. Select the <guilabel>Barred</guilabel> checkbox.</para></step>
- <step><para>The Alert Message is required.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <menuchoice><guimenu>Finish</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save User</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <note><para>Barring a patron from one library bars that patron from all consortium member libraries.</para></note>
- <para>To unbar a patron, uncheck the <guilabel>Barred</guilabel> checkbox and remove the alert message.</para>
- <para>Barred: Stops patrons from using their library cards; alerts the staff that the patron is banned/barred from the
- library. The "check-out" functionality is disabled for barred patrons (NO option to override – the checkout window is unusable
- and the bar must be removed from the account before the patron is able to checkout items). These patrons may still log in to
- the OPAC to view their accounts.</para>
- <para>Blocked: Often, these are system-generated blocks on patron accounts. Some examples:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>Patron exceeds fine threshold</listitem>
- <listitem>Patron exceeds max checked out item threshold.</listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- <para>A notice appears when a staff person tries to checkout an item to blocked patrons, but staff may be given permissions
- to override blocks.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="patronalerts">
- <title>Patron Alerts</title>
- <para>There are two types of Patron Alerts:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>System-generated alerts: once the cause is resolved (e.g. patron's account has been renewed), the message
- will disappear automatically.
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>View from <guimenuitem>Messages</guimenuitem> or <menuchoice><guimenu>Other</guimenu><guimenuitem>Display Alerts and
- Messages</guimenuitem></menuchoice></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Staff-generated alerts: must be removed manually. – Yellow background in summary</para>
- <para>To insert an alert:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Groups and Permissions</guimenuitem>
- </menuchoice></para></step>
- <step><para>Alert Message field.</para></step>
- <step><para>Finish and <guibutton>Save User</guibutton>.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <para>To remove an alert:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Clear</guibutton> button under the Alert Message box.</para></step>
- <step><para>Save the record.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- <para>A notice appears when a staff person tries to checkout an item to blocked patrons, but staff may be given permissions
- to override blocks.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="patronnotes">
- <title>Patron Notes</title>
- <para>See Notes message appears</para>
- <para>Notes are strictly communicative and may made visible to the patron, via their account on the OPAC.</para>
- <para>To insert/remove a note:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Open a patron record, click <guibutton>Other</guibutton></para></step>
- <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Notes</guimenuitem>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click Add New Note.</para></step>
- <step><para>Select if notes will be visible for staff only, or visible to the patron when logged into My Account in the OPAC.</para></step>
- <step><para>Add note Title and content.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Add Note</guibutton></para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton></para></step>
- <step><para>To delete a note, go to <menuchoice><guimenu>Other</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Notes</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and use the
- <guibutton>Delete This Note</guibutton> button under each note.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="mergingpatronrecords">
- <title>Merging Patron Records</title>
- <para>From the Patron Search screen:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Search by the terms shared by the two records</para></step>
- <step><para>Select the two records to merge by pressing down the <keycap>CTRL</keycap> key and clicking each record. </para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Merge Patrons</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Select the record you want to keep by checking the radio button Lead Record above the appropriate record.
- </para></step>
- <step><para>Click the <guibutton>Merge Patrons</guibutton> button.</para></step>
- <note><para>Once two records have been merged, the notes, bills, holds and outstanding items under the non-lead record
- are brought to the lead record. Staff-inserted alert messages are not transferred.</para></note>
- </procedure>
- <para>From the Patron Group screen:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve one of the two patron records you want to merge. Go to <menuchoice><guimenu>Other</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Group</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>
- <step><para>The patron record is displayed as a group member. Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Action</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Move another patron to this
- patron group</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>
- <step><para>At the prompt, scan or type the patron's barcode. Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Confirm the move by clicking the <guibutton>Move</guibutton> button on top of the screen. Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> on the confirmation pop-up window.
- </para></step>
- <step><para>Both records are displayed as group members. Select both records by pressing the <keycap>CTRL</keycap> key and clicking each
- record. Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Action</guimenu><guimenuitem>Merge Selected Patrons</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>
- <step><para>The merging records window pops up. Choose the lead record and continue to merge records as described in
- Step 4.</para></step>
- <note><para>The merged record will still show under group members. Both members point to the same patron
- record.</para></note>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="circulatingitems">
- <title>Circulating Items</title>
- <para>Regular circulation: circulation of items in the regular collection.</para>
- <para>Pre-cataloged circulation: circulation of items that have a barcode but have not yet been cataloged. These items
- may be checked out and then sent to cataloging when returned.</para>
- <para>Non-cataloged circulation: circulation of items that are not in the catalog and do not have a barcode.</para>
- <section xml:id="checkout">
- <title>Check Out (<keycap>F1</keycap>)</title>
- <para>To check out regular items:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Check Out</guibutton> button or hit <keycap>F1</keycap> to access <emphasis>Retrieve Patron by Barcode</emphasis></para></step>
- <step><para>Scan the patron barcode</para></step>
- <step><para>Patron Account opens to the Check Out function tab</para></step>
- <step><para>Scan or enter the item barcode. Click <guibutton>Submit</guibutton> or hit <keycap>Enter</keycap> (for manual entries).</para></step>
- <step><para>Continue to scan barcodes until all items are charged.</para></step>
- <step><para>When finished, click <guibutton>Done</guibutton> to generate a receipt or to exit patron record, if not printing slip receipts.
- </para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Precatalogeditems">
- <title>Pre-cataloged Items</title>
- <para>Pre-cat items are those items that have yet to be added to the database or that have barcode labels, but are not attached to an existing bibliographic record.</para>
- <caution><para>ONLY use Pre-Cat Checkout as a last resort, such as when a patron brings the item to the desk from the shelf and MUST have it that day. Otherwise,
- ask the patron to wait until you can have the item correctly processed.</para></caution>
- <para>From the check out screen:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Scan the item barcode.</para></step>
- <step><para>An alert will appear stating: <emphasis>Mis-scan or non-cataloged item</emphasis>.</para></step>
- <step><para>To continue with check out, click <guibutton>Pre-cataloged</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Enter title and author information and click <guibutton>Checkout</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Item is added to the list of Check Outs</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <para>Checking in pre-cataloged items</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Scan the item barcode.</para></step>
- <step><para>An alert will appear stating: "This item needs to be routed to Cataloging"</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>The item is added to the list of Check Ins, marked with: <emphasis>[barcode number] needs to be cataloged, Route To location = Cataloging and
- Status = Cataloging</emphasis></para></step>
- <note><para>The item MUST be routed to your holdings maintenance staff to be added to the database before further
- check outs.</para></note>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="noncatalogeditems">
- <title>Non-cataloged Items</title>
- <para>Non-cataloged items may be more familiar as <emphasis>Ephemeral</emphasis> items – they are those items that libraries do not wish to catalog,
- but do wish to track for circulation statistics.</para>
- <para>Items are checked out with a due date but when the due date expires, the items disappear from the
- patron's record.</para>
- <para>No fines accrue.</para>
- <para>Circulation statistics are collected.</para>
- <para>From the Check Out screen:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Check Out</guibutton> button or hit <keycap>F1</keycap> to access <emphasis>Retrieve Patron by Barcode</emphasis>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Scan patron barcode.</para></step>
- <step><para>The Patron Account opens to Check Out function tab.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click on Barcode to open the non-cataloged items selection list.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click the type of item, such as Paperback Book; the box for the barcode will become grayed out and labeled
- <emphasis>Non-cataloged</emphasis>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Submit</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>In the pop-up, enter the number of items being checked out.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>The items are added to the Check Out list with a normal due date.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <para>Non-cataloged items do not appear in the list of items out unless you select that option.</para>
- <para>Click OK.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="duedates">
- <title>Due Dates</title>
- <para>Circulation periods are pre-set. When items are checked out, due dates are automatically calculated and
- inserted into circulation records if the Due Date is set Normal on the Check Out screen. Different due dates
- may be set to override this circulation period.</para>
- <para>This process will allow staff to set a non-standard loan period prior to scanning the item in Check Out.</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Check Out</guibutton> button or hit <keycap>F1</keycap> to Retrieve Patron.</para></step>
- <step><para>Scan the patron barcode.</para></step>
- <step><para>Scan the item barcode</para></step>
- <step><para>In the box labeled <guimenu>Normal</guimenu>, select a pre-set loan period from the list; OR
- Highlight <guimenu>Normal</guimenu> and type a specific date in YYYY-MM-DD format</para></step>
- <step><para>The item is checked out with the special due date.</para></step>
- <step><para>The special due date applies to all subsequent items until it is changed or the patron record is exited.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="checkin">
- <title>Check In (F2)</title>
- <para>Regular check in:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Check In</guibutton> button or hit <keycap>F2</keycap> to open Item Check In tab.</para></step>
- <step><para>Scan item barcode.</para></step>
- <step><para>Continue to scan barcodes until all items are discharged.</para></step>
- <step><para>Close tab when done.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="backdatedcheckin">
- <title>Backdated Check In</title>
- <para>Used for checking items in from bookdrops or for unexpected closings.</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Click the <guibutton>Check In</guibutton> button or hit <keycap>F2</keycap>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Enter backdated date in the Effective Date field (YYYY-MM-DD format).</para></step>
- <step><para>Click outside of the Effective Date field: the top green bar changes to red. The new effective
- date displays at the top of the window.</para></step>
- <step><para>Scan items.</para></step>
- <step><para>When finishing backdated check-in, change the Effective Date back to the current
- date or close tab.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Renewaleditingduedate">
- <title>Renewal and Editing Item's Due Date</title>
- <para>Checked-out items can be renewed according to library policy. The new due date is calculated from the renewal
- date. Existing loans may be extended to a specific date by editing the due date.</para>
- <para>To renew items:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step>
- <step><para>Items Out screen.</para></step>
- <step><para>Select item(s) to renew. </para></step>
- <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Renew</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>
- <step><para>To renew all items in the account, click <guibutton>Renew All</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>To view the new due date, click <guimenuitem>Refresh</guimenuitem>.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <para>Renewal may also be done from the Items Status screen. See <xref linkend="itemstatus"/>.</para>
- <para>Editing the due date of items:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>From the patron record, open Items Out tab</para></step>
- <step><para>Highlight the item, <emphasis>right click</emphasis>, and select <guimenuitem>Edit Due Date</guimenuitem></para></step>
- <step><para>To update multiple items highlight the first item, press and hold <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>, highlight additional items</para></step>
- <step><para>In the pop-up, enter the new due date.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Refresh</guibutton> to update the list.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <tip><para>Select multiple items by pressing down the <keycap>CTRL</keycap> key and clicking each item to edit.</para></tip>
- <note><para>Editing the due date does not affect renewal count.</para></note>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="lostclaimedreturned">
- <title>Marking Items “Lost” and “Claimed Returned”</title>
- <para>To mark items as lost</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guimenuitem>Items Out</guimenuitem> tab.</para></step>
- <step><para>Select appropriate item(s).</para></step>
- <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Mark Lost (by Patron)</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Refresh to reflect changes. Lost item(s) display in the <emphasis>Lost/Claimed Returned/Long Overdue</emphasis>
- field.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <note><para>Marking an item lost will automatically bill the patron the replacement cost of the item, plus a
- processing fee, as determined by local policy. If the cost is 0.00, a charge may be manually added to the bill. See the
- section called <xref linkend="newgrocerybills"/> for details
- If the lost item is returned, the bill and payment (if bill has been paid) will not be cancelled/refunded automatically.
- These bills must be dealt with manually, as per local policy.</para></note>
- <para>Mark items as <emphasis>Claimed Returned</emphasis></para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Items Out</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Select item(s).</para></step>
- <step><para><emphasis>Right click</emphasis>, and select <guimenuitem>Mark Claimed Returned</guimenuitem>. To update multiple items highlight the first item,
- press and hold <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>, highlight additional items and select <guimenuitem>Mark Claimed Returned</guimenuitem>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Enter a return date (YYYY-MM-DD format) and click OK.</para></step>
- <step><para>The “Claimed Returned” item will display in the <guibutton>Lost/Claimed Returned/Long Overdue</guibutton>
- field.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <note>
- <para>If the item is overdue and the claims returned date is before the original due date, the fines disappear.</para>
- <para>If the item is overdue and the claims returned date is after the due date, the fines remain.</para>
- <para>If you do not enter the date claimed returned, the item is moved to the Claimed returned list, but the fines are not stopped.</para>
- <para>Items cannot be <emphasis>un-claimed returned</emphasis> except by checking in the item or marking it lost.</para>
- <para>There is a <guibutton>Claims Returned Count</guibutton> in the Edit tab, <guimenuitem>Groups and Permissions</guimenuitem> section; this must be manually reset.</para>
- <para>There are no alerts indicating claims returned items.</para>
- </note>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="inhouseuse">
- <title>In-house Use (F6)</title>
- <para>May be used to record in-house use for both cataloged and non-cataloged items.</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Circulation</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Record-In House Use</guimenuitem></menuchoice></para></step>
- <step><para>Cataloged items: Enter item barcode. When recording more than one use of an item, edit the
- number in the # of uses box.</para></step>
- <step><para>Non-cataloged items: choose the appropriate item from the dropdown menu in the Barcode
- box and Submit.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <para>The statistics on in-house use are separated from circulation statistics. In-house use count
- of cataloged items is not included in the items' total use count.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="itemstatus">
- <title>Item Status (<keycap>F5</keycap>)</title>
- <para>Many functions may be performed from the Item Status screen. This section will cover circulation-related functions:
- checking item status, viewing past circulations, inserting item alert messages, and marking items missing or damaged.
- </para>
- <para>Checking an item's status:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Search</guimenu><guisubmenu>Search for copies by Barcode or Circulation</guisubmenu>
- <guimenuitem>Show Item Status by Barcode</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Enter item barcode.</para></step>
- <step><para>Current status of the item displays, along with selected other fields. (Use the column picker
- to choose which fields to view.)</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <note><para>If an item's status is <emphasis>Available</emphasis>, the displayed due date refers to the previous circulation's due date.</para></note>
- <para>Viewing Past Circulations:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve an item (see above).</para></step>
- <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Last Few Circulations</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>
- <step><para>The item’s recent circulation history displays.</para></step>
- <step><para>To retrieve the last patron to circulate the item, select <guimenuitem>Retrieve Last Patron</guimenuitem>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Patron record will display in a new Tab.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <para>Past circulations can also be retrieved from a patron's Items Out screen.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="markingitemsdamaged">
- <title>Marking items <emphasis>damaged</emphasis> or <emphasis>missing</emphasis></title>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve the item.</para></step>
- <step><para>Select the item. </para></step>
- <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Mark Item Damaged or Mark
- Item Missing</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. </para></step>
- </procedure>
- <para>This procedure also allows items to be checked in or renewed through the <guimenuitem>Check in Items</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Renew Items</guimenuitem> options on the
- dropdown menu.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="itemalerts">
- <title>Item alerts</title>
- <para>The Edit Item Attributes function on Actions for Selected Items allows editing of item records, such as inserting
- item alerts.</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve record.</para></step>
- <step><para>Highlight the item.</para></step>
- <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Edit Item Attributes</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>
- <step><para>The item record displays in the Copy Editor.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click Alert Message in the Miscellaneous column. </para></step>
- <step><para>Type in the message and click <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Modify Copies</guibutton> and confirm.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="billsandpayments">
- <title>Bills and Payments</title>
- <section xml:id="circulationgrocerybills">
- <title>Circulation vs. Grocery Bills</title>
- <para>There are two types of bills in Evergreen: Circulation bills and Grocery bills. </para>
- <para>Circulation bills: system-generated (overdue fines, lost item cost, processing fees, etc.).</para>
- <para>Overdue fines are added daily once an item is overdue. </para>
- <para>When an item is marked as lost, bills may be automatically generated to cover the item's cost and a processing fee, according to library policy.</para>
- <para>Grocery bills: staff-applied to patron accounts.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="makingpayments">
- <title>Making Payments</title>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step>
- <step><para>Bills</para></step>
- <step><para>When bills are paid, the money applied starts at the top of the list of checked-off bills. To pay a specific bill, uncheck the other boxes.
- (Note the presence of the Uncheck All and Check All options.)</para></step>
- <step><para>Select a payment type.</para></step>
- <step><para>Enter the amount of payment in the <guilabel>Payment received</guilabel> field.</para></step>
- <step><para>Apply Payment.</para></step>
- <step><para>The patron’s bill screen and owed balance will update.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <note><para>Items marked with red are still checked out. It is possible for a patron to pay a bill while the item is still out and accruing fines.</para></note>
- <tip><para>You may choose to annotate payment and fill in resulting text box according to library policy.</para></tip>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="makingchange">
- <title>Making Change</title>
- <para>Change will be calculated if the payment amount is over the selected bill amount. After typing in a payment amount, click into the
- <guilabel>=Change</guilabel> field. The change amount will
- display. </para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="voidforgive">
- <title>Void vs. Forgive</title>
- <para>Void clears all history of the bill, while forgive retains the history.</para>
- <para>Forgiving ills:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step>
- <step><para>Choose <guimenuitem>forgive</guimenuitem> as the payment type </para></step>
- <step><para>Enter the amount to be forgiven. </para></step>
- <step><para>Apply Payment.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <para>Voiding bills:</para>
- <section xml:id="voidbills">
- <para>Bills under one transaction are grouped in one bill line. Bills may be voided in part or in whole.</para>
- <procedure>
- <title>To void the whole amount:</title>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Void All Billings</guibutton></para></step>
- <step><para>confirm.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <para>To void a partial amount:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Full Details for the transaction</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>The bill details screen displays.</para></step>
- <step><para>Select the bill to void.</para></step>
- <step><para>Void Selected Billings.</para></step>
- <step><para>Confirm.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="newgrocerybills">
- <title>Adding New "Grocery" Bills</title>
- <para>A grocery bill can be added as a new bill or to an existing bill.</para>
- <para>To add as a new bill:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve the patron record. </para></step>
- <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Bills</guimenuitem>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Bill Patron</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Choose appropriate billing type from the drop down menu. (<guimenuitem>Grocery</guimenuitem> is the only available transaction type.)</para></step>
- <step><para>Enter the Amount and Note (as required).</para></step>
- <step><para>Submit this Bill and confirm.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <para>To add bill to an existing bill line:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Bills</guimenuitem>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Add Billing</guibutton> at the bottom of the correct bill line.</para></step>
- <step><para>Choose appropriate billing type from the drop down menu. (<guimenuitem>Grocery</guimenuitem> is the only available transaction type.)</para></step>
- <step><para>Enter the Amount and Note (as required).</para></step>
- <step><para>Submit this Bill and confirm.</para></step>
- <step><para>The Money Summary will adjust accordingly.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="billhistory">
- <title>Bill History</title>
- <para>The Bill History view includes specific details about the item as well as information about the bill and payments.</para>
- <para>To view a patron’s bill history:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>From the patron record, open the Bills tab</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guimenuitem>History</guimenuitem>.</para></step>
- <step><para>The Bill History window opens.</para></step>
- <step><para>Highlight a bill in the Bill History pane to view its Item Summary.</para></step>
- <step><para>For more information, select a bill and click <guibutton>Full Details</guibutton>.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <note><para>Items may be deleted from the catalog even if a charge for that item is still attached to the patron's record. The charge will remain on the patron's account
- after the deletion.</para></note>
- </section>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Holds">
- <title>Holds</title>
- <note><para>Items may be deleted from the catalog even if a charge for that item is still attached to the patron's record. The charge will remain on the patron's account
- after the deletion.</para></note>
- <section xml:id="ViewingHolds">
- <title>Viewing Holds</title>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Under Actions for this Record (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>A</keycap></keycombo>), select View Holds
- (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>). You can do this from any record view. You do not have to be in
- Holdings Maintenance.</para></step>
- <step><para>The View Holds screen opens.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="placingholds">
- <title>Placing Holds</title>
- <para>Holds may be placed by staff through the staff client or by patrons through the OPAC. This chapter explains placing holds through the client which can be placed for
- from several different places.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="holdslevels">
- <title>Holds Levels</title>
- <para>Evergreen has four hold levels. Library staff may place holds at all four levels, while patrons may only place Meta-record and Title-level holds.</para>
- <table xml:id="holdslevelstable">
- <title>Hold Levels Explained:</title>
- <tgroup cols="5">
- <thead>
- <row>
- <entry>Hold Level</entry>
- <entry>Abbreviation</entry>
- <entry><emphasis>How To</emphasis></entry>
- <entry>Used By</entry>
- <entry>Hold Links To</entry>
- </row>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry>Meta-Record</entry>
- <entry>M</entry>
- <entry>Click <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> next to the title. From the <emphasis>Holds Confirmation Screen</emphasis>, click <guimenu>Advanced
- Hold Options</guimenu> and select <guimenuitem>other applicable formats</guimenuitem></entry>
- <entry>Patron or staff</entry>
- <entry>Group of records in different formats (book, video, audiobook, etc) with the same title.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>Title Record</entry>
- <entry>T</entry>
- <entry>Click <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> next to the title</entry>
- <entry>Patron or staff</entry>
- <entry>A single MARC (title) record</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>Volume</entry>
- <entry>V</entry>
- <entry>Click <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> on any item in the holdings list (next to the call number)</entry>
- <entry>Staff</entry>
- <entry>A call-number-specific volume record</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>Copy</entry>
- <entry>C</entry>
- <entry>Click <guibutton>Details</guibutton> to view the barcode. Select <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> (next to the barcode)</entry>
- <entry>Staff</entry>
- <entry>An item barcode</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- </tgroup>
- </table>
- <note><para>Meta-Record holds: If you select formats as being <guimenuitem>Acceptable Alternative Formats</guimenuitem>, the patron’s hold will be filled with the first
- available item. If Books is selected, for instance,
- a paperback edition could fill the hold, even when the hold is placed on the hardback record. If there are many different records for the same item, books attached to
- other records could fill the hold, so this may speed hold fulfillment. If Audiobooks is selected, the patron could also receive the audiobook if that is the first available
- version of the item. If audiobooks are selected, the patron could receive a cassette or CD version if Evergreen libraries own both.</para></note>
- <para>Placing holds from catalog records:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve the desired title record (<menuchoice><guimenu>Search </guimenu> <guimenuitem>Search the Catalog</guimenuitem></menuchoice>).</para></step>
- <step><para>Scan or type patron’s barcode into the <guilabel>Enter recipient barcode</guilabel> field. Click <guibutton>Submit</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click on an entry to display it’s summary.</para></step>
- <step><para>Edit the <guilabel>patron hold notification</guilabel> and <guilabel>expiration date</guilabel> fields as required. (A default hold expiration date will
- display if the library has set up a <emphasis>default holds expiration period</emphasis> in its library settings.)</para></step>
- <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Advanced Options</guimenuitem> to create a meta-level hold.</para></step>
- <step><para>Place Hold and confirm.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <note><para>Uncaptured holds will not be targeted after their expiration dates. If the Suspend this Hold checkbox is selected, the hold will be suspended and will not
- be captured until reactivated.</para></note>
- <para>Placing holds from patron records:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Open the patron record.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Holds</guibutton></para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> (top left top corner).</para></step>
- <step><para>The Advanced Search interface opens within the Holds pane.</para></step>
- <step><para>Enter item search criteria and click <guibutton>Submit Search</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Locate the desired item in the Title Results list and click <guibutton>Place hold</guibutton></para></step>
- <step><para>The patron's account information will retrieve automatically.</para></step>
- <step><para>Verify contact methods and pick up location.</para></step>
- <step><para>Set the <guilabel>notification</guilabel> and <guilabel>expiration date</guilabel> fields as required.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> and confirm.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <para>Multiple holds may be placed at one time. Select <guimenuitem>Holds</guimenuitem> to return to the Holds screen. Select <guimenuitem>Refresh</guimenuitem> to
- reflect newly placed holds.</para>
- <para>If the hold fails, a dialog box will open up indicating that the hold you are trying to place is invalid. For instance, if you try to place a hold on an audiovisual
- item where your library has no holdings, or if the patron has reached the limit of holds a person can place.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="managingholds">
- <title>Managing Holds</title>
- <para>Holds may be cancelled at any time by staff or patrons.</para>
- <para>Before holds are captured, staff or patrons may:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>Suspend or set holds as inactive for a period of time without losing the hold queue position;</listitem>
- <listitem>Activate suspended holds;</listitem>
- <listitem>Edit the hold notification method, pick-up location, expiration date, or activation date;</listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- <para>Staff can edit holds from patron records or title records. Patrons may edit holds from their OPAC account.</para>
- <para>Managing holds in patron records:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step>
- <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Holds</guimenuitem>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Highlight the appropriate hold record.</para></step>
- <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Actions for Selected Items</guimenuitem>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Manage the hold by choosing an action on the list. </para></step>
- </procedure>
- <note><para>Captured holds with statuses of <emphasis>On Hold Self</emphasis> or <emphasis>Ready for Pickup</emphasis> can be cancelled by staff or patrons. The status
- of these items will not be change until they are <emphasis>checked in</emphasis>.</para></note>
- <para>Managing holds in title records:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Retrieve and display the appropriate title record through the catalog.</para></step>
- <step><para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for this Reord</guimenu> <guimenuitem>View Holds</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>
- <step><para>By default, only holds with the pickup location of your library are displayed.</para></step>
- <step><para>Highlight the hold(s) to edit. </para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guimenu>Actions for Selected Holds</guimenu> and the appropriate action.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <tip><para>Holds may be sorted on the View Holds screen. Click <guimenuitem>Request Date</guimenuitem> to find the position of a patron in the hold queue. Use the column
- picker to display patron barcodes and names. Columns may be saved for a login using the <guibutton>Save Columns</guibutton> button.</para></tip>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="TransferringHolds">
- <title>Transferring Holds</title>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Open the record you need to transfer the hold from in one tab and the record you need to transfer the hold to in another tab.</para></step>
- <step><para>View the holds on the record where the hold is currently.</para></step>
- <step><para>You will copy the patron barcode of the hold you need to move. Select Patron barcode in the column picker. Then <emphasis>right click</emphasis> on the
- line you need, and select <guimenuitem>Copy to Clipboard</guimenuitem></para></step>
- <step><para>Click on the patron barcode. Make sure you do not click on the item barcode if it is in your box.</para></step>
- <step><para>A box will open up telling you what has been copied to the clipboard.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> or press <keycap>Enter</keycap>.</para></step>
- <step><para> You can now use this patron barcode to place a hold.</para></step>
- <step><para>Go to the tab where you have opened the record where you need to move the hold.</para></step>
- <step><para>Then you will need to cancel the hold on the first record.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="CancelingHolds">
- <title>Canceling Holds</title>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>View the holds for the item.</para></step>
- <step><para>Highlight the hold you need to cancel.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guimenu>Actions for Selected Holds</guimenu> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>)</para></step>
- <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Cancel Hold</guimenuitem> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>)</para></step>
- <step><para>A Window will open asking if you are sure you wish to cancel the hold.</para></step>
- <step><para>If it is the correct hold, click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>Y</keycap></keycombo>).</para></step>
- <step><para>The window will close, and the hold will disappear from the list.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="RetargetingHolds">
- <title>Retargeting Holds</title>
- <para>Holds need to be retargeted whenever a new item is added to a record, or after some types of item status changes, for instance when an item is changed from On Order
- to In Process. The system does not automatically recognize the newly added items as available to fill holds. This also needs to be done if items marked as Damaged or
- Missing or set to other non-circulating statuses are once again made available for circulation.</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>View the holds for the item.</para></step>
- <step><para>highlight all the holds for the record, which have a status of Waiting for Copy. If there are a lot of holds, it may be helpful to sort the
- holds by <emphasis>Status</emphasis>.</para></step>
- <step><para> Click on the head of the status column.</para></step>
- <step><para>Under <guimenu>Actions for Selected Holds</guimenu> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>) select <guimenuitem>Find Another
- Target</guimenuitem> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>T</keycap></keycombo>)</para></step>
- <step><para>A window will open asking if you are sure you would like to reset the holds for these items.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>Y</keycap></keycombo>). Nothing may appear to happen, or if you are retargeting
- a lot of holds at once, your screen may go blank or seem to freeze for a moment while the holds are retargeted.</para></step>
- <step><para>When the screen refreshes, the holds will be retargeted the system will now recognize the new items and items with a new status as
- available for holds.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="holdspulllist">
- <title>Holds Pull List</title>
- <para>Holds may have one of three statuses: <emphasis>Waiting for Copy</emphasis>, <emphasis>Waiting for Capture</emphasis>, or
- <emphasis>Ready for Pickup</emphasis>.</para>
- <para><emphasis>Waiting-for-copy</emphasis>: all copies are checked out or otherwise unavailable.</para>
- <para><emphasis>Waiting-for-capture</emphasis>: an available copy is assigned to the hold. The item displays on the Holds Pull List. Staff must retrieve and capture the hold.</para>
- <para><emphasis>Ready-for-pickup</emphasis>: the hold has been captured and is waiting for patron pickup.</para>
- <para>To retrieve the holds pull list:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Circulation</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Pull List for Hold Requests</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>
- <step><para>The Holds Pull List displays. </para></step>
- <step><para>Sort by clicking the column labels (e.g. Call Number).</para></step>
- <step><para>To print, click <guibutton>Print Page</guibutton> on the top right of the screen.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <note><para>The Holds Pull List is updated constantly. Once an item on the list is no longer available or a hold on the list is captured, the items will disappear
- from the list. </para></note>
- <section xml:id="capturingholds">
- <title>Capturing Holds</title>
- <para>Holds may be captured when a checked-out item is returned (checked in) or when an item on the Holds Pull List is retrieved and captured. When a hold is captured, a
- hold slip may be printed and an email notification will be sent out, if enabled for the hold.</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Circulation</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Capture Holds</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Scan or type barcode and click <guibutton>Submit</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>A hold slip prints automatically.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <tip><para> Holds can also be captured on the <menuchoice><guimenu>Circulation</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Check In Items</guimenuitem></menuchoice> screen.
- If the <guilabel>Auto-Print Hold</guilabel> and <guilabel>Transit Slips</guilabel> checkboxes are selected, hold slips will print automatically.</para></tip>
- </section>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="holdsshelflist">
- <title>Holds Shelf List</title>
- <para>Items with Ready-for-pickup status are displayed on the Hold Shelf List. Hold Shelf List can help manage items on the hold shelf.</para>
- <para>To view the holds shelf list:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Circulation</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Browse Holds Shelf</guimenuitem></menuchoice></para></step>
- <step><para>Actions for Selected Holds are available, as in the patron record. </para></step>
- <step><para>Expired holds may be deleted from this screen.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- <caution><para>If you cancel a ready-for-pickup hold, you must check in the item to make it available for circulation.</para></caution>
- </section>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="transititems">
- <title>Transit Items</title>
- <para>Evergreen’s In Transit feature tracks items transferring among branches. It allows patrons to return items at any branch and for holds to be placed on items at other branches.</para>
- <para>When will an item go In Transit?</para>
- <orderedlist>
- <listitem>When an item is checked in at a non-owning branch the status changes to <emphasis>In Transit</emphasis>. A transit slip may be printed.</listitem>
- <listitem>When a hold is captured for an item with a pickup branch other than location at which the hold is captured, the item’s status will be changed to
- <emphasis>In Transit</emphasis>. If the hold is captured from the <emphasis>Check In</emphasis> screen, a prompt to print the Transit/Hold slip will display.
- If the hold is captured from the <emphasis>Capture Holds</emphasis> screen, a Transit/Hold slip will be printed automatically.</listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- <section xml:id="receivingtransititems">
- <title>Receiving In Transit Items</title>
- <para>All items received through transit must be checked in by the receiving branch. This changes the items' statuses from <emphasis>In Transit</emphasis> to
- <emphasis>Reshelving</emphasis> or <emphasis>Ready for Pickup</emphasis>.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="transitlist">
- <title>Transit List</title>
- <para>The Transit List report may be used to as a tool to help manage your incoming and outgoing transits.</para>
- <para>To access and use the Transit List report:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Admin</guimenu> <guisubmenu>Local System Administration</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Transit List</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
- </para></step>
- <step><para>Specify <guimenuitem>ransit to</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Transit from library</guimenuitem> from the dropdown menu. </para></step>
- <step><para>Pick a date range in <guilabel>Transit Date falls between</guilabel> fields.</para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Transits Retrieve</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <step><para>Items with an <emphasis>In Transit</emphasis> status for the selected time period are listed. </para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="abortingtransits">
- <title>Aborting Transits</title>
- <para>Transits may be aborted (cancelled) from multiple locations within Evergreen.</para>
- <para>Use when processing missing in transit items or a patron requests an item that has just been returned and is in transit to its home library for reshelving.
- This procedure can be performed from the <emphasis>Transit List</emphasis> or from the <emphasis>Item Status</emphasis> screen.</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Select the transit(s) to cancel.</para></step>
- <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Transits</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Abort Transits</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>
- <step><para>The transit is cancelled, but will still display in the list. </para></step>
- <step><para>Click <guibutton>Retrieve Transits</guibutton>. The screen will refresh and the cancelled item(s) will no longer display as transits. </para></step>
- </procedure>
- <section xml:id="cancellingtransitscheckout">
- <title>Cancelling Transits at Checkout</title>
- <para>Items with a status of <emphasis>in transit</emphasis> trigger a notification when an attempt is made to check them out. To allow <emphasis>in transit</emphasis>
- items to be checked out, override the block by clicking Abort Transit on the alert screen. Proceed by clicking <guibutton>Checkout</guibutton>.</para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="cancellingtransitsItemStatus">
- <title>Cancelling Transits from Item Status</title>
- <para>Items with a status of <emphasis>in transit</emphasis> trigger a notification when an attempt is made to check them out. To allow
- <emphasis>in transit</emphasis> items to be checked out, override the block by clicking Abort Transit on the alert screen. Proceed by clicking Checkout.</para>
- <procedure>
- <step><para>Click <guimenuitem>Item Status</guimenuitem> or hit <keycap>F5</keycap></para></step>
- <step><para>Scan Item barcode</para></step>
- <step><para><emphasis>Right click</emphasis> on the item and select <guibutton>Abort Transit</guibutton></para></step>
- <step><para>At Aborting Transits pop-up, click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton></para></step>
- <step><para>The item now has the status <emphasis>Reshelving</emphasis>.</para></step>
- </procedure>
- </section>
- </section>
- </section>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\r
+<chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"\r
+ xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:id="circulation">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Circulation</title>\r
+ <abstract>\r
+ <para>This chapter presents explains the circulation procedures carried out from the staff client.</para>\r
+ </abstract>\r
+ </info> \r
+ <section xml:id="patronrecords">\r
+ <title>Patron Records</title>\r
+ <section xml:id="searchingpatrons">\r
+ <title>Searching Patrons</title>\r
+ \r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem>Search one field or combine.</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>Truncate search terms for more search results.</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>Include inactive patrons checkbox.</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>Limit results to patrons in dropdown.</listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist>\r
+ \r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="Registeringpatrons">\r
+ <title>Registering New Patrons</title>\r
+ \r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem>Mandatory fields = Red.</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>Save and clone user button: the contact info is copied into the next record. Records created using this method\r
+ are automatically grouped together with the original record and share the same address, which can only be edited in the original record.</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>Staff accounts can be added here just like patron accounts.</listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="CloneUser">\r
+ <title>Clone User from Existing Group Member</title>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Open patron record, click <guibutton>Other</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Select Group.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Highlight a group member to clone and <emphasis>right click</emphasis>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Register a New Group Member by Cloning Selected Patrons</guimenuitem>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>A Register Patron Clone for Group tab will open displaying the Evergreen User Editor.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Enter required patron information.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Save User</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>After saving the clone record, the User Editor reverts to another clone template; create additional family/group member records.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Close the <emphasis>Register Patron Clone for Group</emphasis> tab.</para></step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="Updatingpatroninformation">\r
+ <title>Updating patron information</title>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Retrieve the patron record</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Edit</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Finish then click <guibutton>Save User</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Confirmation message, <emphasis>User updating is successful</emphasis></para></step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="renewinglibrarycards">\r
+ <title>Extend Account Expiration Date</title>\r
+ <para>All patron accounts are set to <emphasis>expire</emphasis> in one year – this allows staff to verify patron contact information annually and update any out-of-date \r
+ information.</para>\r
+ <note><para>There is no warning that the account will soon expire. </para></note>\r
+ <para>Loans are NOT shortened if due date is after the account expiration date.</para>\r
+ <para>NO loans are possible until the account expiration date is extended.</para> \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Access patron account, open Edit function tab.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guimenuitem>4. Groups and Permissions</guimenuitem> </para></step>\r
+ <step><para>At Account Expiration Date, highlight the year and type the new year</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guimenuitem>7. Finish</guimenuitem>, click <guibutton>Save User</guibutton></para></step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="lostlibrarycards">\r
+ <title>Lost Library Cards</title>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Mark Lost</guibutton> button.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para><menuchoice><guimenu>Finish</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save User</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
+ \r
+ </procedure> \r
+ <caution>\r
+ <para>A lost card cannot be reinstated (A warning message will display; use the new card to retrieve the user’s \r
+ record)</para>\r
+ </caution> \r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="Resettingpatronpassword">\r
+ <title>Resetting a Patron's Password</title>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Retrieve the record.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Reset</guibutton> Button next to <guilabel>password</guilabel> field</para></step>\r
+ </procedure> \r
+ <note>\r
+ <para>The existing password is not displayed in patron records for security reasons.</para>\r
+ </note> \r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="barringapatron">\r
+ <title>Barring a Patron</title>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>4: Groups and Permissions</guimenuitem>. Select the <guilabel>Barred</guilabel> checkbox.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>The Alert Message is required.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <menuchoice><guimenu>Finish</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save User</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
+ </procedure> \r
+ <note><para>Barring a patron from one library bars that patron from all consortium member libraries.</para></note>\r
+ <para>To unbar a patron, uncheck the <guilabel>Barred</guilabel> checkbox and remove the alert message.</para> \r
+ <para>Barred: Stops patrons from using their library cards; alerts the staff that the patron is banned/barred from the \r
+ library. The "check-out" functionality is disabled for barred patrons (NO option to override – the checkout window is unusable \r
+ and the bar must be removed from the account before the patron is able to checkout items). These patrons may still log in to \r
+ the OPAC to view their accounts.</para>\r
+ <para>Blocked: Often, these are system-generated blocks on patron accounts. Some examples:\r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem>Patron exceeds fine threshold</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>Patron exceeds max checked out item threshold.</listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist> \r
+ </para>\r
+ <para>A notice appears when a staff person tries to checkout an item to blocked patrons, but staff may be given permissions \r
+ to override blocks.</para>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="patronalerts">\r
+ <title>Patron Alerts</title>\r
+ <para>There are two types of Patron Alerts:\r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem>System-generated alerts: once the cause is resolved (e.g. patron's account has been renewed), the message \r
+ will disappear automatically. \r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem>View from <guimenuitem>Messages</guimenuitem> or <menuchoice><guimenu>Other</guimenu><guimenuitem>Display Alerts and \r
+ Messages</guimenuitem></menuchoice></listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para>Staff-generated alerts: must be removed manually. – Yellow background in summary</para>\r
+ <para>To insert an alert:</para>\r
+ <procedure> \r
+ <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Groups and Permissions</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice></para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Alert Message field.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Finish and <guibutton>Save User</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <para>To remove an alert:</para> \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Clear</guibutton> button under the Alert Message box.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Save the record.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist> \r
+ </para>\r
+ <para>A notice appears when a staff person tries to checkout an item to blocked patrons, but staff may be given permissions \r
+ to override blocks.</para>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="patronnotes">\r
+ <title>Patron Notes</title>\r
+ <para>See Notes message appears</para>\r
+ <para>Notes are strictly communicative and may made visible to the patron, via their account on the OPAC.</para>\r
+ \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>To insert/remove a note:</title> \r
+ <step><para>Open a patron record, click <guibutton>Other</guibutton></para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Notes</guimenuitem>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click Add New Note.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Select if notes will be visible for staff only, or visible to the patron when logged into My Account in the OPAC.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Add note Title and content.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Add Note</guibutton></para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton></para></step>\r
+ <step><para>To delete a note, go to <menuchoice><guimenu>Other</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Notes</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and use the \r
+ <guibutton>Delete This Note</guibutton> button under each note.</para></step>\r
+ </procedure> \r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="mergingpatronrecords">\r
+ <title>Merging Patron Records</title>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Merging patron Records From the patron search screen:</title> \r
+ <step><para>Search by the terms shared by the two records</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Select the two records to merge by pressing down the <keycap>CTRL</keycap> key and clicking each record. </para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Merge Patrons</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Select the record you want to keep by checking the radio button Lead Record above the appropriate record. \r
+ </para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click the <guibutton>Merge Patrons</guibutton> button.</para></step>\r
+ <note><para>Once two records have been merged, the notes, bills, holds and outstanding items under the non-lead record \r
+ are brought to the lead record. Staff-inserted alert messages are not transferred.</para></note>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <para></para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Merging patron records from the patron group screen:</title> \r
+ <step><para>Retrieve one of the two patron records you want to merge. Go to <menuchoice><guimenu>Other</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Group</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>The patron record is displayed as a group member. Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Action</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Move another patron to this \r
+ patron group</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>At the prompt, scan or type the patron's barcode. Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Confirm the move by clicking the <guibutton>Move</guibutton> button on top of the screen. Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> on the confirmation pop-up window. \r
+ </para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Both records are displayed as group members. Select both records by pressing the <keycap>CTRL</keycap> key and clicking each \r
+ record. Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Action</guimenu><guimenuitem>Merge Selected Patrons</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>The merging records window pops up. Choose the lead record and continue to merge records as described in \r
+ Step 4.</para></step>\r
+ <note><para>The merged record will still show under group members. Both members point to the same patron \r
+ record.</para></note>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="circulatingitems">\r
+ <title>Circulating Items</title>\r
+ <para>Regular circulation: circulation of items in the regular collection.</para> \r
+ <para>Pre-cataloged circulation: circulation of items that have a barcode but have not yet been cataloged. These items \r
+ may be checked out and then sent to cataloging when returned.</para>\r
+ <para>Non-cataloged circulation: circulation of items that are not in the catalog and do not have a barcode.</para> \r
+ <section xml:id="checkout">\r
+ <title>Check Out (<keycap>F1</keycap>)</title>\r
+ \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>To check out regular items:</title> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Check Out</guibutton> button or hit <keycap>F1</keycap> to access <emphasis>Retrieve Patron by Barcode</emphasis></para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Scan the patron barcode</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Patron Account opens to the Check Out function tab</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Scan or enter the item barcode. Click <guibutton>Submit</guibutton> or hit <keycap>Enter</keycap> (for manual entries).</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Continue to scan barcodes until all items are charged.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>When finished, click <guibutton>Done</guibutton> to generate a receipt or to exit patron record, if not printing slip receipts. \r
+ </para></step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="Precatalogeditems">\r
+ <title>Pre-cataloged Items</title>\r
+ <para>Pre-cat items are those items that have yet to be added to the database or that have barcode labels, but are not attached to an existing bibliographic record.</para>\r
+ <caution><para>ONLY use Pre-Cat Checkout as a last resort, such as when a patron brings the item to the desk from the shelf and MUST have it that day. Otherwise, \r
+ ask the patron to wait until you can have the item correctly processed.</para></caution> \r
+ \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Checking out pre-cataloged items from the check out screen:</title> \r
+ <step><para>Scan the item barcode.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>An alert will appear stating: <emphasis>Mis-scan or non-cataloged item</emphasis>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>To continue with check out, click <guibutton>Pre-cataloged</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Enter title and author information and click <guibutton>Checkout</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Item is added to the list of Check Outs</para></step> \r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Checking in pre-cataloged items</title> \r
+ <step><para>Scan the item barcode.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>An alert will appear stating: "This item needs to be routed to Cataloging"</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>The item is added to the list of Check Ins, marked with: <emphasis>[barcode number] needs to be cataloged, Route To location = Cataloging and \r
+ Status = Cataloging</emphasis></para></step>\r
+ <note><para>The item MUST be routed to your holdings maintenance staff to be added to the database before further \r
+ check outs.</para></note> \r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="noncatalogeditems">\r
+ <title>Non-cataloged Items</title>\r
+ <para>Non-cataloged items may be more familiar as <emphasis>Ephemeral</emphasis> items – they are those items that libraries do not wish to catalog, \r
+ but do wish to track for circulation statistics.</para> \r
+ <para>Items are checked out with a due date but when the due date expires, the items disappear from the \r
+ patron's record.</para>\r
+ <para>No fines accrue.</para>\r
+ <para>Circulation statistics are collected.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Checking Out Non-cataloged Items From the Check Out screen:</title> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Check Out</guibutton> button or hit <keycap>F1</keycap> to access <emphasis>Retrieve \r
+ Patron by Barcode</emphasis>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Scan patron barcode.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>The Patron Account opens to Check Out function tab.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click on Barcode to open the non-cataloged items selection list.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click the type of item, such as Paperback Book; the box for the barcode will become grayed out and labeled \r
+ <emphasis>Non-cataloged</emphasis>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Submit</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>In the pop-up, enter the number of items being checked out.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>The items are added to the Check Out list with a normal due date.</para></step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <para>Non-cataloged items do not appear in the list of items out unless you select that option.</para>\r
+ <para>Click OK.</para>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="duedates">\r
+ <title>Due Dates</title>\r
+ <para>Circulation periods are pre-set. When items are checked out, due dates are automatically calculated and \r
+ inserted into circulation records if the Due Date is set Normal on the Check Out screen. Different due dates \r
+ may be set to override this circulation period.</para>\r
+ <para>This process will allow staff to set a non-standard loan period prior to scanning the item in Check Out.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Check Out</guibutton> button or hit <keycap>F1</keycap> to Retrieve Patron.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Scan the patron barcode.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Scan the item barcode</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>In the box labeled <guimenu>Normal</guimenu>, select a pre-set loan period from the list; OR\r
+ Highlight <guimenu>Normal</guimenu> and type a specific date in YYYY-MM-DD format</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>The item is checked out with the special due date.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>The special due date applies to all subsequent items until it is changed or the patron record is exited.</para></step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="checkin">\r
+ <title>Check In (F2)</title>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Regular check in:</title> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Check In</guibutton> button or hit <keycap>F2</keycap> to open Item Check In tab.\r
+ </para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Scan item barcode.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Continue to scan barcodes until all items are discharged.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Close tab when done.</para></step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="backdatedcheckin">\r
+ <title>Backdated Check In</title>\r
+ <para>Used for checking items in from bookdrops or for unexpected closings.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Click the <guibutton>Check In</guibutton> button or hit <keycap>F2</keycap>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Enter backdated date in the Effective Date field (YYYY-MM-DD format).</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Click outside of the Effective Date field: the top green bar changes to red. The new effective \r
+ date displays at the top of the window.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Scan items.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>When finishing backdated check-in, change the Effective Date back to the current \r
+ date or close tab.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="Renewaleditingduedate">\r
+ <title>Renewal and Editing Item's Due Date</title>\r
+ <para>Checked-out items can be renewed according to library policy. The new due date is calculated from the renewal \r
+ date. Existing loans may be extended to a specific date by editing the due date.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Renewing items</title> \r
+ <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Items Out screen.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Select item(s) to renew. </para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Renew</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>To renew all items in the account, click <guibutton>Renew All</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>To view the new due date, click <guimenuitem>Refresh</guimenuitem>.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <para>Renewal may also be done from the Items Status screen. See <xref linkend="itemstatus"/>.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Editing the due date of items:</title> \r
+ <step><para>From the patron record, open Items Out tab</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Highlight the item, <emphasis>right click</emphasis>, and select <guimenuitem>Edit Due Date</guimenuitem></para></step>\r
+ <step><para>To update multiple items highlight the first item, press and hold <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>, highlight additional items</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>In the pop-up, enter the new due date.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Refresh</guibutton> to update the list.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <tip><para>Select multiple items by pressing down the <keycap>CTRL</keycap> key and clicking each item to edit.</para></tip>\r
+ <note><para>Editing the due date does not affect renewal count.</para></note>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="lostclaimedreturned">\r
+ <title>Marking Items “Lost” and “Claimed Returned”</title>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>To mark items as lost:</title>\r
+ <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guimenuitem>Items Out</guimenuitem> tab.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Select appropriate item(s).</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Mark Lost (by Patron)</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Refresh to reflect changes. Lost item(s) display in the <emphasis>Lost/Claimed Returned/Long Overdue</emphasis> \r
+ field.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <note><para>Marking an item lost will automatically bill the patron the replacement cost of the item, plus a \r
+ processing fee, as determined by local policy. If the cost is 0.00, a charge may be manually added to the bill. See the \r
+ section called <xref linkend="newgrocerybills"/> for details\r
+ If the lost item is returned, the bill and payment (if bill has been paid) will not be cancelled/refunded automatically. \r
+ These bills must be dealt with manually, as per local policy.</para></note>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Marking items as <emphasis>Claimed Returned:</emphasis></title>\r
+ <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Items Out</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Select item(s).</para></step>\r
+ <step><para><emphasis>Right click</emphasis>, and select <guimenuitem>Mark Claimed Returned</guimenuitem>. To update multiple items highlight the first item, \r
+ press and hold <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>, highlight additional items and select <guimenuitem>Mark Claimed Returned</guimenuitem>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Enter a return date (YYYY-MM-DD format) and click OK.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>The “Claimed Returned” item will display in the <guibutton>Lost/Claimed Returned/Long Overdue</guibutton> \r
+ field.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <note>\r
+ <para>If the item is overdue and the claims returned date is before the original due date, the fines disappear.</para>\r
+ <para>If the item is overdue and the claims returned date is after the due date, the fines remain.</para>\r
+ <para>If you do not enter the date claimed returned, the item is moved to the Claimed returned list, but the fines are not stopped.</para>\r
+ <para>Items cannot be <emphasis>un-claimed returned</emphasis> except by checking in the item or marking it lost.</para>\r
+ <para>There is a <guibutton>Claims Returned Count</guibutton> in the Edit tab, <guimenuitem>Groups and Permissions</guimenuitem> section; this must be manually reset.</para>\r
+ <para>There are no alerts indicating claims returned items.</para>\r
+ </note>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="inhouseuse">\r
+ <title>In-house Use (F6)</title>\r
+ <para>May be used to record in-house use for both cataloged and non-cataloged items.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Circulation</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Record-In House Use</guimenuitem></menuchoice></para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Cataloged items: Enter item barcode. When recording more than one use of an item, edit the \r
+ number in the # of uses box.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Non-cataloged items: choose the appropriate item from the dropdown menu in the Barcode\r
+ box and Submit.</para></step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <para>The statistics on in-house use are separated from circulation statistics. In-house use count \r
+ of cataloged items is not included in the items' total use count.</para>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="itemstatus">\r
+ <title>Item Status (<keycap>F5</keycap>)</title>\r
+ <para>Many functions may be performed from the Item Status screen. This section will cover circulation-related functions:\r
+ checking item status, viewing past circulations, inserting item alert messages, and marking items missing or damaged.\r
+ </para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Checking an item's status:</title>\r
+ <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Search</guimenu><guisubmenu>Search for copies by Barcode or Circulation</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Show Item Status by Barcode</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Enter item barcode.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Current status of the item displays, along with selected other fields. (Use the column picker \r
+ to choose which fields to view.)</para></step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <note><para>If an item's status is <emphasis>Available</emphasis>, the displayed due date refers to the previous circulation's due date.</para></note>\r
+ \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Viewing Past Circulations:</title> \r
+ <step><para>Retrieve an item (see above).</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Last Few Circulations</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>The item’s recent circulation history displays.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>To retrieve the last patron to circulate the item, select <guimenuitem>Retrieve Last Patron</guimenuitem>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Patron record will display in a new Tab.</para></step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <para>Past circulations can also be retrieved from a patron's Items Out screen.</para> \r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="markingitemsdamaged">\r
+ <title>Marking items <emphasis>damaged</emphasis> or <emphasis>missing</emphasis></title> \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Retrieve the item.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Select the item. </para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Mark Item Damaged or Mark \r
+ Item Missing</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. </para></step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <para>This procedure also allows items to be checked in or renewed through the <guimenuitem>Check in Items</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Renew Items</guimenuitem> options on the \r
+ dropdown menu.</para> \r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="itemalerts">\r
+ <title>Item alerts</title>\r
+ <para>The Edit Item Attributes function on Actions for Selected Items allows editing of item records, such as inserting \r
+ item alerts.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Retrieve record.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Highlight the item.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Items</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Edit Item Attributes</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>The item record displays in the Copy Editor.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Click Alert Message in the Miscellaneous column. </para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Type in the message and click <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Modify Copies</guibutton> and confirm.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="billsandpayments">\r
+ <title>Bills and Payments</title>\r
+ <section xml:id="circulationgrocerybills">\r
+ <title>Circulation vs. Grocery Bills</title>\r
+ <para>There are two types of bills in Evergreen: Circulation bills and Grocery bills. </para>\r
+ <para>Circulation bills: system-generated (overdue fines, lost item cost, processing fees, etc.).</para>\r
+ <para>Overdue fines are added daily once an item is overdue. </para>\r
+ <para>When an item is marked as lost, bills may be automatically generated to cover the item's cost and a processing fee, according to library policy.</para>\r
+ <para>Grocery bills: staff-applied to patron accounts.</para> \r
+ </section> \r
+ <section xml:id="makingpayments">\r
+ <title>Making Payments</title> \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Bills</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>When bills are paid, the money applied starts at the top of the list of checked-off bills. To pay a specific bill, uncheck the other boxes. \r
+ (Note the presence of the Uncheck All and Check All options.)</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Select a payment type.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Enter the amount of payment in the <guilabel>Payment received</guilabel> field.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Apply Payment.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>The patron’s bill screen and owed balance will update.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <note><para>Items marked with red are still checked out. It is possible for a patron to pay a bill while the item is still out and accruing fines.</para></note>\r
+ <tip><para>You may choose to annotate payment and fill in resulting text box according to library policy.</para></tip>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="makingchange">\r
+ <title>Making Change</title> \r
+ <para>Change will be calculated if the payment amount is over the selected bill amount. After typing in a payment amount, click into the \r
+ <guilabel>=Change</guilabel> field. The change amount will\r
+ display. </para>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="voidforgive">\r
+ <title>Void vs. Forgive</title> \r
+ <para>Void clears all history of the bill, while forgive retains the history.</para> \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Forgiving bills:</title> \r
+ <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Choose <guimenuitem>forgive</guimenuitem> as the payment type </para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Enter the amount to be forgiven. </para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Apply Payment.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure>\r
+ \r
+ <section xml:id="voidbills">\r
+ <para>Voiding bills:</para>\r
+ <para>Bills under one transaction are grouped in one bill line. Bills may be voided in part or in whole.</para> \r
+ <procedure> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Void All Billings</guibutton></para></step> \r
+ <step><para>confirm.</para></step>\r
+ </procedure> \r
+ \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>To void a partial amount:</title> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Full Details for the transaction</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>The bill details screen displays.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Select the bill to void.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Void Selected Billings.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Confirm.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure> \r
+ </section>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="newgrocerybills">\r
+ <title>Adding New "Grocery" Bills</title>\r
+ <para>A grocery bill can be added as a new bill or to an existing bill.</para> \r
+ <procedure> \r
+ <title>To add as a new bill:</title>\r
+ <step><para>Retrieve the patron record. </para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Bills</guimenuitem>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Bill Patron</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Choose appropriate billing type from the drop down menu. (<guimenuitem>Grocery</guimenuitem> is the only available transaction type.)</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Enter the Amount and Note (as required).</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Submit this Bill and confirm.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure> \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>To add bill to an existing bill line:</title>\r
+ <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Bills</guimenuitem>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Add Billing</guibutton> at the bottom of the correct bill line.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Choose appropriate billing type from the drop down menu. (<guimenuitem>Grocery</guimenuitem> \r
+ is the only available transaction type.)</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Enter the Amount and Note (as required).</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Submit this Bill and confirm.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>The Money Summary will adjust accordingly.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure> \r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="billhistory">\r
+ <title>Bill History</title>\r
+ <para>The Bill History view includes specific details about the item as well as information about the \r
+ bill and payments.</para> \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>To view a patron’s bill history:</title>\r
+ <step><para>From the patron record, open the Bills tab</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guimenuitem>History</guimenuitem>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>The Bill History window opens.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Highlight a bill in the Bill History pane to view its Item Summary.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>For more information, select a bill and click <guibutton>Full Details</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
+ </procedure> \r
+ <note><para>Items may be deleted from the catalog even if a charge for that item is still attached to the patron's record. The charge will remain on the patron's account \r
+ after the deletion.</para></note>\r
+ </section>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="Holds">\r
+ <title>Holds</title>\r
+ <note><para>Items may be deleted from the catalog even if a charge for that item is still attached to the patron's record. The charge will remain on the patron's account \r
+ after the deletion.</para></note>\r
+ <section xml:id="ViewingHolds">\r
+ <title>Viewing Holds</title>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Under Actions for this Record (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>A</keycap></keycombo>), select View Holds \r
+ (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>). You can do this from any record view. You do not have to be in \r
+ Holdings Maintenance.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>The View Holds screen opens.</para></step>\r
+ </procedure> \r
+ </section> \r
+ <section xml:id="placingholds">\r
+ <title>Placing Holds</title>\r
+ <para>Holds may be placed by staff through the staff client or by patrons through the OPAC. This chapter explains placing holds through the client which can be placed for \r
+ from several different places.</para> \r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="holdslevels">\r
+ <title>Holds Levels</title>\r
+ <para>Evergreen has four hold levels. Library staff may place holds at all four levels, while patrons may only place Meta-record and Title-level holds.</para> \r
+ <table xml:id="holdslevelstable">\r
+ <title>Hold Levels Explained:</title>\r
+ <tgroup cols="5">\r
+ <thead>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Hold Level</entry>\r
+ <entry>Abbreviation</entry>\r
+ <entry><emphasis>How To</emphasis></entry>\r
+ <entry>Used By</entry>\r
+ <entry>Hold Links To</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ </thead>\r
+ <tbody>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Meta-Record</entry>\r
+ <entry>M</entry>\r
+ <entry>Click <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> next to the title. From the <emphasis>Holds Confirmation Screen</emphasis>, click <guimenu>Advanced \r
+ Hold Options</guimenu> and select <guimenuitem>other applicable formats</guimenuitem></entry>\r
+ <entry>Patron or staff</entry>\r
+ <entry>Group of records in different formats (book, video, audiobook, etc) with the same title.</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Title Record</entry>\r
+ <entry>T</entry>\r
+ <entry>Click <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> next to the title</entry>\r
+ <entry>Patron or staff</entry>\r
+ <entry>A single MARC (title) record</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Volume</entry>\r
+ <entry>V</entry>\r
+ <entry>Click <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> on any item in the holdings list (next to the call number)</entry>\r
+ <entry>Staff</entry>\r
+ <entry>A call-number-specific volume record</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Copy</entry>\r
+ <entry>C</entry>\r
+ <entry>Click <guibutton>Details</guibutton> to view the barcode. Select <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> (next to the barcode)</entry>\r
+ <entry>Staff</entry>\r
+ <entry>An item barcode</entry>\r
+ </row> \r
+ </tbody>\r
+ </tgroup>\r
+ </table>\r
+ <note><para>Meta-Record holds: If you select formats as being <guimenuitem>Acceptable Alternative Formats</guimenuitem>, the patron’s hold will be filled with the first \r
+ available item. If Books is selected, for instance, \r
+ a paperback edition could fill the hold, even when the hold is placed on the hardback record. If there are many different records for the same item, books attached to \r
+ other records could fill the hold, so this may speed hold fulfillment. If Audiobooks is selected, the patron could also receive the audiobook if that is the first available \r
+ version of the item. If audiobooks are selected, the patron could receive a cassette or CD version if Evergreen libraries own both.</para></note>\r
+ \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Placing holds from catalog records:</title> \r
+ <step><para>Retrieve the desired title record (<menuchoice><guimenu>Search </guimenu> <guimenuitem>Search the Catalog</guimenuitem></menuchoice>).</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Scan or type patron’s barcode into the <guilabel>Enter recipient barcode</guilabel> field. Click <guibutton>Submit</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click on an entry to display it’s summary.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Edit the <guilabel>patron hold notification</guilabel> and <guilabel>expiration date</guilabel> fields as required. (A default hold expiration date will \r
+ display if the library has set up a <emphasis>default holds expiration period</emphasis> in its library settings.)</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Advanced Options</guimenuitem> to create a meta-level hold.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Place Hold and confirm.</para></step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <note><para>Uncaptured holds will not be targeted after their expiration dates. If the Suspend this Hold checkbox is selected, the hold will be suspended and will not \r
+ be captured until reactivated.</para></note> \r
+ \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Placing holds from patron records:</title> \r
+ <step><para>Open the patron record.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Holds</guibutton></para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> (top left top corner).</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>The Advanced Search interface opens within the Holds pane.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Enter item search criteria and click <guibutton>Submit Search</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Locate the desired item in the Title Results list and click <guibutton>Place hold</guibutton></para></step>\r
+ <step><para>The patron's account information will retrieve automatically.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Verify contact methods and pick up location.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Set the <guilabel>notification</guilabel> and <guilabel>expiration date</guilabel> fields as required.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Place Hold</guibutton> and confirm.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <para>Multiple holds may be placed at one time. Select <guimenuitem>Holds</guimenuitem> to return to the Holds screen. Select <guimenuitem>Refresh</guimenuitem> to \r
+ reflect newly placed holds.</para>\r
+ <para>If the hold fails, a dialog box will open up indicating that the hold you are trying to place is invalid. For instance, if you try to place a hold on an audiovisual \r
+ item where your library has no holdings, or if the patron has reached the limit of holds a person can place.</para>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="managingholds">\r
+ <title>Managing Holds</title>\r
+ <para>Holds may be cancelled at any time by staff or patrons.</para> \r
+ <para>Before holds are captured, staff or patrons may: \r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem>Suspend or set holds as inactive for a period of time without losing the hold queue position;</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>Activate suspended holds;</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>Edit the hold notification method, pick-up location, expiration date, or activation date;</listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist>\r
+ </para>\r
+ <para>Staff can edit holds from patron records or title records. Patrons may edit holds from their OPAC account.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Managing holds in patron records:</title> \r
+ <step><para>Retrieve the patron record.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Holds</guimenuitem>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Highlight the appropriate hold record.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Actions for Selected Items</guimenuitem>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Manage the hold by choosing an action on the list. </para></step> \r
+ </procedure> \r
+ <note><para>Captured holds with statuses of <emphasis>On Hold Self</emphasis> or <emphasis>Ready for Pickup</emphasis> can be cancelled by staff or patrons. The status \r
+ of these items will not be change until they are <emphasis>checked in</emphasis>.</para></note>\r
+ \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>Managing holds in title records:</title>\r
+ <step><para>Retrieve and display the appropriate title record through the catalog.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for this Reord</guimenu> <guimenuitem>View Holds</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>By default, only holds with the pickup location of your library are displayed.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Highlight the hold(s) to edit. </para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guimenu>Actions for Selected Holds</guimenu> and the appropriate action.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure> \r
+ <tip><para>Holds may be sorted on the View Holds screen. Click <guimenuitem>Request Date</guimenuitem> to find the position of a patron in the hold queue. Use the column \r
+ picker to display patron barcodes and names. Columns may be saved for a login using the <guibutton>Save Columns</guibutton> button.</para></tip> \r
+ </section> \r
+ <section xml:id="TransferringHolds">\r
+ <title>Transferring Holds</title>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Open the record you need to transfer the hold from in one tab and the record you need to transfer the hold to in another tab.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>View the holds on the record where the hold is currently.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>You will copy the patron barcode of the hold you need to move. Select Patron barcode in the column picker. Then <emphasis>right click</emphasis> on the \r
+ line you need, and select <guimenuitem>Copy to Clipboard</guimenuitem></para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Click on the patron barcode. Make sure you do not click on the item barcode if it is in your box.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>A box will open up telling you what has been copied to the clipboard.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> or press <keycap>Enter</keycap>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para> You can now use this patron barcode to place a hold.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Go to the tab where you have opened the record where you need to move the hold.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Then you will need to cancel the hold on the first record.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure> \r
+ </section> \r
+ <section xml:id="CancelingHolds">\r
+ <title>Canceling Holds</title>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>View the holds for the item.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Highlight the hold you need to cancel.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guimenu>Actions for Selected Holds</guimenu> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>)</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Select <guimenuitem>Cancel Hold</guimenuitem> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>)</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>A Window will open asking if you are sure you wish to cancel the hold.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>If it is the correct hold, click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>Y</keycap></keycombo>).</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>The window will close, and the hold will disappear from the list.</para></step>\r
+ </procedure> \r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="RetargetingHolds">\r
+ <title>Retargeting Holds</title>\r
+ <para>Holds need to be retargeted whenever a new item is added to a record, or after some types of item status changes, for instance when an item is changed from On Order \r
+ to In Process. The system does not automatically recognize the newly added items as available to fill holds. This also needs to be done if items marked as Damaged or \r
+ Missing or set to other non-circulating statuses are once again made available for circulation.</para> \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>View the holds for the item.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>highlight all the holds for the record, which have a status of Waiting for Copy. If there are a lot of holds, it may be helpful to sort the\r
+ holds by <emphasis>Status</emphasis>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para> Click on the head of the status column.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Under <guimenu>Actions for Selected Holds</guimenu> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>) select <guimenuitem>Find Another \r
+ Target</guimenuitem> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>T</keycap></keycombo>)</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>A window will open asking if you are sure you would like to reset the holds for these items.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton> (<keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>Y</keycap></keycombo>). Nothing may appear to happen, or if you are retargeting \r
+ a lot of holds at once, your screen may go blank or seem to freeze for a moment while the holds are retargeted.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>When the screen refreshes, the holds will be retargeted the system will now recognize the new items and items with a new status as \r
+ available for holds.</para></step>\r
+ </procedure> \r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="holdspulllist">\r
+ <title>Holds Pull List</title>\r
+ <para>Holds may have one of three statuses: <emphasis>Waiting for Copy</emphasis>, <emphasis>Waiting for Capture</emphasis>, or \r
+ <emphasis>Ready for Pickup</emphasis>.</para> \r
+ <para><emphasis>Waiting-for-copy</emphasis>: all copies are checked out or otherwise unavailable.</para>\r
+ <para><emphasis>Waiting-for-capture</emphasis>: an available copy is assigned to the hold. The item displays on the Holds Pull List. Staff must retrieve and capture the hold.</para>\r
+ <para><emphasis>Ready-for-pickup</emphasis>: the hold has been captured and is waiting for patron pickup.</para>\r
+ \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <title>To retrieve the holds pull list:</title>\r
+ <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Circulation</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Pull List for Hold Requests</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>The Holds Pull List displays. </para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Sort by clicking the column labels (e.g. Call Number).</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>To print, click <guibutton>Print Page</guibutton> on the top right of the screen.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure> \r
+ <note><para>The Holds Pull List is updated constantly. Once an item on the list is no longer available or a hold on the list is captured, the items will disappear \r
+ from the list. </para></note>\r
+ <section xml:id="capturingholds">\r
+ <title>Capturing Holds</title>\r
+ <para>Holds may be captured when a checked-out item is returned (checked in) or when an item on the Holds Pull List is retrieved and captured. When a hold is captured, a \r
+ hold slip may be printed and an email notification will be sent out, if enabled for the hold.</para> \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Circulation</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Capture Holds</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Scan or type barcode and click <guibutton>Submit</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>A hold slip prints automatically.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure> \r
+ <tip><para> Holds can also be captured on the <menuchoice><guimenu>Circulation</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Check In Items</guimenuitem></menuchoice> screen. \r
+ If the <guilabel>Auto-Print Hold</guilabel> and <guilabel>Transit Slips</guilabel> checkboxes are selected, hold slips will print automatically.</para></tip> \r
+ </section>\r
+ </section> \r
+ <section xml:id="holdsshelflist">\r
+ <title>Holds Shelf List</title>\r
+ <para>Items with Ready-for-pickup status are displayed on the Hold Shelf List. Hold Shelf List can help manage items on the hold shelf.</para> \r
+ <para>To view the holds shelf list:</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Circulation</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Browse Holds Shelf</guimenuitem></menuchoice></para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Actions for Selected Holds are available, as in the patron record. </para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Expired holds may be deleted from this screen.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure> \r
+ <caution><para>If you cancel a ready-for-pickup hold, you must check in the item to make it available for circulation.</para></caution>\r
+ </section>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="transititems">\r
+ <title>Transit Items</title>\r
+ <para>Evergreen’s In Transit feature tracks items transferring among branches. It allows patrons to return items at any branch and for holds to be placed on items at other branches.</para>\r
+ <para>When will an item go In Transit?</para> \r
+ <orderedlist>\r
+ <listitem>When an item is checked in at a non-owning branch the status changes to <emphasis>In Transit</emphasis>. A transit slip may be printed.</listitem>\r
+ <listitem>When a hold is captured for an item with a pickup branch other than location at which the hold is captured, the item’s status will be changed to \r
+ <emphasis>In Transit</emphasis>. If the hold is captured from the <emphasis>Check In</emphasis> screen, a prompt to print the Transit/Hold slip will display. \r
+ If the hold is captured from the <emphasis>Capture Holds</emphasis> screen, a Transit/Hold slip will be printed automatically.</listitem>\r
+ </orderedlist>\r
+ <section xml:id="receivingtransititems">\r
+ <title>Receiving In Transit Items</title>\r
+ <para>All items received through transit must be checked in by the receiving branch. This changes the items' statuses from <emphasis>In Transit</emphasis> to \r
+ <emphasis>Reshelving</emphasis> or <emphasis>Ready for Pickup</emphasis>.</para> \r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="transitlist">\r
+ <title>Transit List</title>\r
+ <para>The Transit List report may be used to as a tool to help manage your incoming and outgoing transits.</para>\r
+ <para>To access and use the Transit List report:</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Admin</guimenu> <guisubmenu>Local System Administration</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Transit List</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.\r
+ </para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Specify <guimenuitem>ransit to</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Transit from library</guimenuitem> from the dropdown menu. </para></step>\r
+ <step><para>Pick a date range in <guilabel>Transit Date falls between</guilabel> fields.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Transits Retrieve</guibutton>.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Items with an <emphasis>In Transit</emphasis> status for the selected time period are listed. </para></step>\r
+ </procedure> \r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="abortingtransits">\r
+ <title>Aborting Transits</title>\r
+ <para>Transits may be aborted (cancelled) from multiple locations within Evergreen.</para>\r
+ <para>Use when processing missing in transit items or a patron requests an item that has just been returned and is in transit to its home library for reshelving. \r
+ This procedure can be performed from the <emphasis>Transit List</emphasis> or from the <emphasis>Item Status</emphasis> screen.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Select the transit(s) to cancel.</para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Actions for Selected Transits</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Abort Transits</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></step>\r
+ <step><para>The transit is cancelled, but will still display in the list. </para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Click <guibutton>Retrieve Transits</guibutton>. The screen will refresh and the cancelled item(s) will no longer display as transits. </para></step> \r
+ </procedure> \r
+ <section xml:id="cancellingtransitscheckout">\r
+ <title>Cancelling Transits at Checkout</title>\r
+ <para>Items with a status of <emphasis>in transit</emphasis> trigger a notification when an attempt is made to check them out. To allow <emphasis>in transit</emphasis> \r
+ items to be checked out, override the block by clicking Abort Transit on the alert screen. Proceed by clicking <guibutton>Checkout</guibutton>.</para> \r
+ \r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="cancellingtransitsItemStatus">\r
+ <title>Cancelling Transits from Item Status</title>\r
+ <para>Items with a status of <emphasis>in transit</emphasis> trigger a notification when an attempt is made to check them out. To allow \r
+ <emphasis>in transit</emphasis> items to be checked out, override the block by clicking Abort Transit on the alert screen. Proceed by clicking Checkout.</para> \r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step><para>Click <guimenuitem>Item Status</guimenuitem> or hit <keycap>F5</keycap></para></step> \r
+ <step><para>Scan Item barcode</para></step>\r
+ <step><para><emphasis>Right click</emphasis> on the item and select <guibutton>Abort Transit</guibutton></para></step> \r
+ <step><para>At Aborting Transits pop-up, click <guibutton>Yes</guibutton></para></step> \r
+ <step><para>The item now has the status <emphasis>Reshelving</emphasis>.</para></step> \r
+ </procedure> \r
+ </section>\r
+ </section>\r
+ </section>\r