// first one that it finds. Given an example location.href of '/xul/server/patron/display.xul' and
// a @src of 'foo.html', it will check these URL's in this order:
- // foo.html (if @foo not set, then custom_help.html)
+ // foo.html
+ // /xul/server/patron/display.xul.custom_help.html
// /xul/server/patron/display.xul.help.html
+ // /xul/server/patron/custom_help.html
// /xul/server/patron/help.html
+ // /xul/server/custom_help.html
// /xul/server/help.html
+ // /xul/custom_help.html
// /xul/help.html
+ // /custom_help.html
// /help.html
+ //
+ // If @pathname is specified, it will override the value from location.href
this.addEventListener( 'command', function(ev) { this._open_window(); }, false);
} catch(E) {
- <property name="src">
- <getter>
- <![CDATA[
- try {
- return this.getAttribute('src');
- } catch(E) {
- alert('Error getting @src in help widget in bindings.xml: ' + E);
- throw(E);
- }
- ]]>
- </getter>
- <setter>
- <![CDATA[
- try {
- this.setAttribute('src',val);
- return val;
- } catch(E) {
- alert('Error setting @src in help widget in bindings.xml: ' + E);
- throw(E);
- }
- ]]>
- </setter>
- </property>
<method name="_open_window">
try {
- var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
- x.open("HEAD",this.src || 'custom_help.html',false);
- x.send(null);
- if (x.status == 200) {
- window.open((this.src || 'custom_help.html')+'?id='+this.id,this.getAttribute('label'),'resizable,scrollbars');
- } else {
- var pathname = location.pathname;
- x.open("HEAD",pathname + '.help.html',false);
+ var obj = this;
+ function test_url(loc) {
+ if (!loc) { return false; }
+ var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ x.open("HEAD",loc,false);
- if (x.status == 200) {
- window.open(pathname+'.help.html?id='+this.id,this.getAttribute('label'),'resizable,scrollbars');
+ return x.status == 200;
+ }
+ function open_url(loc) {
+ window.open(loc+'?id='+obj.id,obj.getAttribute('label'),'resizable,scrollbars');
+ }
+ if (test_url(this.src)) {
+ open_url(this.src);
+ } else {
+ var pathname = obj.getAttribute('pathname') || location.pathname;
+ if (test_url(pathname + '.custom_help.html')) {
+ open_url(pathname + '.custom_help.html');
} else {
- var pathparts = pathname.split('/');
- var url;
- for (var i = pathparts.length - 2; i>0 && x.status != 200; i--) {
- url = '';
- for ( j = 1; j <= i; j++ ) { url += '/' + pathparts[j]; };
- url = url + '/help.html';
- x.open("HEAD",url,false);
- x.send(null);
- }
- if (x.status == 200) {
- window.open(url+'?id='+this.id,this.getAttribute('label'),'resizable,scrollbars');
+ if (test_url(pathname + '.help.html')) {
+ open_url(pathname + '.help.html');
} else {
- x.open("HEAD","/help.html",false);
- x.send(null);
- if (x.status == 200) {
- window.open('/help.html?id='+this.id,this.getAttribute('label'),'resizable,scrollbars');
+ var pathparts = pathname.split('/');
+ var base_url; var url; var test_result;
+ for (var i = pathparts.length - 2; i>0 && !test_result; i--) {
+ base_url = ''; url = '';
+ for ( j = 1; j <= i; j++ ) { base_url += '/' + pathparts[j]; };
+ url = base_url + '/custom_help.html';
+ test_result = test_url(url);
+ if (!test_result) {
+ url = base_url + '/help.html';
+ test_result = test_url(url);
+ }
+ }
+ if (test_result) {
+ open_url(url);
} else {
- /* FIXME - I18N */
- alert('No Help Found');
+ if (test_url("/custom_help.html")) {
+ open_url("/custom_help.html");
+ } else {
+ if (test_url("/help.html")) {
+ open_url("/help.html");
+ } else {
+ /* FIXME - I18N */
+ alert('No Help Found');
+ }
+ }