-= Installing the Evergreen server =
+== Installing the Evergreen server ==
-== Preamble: referenced user accounts ==
+=== Preamble: referenced user accounts ===
In subsequent sections, we will refer to a number of different accounts, as
Evergreen that you will use to test connectivity and configure your
Evergreen instance.
-== Preamble: developer instructions ==
+=== Preamble: developer instructions ===
Skip this section if you are using an official release tarball downloaded
autoreconf -i
-== Installing prerequisites ==
+=== Installing prerequisites ===
* **PostgreSQL**: The minimum supported version is 9.6.
* **Linux**: Evergreen has been tested on
make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install <osname>-packager
-== Extra steps for web staff client ==
+=== Extra steps for web staff client ===
Skip this entire section if you are using an official release tarball downloaded
from http://evergreen-ils.org/downloads
-=== Install dependencies for web staff client ===
+==== Install dependencies for web staff client ====
You may skip this section if you have installed the
environment variable `PATH`.
-=== Install AngularJS files for web staff client ===
+==== Install AngularJS files for web staff client ====
1. Building, Testing, Minification: The remaining steps all take place within
the staff JS web root:
-=== Install Angular files for web staff client ===
+==== Install Angular files for web staff client ====
1. Building, Testing, Minification: The remaining steps all take place within
the Angular staff root:
npm run test
-== Configuration and compilation instructions ==
+=== Configuration and compilation instructions ===
For the time being, we are still installing everything in the `/openils/`
directory. From the Evergreen source directory, issue the following commands as
If not, please adjust PATH as needed so that the Evergreen `configure` script
can find `osrf_config`.
-== Installation instructions ==
+=== Installation instructions ===
1. Once you have configured and compiled Evergreen, issue the following
command as the *root* Linux account to install Evergreen and copy
make install
-== Change ownership of the Evergreen files ==
+=== Change ownership of the Evergreen files ===
All files in the `/openils/` directory and subdirectories must be owned by the
`opensrf` user. Issue the following command as the *root* Linux account to
chown -R opensrf:opensrf /openils
-== Run ldconfig ==
+=== Run ldconfig ===
On Debian Stretch / Buster, run the following command as the root user:
-== Additional Instructions for Developers ==
+=== Additional Instructions for Developers ===
Skip this section if you are using an official release tarball downloaded
-== Configure the Apache Web server ==
+=== Configure the Apache Web server ===
. Use the example configuration files to configure your Web server for
the Evergreen catalog, web staff client, Web services, and administration
* <<_apache_rewrite_tricks,Apache Rewrite Tricks>>
* <<_apache_access_handler_perl_module,Apache Access Handler Perl Module>>
-== Configure OpenSRF for the Evergreen application ==
+=== Configure OpenSRF for the Evergreen application ===
There are a number of example OpenSRF configuration files in `/openils/conf/`
that you can use as a template for your Evergreen installation. Issue the
following commands as the *opensrf* Linux account:
`eg_db_config`, described in <<_creating_the_evergreen_database,Creating the Evergreen
database>>, sets the database connection information in `opensrf.xml` for you.
-== Configure action triggers for the Evergreen application ==
+=== Configure action triggers for the Evergreen application ===
_Action Triggers_ provide hooks for the system to perform actions when a given
event occurs; for example, to generate reminder or overdue notices, the
`checkout.due` hook is processed and events are triggered for potential actions
For more information about configuring and running action triggers, see
<<_processing_action_triggers,Notifications / Action Triggers>>.
-== Creating the Evergreen database ==
+=== Creating the Evergreen database ===
-=== Setting up the PostgreSQL server ===
+==== Setting up the PostgreSQL server ====
For production use, most libraries install the PostgreSQL database server on a
dedicated machine. Therefore, by default, the `Makefile.install` prerequisite
to PostgreSQL, see
-=== Creating the Evergreen database and schema ===
+==== Creating the Evergreen database and schema ====
Once you have created the *evergreen* PostgreSQL account, you also need to
create the database and schema, and configure your configuration files to point
You can get a complete set of options for `eg_db_config` by passing the
`--help` parameter.
-=== Loading sample data ===
+==== Loading sample data ====
If you add the `--load-all-sample` parameter to the `eg_db_config` command,
a set of authority and bibliographic records, call numbers, copies, staff
and regular users, and transactions will be loaded into your target
for creating problem reports that developers can easily recreate with their
own copy of the _concerto_ sample data.
-=== Creating the database on a remote server ===
+==== Creating the database on a remote server ====
In a production instance of Evergreen, your PostgreSQL server should be
installed on a dedicated server.
-==== PostgreSQL 9.6 and later ====
+===== PostgreSQL 9.6 and later =====
To create the database instance on a remote database server running PostgreSQL
9.6 or later, simply use the `--create-database` flag on `eg_db_config`.
-== Starting Evergreen ==
+=== Starting Evergreen ===
1. As the *root* Linux account, start the `memcached` and `ejabberd` services
(if they aren't already running):
might not be able to successfully log in to the OPAC or web staff client until the
Apache Web server is restarted.
-== Testing connections to Evergreen ==
+=== Testing connections to Evergreen ===
Once you have installed and started Evergreen, test your connection to
Evergreen via `srfsh`. As the *opensrf* Linux account, issue the following
mailing list] for assistance before making any drastic changes to your system
-== Getting help ==
+=== Getting help ===
Need help installing or using Evergreen? Join the mailing lists at
http://evergreen-ils.org/communicate/mailing-lists/ or contact us on the Freenode
IRC network on the #evergreen channel.
-== License ==
+=== License ===
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative