--- /dev/null
+if (!dojo._hasResource["openils.widget.PhysCharWizard"]) {
+ dojo._hasResource["openils.widget.PhysCharWizard"] = true;
+ dojo.provide("openils.widget.PhysCharWizard");
+ dojo.require("dojo.string");
+ dojo.require("openils.User");
+ dojo.require("openils.Util");
+ dojo.require("openils.PermaCrud");
+ dojo.requireLocalization("openils.widget", "PhysCharWizard");
+ (function() { /* Namespace protection so we can still make little helpers
+ within our own bubble */
+ var _xhtml_ns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
+ function _show_button(n, yes) { /* yet another hide/reveal thing */
+ /* This is a re-invented wheel, but I was having trouble
+ * getting my <button>s to react to the disabled property, and
+ * decided to hide/reveal them instead of disable/enable then.
+ * Then I had this need to do it in a consistent way. */
+ n.setAttribute("style", "visibility: " + (yes? "visible":"hidden"));
+ }
+ function _get_xul_combobox_value(menulist) {
+ /* XUL comboboxes (<menulist editable="true">) are funny. */
+ return menulist.selectedItem ?
+ menulist.selectedItem.value :
+ menulist.label; /* sic! Even .getAttribute('label') is
+ wrong, and anything to do with 'value'
+ is also wrong. */
+ }
+ /* Within the openils.widget.PhysCharWizard class, methods and
+ * properties that start "_" should be considered private, and others
+ * public.
+ *
+ * The methods whose names end in "_XUL" could be replaced with HTML
+ * versions to make this wizard work as an HTML thing instead of as
+ * a XUL thing.
+ */
+ dojo.declare(
+ "openils.widget.PhysCharWizard", [], {
+ "active": true,
+ "constructor": function(args) {
+ this._ = openils.widget.PhysCharWizard.localeStrings;
+ this._cache = openils.widget.PhysCharWizard.cache;
+ /* Reserve a little of the window namespace that we'll need
+ * (under XUL anyway) */
+ window._owPCWinstances = window._owPCWinstances || 0;
+ window._owPCW = window._owPCW || {};
+ this.instance_num = window._owPCWinstances++;
+ window._owPCW[this.instance_num] = this;
+ this.outside_ref =
+ "window._owPCW[" + this.instance_num + "]";
+ /* Initialize and save misc values, and call build() to
+ * make and place widgets. */
+ this.onapply = args.onapply;
+ this.step = 'a';
+ this.more_back = false;
+ this.more_forward = true;
+ this.value = this.original_value = args.node.value;
+ this.pcrud = new openils.PermaCrud(
+ {"authtoken": ses ? ses() : openils.User.authtoken}
+ );
+ this.build(args.node);
+ this._load_all_types( /* and then: */
+ dojo.hitch(this, function() { this.move(0); })
+ );
+ },
+ "build": function(where) {
+ this.original_node = where;
+ var p = this.container_node = where.parentNode;
+ p.removeChild(where);
+ this._build_XUL();
+ },
+ "update_question": function(label, values) {
+ this._update_question_XUL(label, values);
+ },
+ "update_value_label": function() {
+ this._update_value_label_XUL(
+ this._get_step_slot(), this.value
+ );
+ },
+ "update_pagers": function() {
+ _show_button(this.back_button, this.more_back);
+ _show_button(this.forward_button, this.more_forward);
+ },
+ "apply": function(callback) {
+ this.active = false;
+ this.move(
+ 0, dojo.hitch(this, function() {
+ this.onapply(this.value);
+ if (typeof callback == "function")
+ callback();
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ "cancel": function() {
+ this.active = false;
+ this.container_node.removeChild(this.wizard_root_node);
+ this.container_node.appendChild(this.original_node);
+ },
+ "_default_after_00": function() {
+ /* This method assumes that the things it looks for in
+ * the cache are freshly put there. */
+ var working_ptype = this.value.substr(0, 1);
+ var sf_list = this._cache.subfields[working_ptype];
+ if (!sf_list)
+ throw new Error(this._.BAD_WORKING_PTYPE);
+ this.value = working_ptype;
+ for (var i = 0; i < sf_list.length; i++) {
+ var s = sf_list[i];
+ var gap = s.start_pos() - this.value.length;
+ if (gap > 0) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < gap; j++)
+ this.value += " "; /* XXX or '#' ? */
+ } else if (gap < 0) {
+ throw new Error(
+ dojo.string.substitute(
+ [working_ptype]
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ for (var j = 0; j < s.length(); j++)
+ this.value += "|";
+ }
+ },
+ "move": function(offset, callback) {
+ /* When we move the wizard, we need to accomplish five
+ * things:
+ * 1) Disable both pager buttons - sic
+ * 2) Update the appopriate _slot of the working _value_
+ * with the value from the user input control.
+ * ---- sync above here ^ --------- async below here v ----
+ * 3) Determine what the next _step_ will be and set it
+ * 4) Replace the question and the dropdown with appro-
+ * priate data from the new _step_
+ * 5) Reenable appropriate pager buttons
+ * 6) (optional) fire any callback
+ */
+ /* Step 1 */
+ _show_button(this.back_button, false);
+ _show_button(this.forward_button, false);
+ /* Step 2. No sweat so far. Skip if there is no
+ * user control yet (initializing whole wizard still). */
+ var a_changed = false;
+ if (this.step_user_control) {
+ a_changed = this.update_value_slot(
+ this._get_step_slot(),
+ this.get_step_value_from_control()
+ ) && this.step == 'a';
+ }
+ /* Step 3 depends on knowing a) our working_ptype, which
+ * may have just changed if step was 'a' and b) all the
+ * subfields for that ptype, which we may have to
+ * retrieve asynchronously. */
+ this._get_subfields_for_type(
+ this.value.substr(0, 1), /* working_ptype */
+ /* and then: */ dojo.hitch(this, function() {
+ /* Step 2.9 (small) */
+ if (a_changed) this._default_after_00();
+ /* Step 3 proper: */
+ this._move_step(offset);
+ /* Step 4: For the call to update_question, we had
+ * better have values loaded for our current step.
+ */
+ this._get_values_for_step(
+ this.step,
+ /* and then: */ dojo.hitch(this, function(l, v){
+ /* Step 4 proper: */
+ this.update_value_label();
+ this.update_question(l, v);
+ /* Step 5 */
+ this.update_pagers();
+ if (typeof callback == "function") {
+ callback();
+ }
+ })
+ );
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ "get_step_value_from_control": function() {
+ return _get_xul_combobox_value(this.step_user_control);
+ },
+ "get_step_value": function() {
+ return String.prototype.substr.apply(
+ this.value, this._get_step_slot()
+ );
+ },
+ "update_value_slot": function(slot, value) {
+ /* Return true if this.value changes */
+ if (!value.length) {
+ /* Prevent erasing positions when backing up. */
+ for (var i = 0; i < slot[1]; i++)
+ value += '|';
+ }
+ var old_value = this.value;
+ var before = this.value.substr(0, slot[0]);
+ var after = this.value.substr(slot[0] + slot[1]);
+ this.value = before + value.substr(0, slot[1]) + after;
+ return (this.value != old_value);
+ },
+ "_load_all_types": function(callback) {
+ /* It's easiest to have these always ready, and it's not
+ * a large dataset. */
+ if (this._cache.types.length) /* maybe we already do */
+ callback();
+ this.pcrud.retrieveAll(
+ "cmpctm", {
+ "oncomplete": dojo.hitch(this, function(r) {
+ if (r = openils.Util.readResponse(r)) {
+ this._cache.types = r.map(
+ function(o) {
+ return [o.ptype_key(), o.label()];
+ }
+ );
+ callback();
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(this._.DATA_ERROR_007);
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ "_get_subfields_for_type": function(working_ptype, callback) {
+ if (this._cache.subfields[working_ptype]) {
+ callback(this._cache.subfields[working_ptype]);
+ } else {
+ this.pcrud.search(
+ "cmpcsm", {"ptype_key": working_ptype}, {
+ "order_by": {"cmpcsm": "subfield"},
+ "oncomplete": dojo.hitch(this, function(r) {
+ if (r = openils.Util.readResponse(r)) {
+ this._cache.subfields[working_ptype]= r;
+ callback(r);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(this._.DATA_ERROR_007);
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ "_get_values_for_step": function(step, callback) {
+ /* Values are cached by subfield ID, so we find the
+ * current subfield ID using the step and the
+ * working_ptype. */
+ if (this.step == 'a') {
+ callback(this._.A_LABEL, this._cache.types);
+ return;
+ }
+ var step = this.step; /* for use w/in closure */
+ var working_ptype = this.value.substr(0, 1);
+ var subfields =
+ this._cache.subfields[working_ptype].filter(
+ function(s) { return s.subfield() == step; }
+ );
+ if (subfields.length != 1) {
+ throw new Error(this._.BAD_SUBFIELD_DATA);
+ return;
+ }
+ var subfield = subfields[0];
+ if (this._cache.values[subfield.id()]) {
+ callback(
+ subfield.label(),
+ this._cache.values[subfield.id()]
+ );
+ } else {
+ this.pcrud.search(
+ "cmpcvm", {"ptype_subfield": subfield.id()}, {
+ "order_by": {"cmpcvm": "value"},
+ "onresponse": dojo.hitch(this, function(r) {
+ if (r = openils.Util.readResponse(r)) {
+ this._cache.values[subfield.id()] =
+ r = r.map(
+ function(v) {
+ return [v.value(),v.label()]
+ }
+ );
+ callback(subfield.label(), r);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(this._.DATA_ERROR_007);
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ "_get_step_slot": function() {
+ /* We should never need to know the slot for our step
+ * until *after* we have the subfields for that step
+ * loaded. That allows us to keep this function sync
+ * (i.e., it returns instead of using a callback). */
+ if (this.step == 'a') {
+ return [0, 1];
+ } else {
+ var step = this.step; /* to use w/in closure */
+ var working_ptype = this.value.substr(0, 1);
+ var matches =
+ this._cache.subfields[working_ptype].filter(
+ function(s) { return s.subfield() == step; }
+ );
+ if (matches.length == 1)
+ return [matches[0].start_pos(),matches[0].length()];
+ else
+ throw new Error(this._.BAD_SUBFIELD_DATA);
+ }
+ },
+ "_move_step": function(offset) {
+ /* This method is/should only be called when we know we
+ * have the list of subfields for our working_ptype cached.
+ *
+ * We have two jobs in this method:
+ * 1) Set this.step to something new.
+ * 2) Update this.more_forward and this.more_back (bools)
+ */
+ var working_ptype = this.value.substr(0, 1);
+ var found = -1;
+ var sf_list = this._cache.subfields[working_ptype];
+ for (var i = 0; i < sf_list.length; i++) {
+ if (sf_list[i].subfield() == this.step) {
+ found = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var idx = found + offset;
+ if (sf_list[idx]) {
+ this.step = sf_list[idx].subfield();
+ this.more_forward = Boolean(sf_list[idx + 1]);
+ this.more_back = Boolean(idx >= 0);
+ } else if (idx == -1) { /* 'a' */
+ this.step = 'a';
+ this.more_back = false;
+ this.more_forward = true; /* or something's broke */
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(this._.FELL_OFF_STEPS);
+ }
+ },
+ "_update_question_XUL": function(step_label, value_list) {
+ var qh = this.question_holder;
+ while (qh.firstChild) qh.removeChild(qh.firstChild);
+ /* Add question label */
+ var label = document.createElement("label");
+ label.setAttribute("value", step_label + "?");
+ label.setAttribute("style", "min-width: 16em;");
+ qh.appendChild(label);
+ /* Create combobox (in XUL this a <menulist editable="true">
+ * with <menupopup> underneath and several <menuitem>s under
+ * that). */
+ var ml = this.step_user_control =
+ document.createElement("menulist");
+ ml.setAttribute("editable", "true");
+ var mp = document.createElement("menupopup");
+ ml.appendChild(mp);
+ var starting_value = this.get_step_value();
+ var found_starting_value = false;
+ value_list.forEach(
+ function(v) {
+ var mi = document.createElement("menuitem");
+ mi.setAttribute("label", v[0] + ": " + v[1]);
+ mi.setAttribute("value", v[0]);
+ if (v[0] == starting_value) {
+ mi.setAttribute("selected", "true");
+ found_starting_value = true;
+ }
+ mp.appendChild(mi);
+ }
+ );
+ if (!found_starting_value) {
+ /* Starting value wasn't one of the menuitems, but
+ * we can force it: */
+ ml.setAttribute("label", starting_value);
+ }
+ qh.appendChild(ml);
+ },
+ "_update_value_label_XUL": function(step_win, value) {
+ var before = value.substr(0, step_win[0]);
+ var within = value.substr(step_win[0], step_win[1]);
+ var after = value.substr(step_win[0] + step_win[1]);
+ var div = this.value_label;
+ while (div.firstChild)
+ div.removeChild(div.firstChild);
+ div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(before));
+ var el = document.createElementNS(_xhtml_ns,"xhtml:strong");
+ el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(within));
+ div.appendChild(el);
+ div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(after));
+ },
+ "_gen_XUL_oncommand": function(methstr) {
+ return "try { " + this.outside_ref +
+ "." + methstr + " } catch (E) { alert('" +
+ this.outside_ref + ": ' + E) }";
+ },
+ "_build_XUL": function() {
+ var vbox = this.container_node.appendChild(
+ document.createElement("vbox")
+ );
+ var top_hbox =
+ vbox.appendChild(document.createElement("hbox"));
+ this.question_holder =
+ vbox.appendChild(document.createElement("hbox"));
+ this.question_holder.setAttribute("align", "center");
+ var bottom_hbox =
+ vbox.appendChild(document.createElement("hbox"));
+ this.value_label = top_hbox.appendChild(
+ document.createElementNS(_xhtml_ns, "xhtml:div")
+ );
+ /* These em's must be measured in terms of the body
+ * font-size, not the font-size local to these elements?
+ * Or is that how em's always work? */
+ this.value_label.setAttribute(
+ "style", "min-width: 16em; white-space: pre;"
+ );
+ /* From here to the end of the method we're just building
+ * and placing the wizard's four buttons. */
+ var button;
+ button = document.createElement("button");
+ button.setAttribute("label", this._.OK);
+ button.setAttribute("icon", "apply");
+ button.setAttribute(
+ "oncommand", this._gen_XUL_oncommand("apply()")
+ );
+ top_hbox.appendChild(button);
+ button = document.createElement("button");
+ button.setAttribute("label", this._.CANCEL);
+ button.setAttribute("icon", "cancel");
+ button.setAttribute(
+ "oncommand", this._gen_XUL_oncommand("cancel()")
+ );
+ top_hbox.appendChild(button);
+ this.back_button = button =
+ document.createElement("button");
+ button.setAttribute("label", this._.BACK);
+ button.setAttribute("icon", "go-back");
+ button.setAttribute(
+ "oncommand", this._gen_XUL_oncommand("move(-1)")
+ );
+ button.disabled = true;
+ bottom_hbox.appendChild(button);
+ this.forward_button = button =
+ document.createElement("button");
+ button.setAttribute("label", this._.FORWARD);
+ button.setAttribute("icon", "go-forward");
+ button.setAttribute(
+ "oncommand", this._gen_XUL_oncommand("move(1)")
+ );
+ button.disabled = true;
+ bottom_hbox.appendChild(button);
+ /* Save reference to root node of wizard for easy
+ * removal when finished. */
+ this.wizard_root_node = vbox;
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ })();
+ /* Class-wide cache; all instance objects share this */
+ openils.widget.PhysCharWizard.cache = {
+ "subfields": {}, /* by type */
+ "values": {}, /* by subfield ID */
+ "types": []
+ };
+ openils.widget.PhysCharWizard.localeStrings =
+ dojo.i18n.getLocalization("openils.widget", "PhysCharWizard");