Evergreen has a number of prerequisite packages that must be installed
before you can successfully configure, compile, and install Evergreen.
-1. Begin by installing the most recent version of OpenSRF (2.1 or later).
+1. Begin by installing the most recent version of OpenSRF (2.2 or later).
You can download OpenSRF releases from http://evergreen-ils.org/opensrf.php
2. On many distributions, it is necessary to install PostgreSQL 9 from external
[source, bash]
-./configure --prefix=/openils --sysconfdir=/openils/conf
+PATH=/openils/bin:$PATH ./configure --prefix=/openils --sysconfdir=/openils/conf
+These instructions assume that you have also installed OpenSRF under `/openils/`.
+If not, please adjust PATH as needed so that the Evergreen `configure` script
+can find `osrf_config`.
Installation instructions
To create the database instance on a remote database server running PostgreSQL
9.1 or later, simply use the `--create-database` flag on `eg_db_config`.
-For PostgreSQL 9.0
-To create the database instance on a remote database server running PostgreSQL
-9.0, you can either:
- * Install the PostgreSQL contrib modules on the machine on which you
- are installing the Evergreen code, and use the `--create-database`
- option from that machine, or
- * Copy the `Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/create_database.sql` script to your
- PostgreSQL server and invoke it as the *postgres* Linux account:
-[source, bash]
-psql -vdb_name=<dbname> -vcontrib_dir=`pg_config --sharedir`/contrib -f create_database.sql
-Then you can issue the `eg_db_config` command as above _without_ the
-`--create-database` argument to create your schema and configure your
-configuration files.
Starting Evergreen
1. As the *root* Linux account, start the `memcached` and `ejabberd` services