} from '@eg/staff/share/barcodes/barcode-select.component';
interface CheckinGridEntry extends CheckinResult {
- title?: string;
- author?: string;
- isbn?: string;
+ // May need to extend...
.then((result: CheckinResult) => {
- if (result) {
- this.dispatchResult(result);
- return result;
+ if (result && result.success) {
+ this.gridifyResult(result);
+ delete this.copiesInFlight[this.barcode];
+ this.resetForm();
+ return result;
.finally(() => delete this.copiesInFlight[this.barcode]);
- dispatchResult(result: CheckinResult) {
- if (result.success) {
- this.gridifyResult(result);
- this.resetForm();
- return;
- }
- }
collectParams(): Promise<CheckinParams> {
const params: CheckinParams = {
.then((result: CheckoutResult) => {
- if (result) {
- this.dispatchResult(result);
- return result;
+ if (result && result.success) {
+ this.gridifyResult(result);
+ delete this.copiesInFlight[barcode];
+ this.resetForm();
+ return result;
.finally(() => delete this.copiesInFlight[barcode]);
- dispatchResult(result: CheckoutResult) {
- if (result.success) {
- this.gridifyResult(result);
- this.resetForm();
- return;
- }
- }
resetForm() {
if (this.dueDateOptions < 2) {
record?: IdlObject;
hold?: IdlObject;
transit?: IdlObject;
- org?: number;
patron?: IdlObject;
- routeTo?: string;
+ // Calculated values
+ routeTo?: string; // org name or in-branch destination
+ title?: string;
+ author?: string;
+ isbn?: string;
+ destOrg?: IdlObject;
+ destAddress?: IdlObject;
+ destCourierCode?: string;
getOrgAddr(orgId: number, addrType): Promise<IdlObject> {
const org = this.org.get(orgId);
- const addrId = this.org[addrType]();
+ const addrId = this.org[addrType];
if (!addrId) { return Promise.resolve(null); }
const circ = result.circ;
const parent_circ = result.parent_circ;
- let promise = Promise.resolve();;
+ let promise = Promise.resolve();
+ if (result.record) {
+ result.title = result.record.title();
+ result.author = result.record.author();
+ result.isbn = result.record.isbn();
+ } else if (result.copy) {
+ result.title = result.copy.dummy_title();
+ result.author = result.copy.dummy_author();
+ result.isbn = result.copy.dummy_isbn();
+ }
if (copy) {
if (this.copyLocationCache[copy.location()]) {
Two separate dialogs are defined within, one for the holds slip
- and one for hold and non-hold transits.
+ and one for hold and non-hold transits. They share a number of
+ sub-templates.
-<ng-template #holdShelfTmpl>
- <div *ngIf="checkin.hold.behind_desk() == 't'" i18n>
- This item should be routed to the <strong>Private Holds Shelf</strong>
- </div>
- <div *ngIf="checkin.hold.behind_desk() == 'f'" i18n>
- This item should be routed to the <strong>Public Holds Shelf</strong>
- </div>
- <br/>
- <div>
- <span class="mr-2" i18n>Item Barcode:</span>
- <span>{{checkin.copy.barcode()}}</span>
- </div>
- <div>
- <span class="mr-2" i18n>Title:</span>
- <span>{{checkin.record.title()}}</span>
- </div>
- <div>
- <span class="mr-2" i18n>Author:</span>
- <span>{{checkin.record.author()}}</span>
- </div>
- <div>
- <span class="mr-2" i18n>Call Number:</span>
- <span>{{checkin.volume.prefix().label()}} {{checkin.volume.label()}} {{checkin.volume.suffix().label()}}</span>
- </div>
- <br/>
+<ng-template #patronSummary>
<div *ngIf="checkin.patron.alias()">
Hold for patron {{checkin.patron.alias()}}
<span class="mr-2" i18n>Patron Barcode:</span>
- <div *ngIf="checkin.hold.phone_notify()" i18n>Notify by phone: {{checkin.hold.phone_notify()}}</div>
- <div *ngIf="checkin.hold.sms_notify()" i18n>Notify by text: {{checkin.hold.sms_notify()}}</div>
- <div *ngIf="checkin.hold.email_notify() == 't'" i18n>Notify by email: {{checkin.patron.email()}}</div>
- <br/>
+<ng-template #itemSummary>
+ <div>
+ <span class="mr-2" i18n>Item Barcode:</span>
+ <span>{{checkin.copy.barcode()}}</span>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <span class="mr-2" i18n>Title:</span>
+ <span>{{checkin.title}}</span>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <span class="mr-2" i18n>Author:</span>
+ <span>{{checkin.author}}</span>
+ </div>
+ <div *ngIf="checkin.volume">
+ <span class="mr-2" i18n>Call Number:</span>
+ <span>{{checkin.volume.prefix().label()}} {{
+ checkin.volume.label()}} {{checkin.volume.suffix().label()}}</span>
+ </div>
+<ng-template #holdSummary>
<span class="mr-2" i18n>Request Date:</span>
<span>{{checkin.hold.request_time() | date:'short'}}</span>
- <div>
+ <div *ngIf="checkin.hold.notes().length > 0">
<span class="mr-2" i18n>Request Notes:</span>
<li *ngFor="let note of checkin.hold.notes()">
+<ng-template #holdShelfTmpl>
+ <div *ngIf="checkin.hold.behind_desk() == 't'" i18n>
+ This item should be routed to the <strong>Private Holds Shelf</strong>
+ </div>
+ <div *ngIf="checkin.hold.behind_desk() == 'f'" i18n>
+ This item should be routed to the <strong>Public Holds Shelf</strong>
+ </div>
+ <br/>
+ <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="itemSummary"></ng-container><br/>
+ <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="patronSummary"></ng-container><br/>
+ <!-- in hold shelf mode, we need to specify the notification prefs -->
+ <div *ngIf="checkin.hold.phone_notify()" i18n>Notify by phone: {{checkin.hold.phone_notify()}}</div>
+ <div *ngIf="checkin.hold.sms_notify()" i18n>Notify by text: {{checkin.hold.sms_notify()}}</div>
+ <div *ngIf="checkin.hold.email_notify() == 't'" i18n>Notify by email: {{checkin.patron.email()}}</div>
+ <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="holdSummary"></ng-container>
+ <br/>
<span class="mr-2" i18n>Slip Date:</span>
<span>{{today | date:'short'}}</span>
<ng-template #transitTmpl>
+ <div>
+ <span class="mr-2" i18n>checkin.destination</span>
+ <strong>{{checkin.destOrg.shortname()}}</strong>
+ </div>
+ <div *ngIf="checkin.destCourierCode">{{checkin.destCourierCode}} </div>
+ <br/>
+ <div>
+ <address>
+ <strong>{{checkin.destOrg.name()}}</strong><br>
+ <span *ngIf="checkin.destAddress">
+ {{checkin.destAddress.street1()}} {{checkin.destAddress.street2()}}<br/>
+ {{checkin.destAddress.city()}}, {{checkin.destAddress.state()}} {{checkin.destAddress.post_code()}}
+ </span>
+ <span *ngIf="!checkin.destAddress" i18n>
+ We do not have a holds address for this library.
+ </span>
+ <br/>
+ <abbr title="Phone">P:</abbr> {{checkin.destOrg.phone()}}
+ </address>
+ </div>
+ <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="itemSummary"></ng-container>
+ <br/>
+ <div *ngIf="checkin.patron">
+ <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="patronSummary"></ng-container>
+ <br/>
+ <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="holdSummary"></ng-container>
+ <br/>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <span class="mr-2" i18n>Slip Date:</span>
+ <span>{{today | date:'short'}}</span>
+ </div>
<ng-template #dialogContent>
<div class="modal-header bg-info">
- <ng-container *ngIf="slip == 'hold_shelf_slip'" i18n>Hold Slip</ng-container>
- <ng-container *ngIf="slip != 'hold_shelf_slip'" i18n>Transit Slip</ng-container>
+ <ng-container *ngIf="slip == 'hold_shelf_slip'">
+ <strong i18n>Hold Slip</strong>
+ <img class="p-2" src="/images/portal/holds.png" i18n-alt alt="holds icon"/>
+ </ng-container>
+ <ng-container *ngIf="slip != 'hold_shelf_slip'">
+ <strong i18n>Transit Slip</strong>
+ <img class="p-2" src="/images/transit.png" i18n-alt alt="transit van icon"/>
+ </ng-container>
<button type="button" class="close"
i18n-aria-label aria-label="Close" (click)="close()">
checkin: CheckinResult;
noAutoPrint: {[template: string]: boolean} = {};
slip: string;
- orgAddress: IdlObject;
- destCourierCode: string;
- destOrg: IdlObject;
today = new Date();
let promise = Promise.resolve(null);
const hold = this.checkin.hold;
- if (this.checkin.org && this.slip !== 'hold_shelf_slip') {
+ if (this.slip !== 'hold_shelf_slip') {
- promise = promise.then(_ => {
- return this.circ.getOrgAddr(this.checkin.org, 'holds_address')
- .then(addr => this.orgAddress = addr);
- });
+ // Always fetch the most recent transit for the copy,
+ // regardless of what data the server returns in the payload.
+ promise = promise.then(_ => this.circ.findCopyTransit(this.checkin))
+ .then(transit => {
+ this.checkin.transit = transit;
+ this.checkin.destOrg = this.org.get(transit.dest());
+ return this.circ.getOrgAddr(this.checkin.destOrg.id(), 'holds_address');
+ })
+ .then(addr => {
+ this.checkin.destAddress = addr;
+ return this.org.settings('lib.courier_code', this.checkin.destOrg.id())
+ })
+ .then(sets => this.checkin.destCourierCode = sets['lib.courier_code']);
if (hold) {
promise = promise.then(_ => {
return this.pcrud.retrieve('au', hold.usr(),
{flesh: 1, flesh_fields : {'au' : ['card']}}).toPromise()
- if (this.slip !== 'hold_shelf_slip') {
- promise = promise.then(_ => this.circ.findCopyTransit(this.checkin))
- .then(transit => {
- this.checkin.transit = transit;
- return this.org.settings('lib.courier_code', transit.dest().id())
- .then(sets => this.destCourierCode = sets['lib.courier_code']);
- });
- }
- if (this.checkin.transit) {
- this.destOrg = this.org.get(this.checkin.transit.dest());
- }
this.audio.play(hold ?
'info.checkin.transit.hold' : 'info.checkin.transit');
(name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template)
VALUES ('hold_shelf_slip', 'Hold Shelf Slip', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', '');
UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$
<div>Barcode: [% copy.barcode %]</div>
-<div>Title: [% record.title %]</div>
+<div>Title: [% checkin.title %]</div>
<div>Call Number: [% volume.prefix.label %] [% volume.label %] [% volume.suffix.label %]</div>
$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'hold_shelf_slip';
+INSERT INTO config.print_template
+ (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template)
+VALUES ('transit_slip', 'Transit Slip', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', '');
+UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$
+ USE date;
+ USE money = format('$%.2f');
+ SET checkin = template_data.checkin;
+ SET copy = checkin.copy;
+ SET destOrg = checkin.destOrg;
+ SET destAddress = checkin.destAddress;
+ SET destCourierCode = checkin.destCourierCode;
+ <div>This item needs to be routed to <b>[% destOrg.shortname %]</b></div>
+ <div>[% destOrg.name %]</div>
+ [% IF destCourierCode %]Courier Code: [% destCourierCode %][% END %]
+ [% IF destAddress %]
+ <div>[% destAddress.street1 %]</div>
+ <div>[% destAddress.street2 %]</div>
+ <div>[% destAddress.city %],
+ [% destAddress.state %]
+ [% destAddress.post_code %]</div>
+ [% ELSE %]
+ <div>We do not have a holds address for this library.</div>
+ [% END %]
+ <br/>
+ <div>Barcode: [% copy.barcode %]</div>
+ <div>Title: [% checkin.title %]</div>
+ <div>Author: [% checkin.author %]</div>
+ <br/>
+ <div>Slip Date: [% date.format(date.now, '%x %r') %]</div>
+ <div>Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]</div>
+$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'transit_slip';
+INSERT INTO config.print_template
+ (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template)
+VALUES ('hold_transit_slip', 'Hold Transit Slip', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', '');
+UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$
+ USE date;
+ USE money = format('$%.2f');
+ SET checkin = template_data.checkin;
+ SET copy = checkin.copy;
+ SET hold = checkin.hold;
+ SET patron = checkin.patron;
+ SET destOrg = checkin.destOrg;
+ SET destAddress = checkin.destAddress;
+ SET destCourierCode = checkin.destCourierCode;
+ <div>This item needs to be routed to <b>[% destOrg.shortname %]</b></div>
+ <div>[% destOrg.name %]</div>
+ [% IF destCourierCode %]Courier Code: [% destCourierCode %][% END %]
+ [% IF destAddress %]
+ <div>[% destAddress.street1 %]</div>
+ <div>[% destAddress.street2 %]</div>
+ <div>[% destAddress.city %],
+ [% destAddress.state %]
+ [% destAddress.post_code %]</div>
+ [% ELSE %]
+ <div>We do not have a holds address for this library.</div>
+ [% END %]
+ <br/>
+ <div>Barcode: [% copy.barcode %]</div>
+ <div>Title: [% checkin.title %]</div>
+ <div>Author: [% checkin.author %]</div>
+ <br/>
+ <div>Hold for patron [% patron.card.barcode %]</div>
+ <br/>
+ <div>Request Date: [%
+ date.format(helpers.format_date(hold.request_time, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %]
+ </div>
+ <div>Slip Date: [% date.format(date.now, '%x %r') %]</div>
+ <div>Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]</div>
+$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'transit_slip';