use Data::Dumper;
use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/;
+use OpenILS::Application::Storage::QueryParser;
my $log = 'OpenSRF::Utils::Logger';
+sub _initialize_parser {
+ my ($parser) = @_;
+ my $cstore = OpenSRF::AppSession->create( 'open-ils.cstore' );
+ $parser->initialize(
+ config_record_attr_index_norm_map =>
+ $cstore->request(
+ '',
+ { id => { "!=" => undef } },
+ { flesh => 1, flesh_fields => { crainm => [qw/norm/] }, order_by => [{ class => "crainm", field => "pos" }] }
+ )->gather(1),
+ search_relevance_adjustment =>
+ $cstore->request(
+ '',
+ { id => { "!=" => undef } }
+ )->gather(1),
+ config_metabib_field =>
+ $cstore->request(
+ '',
+ { id => { "!=" => undef } }
+ )->gather(1),
+ config_metabib_search_alias =>
+ $cstore->request(
+ '',
+ { alias => { "!=" => undef } }
+ )->gather(1),
+ config_metabib_field_index_norm_map =>
+ $cstore->request(
+ '',
+ { id => { "!=" => undef } },
+ { flesh => 1, flesh_fields => { cmfinm => [qw/norm/] }, order_by => [{ class => "cmfinm", field => "pos" }] }
+ )->gather(1),
+ config_record_attr_definition =>
+ $cstore->request(
+ '',
+ { name => { "!=" => undef } }
+ )->gather(1),
+ );
+ $cstore->disconnect;
+ die("Cannot initialize $parser!") unless ($parser->initialization_complete);
sub ordered_records_from_metarecord {
my $self = shift;
my $client = shift;
api_level => 1,
+# Takes an abstract query object and recursively turns it back into a string
+# for QueryParser.
+sub abstract_query2str {
+ my ($self, $conn, $query) = @_;
+ return QueryParser::Canonicalize::abstract_query2str_impl($query, 0);
+ api_name => "",
+ method => "abstract_query2str",
+ api_level => 1,
+ signature => {
+ params => [
+ {desc => q/
+Abstract query parser object, with complete config data. For example input,
+see the 'abstract_query' part of the output of an API call like, when called with the return_abstract
+flag set to true./,
+ type => "object"}
+ ],
+ return => { type => "string", desc => "String representation of abstract query object" }
+ }
+sub str2abstract_query {
+ my ($self, $conn, $query, $qp_opts, $with_config) = @_;
+ my %use_opts = ( # reasonable defaults? should these even be hardcoded here?
+ superpage => 1,
+ superpage_size => 1000,
+ core_limit => 25000,
+ query => $query,
+ (ref $opts eq 'HASH' ? %$opts : ())
+ );
+ $with_config ||= 0;
+ # grab the query parser and initialize it
+ my $parser = $OpenILS::Application::Storage::QParser;
+ $parser->use;
+ _initialize_parser($parser) unless $parser->initialization_complete;
+ my $query = $parser->new(%use_opts)->parse;
+ return $query->parse_tree->to_abstract_query(with_config => $with_config);
+ api_name => "",
+ method => "str2abstract_query",
+ api_level => 1,
+ signature => {
+ params => [
+ {desc => "Query", type => "string"},
+ {desc => q/Arguments for initializing QueryParser (optional)/,
+ type => "object"},
+ {desc => q/Flag enabling inclusion of QP config in returned object (optional, default false)/,
+ type => "bool"}
+ ],
+ return => { type => "object", desc => "abstract representation of query parser query" }
+ }
sub query_parser_fts {
my $self = shift;
my $client = shift;
my $parser = $OpenILS::Application::Storage::QParser;
- if (!$parser->initialization_complete) {
- my $cstore = OpenSRF::AppSession->create( 'open-ils.cstore' );
- $parser->initialize(
- config_record_attr_index_norm_map =>
- $cstore->request(
- '',
- { id => { "!=" => undef } },
- { flesh => 1, flesh_fields => { crainm => [qw/norm/] }, order_by => [{ class => "crainm", field => "pos" }] }
- )->gather(1),
- search_relevance_adjustment =>
- $cstore->request(
- '',
- { id => { "!=" => undef } }
- )->gather(1),
- config_metabib_field =>
- $cstore->request(
- '',
- { id => { "!=" => undef } }
- )->gather(1),
- config_metabib_search_alias =>
- $cstore->request(
- '',
- { alias => { "!=" => undef } }
- )->gather(1),
- config_metabib_field_index_norm_map =>
- $cstore->request(
- '',
- { id => { "!=" => undef } },
- { flesh => 1, flesh_fields => { cmfinm => [qw/norm/] }, order_by => [{ class => "cmfinm", field => "pos" }] }
- )->gather(1),
- config_record_attr_definition =>
- $cstore->request(
- '',
- { name => { "!=" => undef } }
- )->gather(1),
- );
- $cstore->disconnect;
- die("Cannot initialize $parser!") unless ($parser->initialization_complete);
- }
+ _initialize_parser($parser) unless $parser->initialization_complete;
# populate the locale/language map
if (!$locale_map{COMPLETE}) {
my $base_plan = $parser->new( query => $base_query )->parse;
- $query = "preferred_language($args{preferred_language}) $query"
+ $query = "$query preferred_language($args{preferred_language})"
if ($args{preferred_language} and !$base_plan->parse_tree->find_filter('preferred_language'));
- $query = "preferred_language_weight($args{preferred_language_weight}) $query"
+ $query = "$query preferred_language_weight($args{preferred_language_weight})"
if ($args{preferred_language_weight} and !$base_plan->parse_tree->find_filter('preferred_language_weight') and !$base_plan->parse_tree->find_filter('preferred_language_multiplier'));
- $query = "estimation_strategy($args{estimation_strategy}) $query" if ($args{estimation_strategy});
- $query = "site($args{org_unit}) $query" if ($args{org_unit});
- $query = "pref_ou($args{pref_ou}) $query" if ($args{pref_ou});
- $query = "depth($args{depth}) $query" if (defined($args{depth}));
- $query = "sort($args{sort}) $query" if ($args{sort});
- $query = "limit($args{limit}) $query" if ($args{limit});
- $query = "core_limit($args{core_limit}) $query" if ($args{core_limit});
- $query = "skip_check($args{skip_check}) $query" if ($args{skip_check});
- $query = "superpage($args{superpage}) $query" if ($args{superpage});
- $query = "offset($args{offset}) $query" if ($args{offset});
- $query = "#metarecord $query" if ($self->api_name =~ /metabib/);
- $query = "#available $query" if ($args{available});
- $query = "#descending $query" if ($args{sort_dir} && $args{sort_dir} =~ /^d/i);
- $query = "#staff $query" if ($self->api_name =~ /staff/);
- $query = "before($args{before}) $query" if (defined($args{before}) and $args{before} =~ /^\d+$/);
- $query = "after($args{after}) $query" if (defined($args{after}) and $args{after} =~ /^\d+$/);
- $query = "during($args{during}) $query" if (defined($args{during}) and $args{during} =~ /^\d+$/);
- $query = "between($args{between}[0],$args{between}[1]) $query"
+ # we add these to the end of the query (last-wins) because in wrapper mode we want to retain the behaviour
+ # of separately specified options taking precidenc -- IOW, the user should not be able to cause a change in,
+ # say, superpage size by adjusting the query string.
+ $query = "$query estimation_strategy($args{estimation_strategy})" if ($args{estimation_strategy});
+ $query = "$query site($args{org_unit})" if ($args{org_unit});
+ $query = "$query depth($args{depth})" if (defined($args{depth}));
+ $query = "$query sort($args{sort})" if ($args{sort});
+ $query = "$query limit($args{limit})" if ($args{limit});
+ $query = "$query core_limit($args{core_limit})" if ($args{core_limit});
+ $query = "$query skip_check($args{skip_check})" if ($args{skip_check});
+ $query = "$query superpage($args{superpage})" if ($args{superpage});
+ $query = "$query offset($args{offset})" if ($args{offset});
+ $query = "$query #metarecord" if ($self->api_name =~ /metabib/);
+ $query = "$query #available" if ($args{available});
+ $query = "$query #descending" if ($args{sort_dir} && $args{sort_dir} =~ /^d/i);
+ $query = "$query #staff" if ($self->api_name =~ /staff/);
+ $query = "$query before($args{before})" if (defined($args{before}) and $args{before} =~ /^\d+$/);
+ $query = "$query after($args{after})" if (defined($args{after}) and $args{after} =~ /^\d+$/);
+ $query = "$query during($args{during})" if (defined($args{during}) and $args{during} =~ /^\d+$/);
+ $query = "$query between($args{between}[0],$args{between}[1])"
if ( ref($args{between}) and @{$args{between}} == 2 and $args{between}[0] =~ /^\d+$/ and $args{between}[1] =~ /^\d+$/ );
next if (@filter_list == 0);
my $filter_string = join ',', @filter_list;
- $query = "$filter($filter_string) $query";
+ $query = "$query $filter($filter_string)";
my $first_class = 1;
my %seen_classes;
- for my $class ( keys %{$pkg->search_fields} ) {
+ for my $class ( keys %{$pkg->search_field_aliases} ) {
+ warn " *** ... Looking for search fields in $class\n" if $self->debug;
- for my $field ( @{$pkg->search_fields->{$class}} ) {
+ for my $field ( keys %{$pkg->search_field_aliases->{$class}} ) {
+ warn " *** ... Looking for aliases of $field\n" if $self->debug;
for my $alias ( @{$pkg->search_field_aliases->{$class}{$field}} ) {
- $alias = qr/$alias/;
- s/(^|\s+)$alias[:=]/$1$class\|$field:/g;
+ my $aliasr = qr/$alias/;
+ s/(^|\s+)$aliasr\|/$1$class\|$field#$alias\|/g;
+ s/(^|\s+)$aliasr[:=]/$1$class\|$field#$alias:/g;
+ warn " *** Rewriting: $alias ($aliasr) as $class\|$field\n" if $self->debug;
$search_class_re .= '|' unless ($first_class);
$first_class = 0;
- $search_class_re .= $class . '(?:\|\w+)*';
+ $search_class_re .= $class . '(?:[|#][^:|]+)*';
$seen_classes{$class} = 1;
for my $class ( keys %{$pkg->search_class_aliases} ) {
for my $alias ( @{$pkg->search_class_aliases->{$class}} ) {
- $alias = qr/$alias/;
- s/(^|[^|])\b$alias\|/$1$class\|/g;
- s/(^|[^|])\b$alias[:=]/$1$class:/g;
+ my $aliasr = qr/$alias/;
+ s/(^|[^|])\b$aliasr\|/$1$class#$alias\|/g;
+ s/(^|[^|])\b$aliasr[:=]/$1$class#$alias:/g;
+ warn " *** Rewriting: $alias ($aliasr) as $class\n" if $self->debug;
if (!$seen_classes{$class}) {
$search_class_re .= '|' unless ($first_class);
$first_class = 0;
- $search_class_re .= $class . '(?:\|\w+)*';
+ $search_class_re .= $class . '(?:[|#][^:|]+)*';
$seen_classes{$class} = 1;
$search_class_re .= '):';
+ warn " ** Rewritten query: $_\n" if $self->debug;
warn " ** Search class RE: $search_class_re\n" if $self->debug;
my $required_re = $pkg->operator('required');
# Build the filter and modifier uber-regexps
my $facet_re = '^\s*(-?)((?:' . join( '|', @{$pkg->facet_classes}) . ')(?:\|\w+)*)\[(.+?)\]';
- warn " Facet RE: $facet_re\n" if $self->debug;
+ warn " ** Facet RE: $facet_re\n" if $self->debug;
my $filter_re = '^\s*(-?)(' . join( '|', @{$pkg->filters}) . ')\(([^()]+)\)';
my $filter_as_class_re = '^\s*(-?)(' . join( '|', @{$pkg->filters}) . '):\s*(\S+)';
warn "Encountered class change: $1\n" if $self->debug;
- $current_class = $1;
- $struct->classed_node( $current_class );
+ $current_class = $struct->classed_node( $1 )->requested_class();
$_ = $';
$last_type = 'CLASS';
+package QueryParser::_util;
+# At this level, joiners are always & or |. This is not
+# the external, configurable representation of joiners that
+# defaults to # && and ||.
+sub is_joiner {
+ my $str = shift;
+ return (not ref $str and ($str eq '&' or $str eq '|'));
+sub default_joiner { '&' }
+# 0 for different, 1 for the same.
+sub compare_abstract_atoms {
+ my ($left, $right) = @_;
+ foreach (qw/prefix suffix content/) {
+ no warnings; # undef can stand in for '' here
+ return 0 unless $left->{$_} eq $right->{$_};
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub fake_abstract_atom_from_phrase {
+ my ($phrase, $neg) = @_;
+ my $prefix = '"';
+ if ($neg) {
+ $prefix =
+ $QueryParser::parser_config{QueryParser}{operators}{disallowed} .
+ $prefix;
+ }
+ return {
+ "type" => "atom", "prefix" => $prefix, "suffix" => '"',
+ "content" => $phrase
+ }
+sub find_arrays_in_abstract {
+ my ($hash) = @_;
+ my @arrays;
+ foreach my $key (keys %$hash) {
+ if (ref $hash->{$key} eq "ARRAY") {
+ push @arrays, $hash->{$key};
+ foreach (@{$hash->{$key}}) {
+ push @arrays, find_arrays_in_abstract($_);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @arrays;
+package QueryParser::Canonicalize; # not OO
+sub _abstract_query2str_filter {
+ my $f = shift;
+ my $qpconfig = $parser_config{QueryParser};
+ return sprintf(
+ "%s%s(%s)",
+ $f->{negate} ? $qpconfig->{operators}{disallowed} : "",
+ $f->{name},
+ join(",", @{$f->{args}})
+ );
+sub _abstract_query2str_modifier {
+ my $f = shift;
+ my $qpconfig = $parser_config{QueryParser};
+ return $qpconfig->{operators}{modifier} . $f;
+# This should produce an equivalent query to the original, given an
+# abstract_query.
+sub abstract_query2str_impl {
+ my ($abstract_query, $depth) = @_;
+ my $qpconfig = $parser_config{QueryParser};
+ my $gs = $qpconfig->{operators}{group_start};
+ my $ge = $qpconfig->{operators}{group_end};
+ my $and = $qpconfig->{operators}{and};
+ my $or = $qpconfig->{operators}{or};
+ my $q = "";
+ $q .= $gs if $abstract_query->{type} and $abstract_query->{type} eq "query_plan" and $depth;
+ if (exists $abstract_query->{type}) {
+ if ($abstract_query->{type} eq 'query_plan') {
+ $q .= join(" ", map { _abstract_query2str_filter($_) } @{$abstract_query->{filters}}) if
+ exists $abstract_query->{filters};
+ $q .= " ";
+ $q .= join(" ", map { _abstract_query2str_modifier($_) } @{$abstract_query->{modifiers}}) if
+ exists $abstract_query->{modifiers};
+ } elsif ($abstract_query->{type} eq 'node') {
+ if ($abstract_query->{alias}) {
+ $q .= " " . $abstract_query->{alias};
+ $q .= "|$_" foreach @{$abstract_query->{alias_fields}};
+ } else {
+ $q .= " " . $abstract_query->{class};
+ $q .= "|$_" foreach @{$abstract_query->{fields}};
+ }
+ $q .= ":";
+ } elsif ($abstract_query->{type} eq 'atom') {
+ my $prefix = $abstract_query->{prefix} || '';
+ $prefix = $qpconfig->{operators}{disallowed} if $prefix eq '!';
+ $q .= $prefix .
+ ($abstract_query->{content} || '') .
+ ($abstract_query->{suffix} || '');
+ } elsif ($abstract_query->{type} eq 'facet') {
+ # facet syntax [ # ] is hardcoded I guess?
+ my $prefix = $abstract_query->{negate} ? $qpconfig->{operators}{disallowed} : '';
+ $q .= $prefix . $abstract_query->{name} . "[" .
+ join(" # ", @{$abstract_query->{values}}) . "]";
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $abstract_query->{children}) {
+ my $op = (keys(%{$abstract_query->{children}}))[0];
+ $q .= join(
+ " " . ($op eq '&' ? $and : $or) . " ",
+ map {
+ abstract_query2str_impl($_, $depth + 1)
+ } @{$abstract_query->{children}{$op}}
+ );
+ } elsif ($abstract_query->{'&'} or $abstract_query->{'|'}) {
+ my $op = (keys(%{$abstract_query}))[0];
+ $q .= join(
+ " " . ($op eq '&' ? $and : $or) . " ",
+ map {
+ abstract_query2str_impl($_, $depth + 1)
+ } @{$abstract_query->{$op}}
+ );
+ }
+ $q .= " ";
+ $q .= $ge if $abstract_query->{type} and $abstract_query->{type} eq "query_plan" and $depth;
+ return $q;
package QueryParser::query_plan;
sub QueryParser {
my $modifier = shift;
$self->{modifiers} ||= [];
- return $self if (grep {$$_ eq $$modifier} @{$self->{modifiers}});
+ $self->{modifiers} = [ grep {$_->name ne $modifier->name} @{$self->{modifiers}} ];
push(@{$self->{modifiers}}, $modifier);
my $facet = shift;
$self->{facets} ||= [];
- return $self if (grep {$_->name eq $facet->name} @{$self->{facets}});
+ $self->{facets} = [ grep {$_->name ne $facet->name} @{$self->{facets}} ];
push(@{$self->{facets}}, $facet);
my $filter = shift;
$self->{filters} ||= [];
- return $self if (grep {$_->name eq $filter->name} @{$self->{filters}});
+ $self->{filters} = [ grep {$_->name ne $filter->name} @{$self->{filters}} ];
push(@{$self->{filters}}, $filter);
return $self;
+# %opts supports two options at this time:
+# no_phrases :
+# If true, do not do anything to the phrases and unphrases
+# fields on any discovered nodes.
+# with_config :
+# If true, also return the query parser config as part of the blob.
+# This will get set back to 0 before recursion to avoid repetition.
+sub to_abstract_query {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %opts = @_;
+ my $pkg = ref $self->QueryParser || $self->QueryParser;
+ my $abstract_query = {
+ type => "query_plan",
+ filters => [map { $_->to_abstract_query } @{$self->filters}],
+ modifiers => [map { $_->to_abstract_query } @{$self->modifiers}]
+ };
+ if ($opts{with_config}) {
+ $opts{with_config} = 0;
+ $abstract_query->{config} = $QueryParser::parser_config{$pkg};
+ }
+ my $kids = [];
+ for my $qnode (@{$self->query_nodes}) {
+ # Remember: qnode can be a joiner string, a node, or another query_plan
+ if (QueryParser::_util::is_joiner($qnode)) {
+ if ($abstract_query->{children}) {
+ my $open_joiner = (keys(%{$abstract_query->{children}}))[0];
+ next if $open_joiner eq $qnode;
+ my $oldroot = $abstract_query->{children};
+ $kids = [$oldroot];
+ $abstract_query->{children} = {$qnode => $kids};
+ } else {
+ $abstract_query->{children} = {$qnode => $kids};
+ }
+ } else {
+ push @$kids, $qnode->to_abstract_query(%opts);
+ }
+ }
+ $abstract_query->{children} ||= { QueryParser::_util::default_joiner() => $kids };
+ return $abstract_query;
package QueryParser::query_plan::node;
+use Data::Dumper;
+$Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
sub new {
my $pkg = shift;
return do{$pkg.'::atom'}->new( @_ );
-sub requested_class { # also split into classname and fields
+sub requested_class { # also split into classname, fields and alias
my $self = shift;
my $class = shift;
if ($class) {
+ my @afields;
+ my (undef, $alias) = split '#', $class;
+ if ($alias) {
+ $class =~ s/#[^|]+//;
+ ($alias, @afields) = split '\|', $alias;
+ }
+ my @fields = @afields;
my ($class_part, @field_parts) = split '\|', $class;
+ for my $f (@field_parts) {
+ push(@fields, $f) unless (grep { $f eq $_ } @fields);
+ }
$class_part ||= $class;
$self->{requested_class} = $class;
+ $self->{alias} = $alias if $alias;
+ $self->{alias_fields} = \@afields if $alias;
$self->{classname} = $class_part;
- $self->{fields} = \@field_parts;
+ $self->{fields} = \@fields;
return $self->{requested_class};
return $self->{plan};
+sub alias {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $alias = shift;
+ $self->{alias} = $alias if ($alias);
+ return $self->{alias};
+sub alias_fields {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $alias = shift;
+ $self->{alias_fields} = $alias if ($alias);
+ return $self->{alias_fields};
sub classname {
my $self = shift;
my $class = shift;
return $self;
+# This will find up to one occurence of @$short_list within @$long_list, and
+# replace it with the single atom $replacement.
+sub replace_phrase_in_abstract_query {
+ my ($self, $short_list, $long_list, $replacement) = @_;
+ my $success = 0;
+ my @already = ();
+ my $goal = scalar @$short_list;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar (@$long_list); $i++) {
+ my $right = $long_list->[$i];
+ if (QueryParser::_util::compare_abstract_atoms(
+ $short_list->[scalar @already], $right
+ )) {
+ push @already, $i;
+ } elsif (scalar @already) {
+ @already = ();
+ next;
+ }
+ if (scalar @already == $goal) {
+ splice @$long_list, $already[0], scalar(@already), $replacement;
+ $success = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return $success;
+sub to_abstract_query {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %opts = @_;
+ my $pkg = ref $self->plan->QueryParser || $self->plan->QueryParser;
+ my $abstract_query = {
+ "type" => "node",
+ "alias" => $self->alias,
+ "alias_fields" => $self->alias_fields,
+ "class" => $self->classname,
+ "fields" => $self->fields
+ };
+ my $kids = [];
+ for my $qatom (@{$self->query_atoms}) {
+ if (QueryParser::_util::is_joiner($qatom)) {
+ if ($abstract_query->{children}) {
+ my $open_joiner = (keys(%{$abstract_query->{children}}))[0];
+ next if $open_joiner eq $qatom;
+ my $oldroot = $abstract_query->{children};
+ $kids = [$oldroot];
+ $abstract_query->{children} = {$qatom => $kids};
+ } else {
+ $abstract_query->{children} = {$qatom => $kids};
+ }
+ } else {
+ push @$kids, $qatom->to_abstract_query;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($self->{phrases} and not $opts{no_phrases}) {
+ for my $phrase (@{$self->{phrases}}) {
+ # Phrases appear duplication in a real QP tree, and we don't want
+ # that duplication in our abstract query. So for all our phrases,
+ # break them into atoms as QP would, and remove any matching
+ # sequences of atoms from our abstract query.
+ my $tmptree = $self->{plan}->{QueryParser}->new(query => '"'.$phrase.'"')->parse->parse_tree;
+ if ($tmptree) {
+ # For a well-behaved phrase, we should now have only one node
+ # in the $tmptree query plan, and that node should have an
+ # orderly list of atoms and joiners.
+ if ($tmptree->{query} and scalar(@{$tmptree->{query}}) == 1) {
+ my $tmplist;
+ eval {
+ $tmplist = $tmptree->{query}->[0]->to_abstract_query(
+ no_phrases => 1
+ )->{children}->{'&'}->[0]->{children}->{'&'};
+ };
+ next if $@;
+ foreach (
+ QueryParser::_util::find_arrays_in_abstract($abstract_query->{children})
+ ) {
+ last if $self->replace_phrase_in_abstract_query(
+ $tmplist,
+ $_,
+ QueryParser::_util::fake_abstract_atom_from_phrase($phrase)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Do the same as the preceding block for unphrases (negated phrases).
+ if ($self->{unphrases} and not $opts{no_phrases}) {
+ for my $phrase (@{$self->{unphrases}}) {
+ my $tmptree = $self->{plan}->{QueryParser}->new(
+ query => $QueryParser::parser_config{$pkg}{operators}{disallowed}.
+ '"' . $phrase . '"'
+ )->parse->parse_tree;
+ if ($tmptree) {
+ if ($tmptree->{query} and scalar(@{$tmptree->{query}}) == 1) {
+ my $tmplist;
+ eval {
+ $tmplist = $tmptree->{query}->[0]->to_abstract_query(
+ no_phrases => 1
+ )->{children}->{'&'}->[0]->{children}->{'&'};
+ };
+ next if $@;
+ foreach (
+ QueryParser::_util::find_arrays_in_abstract($abstract_query->{children})
+ ) {
+ last if $self->replace_phrase_in_abstract_query(
+ $tmplist,
+ $_,
+ QueryParser::_util::fake_abstract_atom_from_phrase($phrase, 1)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $abstract_query->{children} ||= { QueryParser::_util::default_joiner() => $kids };
+ return $abstract_query;
package QueryParser::query_plan::node::atom;
return $self->{suffix};
+sub to_abstract_query {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return {
+ (map { $_ => $self->$_ } qw/prefix suffix content/),
+ "type" => "atom"
+ };
package QueryParser::query_plan::filter;
return $self->{args};
+sub to_abstract_query {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return {
+ map { $_ => $self->$_ } qw/name negate args/
+ };
package QueryParser::query_plan::facet;
return $self->{'values'};
+sub to_abstract_query {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return {
+ (map { $_ => $self->$_ } qw/name negate values/),
+ "type" => "facet"
+ };
package QueryParser::query_plan::modifier;
my $pkg = shift;
$pkg = ref($pkg) || $pkg;
my $modifier = shift;
+ my $negate = shift;
- return bless \$modifier => $pkg;
+ return bless { name => $modifier, negate => $negate } => $pkg;
sub name {
my $self = shift;
- return $$self;
+ return $self->{name};
+sub negate {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{negate};
+sub to_abstract_query {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->name;