Just in case there's a question in the future, make it clear
that the case where the context OU is the root OU is special.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@equinoxOLI.org>
fetchCopyLocations(contextOrg: number | IdlObject): Promise<any> {
const contextOrgId: any = this.org.get(contextOrg).id();
+ // we ordinarily want the shelving locations associated with
+ // all ancestors and descendants of the context OU, but
+ // if the context OU is the root, we intentionally want
+ // only the ones owned by the root OU
const orgIds: any[] = contextOrgId === this.org.root().id()
? [contextOrgId]
: this.org.fullPath(contextOrg, true);