--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 15;
+diag("General hold targeter tests");
+use OpenILS::Const qw/:const/;
+use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
+use OpenILS::Utils::HoldTargeter;
+use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
+my $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
+my $targeter = OpenILS::Utils::HoldTargeter->new;
+my $e = new_editor();
+# == Targeting Concerto hold 1. Title hold.
+my $hold_id = 1;
+my $result = $targeter->target(hold => $hold_id)->[0];
+ok($result->{success}, "Targeting hold $hold_id returned success");
+# Concerto hold 1 targets record 2 with a pickup_lib of 5.
+# There are several viable copies with circ lib 5.
+my $current_copy = $e->retrieve_asset_copy($result->{target});
+is($current_copy->circ_lib.'', '5', 'Targeted copy lives at pickup lib');
+my $maps = $e->search_action_hold_copy_map([
+ {hold => $hold_id},
+ {
+ flesh => 2,
+ flesh_fields => {ahcm => ['target_copy'], acp => ['call_number']}
+ }
+is(scalar(@$maps), 25, "Hold $hold_id has 25 mapped potential copies");
+is(scalar(grep {$_->target_copy->call_number->record != 2} @$maps), 0,
+ 'All targeted copies belong to the targeted bib record');
+# Retarget to confirm a new copy is selected and that the previously
+# targeted item has a new entry in action.unfulfilled_hold_list.
+$result = $targeter->target(hold => $hold_id)->[0];
+isnt($result->{target}, $current_copy->id,
+ 'Second targeter run on hold 1 selected targeted a different copy');
+my $unfulfilled = $e->search_action_unfulfilled_hold_list(
+ {hold => $hold_id, current_copy => $current_copy->id})->[0];
+isnt($unfulfilled, undef, 'Previous copy has unfulfilled hold entry');
+my $prev_target = $result->{target};
+$result = $targeter->target(hold => $hold_id, skip_viable => 1)->[0];
+is($result->{target}, $prev_target,
+ "Hold $hold_id target remains the same with --skip-viable");
+$maps = $e->search_action_hold_copy_map({hold => $hold_id});
+is(scalar(@$maps), 25,
+ "Hold $hold_id retains 25 mapped potential copies with --skip-viable");
+# == Metarecord hold tests
+# Concerto hold 263 is a metarecord hold with pickup_lib 4, target 42, and
+# holdable_format '{"0":[{"_attr":"mr_hold_format","_val":"score"}]}'.
+$hold_id = 263;
+$result = $targeter->target(hold => $hold_id)->[0];
+ok($result->{success}, "Targeting hold $hold_id returned success");
+$current_copy = $e->retrieve_asset_copy($result->{target});
+is($current_copy->circ_lib.'', '9', 'Targeted copy lives at pickup lib');
+$maps = $e->search_action_hold_copy_map([
+ {hold => $hold_id},
+ {
+ flesh => 2,
+ flesh_fields => {ahcm => ['target_copy'], acp => ['call_number']}
+ }
+is(scalar(@$maps), 22, "Hold $hold_id has 22 mapped potential copies");
+# Only 1 bib record (45) links to metarecord 42. It also satisfies the
+# holdable_format criteria.
+is(scalar(grep {$_->target_copy->call_number->record != 45} @$maps), 0,
+ 'All targeted copies belong to the targeted bib record');
+# Bib 101 has mr_hold_format 'book'. Link it to the targeted metabib
+# and confirm the targeter does not select it.
+my $mrmap_101 = $e->search_metabib_metarecord_source_map({source => 101})->[0];
+my $orig_101_mr = $mrmap_101->metarecord;
+$e->update_metabib_metarecord_source_map($mrmap_101) or die $e->die_event;
+# Temporarily point the original bib (42) at another metarecord
+my $mrmap_42 = $e->search_metabib_metarecord_source_map({source => 45})->[0];
+my $orig_42_mr = $mrmap_42->metarecord;
+$e->update_metabib_metarecord_source_map($mrmap_42) or die $e->die_event;
+# This time no copies should be targeted, since no records match
+# the holdable_formats criteria.
+$result = $targeter->target(hold => $hold_id)->[0];
+isnt($result->{success}, 1,
+ 'Unable to target MR hold without copies matching holdable_format');
+$maps = $e->search_action_hold_copy_map({hold => $hold_id});
+is(scalar(@$maps), 0,
+ 'No potential copies exist that match the holdable_format criteria');
+# Now remove the holdable format restriction and copies belonging to
+# record 101 should now be acceptable potential copies.
+my $hold = $e->retrieve_action_hold_request($hold_id);
+$e->update_action_hold_request($hold) or die $e->die_event;
+$result = $targeter->target(hold => $hold_id)->[0];
+$current_copy = $e->retrieve_asset_copy([
+ $result->{target},
+ {flesh => 1, flesh_fields => {acp => ['call_number']}}
+is($current_copy->call_number->record.'', '101',
+ 'Metarecord hold targeted after removing holdable_format restriction');
+# Return the hold and bib records to their original metarecord state
+# for re-test-ability.
+$e->update_action_hold_request($hold) or die $e->die_event;
+$e->update_metabib_metarecord_source_map($mrmap_101) or die $e->die_event;
+$e->update_metabib_metarecord_source_map($mrmap_42) or die $e->die_event;