2.11 release note entries edited for clarity, grammar, spelling and style.
Signed-off-by: Kathy Lussier <klussier@masslnc.org>
-Bibliographic record source now copied to 901$s
+Bibliographic Record Source Now Copied to 901$s
If a bibliographic record has a source set, the name of that source
is now copied to the 901$s whenever the record is created or updated.
-Selectable Bibliographic Source Update
-During vandelay, the bib source has always recorded the record source,
-the time of the update and the identity of the user associated with the
-operation. This is not really desired for match-only merges.
+Option to Update Bib Source and Edit Details on Record Import
+When importing records through the client, users will now have the ability to
+define whether the bib source, last editor, and last edit date should be updated
+on a record merge/overlay.
-This feature provides a way to control whether the bib source data
-is updated or not.
+In MARC Batch Import / Export, select the _Merge / Overlay_ tab. Each entry in
+the table has a value in the new _Update bib. source_ column. If that value is
+True, then the bib source, last editor, and last edit date will be updated.
-In MARC Import, select the "Merge / Overlay" tab. Each entry in the table has
-a value in the new "Update bib. source" column. If that value is "true", then
-the bib source data will be updated.
-The two system-defined entries have been pre-set to appropriate values (Full Overlay = true;
-Match-Only Merge = false).
+The two system-defined entries have been pre-set to appropriate values (Full
+Overlay = true; Match-Only Merge = false).
* XUL client 'Retrieve Last Patron' actions from various UI's report,
"Item XXX circulation is an aged circulation and has no linked user".
- Browser client analog uses 'Circ History List' instead, no additional
+ Browser client analog uses 'Circ History List' instead; no additional
changes required.
Copy Status "Is Available" Flag
-Adds a new boolean field for copy statuses to indicate when copies having
-a given status should be considered available. The field has 2 main effects:
+A new boolean field is now available for copy statuses to indicate when copies
+having a given status should be considered available. The field has 2 main
1. Checking out an "available" copy will no longer result in an override-able
"COPY_NOT_AVAILABLE" alert for staff. The copy will checkout without
self-registration. This feature does not affect the behavior of
checkouts from SIP2 devices.
-Patrons can opt in to receipt email checkout receipts by default via
-a new "Email checkout reciepts by default" patron setting.
+Patrons can opt in to receive email checkout receipts by default via
+a new _Email checkout reciepts by default_ patron setting.
This feature also enhances the patron staging tables so that patron
settings can be chosen during self-registration.
Set Per-OU Limits on Allowed Payment Amounts
-Two new OU Settings have been added to prevent clerks
-from accidentally clearing all patron bills by scanning
-a barcode into the Payment Amount field, or accidentally
-entering the amount without a decimal point (such as you
+Two new settings have been added to prevent clerks from accidentally clearing
+all patron bills by scanning a barcode into the Payment Amount field, or
+accidentally entering the amount without a decimal point (such as you
would when using a cash register).
-The first setting is the amount above which staff will
-be asked if they're sure they want to apply the payment,
-the second is the maximum amount of money that can be
-accepted through the staff client.
+Bothe settings are available via the Library Settings Editor. The _Payment
+amount threshold for Are You Sure? dialog_ (ui.circ.billing.amount_warn)
+setting identifies the amount above
+which staff will be asked if they're sure they want to apply the payment.
+The _Maximum payment amount allowed_ (ui.circ.billing.amount_limit)
+setting identifies the maximum amount of
+money that can be accepted through the staff client.
These settings only effect the staff client, not credit
cards accepted through the OPAC, or direct API calls
Distinct CSS classes have also been added for each hold status and each date
that could potentially display in these holds interfaces. A new default style
-highlights the *Available* status in green and the *Suspended* status
+highlights the _Available_ status in green and the _Suspended_ status
in red.
If a user attempts to place a metarecord hold when all eligible copies
contain parts, the hold will fail. To help prevent the user from reaching
-a dead end while placing holds, the _Advanced Hold Options_ link is removed
+a dead end while placing holds, the *Advanced Hold Options* link is removed
from the Place Hold page in cases where all copies on the record contain
-parts. The _Advanced Hold Options_ link will remain for records that have
+parts. The *Advanced Hold Options* link will remain for records that have
a mix of parted and non-parted copies.