# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub create_fund_debit {
my($mgr, %args) = @_;
+ # Verify the fund is not being spent beyond the hard stop amount
+ my $fund = $mgr->editor->retrieve_acq_fund($args{fund}) or return 0;
+ if($fund->balance_stop_percent) {
+ my $balance = $mgr->editor->search_acq_fund_combined_balance({fund => $fund->id})->[0];
+ my $allocations = $mgr->editor->search_acq_fund_allocation_total({fund => $fund->id})->[0];
+ $balance = ($balance) ? $balance->amount : 0;
+ $allocations = ($allocations) ? $allocations->amount : 0;
+ if(
+ $allocations == 0 || # if no allocations were ever made, assume we have hit the stop percent
+ ( ( ( ($balance - $args{amount}) / $allocations ) * 100 ) < $fund->balance_stop_percent))
+ {
+ $mgr->editor->event(OpenILS::Event->new(
+ payload => {fund => $fund->id, debit_amount => $args{amount}}
+ ));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
my $debit = Fieldmapper::acq::fund_debit->new;
sub create_purchase_order {
my($mgr, %args) = @_;
+ # verify the chosen provider is still active
+ my $provider = $mgr->editor->retrieve_acq_provider($args{provider}) or return 0;
+ unless($U->is_true($provider->active)) {
+ $logger->error("provider is not active. cannot create PO");
+ $mgr->editor->event(OpenILS::Event->new('ACQ_PROVIDER_INACTIVE'));
+ return 0;
+ }
my $po = Fieldmapper::acq::purchase_order->new;
if($create_po) {
- # verify the provider is still active
- unless($U->is_true($provider->active)) {
- $logger->error("provider is not active. cannot create PO");
- $e->rollback;
- return OpenILS::Event->new('ACQ_PROVIDER_INACTIVE');
- }
$po = create_purchase_order($mgr,
ordering_agency => $ordering_agency,
provider => $provider->id,
return $e->die_event unless $e->allowed('CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER', $po->ordering_agency);
my $mgr = OpenILS::Application::Acq::BatchManager->new(editor => $e, conn => $conn);
- # verify the provider is still active
- my $provider = $e->retrieve_acq_provider($po->provider) or return $e->die_event;
- unless($U->is_true($provider->active)) {
- $logger->error("provider is not active. cannot create PO");
- $e->rollback;
- return OpenILS::Event->new('ACQ_PROVIDER_INACTIVE');
- }
# create the PO
my %pargs = (ordering_agency => $e->requestor->ws_ou); # default
$pargs{provider} = $po->provider if $po->provider;