--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Georgia Public Library Service
+# Chris Sharp <csharp@georgialibraries.org>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+This is a utility for retrieving ownership and folder information
+from a reports output URL from an Evergreen server.
+ ./report_owner_from_url.pl <url>
+ ./report_owner_from_url.pl https://gapines.org/reporter//59823/117959/684498/report-data.html
+Required Perl modules:
+ - DBI
+ - URI::URL
+ - DBD::Pg
+These can be installed on a Debian-based system with the following packages:
+ - libdbi-perl
+ - liburi-perl
+ - libdbd-pg-perl
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use URI::URL;
+use DBI;
+my $settings = {
+ host => "db03",
+ db => "evergreen",
+ user => "evergreen"
+my $input_url = $ARGV[0];
+my $url = new URI::URL $input_url;
+my $query = qq/ select r.name as report_name,
+ rowner.first_given_name as rowner_first_name,
+ rowner.second_given_name as rowner_middle_name,
+ rowner.family_name as rowner_last_name,
+ rowner_cd.barcode as rowner_barcode,
+ rfolder.name as rfolder_name,
+ rfolder_owner.first_given_name as rfo_first_name,
+ rfolder_owner.second_given_name as rfo_middle_name,
+ rfolder_owner.family_name as rfo_last_name,
+ rfo_cd.barcode as rfo_barcode,
+ t.name as template_name,
+ towner.first_given_name as towner_first_name,
+ towner.second_given_name as towner_middle_name,
+ towner.family_name as towner_last_name,
+ towner_cd.barcode as towner_barcode,
+ tfolder.name as tfolder_name,
+ tfolder_owner.first_given_name as tfo_first_name,
+ tfolder_owner.second_given_name as tfo_middle_name,
+ tfolder_owner.family_name as tfo_last_name,
+ tfo_cd.barcode as tfo_barcode,
+ rfparent.name as rfparent_name,
+ tfparent.name as tfparent_name
+ from reporter.report r
+ inner join actor.usr rowner on (r.owner = rowner.id)
+ inner join actor.card rowner_cd on (rowner.card = rowner_cd.id)
+ inner join reporter.report_folder rfolder on (r.folder = rfolder.id)
+ inner join actor.usr rfolder_owner on (rfolder.owner = rfolder_owner.id)
+ inner join actor.card rfo_cd on (rfolder_owner.card = rfo_cd.id)
+ inner join reporter.template t on (r.template = t.id)
+ inner join actor.usr towner on (t.owner = towner.id)
+ inner join actor.card towner_cd on (towner.card = towner_cd.id)
+ inner join reporter.template_folder tfolder on (t.folder = tfolder.id)
+ inner join actor.usr tfolder_owner on (tfolder.owner = tfolder_owner.id)
+ inner join actor.card tfo_cd on (tfolder_owner.card = tfo_cd.id)
+ left outer join reporter.template_folder tfparent on (tfolder.parent = tfparent.id)
+ left outer join reporter.report_folder rfparent on (rfolder.parent = rfparent.id)
+ where r.id = ?/;
+my @path_array = $url->path_components;
+# by default, clark adds a "/" to the <base_uri> listed in
+# opensrf.xml. This means that all of our report URLs have
+# a double "/", and URI::URL assumes that's an empty directory
+# on the path, so without that, this would be $path_array[3]
+my $report = $path_array[4];
+my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:Pg:dbname=' . $settings->{'db'} . ';host=' . $settings->{'host'}, $settings->{'user'},
+ undef,
+ {
+ RaiseError => 1,
+ ShowErrorStatement => 0,
+ AutoCommit => 0
+ }
+) or die DBI->errstr;
+my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
+my $results = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+print "Report Name: $results->{'report_name'}\n";
+print "Report Owner: $results->{'rowner_first_name'}" . (defined $results->{'rowner_middle_name'} ? " $results->{'rowner_middle_name'}" : "") . " $results->{'rowner_last_name'} ($results->{'rowner_barcode'})\n";
+print "Report Folder: $results->{'rfolder_name'}\n";
+print "Report Folder Parent Folder: " . (defined $results->{'rfparent_name'} ? "$results->{'rfparent_name'}" : "(no parent folder)") . "\n";
+print "Report Folder Owner: $results->{'rfo_first_name'} $results->{'rfo_middle_name'} $results->{'rfo_last_name'} ($results->{'rfo_barcode'})\n";
+print "Template Name: $results->{'template_name'}\n";
+print "Template Owner: $results->{'towner_first_name'}" . (defined $results->{'towner_middle_name'} ? " $results->{'towner_middle_name'}" : "") . " $results->{'towner_last_name'} ($results->{'towner_barcode'})\n";
+print "Template Folder: $results->{'tfolder_name'}\n";
+print "Template Folder Parent Folder: " . (defined $results->{'tfparent_name'} ? "$results->{'tfparent_name'}" : "(no parent folder)") . "\n";
+print "Template Folder Owner: $results->{'tfo_first_name'}" . (defined $results->{'tfo_middle_name'} ? " $results->{'tfo_middle_name'}" : "") . " $results->{'tfo_last_name'} ($results->{'tfo_barcode'})\n";