-My Lists 2.2
+My Lists
The *My Lists* feature replaces the bookbag feature that was available in versions proior to 2.2. The *My Lists* feature is a part of the Template Toolkit OPAC that is available in version 2.2. This feature enables you to create temporary and permanent lists; create and edit notes for items in lists; place holds on items in lists; and share lists via RSS feeds and CSV files.
16) When you no longer need a list, click *Delete List*.
+Local Call Number in My Lists
+As of Evergreen version 2.4, when a title is added to a list in the TPAC, a local call number will be displayed in the list to assist patrons in locating the physical item. Evergreen will look at the following locations to identify the most relevant call number to display in the list:
+1) Physical location \96 the physical library location where the search takes place
+2) Preferred library \96 the Preferred Search Location, which is set in patron OPAC account Search and History Preferences, or the patron\92s Home Library
+3) Search library \96 the search library or org unit that is selected in the OPAC search interface
+The call number that is displayed will be the most relevant call number to the searcher. If the patron is searching at the library, Evergreen will display a call number from that library location. If the patron is not searching at a library, but is logged in to their OPAC account, Evergreen will display a call number from their Home Library or Preferred Search Location. If the patron is not searching at the library and is not signed in to their OPAC account, then Evergreen will display a call number from the org unit, or library, that they choose to search in the OPAC search interface.
+The local call number and associated library location will appear in the list:
+image::media/my_list_call_numbers.JPG[Local Call Number in List]