indexterm:[staff client, fonts, zooming]
indexterm:[staff client, sounds]
-=== In the Staff Client ===
+=== Font Settings (Staff Client and OPAC) ===
-You may change the size of displayed text or turn staff client sounds on
-and off. These settings are specific to each workstation and stored on
-local hard disk. They do not affect OPAC font sizes.
-. Select *Administration -> Workstation Administration -> Global Font and Sound
-. To turn off the system sounds, like the noise that happens when a patron
-with a block is retrieved, check the _disable sound_ box and click _Save
-to Disk_.
-image::media/workstation_admin-1.jpg[disable sound]
-. To change the size of the font, pick the desired option and click _Save
-to Disk_.
-image::media/workstation_admin-2.jpg[font size]
-=== In the OPAC ===
-It is also possible to zoom in and zoom out when viewing the OPAC in the
-staff client, making the font appear larger or smaller. (This will not
+It is possible to zoom in and zoom out when viewing Evergreen on the staff
+side and OPAC, making the font appear larger or smaller. (This will not
affect other screens.) Use *CTRL + +* (plus sign, to zoom in), *CTRL + -*
(minus sign, to zoom out), and *CTRL + 0* (to restore default). The
workstation will remember the setting.
+=== Disable Sounds ===
+. Select *Administration -> Workstation Administration*.
+. To turn off the system sounds, like the noise that happens when a patron
+with a block is retrieved, check the _disable sound_ box.
+image::workstation/workstation_disable_sounds.png[disable sound]
== Select Hotkeys ==
indexterm:[staff client, hotkeys]