This allows staff to see what was scanned into the field as part of
the dialog window prior to confirming creating a pre-cat for it.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Berezansky <>
Signed-off-by: Ben Shum <>
if (test_event(permit,1202 /* ITEM_NOT_CATALOGED */)) {
if ( 1 == obj.error.yns_alert(
- document.getElementById('circStrings').getString('staff.circ.checkout.not_cataloged.confirm'),
+ document.getElementById('circStrings').getFormattedString('staff.circ.checkout.not_cataloged.confirm', [params.barcode]),
staff.circ.checkout.override.item_deposit_required.warning=A billing for an Item Deposit will be added to the patron's account if this action is overrided.
staff.circ.checkout.override.item_rental_fee_required.warning=A billing for an Item Rental Fee will be added to the patron's account if this action is overrided.
staff.circ.checkout.override.will_auto=If overriden now, subsequent checkouts during this patron's session will auto-override this event.
-staff.circ.checkout.not_cataloged.confirm=Mis-scan or non-cataloged item. Checkout as a pre-cataloged item?
+staff.circ.checkout.not_cataloged.confirm=Barcode %1$s was either mis-scanned or is a non-cataloged item. Checkout as a pre-cataloged item?
staff.circ.checkout.cancelled=Checkout cancelled