The trailing period prescribed by ISBD punctuation for x00 $d subfields
in certain circumstances confounds the regex that was expected the $d
subfield to match ^\s*\d{4}-\d{4}\s*$. As a result, death dates were
often being omitted from the record detail display. Relaxing the regex
to match against a trailing .* instead of \s* resolves the issue.
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <>
Signed-off-by: Pasi Kallinen <>
Signed-off-by: Ben Shum <>
IF subfield.textContent.match('^\s*\d{4}');
birthdate = subfield.textContent.replace('^\s*(\d{4}).*$', '$1');
- IF subfield.textContent.match('-\d{4}\s*$');
- deathdate = subfield.textContent.replace('^\s*.{4}\-(\d{4})\s*$', '$1');
+ IF subfield.textContent.match('-\d{4}.*$');
+ deathdate = subfield.textContent.replace('^\s*.{4}\-(\d{4}).*$', '$1');
term = term _ ' ' _ sf;