fall into a range of between one and one million for all applicable use cases,
and all identifiers of interest are positive. Therefore, we can make use of
the most significant bits in an integer value to create a per-axis namespacing
-mask. When applied to the idenfitifer for a visibility axis identifier, this
+mask. When applied to the identifier for a visibility axis identifier, this
mask allows two values that are identical across axis to be identified as
unique within a combined set of all values.
-Sepcifically, we retain the four most significant bits of the integer space
+Specifically, we retain the four most significant bits of the integer space
and create from that 16 potential bitmasks for per-axis segregation of
identifiers. Further, we separate copy-centered axes and bibliographic
record-centered attributes into two separate columns for storage purposes,
=== Page rendering changes
Previously, Evergreen would request the record details for a user-visible page
of results in parallel, and then, serially, request the facet data for the
-result set. Now, the facet data is requested asyncronously in the background
+result set. Now, the facet data is requested asynchronously in the background
and then a single feed containing all records on a result page is requested
-syncronously. By parallelizing the result and facet metadata, page rendering
+synchronously. By parallelizing the result and facet metadata, page rendering
time is cut down significantly. Concurrent requests of the same bibliographic
record are shared between apache backends to reduce result request time, and by
-making one request instead of ten simultaineously, database load is reduced. A
+making one request instead of ten simultaneously, database load is reduced. A
performance improvement of up to 20% in post-search page rendering time is seen
from this change.
-Get a dedicated computer running Linux and make sure it meets any system requirements for Asterisk. 1 modernish CPU, 1 GB memory is plenty for most
+Get a dedicated computer running Linux and make sure it meets any system requirements for Asterisk. 1 modern CPU, 1 GB memory is plenty for most
applications. More is always better.
Make sure that the system running Evergreen (specifically, the utility box if you're dealing with a multi-server environment that has a utility box specifically for Action/Trigger stuff) has network connectivity to the box running Asterisk. At minimum it needs to be able to reach that Asterisk machine via TCP port 10080. Do not let the whole Internet talk to your Asterisk box via TCP port 10080. iptables is your friend.
Be sure you also installed DAHDI if you're using analog hardware to place phone calls (there are even cases when you want to install it for digital calling; grep Asterisk documentation for "timing source").
When in doubt, just install it. Maybe your package manager already did for you.
-If using analog telephony, get your hardware configured and make sure you can see the things that you're supposed to see with +/usr/sbin/dahdi_tool+ (typical install location, but look around if needed) and the command "dahdi show channels" in the Asterisk interactive console. I'm handwaving over the specifics here. There's a wealth of information available online about how to do this.
+If using analog telephony, get your hardware configured and make sure you can see the things that you're supposed to see with +/usr/sbin/dahdi_tool+ (typical install location, but look around if needed) and the command "dahdi show channels" in the Asterisk interactive console. I'm glossing over the specifics here. There's a wealth of information available online about how to do this.
If using digital telephony, preferably with the SIP protocol, get that configured in asterisk and make sure your SIP channel(s) is/are up. Again, more specifics on this are available online.
play outfile.gsm
-It'll sound relatively lo-fi, but as long as you can hear yourself, that'll do. It'll probably sound more natural through a phone handset than it does through your workstation's speakers.
+It will sound relatively lo-fi, but as long as you can hear yourself, that will do. It will probably sound more natural through a phone handset than it does through your workstation's speakers.
Ideally you will have given your GSM files names that easily map to the strings of text that you have spoken in each file. Place these files in +/var/lib/asterisk/sounds+ on the Asterisk server. Then replace all of the static Festival calls in your dialplans with lines that look like this:
Init scripts for the Asterisk box
-If you installed Asterisk from source instead of from a distro package, look in the source tarball for sample init scripts. Choose the one appropriate for your distro, put it in place, run 'chkconfig' or 'update-rc.d' or whatever's appropriate for your distro, and make sure you can start and stop Asterisk with that init script now.
+If you installed Asterisk from source instead of from a distro package, look in the source tarball for sample init scripts. Choose the one appropriate for your distro, put it in place, run 'chkconfig' or 'update-rc.d' or whatever is appropriate for your distro, and make sure you can start and stop Asterisk with that init script now.
For festival, I think on Debianesque distros you will have installed this from a package, but if you're on something Redhat-ish and you need an init script, the following will probably work.
it's line-wrapped so that it fits on the page. In a proper GUI it
should look much nicer.
-At the end of the SQL, the query refers to the bind variablee as “:ou”,
+At the end of the SQL, the query refers to the bind variable as “:ou”,
the variable preceded by a colon. The colon indicates that “ou” is a
variable name rather than a column name. It also makes the SQL invalid
until we replace the variable with a real value. Let's do that now, and
default_value text
- laqbel text not null
+ label text not null
The name column is the primary key, and contains the name of the
xser: Series
An “xser” expression is a series of expressions separated by a specified
-operator, or (if no operator is specifed) by commas:
+operator, or (if no operator is specified) by commas:
A operator B operator C operator ... D
Aging circulations helps to protect patron privacy and save disk space.
-Evergreen allows for the bulk anonymization of circulation histories. Evergreen calles this aged circulation. Circulation statistics are preserved (total circs, last checkout/renewal date, checkout/renewal/checkin workstation, etc) but patron information (name : barcode) is replaced with <Aged Circulation> text and the link to the patron record is removed.
+Evergreen allows for the bulk anonymization of circulation histories. Evergreen calls this aged circulation. Circulation statistics are preserved (total circs, last checkout/renewal date, checkout/renewal/checkin workstation, etc) but patron information (name : barcode) is replaced with <Aged Circulation> text and the link to the patron record is removed.
In the client, <Aged Circulation> will show in the patron field in Circulation History Tab and Show Last Few Circulations.
1. Historical Circulation Retention Age - determines the timeframe for aging circulations based on transaction age (7 days, 14 days, 30 days, etc).
-2. Historical Circulations Per Copy - determines how many ciruclations to keep (ex. 1, 2, 3). If set to 1, Evergreen will always keep the last (most recent) circulation.
+2. Historical Circulations Per Copy - determines how many circulations to keep (ex. 1, 2, 3). If set to 1, Evergreen will always keep the last (most recent) circulation.
3. Historical Circulations use most recent xact_finish date instead of last circ's (true or false)
-4. Historical Circulations are kept for global retention age at a minimum, regardless of user prefeences (true or false)
+4. Historical Circulations are kept for global retention age at a minimum, regardless of user preferences (true or false)
requires the use of the `pg_restore` tool as follows:
. On the server on which you plan to restore the logical backup, ensure that you have installed
-PostgreSQL and the corresponding server package prerequisites. The `Makefile.instal` prerequisite
+PostgreSQL and the corresponding server package prerequisites. The `Makefile.install` prerequisite
installer than came with your version of Evergreen contains an installation target that should
satisfy these requirements. Refer to the installation documentation for more details.
. As the `postgres` user, create a new database using the `createdb` command into which you will
Setting regular library hours
-You may do this in _Administation_ > _Server Administration_ > _Organizational
+You may do this in _Administration_ > _Server Administration_ > _Organizational
The *Hours of Operation* tab is where you enter regular, weekly hours. Holiday
|Default copy location|Sets the default copy location(shelving location) for use in acquisitions.|Selection list|
|Fund Spending Limit for Block|When the amount remaining in the fund, including spent money and encumbrances, goes below this percentage, attempts to spend from the fund will be blocked.|Number|
|Fund Spending Limit for Warning|When the amount remaining in the fund, including spent money and encumbrances, goes below this percentage, attempts to spend from the fund will result in a warning to the staff.|Number|
-|Rollover Distribution Formulae Funds|During fiscal rollover, update distribution formalae to use new funds|True/False|
+|Rollover Distribution Formulae Funds|During fiscal rollover, update distribution formulae to use new funds|True/False|
|Set copy creator as receiver|When receiving a copy in acquisitions, set the copy "creator" to be the staff that received the copy|True/False|
|Temporary barcode prefix|Temporary barcode prefix added to temporary item records.|Text|
|Temporary call number prefix|Temporary call number prefix|Text|
.Larger Sites
-For larger sites Ben Ostrowsky at ESI created a pair of scripts that handles deduping the results and adding in county information. Instructions for use are included in the files.
+For larger sites Ben Ostrowsky at ESI created a pair of scripts that handles deduplicating the results and adding in county information. Instructions for use are included in the files.
* http://git.esilibrary.com/?p=migration-tools.git;a=blob;f=elect_ZIPs
* http://git.esilibrary.com/?p=migration-tools.git;a=blob;f=enrich_ZIPs
If successful, the SIP server returns a +941+ result. A result of +940+,
however, indicates an unsuccessful login attempt. Check the +<accounts>+
-section of your SIP configuration and try agin.
+section of your SIP configuration and try again.
. Once you have logged in successfully, replace the variables in the following
line and paste it into the telnet session:
If you need to change a patron or staff account password without using the staff client, here is how you can reset it with SQL.
-Connect to your Evergreen database using _psql_ or similar tool, and retreive and verify your admin username:
+Connect to your Evergreen database using _psql_ or similar tool, and retrieve and verify your admin username:
[source, sql]
%title%:: Title
%author%:: Author
%barcode%:: Item Barcode
-%due_date%:: Due Date: formated by the date field in the library settings editor
+%due_date%:: Due Date: formatted by the date field in the library settings editor
%last_payment_type%:: The type of payment that was last used to pay the bill
%mbts_xact_start%:: The date that the bill was started
%last_payment_note%:: Notes on last payment
-%xact_type%:: Type of Biil
+%xact_type%:: Type of Bill
%barcode%:: Item barcode
%title%:: title of item
%last_payment_note%:: Notes on last payment
%last_payment_ts%:: The time stamp for the last payment
%mbts_xact_start%:: The date that the bill was started (currently not working)
-%xact_type%:: Type of Biil
+%xact_type%:: Type of Bill
%title%:: title of item
%transit_item_author%:: Item author
%transit_item_barcode%:: Barcode of item in transit
%transit_item_callnumber%:: Call number of item in transit
-%transit_item_title%:: Title of Item intransit
+%transit_item_title%:: Title of Item in transit
%transit_dest_lib%:: Destination Library
-%transit_source_send_time%:: Time item was sent intransit
-%transit_source%:: Library that placed the item intransit.
+%transit_source_send_time%:: Time item was sent in transit
+%transit_source%:: Library that placed the item in transit.
.*Transit Slip*
. Visit the Evergreen translation site in https://translations.launchpad.net/evergreen[Launchpad]
. Select required language (e.g. _Czech_ or _Spanish_)
. Open the _tpac_ template and then select option _Download translation_. Note: to be able to download the translation file you need to be logged in to Launchpad.
-. Select _PO format_ and submit the _request for download_ button. You can also request for download of all existitng templates and languages at once, see https://translations.launchpad.net/evergreen/master/+export. The download link will be sent You to email address provided.
+. Select _PO format_ and submit the _request for download_ button. You can also request for download of all existing templates and languages at once, see https://translations.launchpad.net/evergreen/master/+export. The download link will be sent You to email address provided.
. Download the file and name it according to the language used (e.g., _cs-CZ.po_ for Czech or _es-ES.po_ for Spanish)
. Copy the downloaded file to _/openils/var/template/data/locale_. It is a good practice to backup the original PO file before.
. Be sure that the desired language is set as default, using the <<_setting_a_default_language_and_adding_optional_languages,Default language>> procedures.
You will need to create directories that are missing.
* Small - Move the file *123-s.jpg* to */openils/var/web/opac/extras/ac/jacket/small/r/123*
- * Medium - Move the file *123-m.jpg* to */openils/var/web/opac/extras/ac/jacket/medum/r/123*.
+ * Medium - Move the file *123-m.jpg* to */openils/var/web/opac/extras/ac/jacket/medium/r/123*.
* Large - Move the file *123-l.jpg* to */openils/var/web/opac/extras/ac/jacket/large/r/123*.
. The MARC record will display.
. Select viewing and editing options, if desired.
* Stack subfields to display each subfield on its own line.
-* Flat-Text Editor switches to a plain-text (menmonic) MARC format. This format can be useful when copying and pasting multiple lines. It also allows the use of tools like MarcEdit (http://marcedit.reeset.net/ ). Unclick the box to switch back.
+* Flat-Text Editor switches to a plain-text (mnemonic) MARC format. This format can be useful when copying and pasting multiple lines. It also allows the use of tools like MarcEdit (http://marcedit.reeset.net/ ). Uncheck the box to switch back.
* Note that you can use a backslash character as a placeholder in the flat text editor's indicators and fixed-length fields.
* Add Item allows attaching items quickly with call number and barcode. When _Save_ is clicked, the copy editor will open. NOTE: Browser pop-up blockers will prevent this, please allow pop-ups.
. Make changes as desired.
The MARC Fixed Field Editor provides suggested values for select fixed fields based on the record type being edited. Users can right-click on the value control for a fixed field and choose the appropriate value from the menu options.
-The Evergreen database contains information from the Library of Congress’s MARC 21 format standards that includes possible values for select fixed fields. The right-click context menu options are available for fixed fields whose values are already stored in the database. Fixed fields that do not contain possible values in the database, the user will recieve the default web browser menu (such as cut, copy, paste, etc.).
+The Evergreen database contains information from the Library of Congress’s MARC 21 format standards that includes possible values for select fixed fields. The right-click context menu options are available for fixed fields whose values are already stored in the database. Fixed fields that do not contain possible values in the database, the user will receive the default web browser menu (such as cut, copy, paste, etc.).
*To Access the MARC Fixed Field Editor Right-Click Context Menu Options:*
When a bib record is automatically updated as a result of the modification of a linked authority record, the bib record's "Last Edit Date/
-Time" and "Last Editing User" fields will be updated to match the time of the update and the editory of the authority record. If you'd
+Time" and "Last Editing User" fields will be updated to match the time of the update and the editor of the authority record. If you'd
prefer that these fields not be automatically updated, you can set the _ingest.disable_authority_auto_update_bib_meta_ setting to true in the
Library Settings Editor.
belonging to the search library (if it is an exact match, not a child) will sort
to the top.
-Using Transcendent Bib Sources for Electronic Resources
+Using Transcendant Bib Sources for Electronic Resources
Connecting a bib record to a transcendent bib source will make the record
visible in search results regardless of the user's search scope.
. Use the check boxes to select the item(s) you wish to delete.
. Click *Actions*.
-. From the drop down menu select *Request Seleted Copies*.
+. From the drop down menu select *Request Selected Copies*.
image::media/copy-bucket-request-1.png[Copy Bucket Interface]
-Ignore Pre-cat Items: no prompt when checking in a pre-cat item. Item will be routed to Cataloguing with Cataloguing status.
--Supress Holds and Transit: item will not be used to fill holds or sent in transit. Item has Reshelving status.
+-Suppress Holds and Transit: item will not be used to fill holds or sent in transit. Item has Reshelving status.
-Amnesty Mode/Forgive Fines: overdue fines will be voided if already created or not be inserted if not yet created (e.g. hourly loans).
*Use Catalog Browse*
-. To access this feature, navigate to the catalog search page, and click the link, *Browse the Catalog*. By default, you can browse by title, author, subject, or series. System administrators can revise this list by editing the file at the location 'opac/parts/qtype_selector.tt2', and they can even make use of custom indices based on defintions in the database's 'config.metabib_field' table.
+. To access this feature, navigate to the catalog search page, and click the link, *Browse the Catalog*. By default, you can browse by title, author, subject, or series. System administrators can revise this list by editing the file at the location 'opac/parts/qtype_selector.tt2', and they can even make use of custom indices based on definitions in the database's 'config.metabib_field' table.
. Enter a term or part of a term to browse. Evergreen will retrieve a list of bibliographic headings that match your query. Click the *Back* and *Forward* buttons to page through you results. To limit your browse results to a specific branch or copy location group, select the appropriate unit from the drop down menu, and click *Go*.
locg Parameter
-This is the id of the search location. It is an integer and maches the id of the
+This is the id of the search location. It is an integer and matches the id of the
location the user selected in the location drop down menu.
qtype Parameter
information, and an abstract or summary, if available.
Near the top of the record, users can easily see the number of copies that
-are currently available in the system and how many curent holds are on the
+are currently available in the system and how many current holds are on the
If there are other formats and editions of the same work in the
Carrier Type has been added.
This is an experimental, "under-the-hood" feature that
-will be built upon in subsuquent releases.
+will be built upon in subsequent releases.
. Add a new class to _fm_IDL.xml_ for your data source.
. Restart the affected services to see the new data source in Reporter.
-There are two possbile sources for new data sources:
+There are two possible sources for new data sources:
* An SQL query built directly into the class definition in _fm_IDL.xml_. You can
use this method if you are only going to access this data source through the
Evergreen reporter and/or cstore code that you write.
-* A new table or view in the Evergreen PostgresSQL database on which a class
+* A new table or view in the Evergreen PostgreSQL database on which a class
definition in _fm_IDL.xml_. You can use this method if you want to be able to
access this data source through directly through SQL or using other reporting tool.
To develop and test queries, views, and tables, you will need
-* Access to the Evergree PostgreSQL database at the command line. This is
+* Access to the Evergreen PostgreSQL database at the command line. This is
normally the psql application. You
can access the Postgres documentation at the
http://http://www.postgresql.org/docs/[Official Postgres documentation] for
extend_reporter schema. This schema is intended to be used for local
customizations and will not be modified during upgrades to the Evergreen system.
-You should make that you have an appropriate version control pocess for the SQL
-used to create you data sources.
+You should make sure that you have an appropriate version control process for the SQL
+used to create your data sources.
Here's an example of a view created to incorporate some locally defined user
statistical categories:
. _Check Out Date/Time_ will appear in the _Displayed Fields_ pane. In the report
-it will appear as a year and month _(YYYY-MM)_ corresponding to the selected tranform.
+it will appear as a year and month _(YYYY-MM)_ corresponding to the selected transform.
* *concurrency=integer*: number of reporter daemon processes to run; defaults to
-* *boostrap=filename*: OpenSRF bootstrap configuration file; defaults to
+* *bootstrap=filename*: OpenSRF bootstrap configuration file; defaults to
New options to view or edit report parameters are available from the reports folder.
-To view the parameters of a report, select the report that you want to view from the *Reports* folder, and click *View*. This will enable you to view the report, inlcuding links to external documentation and field hints. However, you cannot make any changes to the report.
+To view the parameters of a report, select the report that you want to view from the *Reports* folder, and click *View*. This will enable you to view the report, including links to external documentation and field hints. However, you cannot make any changes to the report.
-If, after making changes, you select, *Save as New*, then you have created a new report by cloning and ammending a previously existing report. Note that if you create a new report, you will be prompted to rename the new report. Evergreen does not allow two reports with the same name to exist. To view or edit your new report, select the reports folder to which you saved it.
+If, after making changes, you select, *Save as New*, then you have created a new report by cloning and amending a previously existing report. Note that if you create a new report, you will be prompted to rename the new report. Evergreen does not allow two reports with the same name to exist. To view or edit your new report, select the reports folder to which you saved it.
-Using Evergreen's Acquistions Module
+Using Evergreen's Acquisitions Module
Documentation Interest Group
:doctype: book
.. MFHD Indicators
... *Compression Display Options*: Select the appropriate option for compressing or expanding your captions in the catalog from the compressibility and expandability drop down menu. The entries in the drop down menu correspond to the indicator codes and the subfield $w in the 853 tag. Compressibility and expandability correspond to the first indicator in the 853 tag.
-... *Caption Evaluation*: Choose the appropriate caption evaluation from the drop down menu. Caption Evaluation corrdesponds to the second indicator in the 853 tag.
+... *Caption Evaluation*: Choose the appropriate caption evaluation from the drop down menu. Caption Evaluation corresponds to the second indicator in the 853 tag.
... Click *Next* in the upper right hand corner.