1) Teach it to ignore the sample RELEASE_NOTES_NEXT.txt file
2) Add a proper section for "New Features" heading, instead of
defaulting everything under the "Upgrade notes" heading.
Note: Will still require manually moving any upgrade notes to the
right place post-compile.
Signed-off-by: Ben Shum <bshum@biblio.org>
echo ------------- >> $outfile
echo >> $outfile
+echo New Features >> $outfile
+echo ------------ >> $outfile
+echo >> $outfile
for i in `ls -l|grep ^d|awk '{print $9}'`; do
files=$(ls $i/*txt 2>/dev/null)
-files=$(ls *txt 2>/dev/null)
+files=$(ls *txt 2>/dev/null | grep -v 'RELEASE_NOTE_TEMPLATE.txt')
if [ "_$files" != "_" ]; then
echo >> $outfile
echo Miscellaneous >> $outfile