"WORKSTATION_EXISTS" : "This workstation has already been registered. Would you like to use it for this self-check station?",
"CC_PAYABLE_BALANCE" : "Total amount to pay: $${0}",
"TOTAL_FINES_SELECTED" : "Selected total: $${0}",
- "WELCOME_BANNER" : "Welcome, ${0}"
+ "WELCOME_BANNER" : "Welcome, ${0}",
+ "FAIL_PART_actor_usr_barred": "The patron is barred",
+ "FAIL_PART_asset_copy_circulate": "The item does not circulate",
+ "FAIL_PART_asset_copy_location_circulate": "Items from this shelving location do not circulate",
+ "FAIL_PART_asset_copy_status": "The item cannot circulate at this time",
+ "FAIL_PART_circ_holds_target_skip_me": "The item's circulation library does not fulfill holds",
+ "FAIL_PART_config_circ_matrix_circ_mod_test": "The patron has too many items of this type checked out",
+ "FAIL_PART_config_circ_matrix_test_available_copy_hold_ratio": "The available item-to-hold ratio is too low",
+ "FAIL_PART_config_circ_matrix_test_circulate": "Circulation rules reject this item as non-circulatable",
+ "FAIL_PART_config_circ_matrix_test_total_copy_hold_ratio": "The total item-to-hold ratio is too low",
+ "FAIL_PART_config_hold_matrix_test_holdable": "Hold rules reject this item as unholdable",
+ "FAIL_PART_config_hold_matrix_test_max_holds": "The patron has reached the maximum number of holds",
+ "FAIL_PART_config_rule_age_hold_protect_prox": "The item is too new to transit this far",
+ "FAIL_PART_no_item": "The system could not find this item",
+ "FAIL_PART_no_ultimate_items": "The system could not find any items to match this hold request",
+ "FAIL_PART_no_matchpoint": "System rules do not define how to handle this item",
+ "FAIL_PART_no_user": "The system could not find this patron",
+ "FAIL_PART_transit_range": "The item cannot transit this far"
+SelfCheckManager.prototype.failPartMessage = function(result) {
+ if (result.payload && result.payload.fail_part) {
+ var stringKey = "FAIL_PART_" +
+ result.payload.fail_part.replace(/\./g, "_");
+ return localeStrings[stringKey];
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
SelfCheckManager.prototype.handleXactResult = function(action, item, result) {
console.error('Unhandled event ' + result.textcode);
- if(action == 'checkout' || action == 'renew') {
- displayText = dojo.string.substitute(
- localeStrings.GENERIC_CIRC_FAILURE, [item]);
- } else {
- displayText = dojo.string.substitute(
- localeStrings.UNKNOWN_ERROR, [result.textcode]);
+ if (!(displayText = this.failPartMessage(result))) {
+ if (action == 'checkout' || action == 'renew') {
+ displayText = dojo.string.substitute(
+ localeStrings.GENERIC_CIRC_FAILURE, [item]);
+ } else {
+ displayText = dojo.string.substitute(
+ localeStrings.UNKNOWN_ERROR, [result.textcode]);
+ }