When testing a patron alias to determine if it is unique, ensure
that the comparison is done without regard for case.
Case is preserved, but when searching for an existing matching
alias, both values are lowercased using evergreen.lowercase().
Signed-off-by: Jeff Godin <jgodin@tadl.org>
} elsif( $api =~ /alias/o ) {
- my $exist = $e->search_actor_user({alias=>$new_val},{idlist=>1});
+ my $exist = $e->search_actor_user(
+ { alias => {
+ "=" => {
+ transform => "evergreen.lowercase",
+ value => lc($new_val)
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ { idlist => 1 }
+ );
if (@$exist) {
return new OpenILS::Event('USERNAME_EXISTS');