Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <>
Signed-off-by: Jason Etheridge <>
+ <!-- If uncommented, SIP2 checkins will capture local holds as transits, instead of marking as ready for pickup. -->
+ <!--
+ <checkin_hold_as_transit>1</checkin_hold_as_transit>
+ -->
<!-- If uncommented, overrides the legacy_script_support value in opensrf.xml for SIP. -->
# hold => undef,
+my $hold_as_transit = 0;
sub new {
my $class = shift;;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); # start with an Transaction object
+ $hold_as_transit = OpenILS::SIP->config->{implementation_config}->{checkin_hold_as_transit};
return bless $self, $class;
my $phys_location = $sip_handler->{login_session}->ws_ou;
my $args = {barcode => $self->{item}->id};
+ $args->{hold_as_transit} = 1 if $hold_as_transit;
if($return_date) {
# SIP date format is YYYYMMDD. Translate to ISO8601