--- /dev/null
+--Upgrade Script for 2.10.10 to 2.10.11
+\set eg_version '''2.10.11'''
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('1030', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evergreen.oils_xslt_process(TEXT, TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $func$
+ use strict;
+ use XML::LibXSLT;
+ use XML::LibXML;
+ my $doc = shift;
+ my $xslt = shift;
+ # The following approach uses the older XML::LibXML 1.69 / XML::LibXSLT 1.68
+ # methods of parsing XML documents and stylesheets, in the hopes of broader
+ # compatibility with distributions
+ my $parser = $_SHARED{'_xslt_process'}{parsers}{xml} || XML::LibXML->new();
+ # Cache the XML parser, if we do not already have one
+ $_SHARED{'_xslt_process'}{parsers}{xml} = $parser
+ unless ($_SHARED{'_xslt_process'}{parsers}{xml});
+ my $xslt_parser = $_SHARED{'_xslt_process'}{parsers}{xslt} || XML::LibXSLT->new();
+ # Cache the XSLT processor, if we do not already have one
+ $_SHARED{'_xslt_process'}{parsers}{xslt} = $xslt_parser
+ unless ($_SHARED{'_xslt_process'}{parsers}{xslt});
+ my $stylesheet = $_SHARED{'_xslt_process'}{stylesheets}{$xslt} ||
+ $xslt_parser->parse_stylesheet( $parser->parse_string($xslt) );
+ $_SHARED{'_xslt_process'}{stylesheets}{$xslt} = $stylesheet
+ unless ($_SHARED{'_xslt_process'}{stylesheets}{$xslt});
+ return $stylesheet->output_as_chars(
+ $stylesheet->transform(
+ $parser->parse_string($doc)
+ )
+ );