me.fromXmlDocument($('record', mxml)[0]);
if (me.onLoad) me.onLoad();
- },
+ }
this.fromXmlString = function (mxml) {
this.fromXmlDocument( $( $.parseXML( mxml ) ).find('record')[0] );
- },
+ }
this.fromXmlDocument = function (mxml) {
var me = this;
me.ready = true;
- },
+ }
this.toXmlDocument = function () {
return doc;
- },
+ }
this.toXmlString = function () {
return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString( this.toXmlDocument() );
- },
+ }
this.fromBreaker = function (marctxt) {
var me = this;
me.ready = true;
return this;
- },
+ }
this.toBreaker = function () {
if (this.ready) this.parse();
+ },
+ AuthorityControlSet : function (kwargs) {
+ kwargs = kwargs || {};
+ if (!MARC.AuthorityControlSet._remote_loaded) {
+ // TODO -- push the raw tree into the oils cache for later reuse
+ // fetch everything up front...
+ this._preFetchWithFielder({
+ "acs": "_control_set_list",
+ "at": "_thesaurus_list",
+ "acsaf": "_authority_field_list",
+ "acsbf": "_bib_field_list",
+ "aba": "_browse_axis_list",
+ "abaafm": "_browse_field_map_list"
+ });
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._remote_loaded = true;
+ }
+ if (MARC.AuthorityControlSet._remote_loaded && !MARC.AuthorityControlSet._remote_parsed) {
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._browse_axis_by_code = {};
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._browse_axis_list.forEach(function (ba) {
+ ba.maps(
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._browse_field_map_list.filter(
+ function (m) { return m.axis() == ba.code() }
+ )
+ );
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._browse_axis_by_code[ba.code()] = ba;
+ });
+ // loop over each acs
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._control_set_list.forEach(function (cs) {
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._controlsets[''] = {
+ id :,
+ name :,
+ description : cs.description(),
+ authority_tag_map : {},
+ control_map : {},
+ bib_fields : [],
+ raw : cs
+ };
+ // grab the authority fields
+ var acsaf_list = MARC.AuthorityControlSet._authority_field_list.filter(
+ function (af) { return af.control_set() == }
+ );
+ var at_list = MARC.AuthorityControlSet._thesaurus_list.filter(
+ function (at) { return at.control_set() == }
+ );
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._controlsets[''].raw.authority_fields( acsaf_list );
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._controlsets[''].raw.thesauri( at_list );
+ // and loop over each
+ acsaf_list.forEach(function (csaf) {
+ csaf.axis_maps([]);
+ // link the main entry if we're subordinate
+ if (csaf.main_entry()) {
+ csaf.main_entry(
+ acsaf_list.filter(function (x) {
+ return == csaf.main_entry();
+ })[0]
+ );
+ }
+ // link the sub entries if we're main
+ csaf.sub_entries(
+ acsaf_list.filter(function (x) {
+ return x.main_entry() ==;
+ })
+ );
+ // now, bib fields
+ var acsbf_list = MARC.AuthorityControlSet._bib_field_list.filter(
+ function (b) { return b.authority_field() == }
+ );
+ csaf.bib_fields( acsbf_list );
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._controlsets[''].bib_fields = [].concat(
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._controlsets[''].bib_fields,
+ acsbf_list
+ );
+ acsbf_list.forEach(function (csbf) {
+ // link the authority field to the bib field
+ if (csbf.authority_field()) {
+ csbf.authority_field(
+ acsaf_list.filter(function (x) {
+ return == csbf.authority_field();
+ })[0]
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._browse_axis_list.forEach(
+ function (ba) {
+ ba.maps().filter(
+ function (m) { return m.field() == }
+ ).forEach(
+ function (fm) { fm.field( csaf ); csaf.axis_maps().push( fm ) } // and set the field
+ )
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ // build the authority_tag_map
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._controlsets[''].bib_fields.forEach(function (bf) {
+ if (!MARC.AuthorityControlSet._controlsets[''].control_map[bf.tag()])
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._controlsets[''].control_map[bf.tag()] = {};
+ bf.authority_field().sf_list().split('').forEach(function (sf_code) {
+ if (!MARC.AuthorityControlSet._controlsets[''].control_map[bf.tag()][sf_code])
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._controlsets[''].control_map[bf.tag()][sf_code] = {};
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._controlsets[''].control_map[bf.tag()][sf_code][bf.authority_field().tag()] = sf_code;
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ if (this.controlSetList().length > 0)
+ delete MARC.AuthorityControlSet._controlsets['-1'];
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._remote_parsed = true;
+ }
+ this._preFetchWithFielder = function(cmap) {
+ for (var hint in cmap) {
+ var cache_key = cmap[hint];
+ var method = "open-ils.fielder." + hint + ".atomic";
+ var pkey = fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses[hint].pkey;
+ var query = {};
+ query[pkey] = {"!=": null};
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet[cache_key] =
+ fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ["open-ils.fielder", method],
+ [{"cache": 1, "query" : query}]
+ ),
+ function(h) { return new fieldmapper[hint]().fromHash(h); }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ this.controlSetId = function (x) {
+ if (x) this._controlset = ''+x;
+ return this._controlset;
+ }
+ this.controlSet = function (x) {
+ return MARC.AuthorityControlSet._controlsets[''+this.controlSetId(x)];
+ }
+ this.controlSetByThesaurusCode = function (x) {
+ var thes = MARC.AuthorityControlSet._thesaurus_list.filter(
+ function (at) { return at.code() == x }
+ )[0];
+ return this.controlSet(thes.control_set());
+ }
+ this.browseAxisByCode = function(code) {
+ return MARC.AuthorityControlSet._browse_axis_by_code[code];
+ }
+ this.bibFieldByTag = function (x) {
+ var me = this;
+ return me.controlSet().bib_fields.filter(
+ function (bf) { if (bf.tag() == x) return true }
+ )[0];
+ }
+ this.bibFields = function (x) {
+ return this.controlSet(x).bib_fields;
+ }
+ this.bibFieldBrowseAxes = function (t) {
+ var blist = [];
+ for (var bcode in MARC.AuthorityControlSet._browse_axis_by_code) {
+ MARC.AuthorityControlSet._browse_axis_by_code[bcode].maps().forEach(
+ function (m) {
+ if (m.field().bib_fields().filter(
+ function (b) { return b.tag() == t }
+ ).length > 0
+ ) blist.push(bcode);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ return blist;
+ }
+ this.authorityFields = function (x) {
+ return this.controlSet(x).raw.authority_fields();
+ }
+ this.thesauri = function (x) {
+ return this.controlSet(x).raw.thesauri();
+ }
+ this.controlSetList = function () {
+ var l = [];
+ for (var i in MARC.AuthorityControlSet._controlsets) {
+ l.push(i);
+ }
+ return l;
+ }
+ this.findControlSetsForTag = function (tag) {
+ var me = this;
+ var old_acs = this.controlSetId();
+ var acs_list = me.controlSetList().filter(
+ function(acs_id) { return (me.controlSet(acs_id).control_map[tag]) }
+ );
+ this.controlSetId(old_acs);
+ return acs_list;
+ }
+ this.findControlSetsForAuthorityTag = function (tag) {
+ var me = this;
+ var old_acs = this.controlSetId();
+ var acs_list = me.controlSetList().filter(
+ function(acs_id) {
+ var a = me.controlSet(acs_id);
+ for (var btag in a.control_map) {
+ for (var sf in a.control_map[btag]) {
+ if (a.control_map[btag][sf][tag]) return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+ this.controlSetId(old_acs);
+ return acs_list;
+ }
+ this.bibToAuthority = function (field) {
+ var b_field = this.bibFieldByTag(field.tag);
+ if (b_field) { // construct an marc authority record
+ var af = b_field.authority_field();
+ var sflist = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < field.subfields.length; i++) {
+ if (af.sf_list().indexOf(field.subfields[i][0]) > -1) {
+ sflist.push(field.subfields[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ var m = new MARC.Record ({rtype:'AUT'});
+ m.appendFields(
+ new MARC.Field ({
+ tag : af.tag(),
+ ind1: field.ind1,
+ ind2: field.ind2,
+ subfields: sflist
+ })
+ );
+ return m.toXmlString();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ this.bibToAuthorities = function (field) {
+ var auth_list = [];
+ var me = this;
+ var old_acs = this.controlSetId();
+ me.controlSetList().forEach(
+ function (acs_id) {
+ var acs = me.controlSet(acs_id);
+ var x = me.bibToAuthority(field);
+ if (x) { var foo = {}; foo[acs_id] = x; auth_list.push(foo); }
+ }
+ );
+ this.controlSetId(old_acs);
+ return auth_list;
+ }
+ // This should not be used in an angular world. Instead, the call
+ // to should
+ // be performed by the code that wants to find matching authorities.
+ this.findMatchingAuthorities = function (field) {
+ return fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ [ '', '' ],
+ this.bibToAuthorities(field)
+ );
+ }
+ if (kwargs.controlSet) {
+ this.controlSetId( kwargs.controlSet );
+ } else {
+ this.controlSetId( this.controlSetList().sort(function(a,b){return (a - b)}) );
+ }
+MARC.AuthorityControlSet._remote_loaded = false;
+MARC.AuthorityControlSet._remote_parsed = false;
+MARC.AuthorityControlSet._controlsets = {
+ // static sorta-LoC setup ... to be overwritten with server data
+ '-1' : {
+ id : -1,
+ name : 'Static LoC legacy mapping',
+ description : 'Legacy mapping provided as a default',
+ control_map : {
+ 100 : {
+ 'a' : { 100 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 100 : 'd' },
+ 'e' : { 100 : 'e' },
+ 'q' : { 100 : 'q' }
+ },
+ 110 : {
+ 'a' : { 110 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 110 : 'd' }
+ },
+ 111 : {
+ 'a' : { 111 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 111 : 'd' }
+ },
+ 130 : {
+ 'a' : { 130 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 130 : 'd' }
+ },
+ 240 : {
+ 'a' : { 130 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 130 : 'd' }
+ },
+ 400 : {
+ 'a' : { 100 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 100 : 'd' }
+ },
+ 410 : {
+ 'a' : { 110 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 110 : 'd' }
+ },
+ 411 : {
+ 'a' : { 111 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 111 : 'd' }
+ },
+ 440 : {
+ 'a' : { 130 : 'a' },
+ 'n' : { 130 : 'n' },
+ 'p' : { 130 : 'p' }
+ },
+ 700 : {
+ 'a' : { 100 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 100 : 'd' },
+ 'q' : { 100 : 'q' },
+ 't' : { 100 : 't' }
+ },
+ 710 : {
+ 'a' : { 110 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 110 : 'd' }
+ },
+ 711 : {
+ 'a' : { 111 : 'a' },
+ 'c' : { 111 : 'c' },
+ 'd' : { 111 : 'd' }
+ },
+ 730 : {
+ 'a' : { 130 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 130 : 'd' }
+ },
+ 800 : {
+ 'a' : { 100 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 100 : 'd' }
+ },
+ 810 : {
+ 'a' : { 110 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 110 : 'd' }
+ },
+ 811 : {
+ 'a' : { 111 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 111 : 'd' }
+ },
+ 830 : {
+ 'a' : { 130 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 130 : 'd' }
+ },
+ 600 : {
+ 'a' : { 100 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 100 : 'd' },
+ 'q' : { 100 : 'q' },
+ 't' : { 100 : 't' },
+ 'v' : { 180 : 'v',
+ 100 : 'v',
+ 181 : 'v',
+ 182 : 'v',
+ 185 : 'v'
+ },
+ 'x' : { 180 : 'x',
+ 100 : 'x',
+ 181 : 'x',
+ 182 : 'x',
+ 185 : 'x'
+ },
+ 'y' : { 180 : 'y',
+ 100 : 'y',
+ 181 : 'y',
+ 182 : 'y',
+ 185 : 'y'
+ },
+ 'z' : { 180 : 'z',
+ 100 : 'z',
+ 181 : 'z',
+ 182 : 'z',
+ 185 : 'z'
+ }
+ },
+ 610 : {
+ 'a' : { 110 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 110 : 'd' },
+ 't' : { 110 : 't' },
+ 'v' : { 180 : 'v',
+ 110 : 'v',
+ 181 : 'v',
+ 182 : 'v',
+ 185 : 'v'
+ },
+ 'x' : { 180 : 'x',
+ 110 : 'x',
+ 181 : 'x',
+ 182 : 'x',
+ 185 : 'x'
+ },
+ 'y' : { 180 : 'y',
+ 110 : 'y',
+ 181 : 'y',
+ 182 : 'y',
+ 185 : 'y'
+ },
+ 'z' : { 180 : 'z',
+ 110 : 'z',
+ 181 : 'z',
+ 182 : 'z',
+ 185 : 'z'
+ }
+ },
+ 611 : {
+ 'a' : { 111 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 111 : 'd' },
+ 't' : { 111 : 't' },
+ 'v' : { 180 : 'v',
+ 111 : 'v',
+ 181 : 'v',
+ 182 : 'v',
+ 185 : 'v'
+ },
+ 'x' : { 180 : 'x',
+ 111 : 'x',
+ 181 : 'x',
+ 182 : 'x',
+ 185 : 'x'
+ },
+ 'y' : { 180 : 'y',
+ 111 : 'y',
+ 181 : 'y',
+ 182 : 'y',
+ 185 : 'y'
+ },
+ 'z' : { 180 : 'z',
+ 111 : 'z',
+ 181 : 'z',
+ 182 : 'z',
+ 185 : 'z'
+ }
+ },
+ 630 : {
+ 'a' : { 130 : 'a' },
+ 'd' : { 130 : 'd' }
+ },
+ 648 : {
+ 'a' : { 148 : 'a' },
+ 'v' : { 148 : 'v' },
+ 'x' : { 148 : 'x' },
+ 'y' : { 148 : 'y' },
+ 'z' : { 148 : 'z' }
+ },
+ 650 : {
+ 'a' : { 150 : 'a' },
+ 'b' : { 150 : 'b' },
+ 'v' : { 180 : 'v',
+ 150 : 'v',
+ 181 : 'v',
+ 182 : 'v',
+ 185 : 'v'
+ },
+ 'x' : { 180 : 'x',
+ 150 : 'x',
+ 181 : 'x',
+ 182 : 'x',
+ 185 : 'x'
+ },
+ 'y' : { 180 : 'y',
+ 150 : 'y',
+ 181 : 'y',
+ 182 : 'y',
+ 185 : 'y'
+ },
+ 'z' : { 180 : 'z',
+ 150 : 'z',
+ 181 : 'z',
+ 182 : 'z',
+ 185 : 'z'
+ }
+ },
+ 651 : {
+ 'a' : { 151 : 'a' },
+ 'v' : { 180 : 'v',
+ 151 : 'v',
+ 181 : 'v',
+ 182 : 'v',
+ 185 : 'v'
+ },
+ 'x' : { 180 : 'x',
+ 151 : 'x',
+ 181 : 'x',
+ 182 : 'x',
+ 185 : 'x'
+ },
+ 'y' : { 180 : 'y',
+ 151 : 'y',
+ 181 : 'y',
+ 182 : 'y',
+ 185 : 'y'
+ },
+ 'z' : { 180 : 'z',
+ 151 : 'z',
+ 181 : 'z',
+ 182 : 'z',
+ 185 : 'z'
+ }
+ },
+ 655 : {
+ 'a' : { 155 : 'a' },
+ 'v' : { 180 : 'v',
+ 155 : 'v',
+ 181 : 'v',
+ 182 : 'v',
+ 185 : 'v'
+ },
+ 'x' : { 180 : 'x',
+ 155 : 'x',
+ 181 : 'x',
+ 182 : 'x',
+ 185 : 'x'
+ },
+ 'y' : { 180 : 'y',
+ 155 : 'y',
+ 181 : 'y',
+ 182 : 'y',
+ 185 : 'y'
+ },
+ 'z' : { 180 : 'z',
+ 155 : 'z',
+ 181 : 'z',
+ 182 : 'z',
+ 185 : 'z'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }