int osrfAppInitialize() {
- osrfAppRegisterMethod(
- "opensrf.version",
- "opensrf.version.verify",
- "osrfVersion",
+ osrfAppRegisterMethod(
+ "opensrf.version",
+ "opensrf.version.verify",
+ "osrfVersion",
"The data for a service/method/params combination will be retrieved "
"from the necessary server and the MD5 sum of the total values received "
- "will be returned. PARAMS( serviceName, methodName, [param1, ...] )",
+ "will be returned. PARAMS( serviceName, methodName, [param1, ...] )",
2, 0 );
return 0;
char* json = jsonObjectToJSON(ctx->params);
char* paramsmd5 = md5sum(json);
char* cachedmd5 = osrfCacheGetString(paramsmd5);
- free(json);
+ free(json);
if( cachedmd5 ) {
osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Found %s object in cache, returning....", cachedmd5 );
/* shove the additional params into an array */
jsonObject* tmpArray = jsonNewObject(NULL);
int i;
- for( i = 2; i != ctx->params->size; i++ )
+ for( i = 2; i != ctx->params->size; i++ )
jsonObjectPush( tmpArray, jsonObjectClone(jsonObjectGetIndex(ctx->params, i)));
osrfAppSession* ses = osrfAppSessionClientInit(service);
if( omsg ) {
- jsonObject* result = osrfMessageGetResult( omsg );
+ const jsonObject* result = osrfMessageGetResult( omsg );
char* resultjson = jsonObjectToJSON(result);
char* resultmd5 = md5sum(resultjson);
osrfAppRespondComplete( ctx, resp );
- osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Found version string %s, caching and returning...", resultmd5 );
+ osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+ "Found version string %s, caching and returning...", resultmd5 );
osrfCachePutString( paramsmd5, resultmd5, OSRF_VERSION_CACHE_TIME );
return 0;
- }
+ }
return -1;