+++ /dev/null
-# eg_db_config.pl -- configure Evergreen database settings and create schema
-# vim:noet:ts=4:sw=4:
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Equinox Software, Inc.
-# Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Laurentian University
-# Author: Kevin Beswick <kevinbeswick00@gmail.com>
-# Author: Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-use strict; use warnings;
-use XML::LibXML;
-use File::Copy;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use File::Spec;
-use File::Basename;
-use DBI;
-my ($dbhost, $dbport, $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpw, $help, $admin_user, $admin_pw);
-my $config_file = '';
-my $build_db_sh = '';
-my $offline_file = '';
-my $prefix = '';
-my $sysconfdir = '';
-my $pg_contribdir = '';
-my $create_db_sql = '';
-my $create_db_sql_9_1 = '';
-my @services;
-my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
-# Get the directory for this script
-my $script_dir = dirname($0);
-=item update_config() - Puts command line specified settings into xml file
-sub update_config {
- my ($services, $settings) = @_;
- my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
- my $opensrf_config = $parser->parse_file($config_file);
- if (@$services) {
- foreach my $service (@$services) {
- foreach my $key (keys %$settings) {
- next unless $settings->{$key};
- my @node;
- if ($service eq 'state_store') {
- (@node) = $opensrf_config->findnodes("//state_store/$key/text()");
- } else {
- (@node) = $opensrf_config->findnodes("//$service//database/$key/text()");
- }
- foreach (@node) {
- $_->setData($settings->{$key});
- }
- }
- }
- }
- my $timestamp = sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d.%d.%d",
- $year + 1900, $mon +1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
- if (copy($config_file, "$config_file.$timestamp")) {
- print "Backed up original configuration file to '$config_file.$timestamp'\n";
- } else {
- print STDERR "Unable to write to '$config_file.$timestamp'; bailed out.\n";
- }
- $opensrf_config->toFile($config_file) or
- die "ERROR: Failed to update the configuration file '$config_file'\n";
-=item create_offline_config() - Write out the offline config
-sub create_offline_config {
- my ($setup, $settings) = @_;
- open(FH, '>', $setup) or die "Could not write offline database setup to $setup\n";
- print "Writing offline database configuration to $setup\n";
- printf FH "\$main::config{base_dir} = '%s/var/data/offline/';\n", $prefix;
- printf FH "\$main::config{bootstrap} = '%s/opensrf_core.xml';\n", $sysconfdir;
- printf FH "\$main::config{dsn} = 'dbi:Pg:host=%s;dbname=%s;port=%d';\n",
- $settings->{host}, $settings->{db}, $settings->{port};
- printf FH "\$main::config{usr} = '%s';\n", $settings->{user};
- printf FH "\$main::config{pw} = '%s';\n", $settings->{pw};
- close(FH);
-=item get_settings() - Extracts database settings from opensrf.xml
-sub get_settings {
- my $settings = shift;
- my $host = "/opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.storage/app_settings/databases/database/host/text()";
- my $port = "/opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.storage/app_settings/databases/database/port/text()";
- my $dbname = "/opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.storage/app_settings/databases/database/db/text()";
- my $user = "/opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.storage/app_settings/databases/database/user/text()";
- my $pw = "/opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.storage/app_settings/databases/database/pw/text()";
- my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
- my $opensrf_config = $parser->parse_file($config_file);
- # If the user passed in settings at the command line,
- # we don't want to override them
- $settings->{host} = $settings->{host} || $opensrf_config->findnodes($host);
- $settings->{port} = $settings->{port} || $opensrf_config->findnodes($port);
- $settings->{db} = $settings->{db} || $opensrf_config->findnodes($dbname);
- $settings->{user} = $settings->{user} || $opensrf_config->findnodes($user);
- $settings->{pw} = $settings->{pw} || $opensrf_config->findnodes($pw);
-=item create_database() - Creates the database using create_database.sql
-sub create_database {
- my $settings = shift;
- $ENV{'PGUSER'} = $settings->{user};
- $ENV{'PGPASSWORD'} = $settings->{pw};
- $ENV{'PGPORT'} = $settings->{port};
- $ENV{'PGHOST'} = $settings->{host};
- my @temp = `psql -d postgres -qtc 'show server_version;' | xargs | cut -c1,3`;
- chomp $temp[0];
- my $pgversion = $temp[0];
- my $cmd;
- # If it looks like it is 9.1 or greater, use create_database_9_1.sql
- # Otherwise use create_database.sql
- if($pgversion >= '91') {
- $cmd = 'psql -vdb_name=' . $settings->{db} . ' -d postgres -f ' . $create_db_sql_9_1;
- } else {
- $cmd = 'psql -vdb_name=' . $settings->{db} . ' -vcontrib_dir=' . $pg_contribdir .
- ' -d postgres -f ' . $create_db_sql;
- }
- my @output = `$cmd 2>&1`;
- if(grep(/(ERROR|No such file or directory)/,@output)) {
- push(@output, "\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
- "There was a problem creating the database.\n",
- "See above for more information.\n");
- if(grep/unsupported language/, @output) {
- push(@output, "\nYou may need to install the postgresql plperl package on the database server.\n");
- }
- if(grep/No such file or directory/, @output) {
- if($pgversion >= '91') {
- push(@output, "\nYou may need to install the postgresql contrib package on the database server.\n");
- } else {
- push(@output, "\nYou may need to install the postgresql contrib package on this server.\n");
- }
- }
- push(@output, "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- die(@output);
- }
-=item create_schema() - Creates the database schema by calling build-db.sh
-sub create_schema {
- my $settings = shift;
- chdir(dirname($build_db_sh));
- my $cmd = File::Spec->catfile('.', basename($build_db_sh)) . " " .
- $settings->{host} ." ". $settings->{port} ." ".
- $settings->{db} ." ". $settings->{user} ." ".
- $settings->{pw};
- system($cmd);
- chdir($script_dir);
-=item set_admin_account() - Sets the administrative user's user name and password
-sub set_admin_account {
- my $admin_user = shift;
- my $admin_pw = shift;
- my $settings = shift;
- my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=' . $settings->{db} .
- ';host=' . $settings->{host} . ';port=' . $settings->{port} . ';',
- $settings->{user} . "", $settings->{pw} . "", {AutoCommit => 1}
- );
- if ($dbh->err) {
- print STDERR "Could not connect to database to set admin account. ";
- print STDERR "Error was " . $dbh->errstr . "\n";
- return;
- }
- my $stmt = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE actor.usr SET usrname = ?, passwd = ? WHERE id = 1");
- $stmt->execute(($admin_user, $admin_pw));
- if ($dbh->err) {
- print STDERR "Failed to set admin account. ";
- print STDERR "Error was " . $dbh->errstr . "\n";
- return;
- }
-my $offline;
-my $cdatabase;
-my $cschema;
-my $uconfig;
-my $pgconfig;
-my %settings;
-GetOptions("create-schema" => \$cschema,
- "create-database" => \$cdatabase,
- "create-offline" => \$offline,
- "update-config" => \$uconfig,
- "config-file=s" => \$config_file,
- "build-db-file=s" => \$build_db_sh,
- "pg-contrib-dir=s" => \$pg_contribdir,
- "create-db-sql=s" => \$create_db_sql,
- "create-db-sql-9-1=s" => \$create_db_sql_9_1,
- "pg-config=s" => \$pgconfig,
- "admin-user=s" => \$admin_user,
- "admin-password=s" => \$admin_pw,
- "service=s" => \@services,
- "user=s" => \$settings{'user'},
- "password=s" => \$settings{'pw'},
- "database=s" => \$settings{'db'},
- "hostname=s" => \$settings{'host'},
- "port=i" => \$settings{'port'},
- "help" => \$help
-if (grep(/^all$/, @services)) {
- @services = qw/reporter open-ils.cstore open-ils.pcrud open-ils.storage open-ils.reporter-store state_store/;
-my $eg_config = File::Spec->catfile($script_dir, '../extras/eg_config');
-if (!$config_file) {
- my @temp = `$eg_config --sysconfdir`;
- chomp $temp[0];
- $sysconfdir = $temp[0];
- $config_file = File::Spec->catfile($sysconfdir, "opensrf.xml");
-if (!$prefix) {
- my @temp = `$eg_config --prefix`;
- chomp $temp[0];
- $prefix = $temp[0];
-if (!$build_db_sh) {
- $build_db_sh = File::Spec->catfile($script_dir, '../sql/Pg/build-db.sh');
-if (!$pg_contribdir) {
- $pgconfig = 'pg_config' if(!$pgconfig);
- my @temp = `$pgconfig --sharedir`;
- chomp $temp[0];
- $pg_contribdir = File::Spec->catdir($temp[0], 'contrib');
-if (!$create_db_sql) {
- $create_db_sql = File::Spec->catfile($script_dir, '../sql/Pg/create_database.sql');
-if (!$create_db_sql_9_1) {
- $create_db_sql_9_1 = File::Spec->catfile($script_dir, '../sql/Pg/create_database_9_1.sql');
-if (!$offline_file) {
- $offline_file = File::Spec->catfile($sysconfdir, 'offline-config.pl');
-unless (-e $build_db_sh) { die "Error: $build_db_sh does not exist. \n"; }
-unless (-e $config_file) { die "Error: $config_file does not exist. \n"; }
-if ($uconfig) { update_config(\@services, \%settings); }
-# Get our settings from the config file
-if ($cdatabase) { create_database(\%settings); }
-if ($cschema) { create_schema(\%settings); }
-if ($admin_user && $admin_pw) {
- set_admin_account($admin_user, $admin_pw, \%settings);
-if ($offline) { create_offline_config($offline_file, \%settings); }
-if ((!$cdatabase && !$cschema && !$uconfig && !$offline && !$admin_pw) || $help) {
- print <<HERE;
- eg_db_config.pl [OPTION] ... [COMMAND] ... [CONFIG OPTIONS]
- Creates or recreates the Evergreen database schema based on the settings
- in the opensrf.xml configuration file.
- Manipulates the configuration file
- --config-file
- specifies the opensrf.xml file. Defaults to /openils/conf/opensrf.xml
- --build-db-file
- specifies the script that creates the database schema. Defaults to
- Open-ILS/src/sql/pg/build-db.sh
- --offline-file
- specifies the offline database settings file required by the offline
- data uploader. Defaults to /openils/conf/offline-config.pl
- --update-config
- Configures Evergreen database settings in the file specified by
- --build-db-file.
- --create-offline
- Creates the database setting file required by the offline data uploader
- --create-schema
- Creates the Evergreen database schema according to the settings in
- the file specified by --config-file.
- --create-database
- Creates the database itself, provided the user and password options
- represent a superuser.
- --service
- Specify "all" or one or more of the following services to update:
- * reporter
- * open-ils.cstore
- * open-ils.pcrud
- * open-ils.storage
- * open-ils.reporter-store
- * state_store
- --user username for the database
- --password password for the user
- --database name of the database
- --hostname name or address of the database host
- --port port number for database access
- --admin-user administration user's user name
- --admin-pass administration user's password
- This script is normally used during the initial installation and
- configuration process. This creates the database schema, sets
- the administration user's user name and password, and modifies your
- configuration files to include the correct database connection
- information.
- For a single server install, or an install with one web/application
- server and one database server, you will typically want to invoke this
- script with a complete set of commands:
- perl Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/eg_db_config.pl --update-config \
- --service all --create-schema --create-offline \
- --user <db-user> --password <db-pass> --hostname localhost --port 5432 \
- --database evergreen --admin-user <admin-user> --admin-pass <admin-pass>
- To update the configuration for a single service - for example, if you
- replicated a database for reporting purposes - just issue the
- --update-config command with the service identified and the changed
- database parameters specified:
- perl Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/eg_db_config.pl --update-config \
- --service reporter --hostname foobar --password newpass