--- /dev/null
+Transit Cancel Time and Terminology Change
+Transit Cancel Time
+Previously, Evergreen deleted canceled (aborted) transits from the database. Now
+the rows in action.transit_copy, action.hold_transit_copy, and action.reservation_transit_copy
+are preserved in the database, though still not visible to the end user in the staff client.
+This allows for better tracking of when transits are canceled for the purposes of knowing
+which staff member canceled the transit, etc.
+NOTE: This change may require the re-creation of transit reports to filter out canceled
+transits from the results. Cloning the template and adding a Base Filter of Cancel Time
+Is NULL will suffice.
+"Canceled Transit" Terminology Change
+The term "abort" has been replaced with "cancel" in all of the affected user interfaces.
+For internal continuity, however, the following permission codes have not changed: