organizations that commissioned developments in this release of
+* British Columbia Library Cooperative
+* Georgia Public Library Service
+* Indiana State Library
+* Lake Agassiz Regrional Library
* MassLNC
* North Texas Library Consortium
+* Northwest Regional Library
+* Consortium of Ohio Libraries
+* Pennsylvania Integrated Library System
+* South Carolina State Library
We would also like to thank the following individuals who contributed
code, translations, documentations patches and tests to this release of
+* Felicia Beaudry
+* Andrea Buntz Neiman
* Eva Cerninakova
* Galen Charlton
* Garry Collum
* Blake Graham-Henderson
* Francisco J Guel-Mendoza
* Kyle Huckins
+* Mary Jinglewski
+* Angela Kilsdonk
* Kathy Lussier
* Jennifer Pringle
* Mike Rylander