Completing the JSON perl module move started by patch from Dan Scott.
authormiker <miker@9efc2488-bf62-4759-914b-345cdb29e865>
Mon, 2 Jul 2007 15:14:02 +0000 (15:14 +0000)
committermiker <miker@9efc2488-bf62-4759-914b-345cdb29e865>
Mon, 2 Jul 2007 15:14:02 +0000 (15:14 +0000)
git-svn-id: svn:// 9efc2488-bf62-4759-914b-345cdb29e865

src/perlmods/ [deleted file]
src/perlmods/OpenSRF/Utils/ [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/src/perlmods/ b/src/perlmods/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b417425..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,827 +0,0 @@
-package OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::number;
-sub new {
-       my $class = shift;
-       my $x = shift || $class;
-       return bless \$x => __PACKAGE__;
-use overload ( '""' => \&toString );
-sub toString { defined($_[1]) ? ${$_[1]} : ${$_[0]} }
-package OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::bool::true;
-sub new { return bless {} => __PACKAGE__ }
-use overload ( '""' => \&toString );
-use overload ( 'bool' => sub { 1 } );
-use overload ( '0+' => sub { 1 } );
-sub toString { 'true' }
-package OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::bool::false;
-sub new { return bless {} => __PACKAGE__ }
-use overload ( '""' => \&toString );
-use overload ( 'bool' => sub { 0 } );
-use overload ( '0+' => sub { 0 } );
-sub toString { 'false' }
-package OpenSRF::Utils::JSON;
-use Unicode::Normalize;
-use vars qw/%_class_map/;
-sub register_class_hint {
-       my $class = shift;
-       my %args = @_;
-       $_class_map{hints}{$args{hint}} = \%args;
-       $_class_map{classes}{$args{name}} = \%args;
-sub _JSON_regex {
-       my $string = shift;
-       $string =~ s/^\s* ( 
-                          {                            | # start object
-                          \[                           | # start array
-                          -?\d+\.?\d*                  | # number literal
-                          "(?:(?:\\[\"])|[^\"])*"      | # string literal
-                          (?:\/\*.+?\*\/)              | # C comment
-                          true                         | # bool true
-                          false                        | # bool false
-                          null                         | # undef()
-                          :                            | # object key-value sep
-                          ,                            | # list sep
-                          \]                           | # array end
-                          }                              # object end
-                       )
-                \s*//sox;
-       return ($string,$1);
-sub lookup_class {
-       my $self = shift;
-       my $hint = shift;
-       return $_class_map{hints}{$hint}{name}
-sub lookup_hint {
-       my $self = shift;
-       my $class = shift;
-       return $_class_map{classes}{$class}{hint}
-sub _json_hint_to_class {
-       my $type = shift;
-       my $hint = shift;
-       return $_class_map{hints}{$hint}{name} if (exists $_class_map{hints}{$hint});
-       $type = 'hash' if ($type eq '}');
-       $type = 'array' if ($type eq ']');
-       OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->register_class_hint(name => $hint, hint => $hint, type => $type);
-       return $hint;
-sub JSON2perl {
-       my $class = shift;
-       local $_ = shift;
-       s/(?<!\\)\$/\\\$/gmo; # fixup $ for later
-       s/(?<!\\)\@/\\\@/gmo; # fixup @ for later
-       s/(?<!\\)\%/\\\%/gmo; # fixup % for later
-       # Convert JSON Unicode...
-       s/\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/chr(hex($1))/esog;
-       # handle class blessings
-       s/\/\*--\s*S\w*?\s+\S+\s*--\*\// bless(/sog;
-       s/(\]|\}|")\s*\/\*--\s*E\w*?\s+(\S+)\s*--\*\//$1 => _json_hint_to_class("$1", "$2")) /sog;
-       my $re = qr/((?<!\\)"(?>(?<=\\)"|[^"])*(?<!\\)")/;
-       # Grab strings...
-       my @strings = /$re/sog;
-       # Replace with code...
-       #s/"(?:(?:\\[\"])|[^\"])*"/ do{ \$t = '"'.shift(\@strings).'"'; eval \$t;} /sog;
-       s/$re/ eval shift(\@strings) /sog;
-       # Perlify hash notation
-       s/:/ => /sog;
-       # Do numbers...
-       #s/\b(-?\d+\.?\d*)\b/ OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::number::new($1) /sog;
-       # Change javascript stuff to perl...
-       s/null/ undef /sog;
-       s/true/ bless( {}, "OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::bool::true") /sog;
-       s/false/ bless( {}, "OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::bool::false") /sog;
-       my $ret;
-       return eval '$ret = '.$_;
-my $_json_index;
-sub ___JSON2perl {
-       my $class = shift;
-       my $data = shift;
-       $data = [ split //, $data ];
-       $_json_index = 0;
-       return _json_parse_data($data);
-sub _eat_WS {
-       my $data = shift;
-       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-sub _json_parse_data {
-       my $data = shift;
-       my $out; 
-       #warn "parse_data";
-       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-       my $class = '';
-       my $c = $$data[$_json_index];
-       if ($c eq '/') {
-               $_json_index++;
-               $class = _json_parse_comment($data);
-               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-               $c = $$data[$_json_index];
-       }
-       if ($c eq '"') {
-               $_json_index++;
-               my $val = '';
-               my $seen_slash = 0;
-               my $done = 0;
-               while (!$done) {
-                       my $c = $$data[$_json_index];
-                       #warn "c is $c";
-                       if ($c eq '\\') {
-                               if ($seen_slash) {
-                                       $val .= '\\';
-                                       $seen_slash = 0;
-                               } else {
-                                       $seen_slash = 1;
-                               }
-                       } elsif ($c eq '"') {
-                               if ($seen_slash) {
-                                       $val .= '"';
-                                       $seen_slash = 0;
-                               } else {
-                                       $done = 1;
-                               }
-                       } elsif ($c eq 't') {
-                               if ($seen_slash) {
-                                       $val .= "\t";
-                                       $seen_slash = 0;
-                               } else {
-                                       $val .= 't';
-                               }
-                       } elsif ($c eq 'b') {
-                               if ($seen_slash) {
-                                       $val .= "\b";
-                                       $seen_slash = 0;
-                               } else {
-                                       $val .= 'b';
-                               }
-                       } elsif ($c eq 'f') {
-                               if ($seen_slash) {
-                                       $val .= "\f";
-                                       $seen_slash = 0;
-                               } else {
-                                       $val .= 'f';
-                               }
-                       } elsif ($c eq 'r') {
-                               if ($seen_slash) {
-                                       $val .= "\r";
-                                       $seen_slash = 0;
-                               } else {
-                                       $val .= 'r';
-                               }
-                       } elsif ($c eq 'n') {
-                               if ($seen_slash) {
-                                       $val .= "\n";
-                                       $seen_slash = 0;
-                               } else {
-                                       $val .= 'n';
-                               }
-                       } elsif ($c eq 'u') {
-                               if ($seen_slash) {
-                                       $_json_index++;
-                                       $val .= chr(hex(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 3])));
-                                       $_json_index += 3;
-                                       $seen_slash = 0;
-                               } else {
-                                       $val .= 'u';
-                               }
-                       } else {
-                               $val .= $c;
-                       }
-                       $_json_index++;
-                       #warn "string is $val";
-               }
-               $out = $val;
-               #$out = _json_parse_string($data);
-       } elsif ($c eq '[') {
-               $_json_index++;
-               $out = [];
-               my $in_parse = 0;
-               my $done = 0;
-               while(!$done) {
-                       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-                       if ($$data[$_json_index] eq ']') {
-                               $done = 1;
-                               $_json_index++;
-                               last;
-                       }
-                       if ($in_parse) {
-                               if ($$data[$_json_index] ne ',') {
-                                       #warn "_json_parse_array: bad data, leaving array parser";
-                                       last;
-                               }
-                               $_json_index++;
-                               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-                       }
-                       my $item = _json_parse_data($data);
-                       push @$out, $item;
-                       $in_parse++;
-               }
-               #$out = _json_parse_array($data);
-       } elsif ($c eq '{') {
-               $_json_index++;
-               $out = {};
-               my $in_parse = 0;
-               my $done = 0;
-               while(!$done) {
-                       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-                       if ($$data[$_json_index] eq '}') {
-                               $done = 1;
-                               $_json_index++;
-                               last;
-                       }
-                       if ($in_parse) {
-                               if ($$data[$_json_index] ne ',') {
-                                       #warn "_json_parse_object: bad data, leaving object parser";
-                                       last;
-                               }
-                               $_json_index++;
-                               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-                       }
-                       my ($key,$value);
-                       $key = _json_parse_data($data);
-                       #warn "object key is $key";
-                       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-                       if ($$data[$_json_index] ne ':') {
-                               #warn "_json_parse_object: bad data, leaving object parser";
-                               last;
-                       }
-                       $_json_index++;
-                       $value = _json_parse_data($data);
-                       $out->{$key} = $value;
-                       $in_parse++;
-               }
-               #$out = _json_parse_object($data);
-       } elsif (lc($c) eq 'n') {
-               if (lc(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 3])) eq 'null') {
-                       $_json_index += 4;
-               } else {
-                       warn "CRAP! bad null parsing...";
-               }
-               $out = undef;
-               #$out = _json_parse_null($data);
-       } elsif (lc($c) eq 't' or lc($c) eq 'f') {
-               if (lc(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 3])) eq 'true') {
-                       $out = 1;
-                       $_json_index += 4;
-               } elsif (lc(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 4])) eq 'false') {
-                       $out = 0;
-                       $_json_index += 5;
-               } else {
-                       #warn "CRAP! bad bool parsing...";
-                       $out = undef;
-               }
-               #$out = _json_parse_bool($data);
-       } elsif ($c =~ /\d+/o or $c eq '.' or $c eq '-') {
-               my $val;
-               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /[-\.0-9]+/io) {
-                       $val .= $$data[$_json_index];
-                       $_json_index++;
-               }
-               $out = 0+$val;
-               #$out = _json_parse_number($data);
-       }
-       if ($class) {
-               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-               my $c = $$data[$_json_index];
-               if ($c eq '/') {
-                       $_json_index++;
-                       _json_parse_comment($data)
-               }
-               bless( $out => lookup_class($class) );
-       }
-       $out;
-sub _json_parse_null {
-       my $data = shift;
-       #warn "parse_null";
-       if (lc(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 3])) eq 'null') {
-               $_json_index += 4;
-       } else {
-               #warn "CRAP! bad null parsing...";
-       }
-       return undef;
-sub _json_parse_bool {
-       my $data = shift;
-       my $out;
-       #warn "parse_bool";
-       if (lc(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 3])) eq 'true') {
-               $out = 1;
-               $_json_index += 4;
-       } elsif (lc(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 4])) eq 'false') {
-               $out = 0;
-               $_json_index += 5;
-       } else {
-               #warn "CRAP! bad bool parsing...";
-               $out = undef;
-       }
-       return $out;
-sub _json_parse_number {
-       my $data = shift;
-       #warn "parse_number";
-       my $val;
-       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /[-\.0-9]+/io) {
-               $val .= $$data[$_json_index];
-               $_json_index++;
-       }
-       return 0+$val;
-sub _json_parse_object {
-       my $data = shift;
-       #warn "parse_object";
-       my $out = {};
-       my $in_parse = 0;
-       my $done = 0;
-       while(!$done) {
-               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-               if ($$data[$_json_index] eq '}') {
-                       $done = 1;
-                       $_json_index++;
-                       last;
-               }
-               if ($in_parse) {
-                       if ($$data[$_json_index] ne ',') {
-                               #warn "_json_parse_object: bad data, leaving object parser";
-                               last;
-                       }
-                       $_json_index++;
-                       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-               }
-               my ($key,$value);
-               $key = _json_parse_data($data);
-               #warn "object key is $key";
-               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-               if ($$data[$_json_index] ne ':') {
-                       #warn "_json_parse_object: bad data, leaving object parser";
-                       last;
-               }
-               $_json_index++;
-               $value = _json_parse_data($data);
-               $out->{$key} = $value;
-               $in_parse++;
-       }
-       return $out;
-sub _json_parse_array {
-       my $data = shift;
-       #warn "parse_array";
-       my $out = [];
-       my $in_parse = 0;
-       my $done = 0;
-       while(!$done) {
-               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-               if ($$data[$_json_index] eq ']') {
-                       $done = 1;
-                       $_json_index++;
-                       last;
-               }
-               if ($in_parse) {
-                       if ($$data[$_json_index] ne ',') {
-                               #warn "_json_parse_array: bad data, leaving array parser";
-                               last;
-                       }
-                       $_json_index++;
-                       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-               }
-               my $item = _json_parse_data($data);
-               push @$out, $item;
-               $in_parse++;
-       }
-       return $out;
-sub _json_parse_string {
-       my $data = shift;
-       #warn "parse_string";
-       my $val = '';
-       my $seen_slash = 0;
-       my $done = 0;
-       while (!$done) {
-               my $c = $$data[$_json_index];
-               #warn "c is $c";
-               if ($c eq '\\') {
-                       if ($seen_slash) {
-                               $val .= '\\';
-                               $seen_slash = 0;
-                       } else {
-                               $seen_slash = 1;
-                       }
-               } elsif ($c eq '"') {
-                       if ($seen_slash) {
-                               $val .= '"';
-                               $seen_slash = 0;
-                       } else {
-                               $done = 1;
-                       }
-               } elsif ($c eq 't') {
-                       if ($seen_slash) {
-                               $val .= "\t";
-                               $seen_slash = 0;
-                       } else {
-                               $val .= 't';
-                       }
-               } elsif ($c eq 'b') {
-                       if ($seen_slash) {
-                               $val .= "\b";
-                               $seen_slash = 0;
-                       } else {
-                               $val .= 'b';
-                       }
-               } elsif ($c eq 'f') {
-                       if ($seen_slash) {
-                               $val .= "\f";
-                               $seen_slash = 0;
-                       } else {
-                               $val .= 'f';
-                       }
-               } elsif ($c eq 'r') {
-                       if ($seen_slash) {
-                               $val .= "\r";
-                               $seen_slash = 0;
-                       } else {
-                               $val .= 'r';
-                       }
-               } elsif ($c eq 'n') {
-                       if ($seen_slash) {
-                               $val .= "\n";
-                               $seen_slash = 0;
-                       } else {
-                               $val .= 'n';
-                       }
-               } elsif ($c eq 'u') {
-                       if ($seen_slash) {
-                               $_json_index++;
-                               $val .= chr(hex(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 3])));
-                               $_json_index += 3;
-                               $seen_slash = 0;
-                       } else {
-                               $val .= 'u';
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       $val .= $c;
-               }
-               $_json_index++;
-               #warn "string is $val";
-       }
-       return $val;
-sub _json_parse_comment {
-       my $data = shift;
-       #warn "parse_comment";
-       if ($$data[$_json_index] eq '/') {
-               $_json_index++;
-               while (!($$data[$_json_index] eq "\n")) { $_json_index++ }
-               $_json_index++;
-               return undef;
-       }
-       my $class = '';
-       if (join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 2]) eq '*--') {
-               $_json_index += 3;
-               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-               if ($$data[$_json_index] eq 'S') {
-                       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-                       while ($$data[$_json_index] !~ /[-\s]+/o) {
-                               $class .= $$data[$_json_index];
-                               $_json_index++;
-                       }
-                       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
-               }
-       }
-       while ($$data[$_json_index] ne '/') { $_json_index++ };
-       $_json_index++;
-       return $class;
-sub old_JSON2perl {
-       my ($class, $json) = @_;
-       if (!defined($json)) {
-               return undef;
-       }
-       $json =~ s/(?<!\\)\$/\\\$/gmo; # fixup $ for later
-       $json =~ s/(?<!\\)\@/\\\@/gmo; # fixup @ for later
-       $json =~ s/(?<!\\)\%/\\\%/gmo; # fixup % for later
-       my @casts;
-       my $casting_depth = 0;
-       my $current_cast;
-       my $element;
-       my $output = '';
-       while (($json,$element) = _JSON_regex($json)) {
-               last unless ($element);
-               if ($element eq 'null') {
-                       $output .= ' undef() ';
-                       next;
-               } elsif ($element =~ /^\/\*--\s*S\w*?\s+(\w+)\s*--\*\/$/) {
-                       my $hint = $1;
-                       if (exists $_class_map{hints}{$hint}) {
-                               $casts[$casting_depth] = $hint;
-                               $output .= ' bless(';
-                       }
-                       next;
-               } elsif ($element =~ /^\/\*/) {
-                       next;
-               } elsif ($element =~ /^\d/) {
-                       $output .= "do { OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::number::new($element) }";
-                       next;
-               } elsif ($element eq '{' or $element eq '[') {
-                       $casting_depth++;
-               } elsif ($element eq '}' or $element eq ']') {
-                       $casting_depth--;
-                       my $hint = $casts[$casting_depth];
-                       $casts[$casting_depth] = undef;
-                       if (defined $hint and exists $_class_map{hints}{$hint}) {
-                               $output .= $element . ',"'. $_class_map{hints}{$hint}{name} . '")';
-                               next;
-                       }
-               } elsif ($element eq ':') {
-                       $output .= ' => ';
-                       next;
-               } elsif ($element eq 'true') {
-                       $output .= 'bless( {}, "OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::bool::true")';
-                       next;
-               } elsif ($element eq 'false') {
-                       $output .= 'bless( {}, "OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::bool::false")';
-                       next;
-               }
-               $output .= $element;
-       }
-       return eval $output;
-sub perl2JSON {
-       my ($class, $perl, $strict) = @_;
-       my $output = '';
-       if (!defined($perl)) {
-               $output = '' if $strict;
-               $output = 'null' unless $strict;
-       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /^OpenSRF::Utils::JSON/) {
-               $output .= $perl;
-       } elsif ( ref($perl) && exists($_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}) ) {
-               $output .= '/*--S '.$_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{hint}.'--*/';
-               if (lc($_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{type}) eq 'hash') {
-                       my %hash =  %$perl;
-                       $output .= perl2JSON(undef,\%hash, $strict);
-               } elsif (lc($_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{type}) eq 'array') {
-                       my @array =  @$perl;
-                       $output .= perl2JSON(undef,\@array, $strict);
-               }
-               $output .= '/*--E '.$_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{hint}.'--*/';
-       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /HASH/) {
-               $output .= '{';
-               my $c = 0;
-               for my $key (sort keys %$perl) {
-                       my $outkey = NFC($key);
-                       $output .= ',' if ($c); 
-                       $outkey =~ s{\\}{\\\\}sgo;
-                       $outkey =~ s/"/\\"/sgo;
-                       $outkey =~ s/\t/\\t/sgo;
-                       $outkey =~ s/\f/\\f/sgo;
-                       $outkey =~ s/\r/\\r/sgo;
-                       $outkey =~ s/\n/\\n/sgo;
-                       $outkey =~ s/([\x{0080}-\x{fffd}])/sprintf('\u%0.4x',ord($1))/sgoe;
-                       $output .= '"'.$outkey.'":'. perl2JSON(undef,$$perl{$key}, $strict);
-                       $c++;
-               }
-               $output .= '}';
-       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /ARRAY/) {
-               $output .= '[';
-               my $c = 0;
-               for my $part (@$perl) {
-                       $output .= ',' if ($c); 
-                       $output .= perl2JSON(undef,$part, $strict);
-                       $c++;
-               }
-               $output .= ']';
-       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /CODE/) {
-               $output .= perl2JSON(undef,$perl->(), $strict);
-       } elsif (ref($perl) and ("$perl" =~ /^([^=]+)=(\w+)/o)) {
-               my $type = $2;
-               my $name = $1;
-               OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->register_class_hint(name => $name, hint => $name, type => lc($type));
-               $output .= perl2JSON(undef,$perl, $strict);
-       } else {
-               $perl = NFC($perl);
-               $perl =~ s{\\}{\\\\}sgo;
-               $perl =~ s/"/\\"/sgo;
-               $perl =~ s/\t/\\t/sgo;
-               $perl =~ s/\f/\\f/sgo;
-               $perl =~ s/\r/\\r/sgo;
-               $perl =~ s/\n/\\n/sgo;
-               $perl =~ s/([\x{0080}-\x{fffd}])/sprintf('\u%0.4x',ord($1))/sgoe;
-               if (length($perl) < 10 and $perl =~ /^(?:\+|-)?\d*\.?\d+$/o and $perl !~ /^(?:\+|-)?0\d+/o ) {
-                       $output = $perl;
-               } else {
-                       $output = '"'.$perl.'"';
-               }
-       }
-       return $output;
-my $depth = 0;
-sub perl2prettyJSON {
-       my ($class, $perl, $nospace) = @_;
-       $perl ||= $class;
-       my $output = '';
-       if (!defined($perl)) {
-               $output = "   "x$depth unless($nospace);
-               $output .= 'null';
-       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /^OpenSRF::Utils::JSON/) {
-               $output = "   "x$depth unless($nospace);
-               $output .= $perl;
-       } elsif ( ref($perl) && exists($_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}) ) {
-               $depth++;
-               $output .= "\n";
-               $output .= "   "x$depth;
-               $output .= '/*--S '.$_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{hint}."--*/ ";
-               if (lc($_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{type}) eq 'hash') {
-                       my %hash =  %$perl;
-                       $output .= perl2prettyJSON(\%hash,undef,1);
-               } elsif (lc($_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{type}) eq 'array') {
-                       my @array =  @$perl;
-                       $output .= perl2prettyJSON(\@array,undef,1);
-               }
-               $output .= ' /*--E '.$_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{hint}.'--*/';
-               $depth--;
-       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /HASH/) {
-               $output .= "   "x$depth unless ($nospace);
-               $output .= "{\n";
-               my $c = 0;
-               $depth++;
-               for my $key (sort keys %$perl) {
-                       $output .= ",\n" if ($c); 
-                       $output .= "   "x$depth;
-                       $output .= perl2prettyJSON($key)." : ".perl2prettyJSON($$perl{$key}, undef, 1);
-                       $c++;
-               }
-               $depth--;
-               $output .= "\n";
-               $output .= "   "x$depth;
-               $output .= '}';
-       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /ARRAY/) {
-               $output .= "   "x$depth unless ($nospace);
-               $output .= "[\n";
-               my $c = 0;
-               $depth++;
-               for my $part (@$perl) {
-                       $output .= ",\n" if ($c); 
-                       $output .= "   "x$depth;
-                       $output .= perl2prettyJSON($part);
-                       $c++;
-               }
-               $depth--;
-               $output .= "\n";
-               $output .= "   "x$depth;
-               $output .= "]";
-       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /CODE/) {
-               $output .= perl2prettyJSON(undef,$perl->(), $nospace);
-       } elsif (ref($perl) and "$perl" =~ /^([^=]+)=(\w{4,5})\(0x/) {
-               my $type = $2;
-               my $name = $1;
-               register_class_hint(undef, name => $name, hint => $name, type => lc($type));
-               $output .= perl2prettyJSON(undef,$perl);
-       } else {
-               $perl = NFC($perl);
-               $perl =~ s/\\/\\\\/sgo;
-               $perl =~ s/"/\\"/sgo;
-               $perl =~ s/\t/\\t/sgo;
-               $perl =~ s/\f/\\f/sgo;
-               $perl =~ s/\r/\\r/sgo;
-               $perl =~ s/\n/\\n/sgo;
-               $perl =~ s/([\x{0080}-\x{fffd}])/sprintf('\u%0.4x',ord($1))/sgoe;
-               $output .= "   "x$depth unless($nospace);
-               if (length($perl) < 10 and $perl =~ /^(?:\+|-)?\d*\.?\d+$/o and $perl !~ /^(?:\+|-)?0\d+/o ) {
-                       $output = $perl;
-               } else {
-                       $output = '"'.$perl.'"';
-               }
-       }
-       return $output;
diff --git a/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/Utils/ b/src/perlmods/OpenSRF/Utils/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b417425
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
+package OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::number;
+sub new {
+       my $class = shift;
+       my $x = shift || $class;
+       return bless \$x => __PACKAGE__;
+use overload ( '""' => \&toString );
+sub toString { defined($_[1]) ? ${$_[1]} : ${$_[0]} }
+package OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::bool::true;
+sub new { return bless {} => __PACKAGE__ }
+use overload ( '""' => \&toString );
+use overload ( 'bool' => sub { 1 } );
+use overload ( '0+' => sub { 1 } );
+sub toString { 'true' }
+package OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::bool::false;
+sub new { return bless {} => __PACKAGE__ }
+use overload ( '""' => \&toString );
+use overload ( 'bool' => sub { 0 } );
+use overload ( '0+' => sub { 0 } );
+sub toString { 'false' }
+package OpenSRF::Utils::JSON;
+use Unicode::Normalize;
+use vars qw/%_class_map/;
+sub register_class_hint {
+       my $class = shift;
+       my %args = @_;
+       $_class_map{hints}{$args{hint}} = \%args;
+       $_class_map{classes}{$args{name}} = \%args;
+sub _JSON_regex {
+       my $string = shift;
+       $string =~ s/^\s* ( 
+                          {                            | # start object
+                          \[                           | # start array
+                          -?\d+\.?\d*                  | # number literal
+                          "(?:(?:\\[\"])|[^\"])*"      | # string literal
+                          (?:\/\*.+?\*\/)              | # C comment
+                          true                         | # bool true
+                          false                        | # bool false
+                          null                         | # undef()
+                          :                            | # object key-value sep
+                          ,                            | # list sep
+                          \]                           | # array end
+                          }                              # object end
+                       )
+                \s*//sox;
+       return ($string,$1);
+sub lookup_class {
+       my $self = shift;
+       my $hint = shift;
+       return $_class_map{hints}{$hint}{name}
+sub lookup_hint {
+       my $self = shift;
+       my $class = shift;
+       return $_class_map{classes}{$class}{hint}
+sub _json_hint_to_class {
+       my $type = shift;
+       my $hint = shift;
+       return $_class_map{hints}{$hint}{name} if (exists $_class_map{hints}{$hint});
+       $type = 'hash' if ($type eq '}');
+       $type = 'array' if ($type eq ']');
+       OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->register_class_hint(name => $hint, hint => $hint, type => $type);
+       return $hint;
+sub JSON2perl {
+       my $class = shift;
+       local $_ = shift;
+       s/(?<!\\)\$/\\\$/gmo; # fixup $ for later
+       s/(?<!\\)\@/\\\@/gmo; # fixup @ for later
+       s/(?<!\\)\%/\\\%/gmo; # fixup % for later
+       # Convert JSON Unicode...
+       s/\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/chr(hex($1))/esog;
+       # handle class blessings
+       s/\/\*--\s*S\w*?\s+\S+\s*--\*\// bless(/sog;
+       s/(\]|\}|")\s*\/\*--\s*E\w*?\s+(\S+)\s*--\*\//$1 => _json_hint_to_class("$1", "$2")) /sog;
+       my $re = qr/((?<!\\)"(?>(?<=\\)"|[^"])*(?<!\\)")/;
+       # Grab strings...
+       my @strings = /$re/sog;
+       # Replace with code...
+       #s/"(?:(?:\\[\"])|[^\"])*"/ do{ \$t = '"'.shift(\@strings).'"'; eval \$t;} /sog;
+       s/$re/ eval shift(\@strings) /sog;
+       # Perlify hash notation
+       s/:/ => /sog;
+       # Do numbers...
+       #s/\b(-?\d+\.?\d*)\b/ OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::number::new($1) /sog;
+       # Change javascript stuff to perl...
+       s/null/ undef /sog;
+       s/true/ bless( {}, "OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::bool::true") /sog;
+       s/false/ bless( {}, "OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::bool::false") /sog;
+       my $ret;
+       return eval '$ret = '.$_;
+my $_json_index;
+sub ___JSON2perl {
+       my $class = shift;
+       my $data = shift;
+       $data = [ split //, $data ];
+       $_json_index = 0;
+       return _json_parse_data($data);
+sub _eat_WS {
+       my $data = shift;
+       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+sub _json_parse_data {
+       my $data = shift;
+       my $out; 
+       #warn "parse_data";
+       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+       my $class = '';
+       my $c = $$data[$_json_index];
+       if ($c eq '/') {
+               $_json_index++;
+               $class = _json_parse_comment($data);
+               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+               $c = $$data[$_json_index];
+       }
+       if ($c eq '"') {
+               $_json_index++;
+               my $val = '';
+               my $seen_slash = 0;
+               my $done = 0;
+               while (!$done) {
+                       my $c = $$data[$_json_index];
+                       #warn "c is $c";
+                       if ($c eq '\\') {
+                               if ($seen_slash) {
+                                       $val .= '\\';
+                                       $seen_slash = 0;
+                               } else {
+                                       $seen_slash = 1;
+                               }
+                       } elsif ($c eq '"') {
+                               if ($seen_slash) {
+                                       $val .= '"';
+                                       $seen_slash = 0;
+                               } else {
+                                       $done = 1;
+                               }
+                       } elsif ($c eq 't') {
+                               if ($seen_slash) {
+                                       $val .= "\t";
+                                       $seen_slash = 0;
+                               } else {
+                                       $val .= 't';
+                               }
+                       } elsif ($c eq 'b') {
+                               if ($seen_slash) {
+                                       $val .= "\b";
+                                       $seen_slash = 0;
+                               } else {
+                                       $val .= 'b';
+                               }
+                       } elsif ($c eq 'f') {
+                               if ($seen_slash) {
+                                       $val .= "\f";
+                                       $seen_slash = 0;
+                               } else {
+                                       $val .= 'f';
+                               }
+                       } elsif ($c eq 'r') {
+                               if ($seen_slash) {
+                                       $val .= "\r";
+                                       $seen_slash = 0;
+                               } else {
+                                       $val .= 'r';
+                               }
+                       } elsif ($c eq 'n') {
+                               if ($seen_slash) {
+                                       $val .= "\n";
+                                       $seen_slash = 0;
+                               } else {
+                                       $val .= 'n';
+                               }
+                       } elsif ($c eq 'u') {
+                               if ($seen_slash) {
+                                       $_json_index++;
+                                       $val .= chr(hex(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 3])));
+                                       $_json_index += 3;
+                                       $seen_slash = 0;
+                               } else {
+                                       $val .= 'u';
+                               }
+                       } else {
+                               $val .= $c;
+                       }
+                       $_json_index++;
+                       #warn "string is $val";
+               }
+               $out = $val;
+               #$out = _json_parse_string($data);
+       } elsif ($c eq '[') {
+               $_json_index++;
+               $out = [];
+               my $in_parse = 0;
+               my $done = 0;
+               while(!$done) {
+                       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+                       if ($$data[$_json_index] eq ']') {
+                               $done = 1;
+                               $_json_index++;
+                               last;
+                       }
+                       if ($in_parse) {
+                               if ($$data[$_json_index] ne ',') {
+                                       #warn "_json_parse_array: bad data, leaving array parser";
+                                       last;
+                               }
+                               $_json_index++;
+                               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+                       }
+                       my $item = _json_parse_data($data);
+                       push @$out, $item;
+                       $in_parse++;
+               }
+               #$out = _json_parse_array($data);
+       } elsif ($c eq '{') {
+               $_json_index++;
+               $out = {};
+               my $in_parse = 0;
+               my $done = 0;
+               while(!$done) {
+                       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+                       if ($$data[$_json_index] eq '}') {
+                               $done = 1;
+                               $_json_index++;
+                               last;
+                       }
+                       if ($in_parse) {
+                               if ($$data[$_json_index] ne ',') {
+                                       #warn "_json_parse_object: bad data, leaving object parser";
+                                       last;
+                               }
+                               $_json_index++;
+                               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+                       }
+                       my ($key,$value);
+                       $key = _json_parse_data($data);
+                       #warn "object key is $key";
+                       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+                       if ($$data[$_json_index] ne ':') {
+                               #warn "_json_parse_object: bad data, leaving object parser";
+                               last;
+                       }
+                       $_json_index++;
+                       $value = _json_parse_data($data);
+                       $out->{$key} = $value;
+                       $in_parse++;
+               }
+               #$out = _json_parse_object($data);
+       } elsif (lc($c) eq 'n') {
+               if (lc(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 3])) eq 'null') {
+                       $_json_index += 4;
+               } else {
+                       warn "CRAP! bad null parsing...";
+               }
+               $out = undef;
+               #$out = _json_parse_null($data);
+       } elsif (lc($c) eq 't' or lc($c) eq 'f') {
+               if (lc(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 3])) eq 'true') {
+                       $out = 1;
+                       $_json_index += 4;
+               } elsif (lc(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 4])) eq 'false') {
+                       $out = 0;
+                       $_json_index += 5;
+               } else {
+                       #warn "CRAP! bad bool parsing...";
+                       $out = undef;
+               }
+               #$out = _json_parse_bool($data);
+       } elsif ($c =~ /\d+/o or $c eq '.' or $c eq '-') {
+               my $val;
+               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /[-\.0-9]+/io) {
+                       $val .= $$data[$_json_index];
+                       $_json_index++;
+               }
+               $out = 0+$val;
+               #$out = _json_parse_number($data);
+       }
+       if ($class) {
+               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+               my $c = $$data[$_json_index];
+               if ($c eq '/') {
+                       $_json_index++;
+                       _json_parse_comment($data)
+               }
+               bless( $out => lookup_class($class) );
+       }
+       $out;
+sub _json_parse_null {
+       my $data = shift;
+       #warn "parse_null";
+       if (lc(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 3])) eq 'null') {
+               $_json_index += 4;
+       } else {
+               #warn "CRAP! bad null parsing...";
+       }
+       return undef;
+sub _json_parse_bool {
+       my $data = shift;
+       my $out;
+       #warn "parse_bool";
+       if (lc(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 3])) eq 'true') {
+               $out = 1;
+               $_json_index += 4;
+       } elsif (lc(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 4])) eq 'false') {
+               $out = 0;
+               $_json_index += 5;
+       } else {
+               #warn "CRAP! bad bool parsing...";
+               $out = undef;
+       }
+       return $out;
+sub _json_parse_number {
+       my $data = shift;
+       #warn "parse_number";
+       my $val;
+       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /[-\.0-9]+/io) {
+               $val .= $$data[$_json_index];
+               $_json_index++;
+       }
+       return 0+$val;
+sub _json_parse_object {
+       my $data = shift;
+       #warn "parse_object";
+       my $out = {};
+       my $in_parse = 0;
+       my $done = 0;
+       while(!$done) {
+               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+               if ($$data[$_json_index] eq '}') {
+                       $done = 1;
+                       $_json_index++;
+                       last;
+               }
+               if ($in_parse) {
+                       if ($$data[$_json_index] ne ',') {
+                               #warn "_json_parse_object: bad data, leaving object parser";
+                               last;
+                       }
+                       $_json_index++;
+                       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+               }
+               my ($key,$value);
+               $key = _json_parse_data($data);
+               #warn "object key is $key";
+               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+               if ($$data[$_json_index] ne ':') {
+                       #warn "_json_parse_object: bad data, leaving object parser";
+                       last;
+               }
+               $_json_index++;
+               $value = _json_parse_data($data);
+               $out->{$key} = $value;
+               $in_parse++;
+       }
+       return $out;
+sub _json_parse_array {
+       my $data = shift;
+       #warn "parse_array";
+       my $out = [];
+       my $in_parse = 0;
+       my $done = 0;
+       while(!$done) {
+               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+               if ($$data[$_json_index] eq ']') {
+                       $done = 1;
+                       $_json_index++;
+                       last;
+               }
+               if ($in_parse) {
+                       if ($$data[$_json_index] ne ',') {
+                               #warn "_json_parse_array: bad data, leaving array parser";
+                               last;
+                       }
+                       $_json_index++;
+                       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+               }
+               my $item = _json_parse_data($data);
+               push @$out, $item;
+               $in_parse++;
+       }
+       return $out;
+sub _json_parse_string {
+       my $data = shift;
+       #warn "parse_string";
+       my $val = '';
+       my $seen_slash = 0;
+       my $done = 0;
+       while (!$done) {
+               my $c = $$data[$_json_index];
+               #warn "c is $c";
+               if ($c eq '\\') {
+                       if ($seen_slash) {
+                               $val .= '\\';
+                               $seen_slash = 0;
+                       } else {
+                               $seen_slash = 1;
+                       }
+               } elsif ($c eq '"') {
+                       if ($seen_slash) {
+                               $val .= '"';
+                               $seen_slash = 0;
+                       } else {
+                               $done = 1;
+                       }
+               } elsif ($c eq 't') {
+                       if ($seen_slash) {
+                               $val .= "\t";
+                               $seen_slash = 0;
+                       } else {
+                               $val .= 't';
+                       }
+               } elsif ($c eq 'b') {
+                       if ($seen_slash) {
+                               $val .= "\b";
+                               $seen_slash = 0;
+                       } else {
+                               $val .= 'b';
+                       }
+               } elsif ($c eq 'f') {
+                       if ($seen_slash) {
+                               $val .= "\f";
+                               $seen_slash = 0;
+                       } else {
+                               $val .= 'f';
+                       }
+               } elsif ($c eq 'r') {
+                       if ($seen_slash) {
+                               $val .= "\r";
+                               $seen_slash = 0;
+                       } else {
+                               $val .= 'r';
+                       }
+               } elsif ($c eq 'n') {
+                       if ($seen_slash) {
+                               $val .= "\n";
+                               $seen_slash = 0;
+                       } else {
+                               $val .= 'n';
+                       }
+               } elsif ($c eq 'u') {
+                       if ($seen_slash) {
+                               $_json_index++;
+                               $val .= chr(hex(join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 3])));
+                               $_json_index += 3;
+                               $seen_slash = 0;
+                       } else {
+                               $val .= 'u';
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       $val .= $c;
+               }
+               $_json_index++;
+               #warn "string is $val";
+       }
+       return $val;
+sub _json_parse_comment {
+       my $data = shift;
+       #warn "parse_comment";
+       if ($$data[$_json_index] eq '/') {
+               $_json_index++;
+               while (!($$data[$_json_index] eq "\n")) { $_json_index++ }
+               $_json_index++;
+               return undef;
+       }
+       my $class = '';
+       if (join('',$$data[$_json_index .. $_json_index + 2]) eq '*--') {
+               $_json_index += 3;
+               while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+               if ($$data[$_json_index] eq 'S') {
+                       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+                       while ($$data[$_json_index] !~ /[-\s]+/o) {
+                               $class .= $$data[$_json_index];
+                               $_json_index++;
+                       }
+                       while ($$data[$_json_index] =~ /\s+/o) { $_json_index++ }
+               }
+       }
+       while ($$data[$_json_index] ne '/') { $_json_index++ };
+       $_json_index++;
+       return $class;
+sub old_JSON2perl {
+       my ($class, $json) = @_;
+       if (!defined($json)) {
+               return undef;
+       }
+       $json =~ s/(?<!\\)\$/\\\$/gmo; # fixup $ for later
+       $json =~ s/(?<!\\)\@/\\\@/gmo; # fixup @ for later
+       $json =~ s/(?<!\\)\%/\\\%/gmo; # fixup % for later
+       my @casts;
+       my $casting_depth = 0;
+       my $current_cast;
+       my $element;
+       my $output = '';
+       while (($json,$element) = _JSON_regex($json)) {
+               last unless ($element);
+               if ($element eq 'null') {
+                       $output .= ' undef() ';
+                       next;
+               } elsif ($element =~ /^\/\*--\s*S\w*?\s+(\w+)\s*--\*\/$/) {
+                       my $hint = $1;
+                       if (exists $_class_map{hints}{$hint}) {
+                               $casts[$casting_depth] = $hint;
+                               $output .= ' bless(';
+                       }
+                       next;
+               } elsif ($element =~ /^\/\*/) {
+                       next;
+               } elsif ($element =~ /^\d/) {
+                       $output .= "do { OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::number::new($element) }";
+                       next;
+               } elsif ($element eq '{' or $element eq '[') {
+                       $casting_depth++;
+               } elsif ($element eq '}' or $element eq ']') {
+                       $casting_depth--;
+                       my $hint = $casts[$casting_depth];
+                       $casts[$casting_depth] = undef;
+                       if (defined $hint and exists $_class_map{hints}{$hint}) {
+                               $output .= $element . ',"'. $_class_map{hints}{$hint}{name} . '")';
+                               next;
+                       }
+               } elsif ($element eq ':') {
+                       $output .= ' => ';
+                       next;
+               } elsif ($element eq 'true') {
+                       $output .= 'bless( {}, "OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::bool::true")';
+                       next;
+               } elsif ($element eq 'false') {
+                       $output .= 'bless( {}, "OpenSRF::Utils::JSON::bool::false")';
+                       next;
+               }
+               $output .= $element;
+       }
+       return eval $output;
+sub perl2JSON {
+       my ($class, $perl, $strict) = @_;
+       my $output = '';
+       if (!defined($perl)) {
+               $output = '' if $strict;
+               $output = 'null' unless $strict;
+       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /^OpenSRF::Utils::JSON/) {
+               $output .= $perl;
+       } elsif ( ref($perl) && exists($_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}) ) {
+               $output .= '/*--S '.$_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{hint}.'--*/';
+               if (lc($_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{type}) eq 'hash') {
+                       my %hash =  %$perl;
+                       $output .= perl2JSON(undef,\%hash, $strict);
+               } elsif (lc($_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{type}) eq 'array') {
+                       my @array =  @$perl;
+                       $output .= perl2JSON(undef,\@array, $strict);
+               }
+               $output .= '/*--E '.$_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{hint}.'--*/';
+       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /HASH/) {
+               $output .= '{';
+               my $c = 0;
+               for my $key (sort keys %$perl) {
+                       my $outkey = NFC($key);
+                       $output .= ',' if ($c); 
+                       $outkey =~ s{\\}{\\\\}sgo;
+                       $outkey =~ s/"/\\"/sgo;
+                       $outkey =~ s/\t/\\t/sgo;
+                       $outkey =~ s/\f/\\f/sgo;
+                       $outkey =~ s/\r/\\r/sgo;
+                       $outkey =~ s/\n/\\n/sgo;
+                       $outkey =~ s/([\x{0080}-\x{fffd}])/sprintf('\u%0.4x',ord($1))/sgoe;
+                       $output .= '"'.$outkey.'":'. perl2JSON(undef,$$perl{$key}, $strict);
+                       $c++;
+               }
+               $output .= '}';
+       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /ARRAY/) {
+               $output .= '[';
+               my $c = 0;
+               for my $part (@$perl) {
+                       $output .= ',' if ($c); 
+                       $output .= perl2JSON(undef,$part, $strict);
+                       $c++;
+               }
+               $output .= ']';
+       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /CODE/) {
+               $output .= perl2JSON(undef,$perl->(), $strict);
+       } elsif (ref($perl) and ("$perl" =~ /^([^=]+)=(\w+)/o)) {
+               my $type = $2;
+               my $name = $1;
+               OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->register_class_hint(name => $name, hint => $name, type => lc($type));
+               $output .= perl2JSON(undef,$perl, $strict);
+       } else {
+               $perl = NFC($perl);
+               $perl =~ s{\\}{\\\\}sgo;
+               $perl =~ s/"/\\"/sgo;
+               $perl =~ s/\t/\\t/sgo;
+               $perl =~ s/\f/\\f/sgo;
+               $perl =~ s/\r/\\r/sgo;
+               $perl =~ s/\n/\\n/sgo;
+               $perl =~ s/([\x{0080}-\x{fffd}])/sprintf('\u%0.4x',ord($1))/sgoe;
+               if (length($perl) < 10 and $perl =~ /^(?:\+|-)?\d*\.?\d+$/o and $perl !~ /^(?:\+|-)?0\d+/o ) {
+                       $output = $perl;
+               } else {
+                       $output = '"'.$perl.'"';
+               }
+       }
+       return $output;
+my $depth = 0;
+sub perl2prettyJSON {
+       my ($class, $perl, $nospace) = @_;
+       $perl ||= $class;
+       my $output = '';
+       if (!defined($perl)) {
+               $output = "   "x$depth unless($nospace);
+               $output .= 'null';
+       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /^OpenSRF::Utils::JSON/) {
+               $output = "   "x$depth unless($nospace);
+               $output .= $perl;
+       } elsif ( ref($perl) && exists($_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}) ) {
+               $depth++;
+               $output .= "\n";
+               $output .= "   "x$depth;
+               $output .= '/*--S '.$_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{hint}."--*/ ";
+               if (lc($_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{type}) eq 'hash') {
+                       my %hash =  %$perl;
+                       $output .= perl2prettyJSON(\%hash,undef,1);
+               } elsif (lc($_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{type}) eq 'array') {
+                       my @array =  @$perl;
+                       $output .= perl2prettyJSON(\@array,undef,1);
+               }
+               $output .= ' /*--E '.$_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{hint}.'--*/';
+               $depth--;
+       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /HASH/) {
+               $output .= "   "x$depth unless ($nospace);
+               $output .= "{\n";
+               my $c = 0;
+               $depth++;
+               for my $key (sort keys %$perl) {
+                       $output .= ",\n" if ($c); 
+                       $output .= "   "x$depth;
+                       $output .= perl2prettyJSON($key)." : ".perl2prettyJSON($$perl{$key}, undef, 1);
+                       $c++;
+               }
+               $depth--;
+               $output .= "\n";
+               $output .= "   "x$depth;
+               $output .= '}';
+       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /ARRAY/) {
+               $output .= "   "x$depth unless ($nospace);
+               $output .= "[\n";
+               my $c = 0;
+               $depth++;
+               for my $part (@$perl) {
+                       $output .= ",\n" if ($c); 
+                       $output .= "   "x$depth;
+                       $output .= perl2prettyJSON($part);
+                       $c++;
+               }
+               $depth--;
+               $output .= "\n";
+               $output .= "   "x$depth;
+               $output .= "]";
+       } elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /CODE/) {
+               $output .= perl2prettyJSON(undef,$perl->(), $nospace);
+       } elsif (ref($perl) and "$perl" =~ /^([^=]+)=(\w{4,5})\(0x/) {
+               my $type = $2;
+               my $name = $1;
+               register_class_hint(undef, name => $name, hint => $name, type => lc($type));
+               $output .= perl2prettyJSON(undef,$perl);
+       } else {
+               $perl = NFC($perl);
+               $perl =~ s/\\/\\\\/sgo;
+               $perl =~ s/"/\\"/sgo;
+               $perl =~ s/\t/\\t/sgo;
+               $perl =~ s/\f/\\f/sgo;
+               $perl =~ s/\r/\\r/sgo;
+               $perl =~ s/\n/\\n/sgo;
+               $perl =~ s/([\x{0080}-\x{fffd}])/sprintf('\u%0.4x',ord($1))/sgoe;
+               $output .= "   "x$depth unless($nospace);
+               if (length($perl) < 10 and $perl =~ /^(?:\+|-)?\d*\.?\d+$/o and $perl !~ /^(?:\+|-)?0\d+/o ) {
+                       $output = $perl;
+               } else {
+                       $output = '"'.$perl.'"';
+               }
+       }
+       return $output;