-# vim:et:sw=4:ts=4:
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright © 2013 Merrimack Valley Library Consortium
+# Jason Stephenson <jstephenson@mvlc.org>
+# This program is part of Evergreen; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use warnings;
-use bytes;
-use OpenSRF::System;
-use OpenSRF::EX qw/:try/;
-use OpenSRF::AppSession;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::JSON;
-use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
-use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
-use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor;
+use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::JSON;
+use MARC::Field;
use MARC::Record;
-use MARC::File::XML ( BinaryEncoding => 'UTF-8' );
-use UNIVERSAL::require;
+use MARC::File::XML (BinaryEncoding => 'UTF-8');
+use Date::Manip::Date;
+my $U = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
-use Time::HiRes qw/time/;
-use Getopt::Long;
+binmode(STDERR, ':utf8');
+package Marque;
+our $config = Marque::Config->new();
+Fieldmapper->import(IDL => $config->option_value('xml-idl'));
+# Look for passed in ids:
+my @ids = ();
+if ($config->need_ids()) {
+ print STDERR "Waiting for input\n";
+ while (my $i = <>) {
+ push @ids, $i if ($i =~ /^\s*[0-9]+\s*$/);
+ }
+my $exporter;
+if ($config->option_value('type') eq 'authority') {
+ $exporter = Marque::Authority->new(\@ids);
+} else {
+ $exporter = Marque::Biblio->new(\@ids);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+package Marque::Config;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use List::MoreUtils qw(none);
+use OpenSRF::System;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
-my @formats = qw/USMARC UNIMARC XML BRE ARE/;
-my $config = '@sysconfdir@/opensrf_core.xml';
-my $format = 'USMARC';
-my $encoding = 'MARC8';
-my $location = '';
-my $dollarsign = '$';
-my $idl = 0;
-my $help = undef;
-my $holdings = undef;
-my $timeout = 0;
-my $export_mfhd = undef;
-my $type = 'biblio';
-my $all_records = undef;
-my $replace_001 = undef;
-my @library = ();
- 'help' => \$help,
- 'items' => \$holdings,
- 'mfhd' => \$export_mfhd,
- 'all' => \$all_records,
- 'replace_001'=> \$replace_001,
- 'location=s' => \$location,
- 'money=s' => \$dollarsign,
- 'config=s' => \$config,
- 'format=s' => \$format,
- 'type=s' => \$type,
- 'xml-idl=s' => \$idl,
- 'encoding=s' => \$encoding,
- 'timeout=i' => \$timeout,
- 'library=s' => \@library,
-if ($help) {
-print <<"HELP";
+use constant STORES => qw(reporter cstore storage);
+use constant TYPES => qw(authority biblio);
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = {};
+ # For command line options.
+ my %opts;
+ # set some default values
+ $opts{'format'} = 'USMARC';
+ $opts{'encoding'} = 'MARC8';
+ $opts{'type'} = 'biblio';
+ $opts{'money'} = '$';
+ $opts{'timeout'} = 0;
+ $opts{'config'} = '@sysconfdir@/opensrf_core.xml';
+ $opts{'store'} = 'reporter';
+ GetOptions(\%opts,
+ 'help',
+ 'items',
+ 'mfhd',
+ 'all',
+ 'replace_001',
+ 'location=s',
+ 'money=s',
+ 'config=s',
+ 'format=s',
+ 'type=s',
+ 'xml-idl=s',
+ 'encoding=s',
+ 'timeout=i',
+ 'library=s@',
+ 'since=s',
+ 'store=s',
+ 'debug');
+ if ($opts{help}) {
+ print <<"HELP";
This script exports MARC authority, bibliographic, and serial holdings
records from an Evergreen database.
--format or -f Output format (USMARC, UNIMARC, XML, BRE, ARE) [USMARC]
--encoding or -e Output encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-?, MARC8) [MARC8]
--xml-idl or -x Location of the IDL XML
- --timeout Timeout for exporting a single record; increase if you
- are using --holdings and are exporting records that
- have a lot of items attached to them.
+ --timeout Remains for backward compatibility. No longer used.
--type or -t Record type (BIBLIO, AUTHORITY) [BIBLIO]
--all or -a Export all records; ignores input list
- --library Export the bibliographic records that have attached
- holdings for the listed library or libraries as
- identified by shortname
--replace_001 Replace the 001 field value with the record ID
+ --store Use the given storage backend to connect to the database.
+ Choices are (reporter, cstore, storage) [reporter]
+ --since Export records modified since a certain date and time.
Additional options for type = 'BIBLIO':
--items or -i Include items (holdings) in the output
Not compatible with --format=BRE
--location or -l MARC Location Code for holdings from
+ --library Export the bibliographic records that have attached
+ holdings for the listed library or libraries as
+ identified by shortname
$0 --library BR1 --library BR2 --encoding UTF-8 > sys1_bibs.mrc
- exit;
+ exit;
+ }
-if ($all_records && @library) {
- die('Incompatible arguments: you cannot combine a request for all ' .
- 'records with a request for records by library');
+ OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => $opts{config} );
+ my $sclient = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new();
+ unless ($opts{'xml-idl'}) {
+ $opts{'xml-idl'} = $sclient->config_value('IDL');
+ }
-$type = lc($type);
-$format = uc($format);
-$encoding = uc($encoding);
+ # Validate some of the settings.
+ if ($opts{all} && $opts{library}) {
+ die('Incompatible arguments: you cannot combine a request for all ' .
+ 'records with a request for records by library');
+ }
+ if ($opts{all} && $opts{since}) {
+ die('Incompatible arguments: you cannot combine a request for all ' .
+ 'records with a request for records added or changed since a certain date');
+ }
+ $opts{type} = lc($opts{type});
+ if (none {$_ eq $opts{type}} (TYPES)) {
+ die "Please select a supported type. ".
+ "Right now that means one of [".
+ join('|',(FORMATS)). "]\n";
+ }
+ $opts{format} = uc($opts{format});
+ if (none {$_ eq $opts{format}} (FORMATS)) {
+ die "Please select a supported format. ".
+ "Right now that means one of [".
+ join('|',(FORMATS)). "]\n";
+ }
-binmode(STDOUT, ':raw') if ($encoding ne 'UTF-8');
-binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8') if ($encoding eq 'UTF-8');
+ if ($opts{format} eq 'ARE' && $opts{type} ne 'authority') {
+ die "Format ARE is not compatible with type " . $opts{type};
+ }
+ if ($opts{format} eq 'BRE' && $opts{type} ne 'biblio') {
+ die "Format BRE is not compatible with type " . $opts{type};
+ }
+ if ($opts{format} eq 'BRE' && $opts{items}) {
+ die "Format BRE is not compatible with exporting holdings."
+ }
+ if ($opts{mfhd}) {
+ if ($opts{type} ne 'biblio') {
+ die "MFHD export only works with bibliographic records.";
+ } elsif ($opts{format} eq 'BRE') {
+ die "MFHD export incompatible with format BRE.";
+ }
+ }
+ $opts{store} = lc($opts{store});
+ if (none {$_ eq $opts{store}} (STORES)) {
+ die "Please select a supported store. ".
+ "Right now that means one of [".
+ join('|',(STORES)). "]\n";
+ } else {
+ my $app;
+ if ($opts{store} eq 'reporter') {
+ $app = 'open-ils.reporter-store';
+ } else {
+ $app = 'open-ils.' . $opts{store};
+ }
+ if ($app eq 'open-ils.storage') {
+ $self->{dbsettings} = $sclient->config_value(
+ apps => $app => app_settings => databases => 'database');
+ } else {
+ $self->{dbsettings} = $sclient->config_value(
+ apps => $app => app_settings => 'database');
+ }
+ }
+ $opts{encoding} = uc($opts{encoding});
-if (!grep { $format eq $_ } @formats) {
- die "Please select a supported format. ".
- "Right now that means one of [".
- join('|',@formats). "]\n";
+ $self->{'options'} = \%opts;
+ bless $self, $class;
+ return $self;
-if ($format ne 'XML') {
- my $type = 'MARC::File::' . $format;
- $type->require;
+sub option_value {
+ my ($self, $option) = @_;
+ return $self->{options}->{$option};
-if ($timeout <= 0) {
- # set default timeout and/or correct silly user who
- # supplied a negative timeout; default timeout of
- # 300 seconds if exporting items determined empirically.
- $timeout = $holdings ? 300 : 1;
+sub database_settings {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{dbsettings};
-OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => $config );
+sub need_ids {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $rv = 1;
+ $rv = 0 if ($self->{options}->{all});
+ $rv = 0 if ($self->{options}->{since});
+ $rv = 0 if ($self->{options}->{library});
-if (!$idl) {
- $idl = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value("IDL");
+ return $rv;
-Fieldmapper->import(IDL => $idl);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This package exists to get a connection to the database. Since
+# we'll need one for both biblio records and authorities, we've made a
+# single subpackage with a function so that we don't have to duplicate
+# code.
+package Marque::Connector;
+use DBI;
+# Pass a Marque::Config object's database_settings return value into
+# this to get a DBI connection.
+# ex:
+# my $db = Marque::Connector::connect($config->database_settings);
+sub connect {
+ my $args = shift;
+ # Build a connect string from the args.
+ my $connect_string = 'DBI:Pg:';
+ $connect_string .= 'dbname=' . $args->{db} . ';';
+ $connect_string .= 'host=' . $args->{host} . ';';
+ $connect_string .= 'port=' . $args->{port};
+ my $db_handle = DBI->connect($connect_string,
+ $args->{user}, $args->{pw});
+ return $db_handle;
-my $ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.cstore');
-my $editor = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new();
+# A function to get the date into a format better for PostgreSQL.
+sub db_date {
+ my $input = shift;
+ my $date;
+ if (ref($input) eq 'Date::Manip::Date') {
+ $date = $input;
+ } else {
+ $date = Date::Manip::Date->new();
+ if ($date->parse($input)) {
+ die "Can't parse date $input";
+ }
+ }
+ return $date->printf("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z");
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+# You would typically have the next two packages inherit from a common
+# superclass, but ineritance doesn't seem to work when all packages
+# are in single file, so we have some duplicated code between these
+# two.
+# Get bibliographic records from the database.
+package Marque::Biblio;
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $idlist = shift;
+ my $self = {idlist => $idlist};
+ $self->{handle} = Marque::Connector::connect(
+ $Marque::config->database_settings);
+ $self->{since_date} = Date::Manip::Date->new;
+ $self->{since_date}->parse($Marque::config->option_value('since'));
+ # We need multiple fieldmapper classes depending on our
+ # options. We'll just get the information that we'll need for them
+ # all right here instead of only fetching the information when
+ # needed.
+ $self->{breClass} = Fieldmapper::class_for_hint('bre');
+ $self->{acnClass} = Fieldmapper::class_for_hint('acn');
+ $self->{acpClass} = Fieldmapper::class_for_hint('acp');
+ $self->{sreClass} = Fieldmapper::class_for_hint('sre');
+ # Make an arrayref of shortname ids if the library option was
+ # specified:
+ $self->{libs} = [];
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('library')) {
+ # This is done not only for speed, but to prevent SQL injection.
+ my $sth = $self->{handle}->prepare('select id from actor.org_unit where shortname=any(?::text[])');
+ if ($sth->execute($Marque::config->option_value('library'))) {
+ my $r = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
+ my @ids = map {$_->[0]} @{$r};
+ $self->{libs} = \@ids;
+ $sth->finish();
+ }
+ }
-print <<HEADER if ($format eq 'XML');
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="$encoding"?>
-<collection xmlns='http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim'>
+ bless $self, $class;
+ return $self;
+sub build_query {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # Get the field names and tables for our classes. We add the fully
+ # qualified table names to the fields so that the joins will work.
+ my $breTable = $self->{breClass}->Table();
+ my @breFields = map {$breTable . '.' . $_} $self->{breClass}->real_fields();
+ my $acnTable = $self->{acnClass}->Table();
+ my $acpTable = $self->{acpClass}->Table();
+ # Now we build the query in pieces:
+ # We always select the bre fields:
+ my $select = 'select distinct ' . join(',', @breFields);
+ # We always use the bre table.
+ my $from = "from $breTable";
+ # If have the libraries or items options, we need to join the
+ # asset.call_number table. If we have both, this variable checks
+ # that it has already been joined so we don't create an invalid
+ # query.
+ my $acn_joined = 0;
+ # Join to the acn table as needed for the library option.
+ if (@{$self->{libs}}) {
+ $acn_joined = 1;
+ $from .= <<ACN_JOIN;
+join $acnTable on $acnTable.record = $breTable.id
+and $acnTable.owning_lib in (
+ $from .= join(',', @{$self->{libs}}) . ")";
+ $from .= "\nand $acnTable.deleted = 'f'" unless ($Marque::config->option_value('since'));
+ }
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('items')) {
+ unless ($acn_joined) {
+ $from .= "\njoin $acnTable on $acnTable.record = $breTable.id";
+ $from .= "\nand $acnTable.deleted = 'f'" unless ($Marque::config->option_value('since'));
+ }
+ $from .= "\njoin $acpTable on $acpTable.call_number = $acnTable.id";
+ $from .= "\nand $acpTable.deleted = 'f'" unless ($Marque::config->option_value('since'));
+ }
-my %orgs;
-my %shelves;
+ # The where really depends on a few options:
+ my $where = "where $breTable.id > 0 and ";
+ # We fill in the where as necessary.
+ if ($self->{idlist} && @{$self->{idlist}}) {
+ $where .= "$breTable.id in (" . join(',', @{$self->{idlist}}) . ')';
+ } elsif ($Marque::config->option_value('since')) {
+ my $since_str = Marque::Connector::db_date($self->{since_date});
+ $where .= "($breTable.edit_date > '$since_str'";
+ $where .= " or $breTable.create_date > '$since_str')";
+ } else {
+ # We want all non-deleted records.
+ $where .= "$breTable.deleted = 'f'";
+ }
-my $flesh = {};
+ $self->{query} = $select . "\n" . $from . "\n" . $where;
-if ($holdings) {
- get_bib_locations();
+sub execute_query {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->build_query() unless ($self->{query});
+ $self->{sth} = $self->{handle}->prepare($self->{query});
+ return $self->{sth}->execute;
-my $start = time;
-my $last_time = time;
-my %count = ('bib' => 0, 'did' => 0);
-my $speed = 0;
-if ($all_records) {
- my $top_record = 0;
- if ($type eq 'biblio') {
- $top_record = $editor->search_biblio_record_entry([
- {deleted => 'f'},
- {order_by => { 'bre' => 'id DESC' }, limit => 1}
- ])->[0]->id;
- } elsif ($type eq 'authority') {
- $top_record = $editor->search_authority_record_entry([
- {deleted => 'f'},
- {order_by => { 'are' => 'id DESC' }, limit => 1}
- ])->[0]->id;
- }
- for (my $i = 0; $i++ < $top_record;) {
- export_record($i);
+sub next {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $output;
+ # $r holds the record object, either sre or bre. $marc holds the
+ # current record's MARC, either sre.marc or bre.marc
+ my ($r,$marc);
+ # If we have the mfhd option and we've previously retrieved some
+ # sres, then we output one of the retrieved sres for each call
+ # until we run out. These sres "go with" the previous bib record.
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('mfhd') && $self->{mfhds} && @{$self->{mfhds}}) {
+ $r = shift(@{$self->{mfhds}});
+ eval {
+ $marc = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($r->marc(),
+ $Marque::config->option_value('encoding'),
+ $Marque::config->option_value('format'));
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ print STDERR "Error in serial record " . $r->id() . "\n";
+ print STDERR "$@\n";
+ import MARC::File::XML; # Reset SAX Parser.
+ return $self->next();
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $data = $self->{sth}->fetchrow_hashref;
+ if ($data) {
+ $r = $self->{breClass}->from_bare_hash($data);
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('format') eq 'BRE') {
+ $output = OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->perl2JSON($r);
+ } else {
+ eval {
+ $marc = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($r->marc(),
+ $Marque::config->option_value('encoding'),
+ $Marque::config->option_value('format'));
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ print STDERR "Error in bibliograpic record " . $r->id() . "\n";
+ print STDERR "$@\n";
+ import MARC::File::XML; # Reset SAX Parser.
+ return $self->next();
+ }
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('replace_001')) {
+ my $tcn = $marc->field('001');
+ if ($tcn) {
+ $tcn->update($r->id());
+ } else {
+ $tcn = MARC::Field->new('001', $r->id());
+ $marc->insert_fields_ordered($tcn);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('items')) {
+ my @acps = $self->acps_for_bre($r);
+ foreach my $acp (@acps) {
+ next unless ($acp);
+ my $location = $Marque::config->option_value('location');
+ my $price = ($acp->price() ? $Marque::config->option_value('money').$acp->price() : '');
+ $marc->insert_grouped_field(
+ MARC::Field->new(
+ '852', '4', ' ',
+ ($location ? ('a' => $location) : ()),
+ b => $acp->call_number()->owning_lib()->shortname(),
+ b => $acp->circ_lib()->shortname(),
+ c => $acp->location()->name(),
+ j => $acp->call_number()->label(),
+ ($acp->circ_modifier() ? (g => $acp->circ_modifier()) : ()),
+ p => $acp->barcode(),
+ ($price ? (y => $price) : ()),
+ ($acp->copy_number() ? (t => $acp->copy_number()) : ()),
+ ($U->is_true($acp->ref()) ? (x => 'reference') : ()),
+ (!$U->is_true($acp->holdable()) ? (x => 'unholdable') : ()),
+ (!$U->is_true($acp->circulate()) ? (x => 'noncirculating') : ()),
+ (!$U->is_true($acp->opac_visible()) ? (x => 'hidden') : ())
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('mfhd')) {
+ $self->{mfhds} = [$self->sres_for_bre($r)];
+ }
+ }
+ }
-} elsif (@library) {
- my $recids = $editor->json_query({
- select => { bre => ['id'] },
- from => { bre => 'acn' },
- where => {
- '+bre' => { deleted => 'f' },
- '+acn' => {
- deleted => 'f',
- owning_lib => {
- in => {
- select => {'aou' => ['id'] },
- from => 'aou',
- where => { shortname => { in => \@library } }
- }
+ # Common stuff that doesn't depend on record type.
+ if ($marc) {
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('since')) {
+ my $leader = $marc->leader();
+ if ($U->is_true($r->deleted())) {
+ substr($leader, 5, 1) = 'd';
+ $marc->leader($leader);
+ } else {
+ my $create_date = Date::Manip::Date->new;
+ $create_date->parse($r->create_date());
+ my $edit_date = Date::Manip::Date->new;
+ $edit_date->parse($r->edit_date());
+ if ($self->{since_date}->cmp($create_date) < 0) {
+ substr($leader, 5, 1) = 'n';
+ $marc->leader($leader);
+ } elsif ($self->{since_date}->cmp($edit_date) < 0) {
+ substr($leader, 5, 1) = 'c';
+ $marc->leader($leader);
- },
- distinct => 1,
- order_by => [{
- class => 'bre',
- field => 'id',
- direction => 'ASC'
- }]
- });
- foreach my $record (@$recids) {
- export_record($record->{id});
- };
-} else {
- while ( my $i = <> ) {
- export_record($i);
+ }
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('format') eq 'XML') {
+ $output = $marc->as_xml_record;
+ $output =~ s/^<\?.+?\?>$//mo;
+ } else {
+ $output = $marc->as_usmarc;
+ }
+ return $output;
-print "</collection>\n" if ($format eq 'XML');
-$speed = $count{did} / (time - $start);
-my $time = time - $start;
-print STDERR <<DONE;
-Exports Attempted : $count{bib}
-Exports Completed : $count{did}
-Overall Speed : $speed
-Total Time Elapsed: $time seconds
+# Returns a list of aou objects in an array.
+sub orgs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless ($self->{orgs} && @{$self->{orgs}}) {
+ my $fmClass = Fieldmapper::class_for_hint('aou');
+ my @classFields = $fmClass->real_fields();
+ my $classTable = $fmClass->Table();
+ my $query = 'select ' . join(',', @classFields);
+ $query .= "\nfrom $classTable";
+ my $sth = $self->{handle}->prepare($query);
+ if ($sth->execute()) {
+ my $result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
+ my @orgs = map {$fmClass->from_bare_hash($_)} @{$result};
+ $self->{orgs} = \@orgs;
+ } else {
+ $self->{orgs} = [];
+ }
+ }
+ return @{$self->{orgs}};
-sub export_record {
- my $id = int(shift);
+# Returns an array of acpl objects.
+sub shelves {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless ($self->{shelves} && @{$self->{shelves}}) {
+ my $fmClass = Fieldmapper::class_for_hint('acpl');
+ my @classFields = $fmClass->real_fields();
+ my $classTable = $fmClass->Table();
+ my $query = 'select ' . join(',', @classFields);
+ $query .= "\nfrom $classTable";
+ my $result = $self->{handle}->selectall_arrayref($query, {Slice=>{}});
+ my @shelves = map {$fmClass->from_bare_hash($_)} @{$result};
+ $self->{shelves} = \@shelves;
+ }
- my $bib;
+ return @{$self->{shelves}};
- my $r = $ses->request( "open-ils.cstore.direct.$type.record_entry.retrieve", $id, $flesh );
- my $s = $r->recv(timeout => $timeout);
- if (!$s) {
- warn "\n!!!!! Failed trying to read record $id\n";
- return;
- }
- if ($r->failed) {
- warn "\n!!!!!! Failed trying to read record $id: " . $r->failed->stringify . "\n";
- return;
+# Returns an array of acn objects for a given bre object or id.
+sub acns_for_bre {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $bre = shift;
+ $bre = $bre->id() if (ref($bre));
+ unless ($self->{acnHandle}) {
+ my $query = "select " . join(',', $self->{acnClass}->real_fields());
+ $query .= "\nfrom " . $self->{acnClass}->Table();
+ $query .= "\nwhere record = ?";
+ if (@{$self->{libs}}) {
+ $query .= "\nand owning_lib in (";
+ $query .= join(',', @{$self->{libs}}) . ")";
+ }
+ $query .= "\nand deleted = 'f'" unless($Marque::config->option_value('since'));
+ $self->{acnHandle} = $self->{handle}->prepare($query);
- if ($r->timed_out) {
- warn "\n!!!!!! Timed out trying to read record $id\n";
- return;
+ if ($self->{acnHandle}->execute($bre)) {
+ my $result = $self->{acnHandle}->fetchall_arrayref({});
+ return map {$self->{acnClass}->from_bare_hash($_)} @{$result};
- $bib = $s->content;
- $r->finish;
- $count{bib}++;
- return unless $bib;
+ # If for some reason, we don't find anything.
+ return undef;
- if ($format eq 'ARE' or $format eq 'BRE') {
- print OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->perl2JSON($bib);
- stats();
- $count{did}++;
- return;
+# Returns an array of acp objects for a given bre object or id.
+sub acps_for_bre {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $bre = shift;
+ $bre = $bre->id() if (ref($bre));
+ my @orgs = $self->orgs();
+ my @locations = $self->shelves();
+ my @acns = $self->acns_for_bre($bre);
+ if (@acns) {
+ my $query = 'select ' . join(',', $self->{acpClass}->real_fields());
+ $query .= "\nfrom " . $self->{acpClass}->Table();
+ $query .= "\nwhere call_number in (";
+ $query .= join(',', map {$_->id()} @acns);
+ $query .= ")";
+ $query .= "\nand deleted = 'f'" unless ($Marque::config->option_value('since'));
+ my $result = $self->{handle}->selectall_arrayref($query, {Slice=>{}});
+ if ($result && @{$result}) {
+ my @acps = map {$self->{acpClass}->from_bare_hash($_)} @{$result};
+ foreach (@acps) {
+ my $cn = $_->call_number();
+ my $clib = $_->circ_lib();
+ my $loc = $_->location();
+ my ($org) = grep {$_->id() == $clib} @orgs;
+ my ($acn) = grep {$_->id() == $cn} @acns;
+ my ($location) = grep {$_->id() == $loc} @locations;
+ my $olib = $acn->owning_lib();
+ my ($owner) = grep {$_->id() == $olib} @orgs;
+ $acn->owning_lib($owner);
+ $_->call_number($acn);
+ $_->circ_lib($org);
+ $_->location($location);
+ }
+ return @acps;
+ }
- try {
+ # If for some reason, we don't find anything.
+ return undef;
- my $r = MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $bib->marc, $encoding, $format );
- if ($type eq 'biblio') {
- add_bib_holdings($bib, $r);
+# Retreive an array for sre objects when the --mfhd option is used.
+sub sres_for_bre {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $bre = shift;
+ $bre = $bre->id() if (ref($bre));
+ my @sres;
+ # Build a query to retrieve SREs when the MFHD option is passed.
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('mfhd')) {
+ # Create a persistent handle as needed.
+ unless ($self->{sreSth}) {
+ my $query = "select " . join(',', $self->{sreClass}->real_fields());
+ $query .= "\nfrom " . $self->{sreClass}->Table();
+ $query .= "\nwhere record = ?";
+ $query .= "\nand deleted = 'f'" unless ($Marque::config->option_value('since'));
+ $self->{sreSth} = $self->{handle}->prepare($query);
- if ($replace_001) {
- my $tcn = $r->field('001');
- if ($tcn) {
- $tcn->update($id);
- } else {
- my $new_001 = MARC::Field->new('001', $id);
- $r->insert_fields_ordered($new_001);
+ if ($self->{sreSth}->execute($bre)) {
+ while (my $data = $self->{sreSth}->fetchrow_hashref) {
+ push @sres, $self->{sreClass}->from_bare_hash($data);
+ $self->{sreSth}->finish; # Sometimes DBI complains.
+ }
+ # May be empty.
+ return @sres;
- if ($format eq 'XML') {
- my $xml = $r->as_xml_record;
- $xml =~ s/^<\?.+?\?>$//mo;
- print $xml;
- } elsif ($format eq 'UNIMARC') {
- print $r->as_usmarc;
- } elsif ($format eq 'USMARC') {
- print $r->as_usmarc;
- }
+# Get authority records from the database.
+package Marque::Authority;
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $idlist = shift;
+ my $self = {idlist => $idlist};
+ $self->{handle} = Marque::Connector::connect(
+ $Marque::config->database_settings);
+ $self->{fmClass} = Fieldmapper::class_for_hint('are');
+ $self->{since_date} = Date::Manip::Date->new;
+ $self->{since_date}->parse($Marque::config->option_value('since'));
+ bless $self, $class;
+ return $self;
- $count{did}++;
- } otherwise {
- my $e = shift;
- warn "\n$e\n";
- import MARC::File::XML; # reset SAX parser so that one bad record doesn't kill the entire export
- };
- if ($export_mfhd and $type eq 'biblio') {
- my $mfhds = $editor->search_serial_record_entry({record => $id, deleted => 'f'});
- foreach my $mfhd (@$mfhds) {
- try {
- my $r = MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $mfhd->marc, $encoding, $format );
- if ($format eq 'XML') {
- my $xml = $r->as_xml_record;
- $xml =~ s/^<\?.+?\?>$//mo;
- print $xml;
- } elsif ($format eq 'UNIMARC') {
- print $r->as_usmarc;
- } elsif ($format eq 'USMARC') {
- print $r->as_usmarc;
- }
- } otherwise {
- my $e = shift;
- warn "\n$e\n";
- import MARC::File::XML; # reset SAX parser so that one bad record doesn't kill the entire export
- };
- }
+sub build_query {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # Get the information for are object from the Fieldmapper:
+ my @fields = $self->{fmClass}->real_fields();
+ my $table = $self->{fmClass}->Table();
+ # Build the actual query.
+ my $select = "select " . join(',', @fields);
+ my $from = "from $table";
+ my $where = 'where ';
+ # If we have an idlist, we pretty much ignore anything else.
+ if ($self->{idlist} && @{$self->{idlist}}) {
+ $where .= 'id in (' . join(',', @{$self->{idlist}}) . ')';
+ } elsif ($Marque::config->option_value('since')) {
+ my $since_str = Marque::Connector::db_date($self->{since_date});
+ $where .= "edit_date > '$since_str'";
+ $where .= " or create_date > '$since_str'";
+ } else {
+ # We want all non-deleted records.
+ $where .= "deleted = 'f'";
- stats() if (! ($count{bib} % 50 ));
+ $self->{query} = $select . "\n" . $from . "\n" . $where;
-sub stats {
- try {
- no warnings;
- $speed = $count{did} / (time - $start);
- my $speed_now = ($count{did} - $count{did_last}) / (time - $count{time_last});
- my $cn_speed = $count{cn} / (time - $start);
- my $cp_speed = $count{cp} / (time - $start);
- printf STDERR "\r $count{did} of $count{bib} @ \%0.4f/s ttl / \%0.4f/s rt ".
- "($count{cn} CNs @ \%0.4f/s :: $count{cp} CPs @ \%0.4f/s)\r",
- $speed,
- $speed_now,
- $cn_speed,
- $cp_speed;
- } otherwise {};
- $count{did_last} = $count{did};
- $count{time_last} = time;
+sub execute_query {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->build_query() unless ($self->{query});
+ $self->{sth} = $self->{handle}->prepare($self->{query});
+ return $self->{sth}->execute;
-sub get_bib_locations {
- print STDERR "Retrieving Org Units ... ";
- my $r = $ses->request( 'open-ils.cstore.direct.actor.org_unit.search', { id => { '!=' => undef } } );
- while (my $o = $r->recv) {
- die $r->failed->stringify if ($r->failed);
- $o = $o->content;
- last unless ($o);
- $orgs{$o->id} = $o;
+sub next {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $output;
+ my $data = $self->{sth}->fetchrow_hashref;
+ if ($data) {
+ my $format = $Marque::config->option_value('format');
+ my $are = $self->{fmClass}->from_bare_hash($data);
+ if ($format eq 'ARE') {
+ $output = OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->perl2JSON($are);
+ } else {
+ my $r;
+ eval {
+ $r = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($are->marc(),
+ $Marque::config->option_value('encoding'),
+ $Marque::config->option_value('format'));
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ print STDERR "Error in authority record " . $are->id() . "\n";
+ print STDERR "$@\n";
+ import MARC::File::XML; # Reset SAX Parser.
+ return $self->next();
+ }
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('replace_001')) {
+ my $tcn = $r->field('001');
+ if ($tcn) {
+ $tcn->update($are->id());
+ } else {
+ $tcn = MARC::Field->new('001', $are->id());
+ $r->insert_fields_ordered($tcn);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('since')) {
+ my $leader = $r->leader();
+ if ($U->is_true($are->deleted())) {
+ substr($leader, 5, 1) = 'd';
+ $r->leader($leader);
+ } else {
+ my $create_date = Date::Manip::Date->new;
+ $create_date->parse($are->create_date());
+ my $edit_date = Date::Manip::Date->new;
+ $edit_date->parse($are->edit_date());
+ if ($self->{since_date}->cmp($create_date) < 0) {
+ substr($leader, 5, 1) = 'n';
+ $r->leader($leader);
+ } elsif ($self->{since_date}->cmp($edit_date) < 0) {
+ substr($leader, 5, 1) = 'c';
+ $r->leader($leader);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('format') eq 'XML') {
+ $output = $r->as_xml_record;
+ $output =~ s/^<\?.+?\?>$//mo;
+ } else {
+ $output = $r->as_usmarc;
+ }
+ }
- $r->finish;
- print STDERR "OK\n";
- print STDERR "Retrieving Shelving locations ... ";
- $r = $ses->request( 'open-ils.cstore.direct.asset.copy_location.search', { id => { '!=' => undef } } );
+ return $output;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Since the ultimate output is largely independent of the type of the
+# records, we use a single subpackage to group our output routines.
+package Marque::Output;
+sub output {
+ my $extractor = shift;
+ if ($extractor->execute_query) {
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('encoding') eq 'UTF-8') {
+ binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');
+ } else {
+ binmode(STDOUT, ':raw');
+ }
- while (my $s = $r->recv) {
- die $r->failed->stringify if ($r->failed);
- $s = $s->content;
- last unless ($s);
- $shelves{$s->id} = $s;
+ &preamble;
+ while (my $output = $extractor->next()) {
+ print $output;
+ }
+ &postamble;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR $extractor->{query} if ($Marque::config->option_value('debug'));
+ die "Database query failed!";
- $r->finish;
- print STDERR "OK\n";
- $flesh = { flesh => 2, flesh_fields => { bre => [ 'call_numbers' ], acn => [ 'copies' ] } };
+sub preamble {
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('format') eq 'XML') {
+ my $encoding = $Marque::config->option_value('encoding');
+ print <<PREAMBLE;
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="$encoding"?>
+<collection xmlns='http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim'>
+ }
-sub add_bib_holdings {
- my $bib = shift;
- my $r = shift;
- my $cn_list = $bib->call_numbers;
- if ($cn_list && @$cn_list) {
- $cn_list = [ grep { $_->deleted eq 'f' } @$cn_list ];
- $count{cn} += @$cn_list;
- my $cp_list = [ grep { $_->deleted eq 'f' } map { @{ $_->copies } } @$cn_list ];
- if ($cp_list && @$cp_list) {
- my %cn_map;
- push @{$cn_map{$_->call_number}}, $_ for (@$cp_list);
- for my $cn ( @$cn_list ) {
- my $cn_map_list = $cn_map{$cn->id};
- for my $cp ( @$cn_map_list ) {
- $count{cp}++;
- $r->insert_grouped_field( MARC::Field->new( '852', '4', ' ',
- ($location ? ( 'a' => $location ) : ()),
- b => $orgs{$cn->owning_lib}->shortname,
- b => $orgs{$cp->circ_lib}->shortname,
- c => $shelves{$cp->location}->name,
- j => $cn->label,
- ($cp->circ_modifier ? ( g => $cp->circ_modifier ) : ()),
- p => $cp->barcode,
- ($cp->price ? ( y => $dollarsign.$cp->price ) : ()),
- ($cp->copy_number ? ( t => $cp->copy_number ) : ()),
- ($cp->ref eq 't' ? ( x => 'reference' ) : ()),
- ($cp->holdable eq 'f' ? ( x => 'unholdable' ) : ()),
- ($cp->circulate eq 'f' ? ( x => 'noncirculating' ) : ()),
- ($cp->opac_visible eq 'f' ? ( x => 'hidden' ) : ()),
- )
- );
- stats() if (! ($count{cp} % 100 ));
- }
- }
- }
+sub postamble {
+ if ($Marque::config->option_value('format') eq 'XML') {
+ print "</collection>\n";