"onresponse": function(r) {
if (r = openils.Util.readResponse(r)) {
if (r.purchase_order()) {
- /* XXX would prefer to use browser.xul to wrap this so
- * that we get back/forward/reload buttons, but that
- * doesn't work in this context. need to find out why.
- */
- xulG.new_tab(
- urls.EG_ACQ_PO_VIEW +
- "/" + r.purchase_order() + "/" + r.id(),
- {}, {}
+ var url = urls.XUL_BROWSER + "?url=" +
+ xulG.url_prefix(
+ escape(urls.EG_ACQ_PO_VIEW +
+ "/" + r.purchase_order() + "/" + r.id())
+ );
+ window.xulG.new_tab(
+ url, {"browser": true}, {
+ "no_xulG": false,
+ "show_print_button": false,
+ "show_nav_buttons": true
+ }
} else {
/* unlikely: got an LI with no PO */